Meeting Again

My Gaurdian Gumiho

   As soon as Ba-rom reach his place, he enters the cave which was so beautifully decorated. He settles him on a bed that has a soft and comfy hide. Ba-rom sits next him. He smoothly move his hand onto Hyun-Il's hair. 

"Your hair is soft and smooth", said Ba-rom. He stood up and walks away to the waterfall entrance.

He walks to the side path of the fall. He goes to get food. In the morning, Hyun-Il wakes up with no shirt. 

"Huh... Where... Where am I", said Hyun-Il tiredly. He see's someone coming but it was kind of blurring. He fell back to sleep.

Ba-Rom settles the food on the wooden table. He goes sits down and put Hyun-Il's head on his lap. Ba-Rom lays Hyun-Il down and goes to get water. After getting water, He puts his head on his lap then raises his head. Ba-rom pours the water from his gourd into Hyun-Ils mouth. He then closes the gourd and sets it aside. He taps on his face to see if he wakes up.

"Hey... Hey... Hey, wake up", said Ba-rom.

Hyun-Il moaned and groaned. He open his eyes and see the handsome face.

"Who are you", said Hyun-Il.

"Oh. your awake", said Ba-rom.

"Where am I", said Hyun-Il.

"Somewhere that no humans can never reach", said Ba-rom.

"Wait what?", said Hyun-Il. He turns to look around. "What do you mean? Where am I".

"Don't need to worry about it. And don't freak out", said Ba-Rom.

"Hey, what's your name?" ask Hyun-Il.

"Oh. My name is Ba-rom. Yoo Ba-rom", he said it mannerly.

He stops to look at him. Ba-rom starts to look at him.

"What are you looking at", said Ba-rom.

Hyun-Il looks away quickly and did not say anything.

"Where you looking at my crotch", said Ba-rom.

"Umm.. NO", Hyun-Il nervously said.

    They paused for a while and then ate. Hyun-Il went to go clean himself after that. As he dry himself, he wore his washed jammies that were cleaned a couple of hours of go. He gets dressed and sits on the bed. Ba-rom comes in to check on him.

"I bet you want me to take you back", said Ba-rom.

"Umm... Ye... yeah. Please", said Hyun-Il innocently.

"C'mon. Grab my hand", said Ba-Rom.

He grabs his hand then carries him bridal style.

"OMG. I feel a bit awkard being carrying like this", said Hyun-Il.

"Don't worry. We'll be there quick", said Ba-rom confidently.

They head out and Ba-rom flashes through the forest. Hyun-Il hold on to him tightly as they went. Ba-Rom looks at him and smiles. As fast as they went, they saw a search team yelling Hyun-Il's name. Ba-rom settles down behind a tree. He carefully lets down Hyun-Il. Hyun-Il looks then back at him.

"Where did he go", said Hyun-Il quietly.

He steps away from the tree and the search team were surprise to see him. They went back the suite. Ba-rom looks at them from the tree tops. He kept his eyes on Hyun-Il.

"We'll meet again, Hyun-Il", said Ba-Rom.

    Back at the suite, Maru and TK were worried about him. In the room that they were in they sat down and talked about.

"OMG. You scared me Hyun-Il. We were worried that you were lost or something", said Maru worriedly.

"Where were you last night", said TK concernly.

"Guys, guys, calm down. I'm alright. There's nothing to be afraid of", said Hyun-Il.

"Exlpain what happen", said TK.

"Well, it's a long story...", said Hyun-Il

After explaing the story, TK and Maru would not believe him but they did. They kept it a secret. It was time to go home. As everybody left, Hyun-Il past by a restaurant that was Five-Stars. He notice that his ex-boyfriend, Kanjun, was outside just taking a breathe of air. Kangjun looks at the car but did not notice it was Ray. Then look to side upwards to the skies. As the Hyun-Il reach his apartment, he then parks and locks his car. He heads up to his room to open that his room was just as bland and colorful. He settles down on the small sofa and thinks about the guy from the mountains. He could not stop thinkging about him because he was just so handsome.

"Hyun-Il, what were you thinking", Hyun-Il frustratedly. While shaking his hair. He stops and looks to his right. He grabs a book.

It was his favorite book since childhood. It was old, torn a little, and dusty. Luckily, it still have all the pages. He goes to the kitchen and wipes it with a damp towel. He wipes it carefully without any damages. He goes back to sit down as he begin to read the title.

"The Gaurdian of the Forest", Hyun-Il clamly say. He opens the book and starts to read the book about a gumiho who save the life of a princess.

    Like any fairytale story, it begins with "Once Upon A Time". As he was reading, he was still amazed that he kept the book for a long time. At the end of the book, Hyun-Il read the last words of the book.

"As he protected her from the horrible evil shadow creatures, the princess thank him for his bravery. And also thank him for being her savior. Then the princess kissed him. And they lived happily ever after", said Hyun-Il with cool voice.

He close the book until it was 5:45 pm. Today, it was a nice Wednesday afternoon. He made a quick-dinner to eat. Then went to the restroom to take a number 2. After that, he brush his teeth then a shower. After getting out of the shower and drying himself, he change into his cute sleepwear and went to sleep comfortably. The next day, it was his day off as will as TK and Maru. Wakes up at 7:30, then usually mornig duty. This time he went back to see if he was still there. He drove to the restaurant to where Kangjun works. He park next to where there is shade. He goes into the resaurant and next to the podium. He got a seat somewhere near the window. He looks around and a waitress came to his table.

"Excuse me, Would you like anything sir", said the waitress calmly.

"Umm.. no thanks. But may I have the permission to see the sous chef of the restaurant", Hyun-Il eagerly said. 

"I'll be right with you in a minute", said the waitress.

In the background indistinctly, the waitress ask Kangjun to see a visitor. After taking awhile, the waitress came back.

"He will be right with you, sir", said the waitress. She left.

An hour later, Kangjun came softly to Hyun-Il's way. Kangjun sits down on the other side of the table. He looks at Hyun-Il.

"It's been a long time, since we saw each other", said Kangjun calmly.

Hyun-Il looks at him as he turn his face from the window.

"I know", said Hyun-Il.

"Why did you come here?", Kangjun ask.

"I came here to see you", Hyun-Il answer back.

"Well, anything else you want to tell me", said Kangjun.

"Umm... How you been?", said Hyun-Il.

"Not much you", Kangjun said it with an almost seriousness to him.

"Well, it's great", Hyun-Il smiles.

   As the awkardness disappear, they begin to talk normally and drank wine but not too much.

"It seems that you're working at a entertainment company, eh", giggle Kangjun.

"I'm glad to see you again", said Hyun-Il happily.

"Do you ever want to get back together", said Kangjun.

They went silent and Hyun-Il never say a thing about that question.

"Well, do you?", said Kangjun.

"No", said Hyun-Il.

"Well, you're the one who broke up the relationship", said Kangjun.

"I don't want to be with you anymore", said Hyun-Il.

"Who's the one who gave you an American name? Huh. Ray", said Kangjun.

Ray did not answer back. Ray head outside and cried. Ray remembers what happen years ago. He remembers that how the relationship went that it went well. That Ray broke up the relationship because Ray's parents did not like how Kangjun is such a trouble maker and some sort of a rebel. 

"Kangjun, I need time to think now", Ray said it to himself. "I'm sorry, but you made me so happy back then. Now it's just a thing of the past. Somehow I still kept you within my heart". He cried and drove away.

    Ray drove to the suite and got to the room he was in yesterday. He cried all day unti it was 12:00 pm. Later that afternoon, Ray went out at 6:00 pm. Ray was looking at the stars wearing comfortable jammies that he got from the room. He went somewhere with his shoes on. He remembers where the rock he sat on. He sits for awhile and kept going. It was 9 already, he stumble upon a clear opening with the bright full moon. Looks like he remember this place before. Ray see's a sihloutte figure on top of the pedastal between to the waterfall. Ray moves behind a rock. By the time he got to the rock, the figure disappears. Ray was not surprise when the figure disappear.

"Huh. Where did the figure go", wonder Ray.

He hears a fast movement of the leafs blowing and his head almost fell to the water. When Ba-Rom catch him again. He turns him around.

"It's you again", said Ba-rom with a smile.

Ray froze and did not react. 

"Hyun-Il is it", questioned Ba-rom.

Ray just nodded softly.

"Bet you missed me", said Ba-rom.

Ray was happy within that he got to see Ba-rom again. 


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Chapter 4: Ooh drama coming up^^ can't wait!!! y Rome and Ray time!!
Chapter 3: They're living together, that's one way for them to grow closer^^
Chapter 2: They meet again(^o^) Ray won't want to be alone for long!
Chapter 1: Ooooh I like it already!!!
Chapter 4: updateeeeee plz
asdfghjkl; otp. ; A ;
please update soon~