The beginning of everything…

I want to see the truth…


Dear Jae:

I went to her grave. It was a windy night but the stars were shinning in the sky.

I put her favorite flowers at the side of her grave and sighed.


I still remember the day we met her.

Yes we…You and I, Jae. My brother and I.


We were so close that people thought that we were real brothers and for us it was a really good compliment, remember?


And one day, when we were 6 years old and were playing in the front garden of your house we saw a truck bringing tons of boxes.


We kept looking and from the car behind the truck a happy couple appeared.


They weren’t Asians and we looked at them with a confused face.


Then our parents appeared and greeted them.

They seemed to be friends so we approached them too.


Suddenly a little girl appeared from behind her mother and smiled shyly at us.


Her blonde hair and blue eyes caught my attention and when I turned to look at you,

you were looking at her with the same admiration….


Odette….that is how we met her. And our friendship grew in our little world in the front yard of your house.


But how did it end like this, Jae? You told me that you loved her…..


And I did understand what you meant…because I loved her too.


But it was different….I loved her like a sister, but you really fell in love with her.


But….she fell in love with me.


Jae…if you loved her…then why did you kill her?


Yoochun…your brother.




Yoochun put down his pen and folded the letter.

He felt alone. The two most important people in his life were away from him.


How did his JOYful world turn into a sad and lonely world?

He knew nothing would be the same, but he just wanted answers…


Answers to the questions that appeared in his mind the moment he saw her at the hospital

with the white cloth over her dead body.


Answers to stop the tears that continue flowing through his eyes the moment he saw his sister in that condition.


Answers to understand how his beloved brother could do something like this…


To kill…to kill their sister…


‘Jae…if you loved her…then why did you kill her?’


This was his first question…


Because the three of them trusted each other and told each other everything.

Every problem, every feeling…


Because Yoochun knew that Jaejoong loved Odette more than a sister…

Because Yoochun knew that Odette loved him more than a brother…

Because he blamed himself for not stopping this love triangle…


And the only one who could respond them was Jaejoong.

Yoochun put the letter in the envelope.

He looked through to the window once more.

The same front yard of Jaejoong’s house.


The beginning of everything…



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tanyaav #1
Chapter 6: Awwww, this is so sad but it is a really beautiful story! I hope that you make a sequel about what really happened. Keep updating!!!
mitralisa #2
very very good. tanx for this fic.
m0zarts0nata-- #3
oh my TT^TT
oh my god! did jae shot himself? gaaaaah!<br />
why so sad? ;______;<br />
many unanswered questions everywhere!!!
it's sad but it's such a beautiful story...<br />
<br />
Jaejoong, I kinda used to hate him because well, he was just toopretty, but I guess that's part of his charm eh?<br />
Yes! Jae~ I KNEW you couldn't have done that, just misunderstood, and confused about love, love, such a weird thin, makes the world go round... and it also made yoochun's world go round, right?
aww...thats a cool mysterious story^^~~its good^^
No!!! is jaejoong going to kill himself?<br />
yes, yoochun does seem like a nice brother, trying to help jaejoong out and all...<br />
If jaejoong does kill himself, then I guess yoochun will be like one of the crazy poor people on the street, always drunk because they've lost everything...<br />
You kept me smiling and crying at the same time with this chapter, good job!