Chapter 3

He Won't Hurt Me

Eli pov:

I could smell the alchol on his breath. He slamed one of his hands forcefuly into the wall next to my head. I flinched in fear. I looked over his sholder and saw 4 empty beer bottles. He is completly drunk. "I......I um had a hard time finding the kimchi" I stutter out the words, scared of what my drunken brother might do to me. He took his other hand and harshly grabbed my neck, forcing me to look at him. "The lies that you tell make you pathetic" he spat in my face those harsh words before taking his hand and smacking me to the floor. I grabbed my cheek, feeling the sting. I screamed as his nails dug into my skin while he was dragging me up from the floor. Bin must have heard my screams. He came rushing down the stairs twards Jimmy and me. "Hey!Jimmy calm down, relax man" Bin said as he grabbed my brothers hand. "Back off. This has nothing to do with you" Jimmy fired back as he flung Bin off like a rag doll. Jimmy staired directly into my eyes and yelled at me "" and stormed off to his room. When he let me go, I just feel into bins arms and sobbed. He carried me over to the couch and let me fall asleep on his shoulders. I woke up to a newspaper article. I picked it up and read the title. It said "Ravi!!! Out all night with random girl" I looked at the photo next to the article. It was the photo of  Ravi and me kissing. I get up take a shower and get dressed. I put my hair into a messy ponitail and go out for a run. While running, These 2 girls walk past me. I hear them say things like "Eww what kind of trash is that" and "Why would our beloved Ravi ever want a thing like her. I walk into a near by ice cream parlor. I get some coffee ice cream and sit down at a table. While I am eating my ice cream I hear some more comments like before. I walk over to the girls. "If you have so much to say, Im right here" "Sit the hell down you idiodic " "What? I could not here you from all the way over there" I yell in her face. "Your parents dont even love you, what makes you think Ravi does" She shouts. She does not relize she has just relised a beast. My parents died a few years ago and I cannot stand anyone to talk about them that way. As I am thinking another girl shouts out "Your mother was a and so are you." Thats it. I chare twards the girl and punch her in the nose. I stand up, lean over her, and just keep pounding her face in. In the middle of it all , I feel someone grab me around the waist and pull me off of the girl. I try to go back to the fight but they wont let me. I turn around just to see a shocked Ravi. I begin to try and explain myself, but I just can't get the words out. I end up walking around Ravi and out of the ice cream parlor. "Eli Eli come back!" I hear yelling behind me. He catches up to me and grabs my arm so that I won't run off.

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Chapter 3: I loved the update great work
I love this! Please update soon your story is great