I want to see the truth

I want to see the truth…

“Jae!!” Odette cried once more.

“Now I will go…” Jaejoong said and turned around.

“NO! You are going to kill Yoochun, I won´t let you do that!” She said grabbing his arm.

“Kill Yoochun?...If I let him live, you will be living happily with him….” Jaejoong said confused at his own words.

“No Jae…he doesn´t love me like you do…” She said looking down.

Jaejoong looked intensely at her.

“He doesn’t love me that way…I won´t be living happily with him…but I can´t live happily with you either…”

She said and started crying.


 Jaejoong hugged her, like hugging his own life and let the gun fell to the floor.

After few minutes that felt like hours, she broke the hug and grabbed the gun.


“Now kill me…” She said with a serious tone.


Jaejoong looked at her in disbelief.

Why would she ask him such a thing?


“I destroyed your happiness and I know I will be an obstacle to Yoochun´s life so…kill me...”

She said putting the gun in his hand.


“Odette calm down…I´m drunk and confused…”


“If you don´t do it…I will do it Jae…I don’t want to care anymore about the future….I want to be happy.”


“Odette…” He said looking at the gun.


With a confused face he pointed the gun to her head.

He looked at her face. She had a sad and happy expression at the same time.


“Do it now Jae!!” Odette shouted putting her hands on his neck to strangle him.


Then a bullet sound destroyed the silence of the night followed by a shout…

“Odette!!!!!!”……and two bodies lay on the cold floor.


One with a bullet in her head and bleeding and the other with tears….

The tears that Odette never got to see alive.




“Jae, no!” Yoochun shouted as soon as he finished reading the letter.


He has lost the two most important persons in his life…and now it was forever.

He let his tears flow while he continued walking to her grave.

What did Jae meant when he said he had won her happiness?


“Where you that sad with us? Did we make your life so miserable that you didn’t want to live anymore?”

Yoochun said kneeling and putting the flowers on the floor.


He had new questions on his mind.

He needed new answers.

But he had the same tears.


“Take care of Jae, Odette. Take care of our brother like you always did.

I have to return to college and I won’t be able to go to his funeral….but I will come back. I promise you that.

Thank you for loving me and sorry for the pain I caused you.

I will try to be happy even if it really hurts…even if you two are gone….

and I hope the day we see each other again I can finally see the truth behind your death.”





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tanyaav #1
Chapter 6: Awwww, this is so sad but it is a really beautiful story! I hope that you make a sequel about what really happened. Keep updating!!!
mitralisa #2
very very good. tanx for this fic.
m0zarts0nata-- #3
oh my TT^TT
oh my god! did jae shot himself? gaaaaah!<br />
why so sad? ;______;<br />
many unanswered questions everywhere!!!
it's sad but it's such a beautiful story...<br />
<br />
Jaejoong, I kinda used to hate him because well, he was just toopretty, but I guess that's part of his charm eh?<br />
Yes! Jae~ I KNEW you couldn't have done that, just misunderstood, and confused about love, love, such a weird thin, makes the world go round... and it also made yoochun's world go round, right?
aww...thats a cool mysterious story^^~~its good^^
No!!! is jaejoong going to kill himself?<br />
yes, yoochun does seem like a nice brother, trying to help jaejoong out and all...<br />
If jaejoong does kill himself, then I guess yoochun will be like one of the crazy poor people on the street, always drunk because they've lost everything...<br />
You kept me smiling and crying at the same time with this chapter, good job!