Under the Moon Light

My Gaurdian Gumiho

     Not long before Hyun Il met Ba-rom, the gaurdian gumiho. He was a god-like deity. Somwhere in the wilderness, Hyun-Il is looking at the big full moon. A person was standing on a pedestal between a waterfall. The person was looking at the moon and Hyun-Il moved a bit closer. The sillhouette figure turn aorund. Hyun-Il was scared that he look back and close his eyes. When he look back at the falls, all he saw was a handsome person in front of him.  Hyun-Il stood up then back a little. He stood up as well. Hyun-Il walk back until he bumps into a tree. The man tilt his head and moved closer. Hyun-Il closed his eyes.

    Couple of hours of ago. In Hyun-Il's apartment, the clock rang and waking him up. As he slowing gets up to get his towel then go the bathroom. Inside the bathroom, he sets aside his towel. He brushes his teeth then takes a shower. He got out of the shower and dry himself. He gets ready to go to work all dressed up. He runs to the bus stop. When the bus was about to leave, Hyun-Il hits the bus. 

"Yah. Stop... Stop...", said Hyun-Il.

The bus driver looks and stops the bus. He opens the door. Hyun-Il enters the bus. He usually sit in the back of the bus, but sat in somewhere the middle. For the back was somewhat full. On Hyun-Il's stop, he gets out. 

"Good-bye", said Hyun-Il. 

The bus left. Hyun-Il ran towards his work place. He runs inside his work place. He enters the elevator then waits. As soon the elevator stops at his level, he meets Maru and TK, his best freind at work and outside.

"Annyeong", said Maru.

'Annyeong", said Hyun-Il.

TK just bow. Hyun-Il steps out and walk with them.

"So how is it living by yourself", said TK.

"Oh, it's difficult at first but it gets easy later", Hyun-Il.

"Hyungs', so what are we going to do after work", said Maru happily.

"Lets dicuss that later", said Hyun-Il.

They enter the office room with there crew. The director dicuss where the scene ids going to be shot at. He dicuss this for an hour then everyone went off to break. At the lunch area, Maru brings coffee at their table.

"So, how's everyone", said Maru.

TK takes a sip of the coffee.

"Well, fine. I geuss", said TK.

"What about you, Hyun-Il",said Maru.

"Great", said Hyun-Il.

Maru exhales and smiles.

"What are you so happy about Maru", said Hyun-Il.

"Oh, there's someone I like and he works here", said Maru.

He looks at Siwoo and smiles. He was swoon when he saw Siwoo. TK and Hyun-Il looked at Siwoo.

"Who, that guy?", said TK. He bluffed.

"Isn't that the president's son, Siwoo", said Hyun-Il

What I mean by president, I mean the president of the company. TK spew out some of his coffee.

"Wait. What? You... You like the presidents son", said TK. 

Luckily no one heard them. Maru shush TK. 

"Be quiet, TK. I don't want it to be out", said Maru.

"Well. The way I looked at it is that he is way out of your league", said TK.

"No he is not", whined Maru. He pouts and looks to the side.

    As time pass by, Hyun-Il and TK went back to work. In the halls, Maru was holding some copies and suddenly he pumps into Siwoo. He was all by himself. 

"Hey watch where you're going", said Maru. He rub his forehead and starts picking up the copies.

Siwoo helped him pick up the copies. As they were going to stand up. Maru was surprise to see him. 

"ah... Siwoo. Sorry", said Maru.

Siwoo wipe his hands on his shirt and looks at him.

"Oh. Don't worry about. It's not a big of a deal", said Siwoo.

"Thanks for helping me", said Maru.

Siwoo walks close to him. Maru backs a little. 

"Your welcome. Hey, have I seen you before", said Siwoo.

"Umm... NOoo...", said Maru.

"Well, what's your name anyways", said Siwoo.

"My name is Maru", said Maru.

"Well nice to meet you Maru. You're kinda od cute", said Siwoo. He smiles and walks past by.

Maru was stun to be so close to him. TK stood out of a room and looks for Maru. TK finally finds him.

"Maru, hurry", said TK.

"Okay, I'm coming", said Maru.

    As they came in the meeting room, Hyun-Il was waiting for them. He looks back and see's them.

"Guys where in world were you guys", said Hyun-Il.

"Maru was picking the mess of copies", said TK.

As they sat down, they just listen and took notes for an hour. The meeting ends.

"Okay, guys. We'll meet there in the early morning. Guys got", said the director.

At the end of the day, Hyun-Il was tired and sleepy. He drop his tired body on to his bed. He looks at his phone to see if his parents called.

"Appa and Umma. Don't worry, I'm all grown up now", said Hyun-Il. He lifts his body and sits on the bed. He text Maru. 

"Maru why were you late", Hyun-Il.

Maru looks and texts back.

"I ran into Siwoo-Oppa", Maru.

"AH... that's why. So what's he like", Hyun-Il.

"He was just amazing. I could not describe that moment when I saw him up close like ver close", Maru.

"OMG. You would. Okay then. See you tomorrow", Hyun-Il.

The text was over and Hyun-Il went to sleep. Somewhere in the wilderness, Ba-Rom was looking at him from a magical fountain. He was happy that he found the perfect one. He went out of his cave and dance joyfully. Ba-rom stops and looks at the crystal clear water.

"I will soon meet you. Whoever you are", Ba-rom said it happily.

   The next day, Hyun-Il and everyone else stay at a suite. They were beginning to set up the equipment then get the actors and actress ready. As soon as everyone is ready, director says action and the filming starts. After hours and hours of shooting, everyone became tired and went back to the suite. Hyun-Il walks out and looks at the stars in his jammies. He smiles and then heard some crackling leafs. He see's a shadow that was fast.

"Who's there", said Hyun-Il.

A swoosh came in and Hyun-Il feel the wind hit his face. He looks at where the shadow is going. He follows it to see what it really is. He kept on follow until his feet became tired. Hyun-Il sat on a smooth boulder.

"Where did that thing go", Hyun-Il exhaustly said.

He feel tired that he feel asleep. Before his head fell on the boulder, Ba-Rom catches him.

"Hmph. Your head might break if your head hits this boulder", said Ba-Rom. He smiles.

Hyun-Il moans and the full moon shine bright under them. Ba-rom carries him like a bride and swoosh away.

"Don't worry. You'll be okay within my arms", said Ba-Rom. He paused for a moment and giggled. "Love at first sight, what a flaw".

He continues on. Luckily Maru and TK were asleep when Hyun-Il was outside. On the way to Ba-rom's place, Hyun-Il open his eyes a little and fall back to sleep.


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Chapter 4: Ooh drama coming up^^ can't wait!!! y Rome and Ray time!!
Chapter 3: They're living together, that's one way for them to grow closer^^
Chapter 2: They meet again(^o^) Ray won't want to be alone for long!
Chapter 1: Ooooh I like it already!!!
Chapter 4: updateeeeee plz
asdfghjkl; otp. ; A ;
please update soon~