Chapter 6

He Won't Hurt Me

Eli pov:

We get to the house. we get out of the car. I go up to the front door nervously and ring the doorbell. Almost imediatly the door swings open and my brother snatches me into a hug. He looked a wreck. Like he has not brushed his hair for a week. He looks over my sholder and sees Ravi. He swings me into the house. "Go to your room now!" he yells at me without even looking. "But I..." "NOW" he yells forcefully. I just go to my room. When I get there I open my window so I can hear whats going on. "Who the hell are you?"  "Im Ravi. Eli's boyfriend"  he says trying to sound as manily as possible. "Stay away from my sister" "Why? I've done nothing wrong" Ravi asks confused. "Listen I love her. Shes my life and my love" Ravi says. My brother lets Ravi into the house. The ! He just hated him a few seconds ago. "Family Meeting!!!" Jimmy yells. We all rush downstairs and take a seet. "Ok everyone. This is Ravi" My brother says motioning to Ravi. "Who the hell is that?" Vinson says in a loud outburst.  "Its my baby sisters boyfriend. How long have you too been going out?" J asks Ravi "About 2 years" he answers back "Oh so just about the same time that thing happened. Right Eli" JSays being the he is. "Shut up J" I respond coldly to him. "No. Didn't you say that when you find someone that you truely love you would tell them?" I just sit silently and bury my head in Rav's chest. "Do you not truely love him" He was trying to break us up. I could feel Ravi's body stiffen. He lifted my head up and wispered to me "What happened?" "Nothing. Its not important" Ravi and I stand up. "I...I think we should leave"  We both leave and go back to the VIXX house. It was a silent ride. When we get there I just walk into Ravi's room. I couldnot tell Ravi that I was . He would turn into my brother. I expected him to be up here by now. I walk past the bathroom to go downstairs when i see someone laying in the bathtub. I flick on the light. Ravi turns around to not face me  anymore. "Im really sorry.Please dont hate me. Im just trying to forget about what had happened and I dont want to tell anyone."At this point I relize that he is really upset withe me. The tears start to gently fall out of my eyes. "Maybe I'll see you around. I love you" I say to him with sniffles inbetween my words and turn to leave. I catch a cab back to the M4M house. Its raining hard outside and all im wearing is a tanktop and some pink shorts. Damn. I pay the driver, get out of the cab, and go up to the front door and knock.

Bin pov:

I am the only one still awake. Im listing to my music when I hear a knock at the front door. I turn off the music and open the door. Its Eli. Her hair and cloths are extremly wet and her eyes red from what looks like crying too much. Her eyes look dead, worn out, and in pain. She just collapses into my arms. I take her into the basement, get a towel, and start to dry her off. I start with her face. Moving the wet hair out of her beautiful face and drying away her tears. The tears just start to flow out of her eyes and she keeps sniffling. I finally break the silence and ask " What happened?" I got no answer. I look up at her. Her cheeks were stained with tears and she was sleep. I quickly dry off her hair and carry her up to her room. I put her under the covers and kiss her on the forhead goodnite. She had cried herself to sleep.

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Chapter 3: I loved the update great work
I love this! Please update soon your story is great