Chapter 1

음악 클럽 화이팅!(Music Club Hwaiting!) [DISCONTINUED)(RETIRED)


My alarm clock rang which mean it’s time for me to start a new school year in my new school. I’ve just recently moved to Seoul because of my father who was been assigned by his CEO to become the manager of the Seoul branch. My father said that it’s an opportunity for us to get a new life, it’s all seem perfect for him but not for me. I just wish that time would moved slowly at the right time.

“Taecyeon-ah! Wake up! It’s 6.30 A.M. already you must to go to school in an hour! I’ve already prepared your breakfast at the table! Ppalae!” My father shouted as it echoes through my room

“Arraseo! Just give me a minute!” I lazily said it while opening my blanket.

I went to the bathroom and took a bath, after I took a bath I went to wear my old school uniform , it brings memories back just to wear it…

“Taeecccccc…..!!!!” My father screamed

“Arraseo!” I replied

I went down and I met my father

“Sorry I woke up late” I apologize to my father

“Gwenchana, just eat your breakfast first, I’ll go to work first okay?” he said with a smile

“Okay! Good luck for your first day dad!” I said to him

“Thanks!” he said while he was wearing his shoes, as soon as he done wearing it he went out

“Well I guess I need to clean the dish first” I said while sighing

After I washed the dishes I started to walk to my school and on my way to school, there was a boy who was been picked up who appears to be a bully

“Where’s today payment?” the bully asked vigorously.

The boy frightened and leaves no answer to the bully.

 The bully slapped the boy’s head  “I SAID WHERES THE PAYMENT!” then he hit the boy. I just can’t stand it so I barge in and stopped the bully’s punch preventing the boy to be harmed by the bully.

“Sorry, but I don’t think you should pick someone below your size” I said with a smile holding my anger towards him

“SHUT UP YOU PIECE OF JUNK!” he shouted at me

As I heard that phrase I recall my memory of my mother and got angrier and as a result I crumbled his fist and said to him with a serious face “who you’re calling piece of junk?”

The bully then just begs for mercy while enduring the pain “Please just spare me!”

“Please just stop it hyung it enough already!” the boy who got bullied said and at that time I just realized that I’ve done and opening my fist.

“Sorry for barging in” I said while looking at my watch “oh damn! I’m late already! Bye guys see you around!” while running away towards my new school

After minutes of running, finally I’ve arrived at my new school, Seoul International School. I went to the teacher office and at there I felt nervous but…

“Oh are you the new student Ok Taecyeon?” A tall bulk figure gentleman asked to me

“Ne” I replied to him

“Then you’ll be in my class Taecyeon, I’m your homeroom for this year call me Mr.Kim Tae Woo” he said with a grin on his face

“Annyeonghaseo Sangsaenim” with honored I said it

“Well shall we get to the class?” he impatiently said that

“..aa.. okay” I stuttered

as I went to the front door on my classroom, 1-2, Tae woo sangsaenim said to me to wait outside for awhile until I hear him said that I could come in as he came in, not long after that I heard his voice saying me to came in so I opened the the door and took my first step to the classroom. I took a glace at my classmate and went into the front of the class.

“My name is Ok Taecyeon,I’m 17 years old this year,if you have any question please tell me? I hope that we can be friends ” I said it as calmly as possible

All of the girls were like raising their hands up and I must choose one so I said ”I’m gonna choose you, you, and you” while pointing the finger to the girls

The girl I pointed at stood up and said ”Do you have a girlfriend?!”

“I’ve never had a girlfriend before”

All the girl were like wowing

Another girl stood up ”What’s your ideal type?”
“I don’t have a particular ideal type, as long as she is nice I would be good” I replied

The last girl stood up “Do you want to be my boyfriend”

“ okay that’s enough for today” Sangsaenim cut it “it’s almost class time already and you still haven’t get a seat? So which seat is still vacant?”

All the girls who has seatmate who is a boy kicked the seatmates away and said “HERE!”

Sangsaenim were slapping his forehead and mumbled “oh my gosh.” As I scan the classroom I only saw a girl who just day dreaming in the window while playing with her pen then I point into her right seat and said “can I just seat at there?” Everyone just got into shocked when I said that but on the other hand Sangsaenim was delighted with my answer and said “Okay then Taecyeon you seatmate will be Tiffany and Leeteuk..”

As I went to my seat I saw there was a feet hanging out below of the table and I said to the person politely “ sorry but could you stick your leg in…”

“Ah what? Sorry I can’t hear you?” he replied

Then sangsaenim shout at the person “YAH Eunhyuk! Be nice to your classmate!”
With dissatisfaction face and irritated written on his face whispered to me as I went through his seat “Next time you won’t be so lucky.”

As I went to my seat I greet Leeteuk first “Annyeonghaseo”

He replied me comfortably “Yo no need for formality we’re the same age right?”

I replied to him “okay then hope we can be friends” after that I went to my left and I still saw her facing the window.

“Excuse me?” I said to her but she doesn’t reply so I talked to her again “Excuse me? Tiffany-sshi?” this time she answered me “I know… , let’s be friend while we here, right Taecyeon?” I replied with teasing voice “so you could hear me all the time right?” at that time she turn her face to me and said “you talk to much just be quiet okay? just stay away from this little nerdy girl okay?!” suddenly Leeteuk tapped my back and said “Forget it, Tiffany has no interested on talking to other people beside her family and Sangsaenim if she had trouble” I replied to leeteuk “but still…”


The bell rang and Sangsaenim said to everyone “well guys it‘s class time already I need to go now bye everyone oh yeah also Taecyeon”

“Ne Sansaenim” I answered him

“If you have any trouble asked for BoA and JoKwon for help they’re the class officers in here” he added the info

“Okay sangsaenim,thank you” I said

After he went out, one by one students started to stand up and went to their group and chat apart from Tiffany and me, we both just sit on our respected seats. While I was sitting Eunhyuk came with his gang and said “Welcome to the club “new toy”.”

“Such a warm welcome, thank you Eunhyuk” I said while holding my anger

“Tsck! You little brat insulting me…!” Eunhyuk said while he clench his fist ready for punching me

Then Leeteuk came and said to Eunhyuk “you better stop Eunhyuk before I call BoA to come here”

“Leeteuk!” Eunhyuk shouted and as the moment he almost punch him I stood up and holded his fist clenching with my palm “are you done talking, Eunhyuk?”

My entire classmate surrounded me and all of them were wowing to me as I block Eunhyuk. Left with embarrassment Eunhyuk said “I let you go this time Taecyeon remember that!” while he was walking away to his seat with his gang all the people laugh but it all been cut out by the presence of a sangsaenim.

“Good morning class my name is Mr.Tony Ahn, I’ll be teaching you history please open page 3 of your history textbook”

Taking my book from drawer, I saw Leeteuk were sweating all over his face and so I whispered to him “you must be scared just now right?”

He shocked and don’t know how to react “wha…aaa no I’m not”

Then I giggled a little and said “you know what? I was also scared back then”

“You little…” Leeteuk laughed

This little chat has been cut by Tony sangsaenim “Eherm.. you two at the back please be quietly take out your History textbook” then we both said “Ne!”

After hours of class and a little break finally it’s lunch time and I’ve got no where to go to and at that time Leeteuk went down to bought some food so I’ve no friend so I went to the rooftop and then I saw a gorgeous girl sitting alone,only accompany by her lunchbox. So I went towards her and said “Excuse me but can I sit beside you?”

She replied with her soft and yet elegant voice “yes you may”

As I look closely I said to her “have we met before?”

“What?” she surprised with my question

“Just forget about it” I said preventing her to get confused

“So…” we both asked at the same time

“May I know your name?” I said

“Wh..y” she sais shyly but stuttered a bit

“Because I want to be friends with you can’t I?” I said

“Oh yeah certainly… my name is… Titania” she took a long time to answered that question

“Okay then…” I don’t know what to replied and we were silence due to awkwardness for awhile and at that time I suddenly asked her

“Do.. you know Tiffany?” I asked her

“…. Yeah why?” she asked

“You. See…. I want to know her more and I want to be her friend could you help me” I said to her frankly

Then her tone changed and putting her glasses on

“Maybe this could help,” she said

“Wait! YOU! Titania is Tiffany?” I was stunned on my place

“Yeah that kind beautiful girl is this ugly girl” she said to me

Then I laugh out loud “you’re not ugly”

“Do you really mean it?” she change her attitude a little

“Yes who told you that you’re ugly?” I said to her

“… Most of the boys who wanted to date with me”

“Why?” I questioned her again

“Because they preferred Titania over me” she had the sad face on her face

“Is that it?” I said

“Also girl said that I should get a life and they said that I will never get a boyfriend” she started to cry

I was touched by her story and hugged her, patted her back while hugging her and said “Tiffany just leave them aside and please don’t take their word to your heart.” She don’t replied to me and just kept on crying, I stopped hugging her and said “don’t be Titania again just be yourself and find your true friend and lovers that would accept you of who you are”

She stopped crying and said, “will you be my friend?”

“No but I will be your best friend Tiffany” I said to her “well then, shall we go back to the class?”

She nodded and smiled.

As soon as we back to the class I saw Eunhyuk threatening Leeteuk and playing with Leeteuk, I quickly said to Eunhyuk “Do you really want to be toyed by me,  Eunhyuk?” Eunhyuk exploded and shouted “YOU SCUMBAG!” he do a left right hook combo but I was able to read his move easily and I counter him with a simple jab right through his face causing him to bleed and bounced off to his gang. “Are satisfied Eunhyuk, do you want to play some more?”

“YAH! TAECYEON REMEMBER ME!” he left with a disgraceful face

“Are you hurt Leeteuk?” I asked him

“Just a little scratch” he reply with a humorous tone

“Let me touch this” I said while touching his left cheek

“AW” he shouted

“Just a scratch right?” I

“Well a lot of scratches” he laughed

“Oh yeah sorry Tiffany do you know Leeteuk?” I asked her

“Yeah,, Park Leeteuk, an easy going guy” she replied

“Woah dude you manage to talk to her?” he said

“I manage to be friends with her! Well then I hope that you can be nice with her” I said to him

“Arraseo, annyeonghaseo Tiffany my name is Leeteuk hope we can be friends”

She replied him with a nod and back to her seat

After that leeteuk pulled me down and whispered “what sort of magic trick do you have to make her say something to you.”

I reply with a simple statement “it’s called friendship”

He pulled me up and said to me “Nonsense!”

“Whatever you say” I replied

Class starting soon and we were like an outcast since we just sit on our place and chatted until we reach a point where the three of us talking about clubs

“so which club do you two want to go?” Leeteuk said

“.. I don’t know” Tiffany said

“Me neither” I also said the same answer as Tiffany

“How.. about music?” Leeteuk with his broad smile said

“…Maybe I could…” Tiffany Stutter

“Count me in” I answer confidently

“so let’s make a band shall we?” Leeteuk said

It explode Tiffany and my reaction, we was surprised with his word

“I think we..” my decision was cut with Sangsaenim appearance

“My name is Mrs. Lee hyo ri, I’m your math teacher hope you all could cooperate and do well on my class”

Everyone was gulping, after the class was done, it’s time to go home and apparently we all 3 was living in the same apartment Leeteuk lived in apartment 428, tiffany lived in apartment 658 while I’m living in apartment 651. We bid farewell as we leave the day and all I can say about my first school day was DAEBAK

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CZTachyonsVN #1
Since it's TaecYoon why isn't Yoona's character described?
jesica27 #2
GSL1999 #3
Will it be taecyoon?