Something Crazy

Something Crazy




This all begins when they transferred me to a mental institution in Busan...




I know what you are all thinking, but I'm not crazy at all. Well, maybe at first...before I met someone.



Anyway, let me introduce myself first. My name is Sandara Park and I am a pediatric nurse. I just love babies. They are like angels that fall from the sky. Although at the beginning, I never imagine myself that I would be a nurse. I'm scared of blood and needles even until now. That is why I only work in a pediatric unit in Seoul Hospital. 


You're probably asking me, “Why did I become a nurse in the first place?” 


Well, its because of my childhood friend. I know it might sounds silly but that friend is my inspiration that is why I became who I am today.


When I said ‘they transferred me’ to a mental institution. I was kind of exaggerating just a little bit. The truth is I volunteered myself to be here despite the fact that I hate being here. Why would I choose to work in an 'asylum' with full of mentally-ill people?! I know I must be crazy too!!!


The pay was not that much as when I was in Seoul. Plus, I really had no psych experience at all. All I could imagine are the stereotypes and myths of a mental hospital, such as they were full of crazy people in their hospital gowns, walking like zombies and murderers that are hungry for bloods and body organs, or some stuff like that. 


I know i'm exaggerating so much but above all the negative things I said, there is only one reason why I volunteered to this job. 


It’s because...




This 'Asylum' would be soon my fairy tale world.






My heart is racing so fast as I swipe my brand new ID to a double locked door. The door that was connecting the outside world to my fairy tale world. All the doors here in psychiatric ward are double lock because some patients are at risk for elopement. 


The big door clicked open automatically after my ID registered. I punched in immediately. White walls with different colorful decorations were the first things that appeared in my eyes. I lifted my feet that seemed heavier with every step I made. I could hear my heart pounding so fast, I couldn't hardly breath. 



Am I nervous because it is my first day? Well...maybe? I smiled giggly to myself as I scanned around the area while doing my rounds.


There are patients with different genders and ages, walking around with their casual clothing. Some are sitting on round tables while playing board games in recreation area. Some were watching t.v while eating snacks and some were just talking to each other while waiting for their medications. Surprisingly, they were all looked normal healthy people--very different from what I was imagining.


As I walk around the unit, I see nurses wearing colorful scrubs with white pants passing by. I smiled and greeted them politely but they were very busy with their gossips to even notice me. 


"Have you seen Doctor Kim today? He is so handsome. I couldn't even speak straight when he was talking to me. Like I was about to melt just by looking at his beautiful eyes. Kyaaa!" A tall thin nurse said giddily to the other nurse walking next to her.

"Duhh? He is always handsome like ever since...I don't know when..since birth? Ha Ha! Well, did you notice he got a new haircut? He really is like a Prince Charming. Omo, our poor ovaries! Kyaa!" The other nurse responded giggly.


I smiled secretly as I heard their conversations. My heart beat so much faster as I walked around searching for the only reason I was here in Busan Mental Hospital.


When suddenly I heard voices of people hurriedly coming towards one of the residents room.

“Code Strong!”  an overhead page blasted in our ears.


"Doc! Room 305, he is having an outburst again. We cannot control him. He is very aggressive and combative. He is non-compliant with his safety. He is threatening to hurt himself.”


"Okay. Restrain him. Get the crash cart just in case and prepare for an Ativan injection. We'll have to put him in seclusion room. Did he take his medications this morning?"


"Yes, Doc, but I don't think its working well for him. He probably needs a higher dosage."


"Okay then. Call the family and tell them the situation." The doctor said calmly.


I froze on my spot, my heart almost fell down the floor when I heard the doctor's calm and heavenly-like voice. That man suddenly appeared out of nowhere walking while looking at a chart in his hand.

As if everything was in a slow motion when he suddenly looked straight after he read the chart, walking in front of my eyes like each stepped was like forever. As if we were in a romantic movie where he was the leading actor and I was the leading lady, this scene was indeed perfectly executed. 


Damn, those nurses from before were right. His eyes and his smile were so gorgeous that could melt even the hardest stone in earth. That beautiful voice was from a tall, absolutely gorgeous guy shining brightly in his white gown with a black stethoscope around his neck. 


My heart just couldn't keep calm as he was coming and was about to pass by me. Would he even spare to look at me even just for a second? Would he even glance at me? Would he at least give me a smile if he noticed me standing here? It took me like forever to recover from my chaotic heart. I smiled sadly when he passed without even a glance. 


I was disappointed.


“Can’t you see? He is busy, Dara.” I told my disappointed heart. I gulped hard and turned around as I followed him with my eyes. 


Yet, to my surprise, I didn't realize he also turned back to look at me and gave me a sweet sudden smile. KYAAAAAA! 



Time literally stopped in my head.




"Je--" I stuttered. Those nurses from before were right again. I, too couldn't even speak straight to him.


He gave me a smile before he said, "Hey, you are finally here, Ms. Park. Welcome to the unit. Welcome back to Busan. I'll talk to you later. Don't be nervous! Everything will work out fine. Fighting, nurse Dara!" He said, smiling with his fist up before he turned his back and ran fast to room 305.


My heart felt it just exploded like hundred million times. This is the first time we meet again after couple of months before Dr. Kim decided to work here in Busan.


Okay, I know you are curious about Doctor Kim and I. Fine, here's a little background of us.


Doctor Kim a.k.a Kim Jaejoong and I were childhood friends. We grew up together here in Busan before we decided to finish our college in Seoul. To tell you the truth, I never really imagined that I would become a nurse in this lifetime. I never really liked the sight of blood and body organs. I was scared of dead people and I was not really into books, but I studied very hard because of him.

I even tried to study medicine when he told me he wanted to become a doctor, but being a was way too hard for me.

In short, I was really head over the heels for him.


I was really crazy for him. 



But the thing is—-



"Ehem!” Someone from behind me snapped me out of my trance when she cleared . 



“Hi...You must be the new nurse. Oh, it's you, Dara. I didn't recognize you. It's been a while." said by a lady doctor with a white gown jacket. I looked at her from head to toe. She looked very familiar but I forgot who she was. I probably forgot her in purpose because her looks was very annoying in my eyes.


"Yes, I'm Sandara Park. I’m the new transferred nurse here from Seoul hospital. Um, I'm sorry, but who are you again?" I asked her politely.


"Ha! Ha! You are very funny, Dara. You never change at all. It's me Doctor Jessica Jung! We worked together last year in Seoul Hospital. I'm Jaejoong's girlfriend, remember?" she said with a giddy smile on her face.


"Ah, yes! Jessica Jung. I mean Doctor Jessica Jung. cough! -theevilwitch- cough!


“How have you been? I didn't recognize you at all. You looked very...tired, I guess?" I said with sarcastic tone.


She exhaled through her nose with a fake smile on her face. "Yes, I'm sooooo tired. Jae and I have been very busy with 'work' lately. Anyway, welcome aboard! Hopefully, you wouldn’t find this unit hard and just keep yourself busy since you are new in psych, right?" 


I tried to keep calm and just smiled halfway. 


"By the way, the ‘NURSING STATION’ is there on your left side in case you can’t find it.” she emphasized the word 'nursing station' while pointing that area. She’s very proud of herself being a doctor and shoving it to me that I am just a "nurse"

"I know, I was about to go there a while ago but you came to me talking nonstop."

"Oh...okay...I just wanna say 'Welcome' to Busan. Don't be nervous. Don't worry everything will work out fine. Fighting!" Jessica said with some kind of sarcastic tone repeating what Jaejoong said before she walked pass to me going inside the room where Jaejoong went to.


I tried to calm myself. "Breath in and breath out, Dara. I won't let her ruin my day. 





I went to the nursing station and politely greeted them. They welcome me warmly. Minzy, Chaerin, Lee Hi are my co-nurses in my unit. Ms. Park Bom is our head nurse who seemed very scary at first glance but she’s very funny and caring otherwise.


“Have you heard what happened to room 305?” Minzy asked us while she clicked on computer.


“He is only 30 year old. Very young man but he has history of schizophrenia and bipolar disease. He was just recently diagnosed after his fiancé died from a car accident two years ago. That’s really sad.” Minzy added


“That’s very tragic. I heard he attempted suicide several times but failed so they brought him here just two weeks ago.” Chaerin added.


“I heard he was rich you know. His family owns one of the biggest hotel here in Busan. They want to send him in America to get treated but he refused. They found him unconscious several times in his apartment.” Lee hi said whispering to us.


“Yah! What are you guys gossiping about?!” Ms Park Bom yelled at us. “Room 305 requested for his anxiety pill. Go check on him!”


“Dara, he is your patient unfortunately. Good luck.” Minzy said worriedly to me, before they all walked out from the desk pretending to be busy.

"Oh." That's a very nice welcome to me.

I felt very nervous upon approaching that room. I was pushing my medication cart very slowly while thinking how will I interact with that patient who had very tragic history. There were two male PCA across the hallway just in case I needed some help.


His room is all the way in the corner. He is on private room and the room is very basic. Nothing in the wall. Just t.v and his table. I knocked on the room and entered.


“Good morning! My name is Sandara Park, I am your nurse from today. I have your anxiety medication. How are you feeling today?” I greeted him cheerfully.


He didn’t respond. He was laying down in a side lying position on the bed. 


“Can you state your full name and your birthdate for me please? I need your identification before I can give you your medication.” 

I was very scared just by standing next to him. I was afraid he would have another episode again and he would hurt me like the nurses were gossiping about. 

It took him few seconds before he replied. “Lee Donghae. October 15, 1986.


“Great! Nice to meet you, Mr. Lee Donghae. This is your medication. Please take it now so I can document.” I asked him.


“Just leave it there on my table. I will take it later.”


“No, Mr. Lee Donghae. I can’t do that. Our protocol here is to check if you took the medication before I can document.”


“Just document that i took it. I will take it later promise.”


“No, I can’t do that. I have to follow the rules.” I insisted. “Should I come back until you are ready?” 


“Why are you so annoying?! I said I will take it later! Leave it there!” Donghae shouted as he sat up on bed while glaring at me with his scary eyes.


My heart almost stopped from his loud voice. I swallowed hard anxiously before I decided to fight my fear and become firm and strong like I read from my psych textbook. I need to re-direct my patient so they will follow the rules.


“You’re not scaring me, Mr. Lee. You have to follow the rules. Either take it now or I will be back later and offer this again. If not I will call for a code strong and they will all come here and restrain you again. Do you want that to happen?” I said somehow threatening him which I know was wrong but I have to show him I was not scared so he would respect me.


He let out a deep sigh before he got up coming closer to me. I felt my body was shaking from nervousness. He reached out his hand to me and I unconsciously closed my eyes tight as I was scared he would hurt me.


“Give me my meds.” He said with his hand out like a kid asking for a candy from his mother. I opened my eyes slowly and saw him with a smirk from my reaction.


I pretended to smile like nothing happened and just gave him the medication with a water. I looked at him as he swallowed his medication and drink his glass of water in a paper cup. 


So... this is HIM. The famous and dangerous patient in room 305. Mr. Lee Donghae.

He looked a very normal person to me. If we probably met outside this mental hospital, I wouldn’t know that he has mental issues. I suddenly felt bad upon judging him at first.

“Well, thank you Mr. Lee. Is there anything else that I can do for you before I leave the room?" I asked with a sincere smile this time.

He looked at me with confusion. “Yes, just don’t smile like that in front of me. It’s annoying.” Donghae said before he turned back to his bed and sleep again.


“Tsk!” I muttered annoyed to myself. You really can’t judge a person with his looks. “Okay, Mr. Lee. I will try my best.” I told him with my sarcasm voice before I close his door. I shook my head and took a deep breath in relief.



“He is going to be a hardwork.” I told myself.





After my first day in work, Jaejoong invited me for a dinner. I was so excited preparing myself... for this special night.

I put my lipstick and i even wear a dress despite of not being a fan of it because it doesn’t make feel comfortable wearing it. I smile uncontrollably as I walked down the street where we supposed to meet. I scanned around the restaurant and immediately found Jaejoong waiting for me in a table. I excitedly walked towards him until I saw Jessica sat next to him. She just came back from the restroom.


“Dara! You’re here! We’re here.” Jessica waved at me as soon she saw me. Jaejoong gave me a smile and got up from his chair. He pulled out the seat in front of him for me. I thanked him for assisting me as I sat down. He was always a gentleman to everybody. I let out a deep breath of disappointment as I thought it was only the two of us. My chest suddenly became heavy.


“How was your first day?” Jaejoong asked me.

“It wasn’t that bad.” I said with a smile while pretending to look at the menu. I was trying to avoid his stares as he might notice my disappointment in my eyes.


“You looked disappointed, Dara. Is something wrong? I know you very well. Is it something about that patient in room 305?” Jaejoong told me. He really knew me very well. 


“No, I’m okay. Really. Actually, the patient in room 305 wasn’t that bad at all. I think we would click somehow.” I said with my re-assuring voice. Jaejoong looked at me with his worried expression and I just smiled at him.

"Just be careful of him." 



After dinner, Jaejoong and Jessica dropped me off at my apartment. I told them I’ll see them tomorrow at the hospital before I got off the car.


Jaejoong, got off the car as well and talked to me in front of the gate of my apartment. 


“I’m so glad to see you again, Dara.” He said with a smile. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know Jessica is coming with us for dinner. I should’ve told you beforehand.” He added.


“No, it’s fine. I’m glad to see you again, Jae. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I told him with a smile before I entered the gate. I took a deep breath and told myself to cheer up and be positive! One day Jaejoong would realize he likes me more than friends. I will mark that in the wood.




As days passed by quickly at work, I tried to be more cheerful and positive especially with the famous room 305. I kind of liking what I was doing so far. It wasn’t really bad all.



~Attention everyone! To all the patients we are having bingo, bacarat, and poker tournament with lots of prizes for the winner. Snacks and beverages are included. Everyone is welcome to join in recreation area!~



I heard the overhead page and laughed. I can’t believe they would spoil the patients with all those gambling games. How about those patients with gambling history? It would just make them worst and they would be tempted to gamble again when they get discharge.



“Good morning, Mr. Lee, the famous bad boy of the town. Here are your medications. Please take your medications now.



As usual he would just ignore me and he would take few minutes to at least an hour until he gets up before he take his medications. I already knew his tricks and I wouldn’t be trapped by it anymore. I always do him last so I could spent my free time waiting for this annoying patient.


“Have you heard about the gambling tournament in recreation area? I think that is ridiculous. They shouldn’t allow any gambling games here even just for fun. That is really crazy.”  I said to him while waiting for him to get up. I’m kind of talkative especially when I’m bored.


“They should just offer a free movies or magic shows. Something entertaining. By the way, what’s your favorite movie? My favorite movie is ‘The NoteBook’ or ‘Titanic’. It’s all about true love but unfortunately it has tragic ending. It’s a good movie though.” I told him without thinking before I realized what Minzy told me about the tragic accident happened to him and his fiancé.


I bit my lip, feeling guilty of what I just said. I tried to change the topic but he already got up with his annoyed look. “Why are you always noisy every morning?! Can you just leave the medications on the table. I really promise you I will take it.” He begged me, annoyed while scratching the back of his head.


“It’s already late now, Mr. Lee. It’s actually time for your afternoon medication too. I told you I can’t just leave the medications on your table or I will be fired. Can I give you your monthly injection now too?” 


He sighed and just showed me his arm in defeat. I went closer to him while preparing for his injection. I sat down next to him before I rubbed his arm with my alcohol swab. “Hurry up, I hate needles.” He told me. 


“Wow. You finally spoke something different than usual.” I teases him before I gave him his injection. “You know we have the same age. If only you’re not always cranky, we could be a good friend.”


I rubbed his arm again with alcohol pad before I looked at him and he was already staring at me. Our face is just inches away from each other. His eyes looks so tired and sad. I gave him an awkward smile and immediately got up. “Done! It didn’t hurt, right?” I asked him.


“Yes, It hurts. I’m not a kid, nurse Dara. Please treat me like an adult here and please, I told you, don’t smile like that in front of me. It’s really annoying.” Donghae said before he laid back on his bed and sleep again.


“Tsk. You’re not Mr. Bad boy anymore. You’re Mr. Annoying. I hope you have a great day, mr. Annoying.” I told him before I left the room.




Dara! I put a stat lab order for room 300 yesterday. Why I haven’t seen any result yet?” Jessica asked me for his patient

“I didn’t see the order Dr. Jung.  Wait let me check.” I said to her in panic 

“Why aren’t you checking your dashboard? It’s very important for him to get the labs done right away. How can we give his clozapine without his CBC done? His mood has not been stable recently.” Jessica told me very annoyed. 

Jaejoong saw her and asked what was going on and she explained what happened.

“Just get his bloodwork done, Dara. I will call the laboratory to process it right away.” Jaejoong told me. Jessica left a big sigh and just rolled her eyes before leaving the desk.

“Wow, that Doctor Jung really hates you, Dara.” Ms Bom said, teasing me.


“Cheer up, Dara. It’s okay. She is just jealous of you because she know Dr. Kim likes you.” Chaerin added.


“Ughh... she’s really an evil witch.” I told them.





I pushed my medication cart trying to be positive for my patients but the incident from earlier just keeping me more irritated and annoyed. I finally reached the last room, the famous Room 305—Another annoying person. ~Sigh~


“Good morning, Mr. Annoying—-I mean Mr. Lee.” I greeted him.

I immediately sat down on his chair, trying to compose myself back together. I let out a deep sigh and groaned unconsciously. “Grrrrrh! She is so annoying.” I told myself loudly.

I looked at Donghae and he was still asleep.

I continued talking to myself. “I’m sure she did that on purpose. She purposely put an order at the end of the shift so I would not see so she could blame me. She did this to embarrass me in front of Dr. Kim. She is such an evil witch. Grrrrrrh!” 

“Are you talking about the y doctor with a long hair?” Donghae butted in. He still laying on the bed pretending to sleep.

“Wow.. are you talking to me now?” I said with sarcasm. “Are you ready to take your medication? Tsk.. y your face. She’s an evil witch. Watch out for her."

“You’re always noisy and I can’t sleep when you’re here. What do you expect me to do? Do you like that ugly doctor Kim too?” Donghae asked me

I came closer to him and touched his forehead. “You don’t have a fever. This is really surprising. I can’t believe you’re asking me questions now.” I said laughing. “And excuse me, Dr. Kim is not ugly. He is my childhood friend and he is super handsome!” I added.


“Tsk. You’re just like the other nurses. Blindly in love with that superficial arrogant guy.” He told me and took the cup of medicines in my hand before he drinks the water. He immediately laid down and sleep again after that.


“What is your problem with him?” I asked him but he just ignored me. 





Days passes by and everything became a usual routine already. I punched in, do my rounds, check my dashboards for any new orders, and waiting for Dr. Kim to pass by before I started my medication pass.


As I was browsing the hospital records in my computer, I came across Donghae’s record. I zoomed in his picture and realized he looked really good and attractive. I whacked my head for thinking something like that. 


That is very wrong Dara, a nurse and a patient? Do you want to get fired? I asked myself and shook my head to remove those nonsense thoughts in my head. My heart almost dropped in surprise when I heard Jaejoong voice behind me. 


“Why are you staring the picture of that patient in room 305? Do you like him?” Jaejoong teases me.


“Yah.. of course not. I’m just curious.” I replied to him, rolling my eyes.


“Be careful about him, Dara. He just suddenly burst out of nowhere. You don’t know how dangerous is that guy. Please be mindful and try to keep your distance from him.” Jaejoong said worriedly to me.

“Of course, I know that. Thank you Dr. Kim!” I told him cheerfully and we both laughed together.

All the nurses around me were so envious of me. Gossips and rumors started to spread about me and Dr. Kim, and it didn't do any good for us. Jaejoong started to become more distant from me and it really hurts.


“Good morning. Here is your medications. Please take it as soon as possible.” I told Donghae, leaving his medication on top of his table. I felt very weak today and I don’t have energy to even argue with him. I left the room without talking to him.


“Dara, room 305 call light is on. Check on him before Ms Park Bom saw it.” Minzy told me.


“His light is on? I gave all his medicine on his table like what he has been requesting. Now what does he want. He is really something.” I told to myself, pouting in annoyance before I go to his room.


I knocked on the door and saw him standing up on his bed like a little kid.

“What are you doing?” I asked him

“There’s a mouse under my bed.” Donghae replied to me frightened.

“What mouse are you talking about? There is no mouse here.” I told him with re-assurance.

“Did you take your medication? I left it on your table.” 

“There is a mouse I told you. Why don’t you check under my bed? If you don't, I will tell your boss that you just left my medication on my table, you’ll get in trouble.” Donghae threatened me.

“Yah! I thought that’s what you want? You are really bipolar. I can’t really trust you, Mister...Annoying.” I told him before I bent down to check under his bed for his imaginary mouse.

“I don’t see anything, see? Not— MOUSE! There is a MOUSE HERE! Help!” I screamed and immediately got up to his bed frightened as soon as the mouse run towards me and all over the floor.

I unconsciously held Donghae’s hand tightly. Both of us standing on top of the bed. He started laughing uncontrollably. “Yah! Stop laughing!” I begged him embarrassment written all over my face.

“I told you there is a mouse under my bed and you wouldn't believe me. You really thought I’m really out of my mind. Do you believe me now? You’re really funny. Donghae said laughing.

“What can you expect? You’re a patient here and we’re in a mental hospital. Don’t be full of yourself. Tsk! Stop I said.” I told him trying to cover his mouth but he just couldn’t stop laughing. I was so embarrassed of my reaction and him laughing at me made it worst even more.


“What are you guys doing?” Jaejoong saw me and Donghae on top of Donghae’s bed. I immediately jumped out of his bed and explained about the mouse.


Jaejoong immediately asked the PCA to call for an exterminator and he called me outside the room to talk to me.


“Dara, I told you to keep your distance away from him. You don’t know when he will have outburst again. Don't believe what he say. He’s a dangerous guy, Dara. You’re a nurse, you should know that.” Jaejoong told me in a serious voice.


“He is not bad at all, Jae. He is actually improving so much and besides there is really a mouse under his bed. I don’t see him dangerous at all. Why are you saying that to him? He is here to get better and he deserves to be respected like everyone else and telling everyone that he is dangerous is not helping him to get better at all.” I told him somewhat upset before I walked away and went inside Donghae’s room. I saw Donghae behind the door and I think he overheard my conversation to Jaejoong.


“I will call for an exterminator. Do you need anything else?” I asked him. 


He shook his head while looking at me. "I'm sorry for not believing in you." I said before I gave him a sad smile and I left the room.




The next morning as I was browsing my dashboard, Minzy and Chaerin came to me excitedly.

“Hey Dara! What did you do to 305 huh?” Chaerin excitedly asked me.

“Who? Mr. Lee Donghae? What do you mean?” I asked her in confusion

“He is at the recreation room playing bacarrat.” Chaerin said while fixing her chart.

“What?! At this early? That is very strange.” I asked them in surprise. I immediately went to the recreation area and saw him playing with the other patients. His eyes landed on me upon coming to the room. He gave me a smile before looking at his cards.

“Good morning, nurse Dara.” One of the recreation guy, Seungri greeted me.

“Isn’t he your patient? I heard he was bad. He looked so different from what I heard. Is this because of your charm?” He teases

I just smiled at him before I looked again at Donghae. My heart skipped a beat and a warm feeling inside me made my heart proud at him. 

"I WON! Banker it is!" Donghae said jumping excitedly while playing.



“What happened to you?” I asked him when it’s time for his medication. “This is your medication and a cup of water on top your table.” I told him while staring at him.


“What do you mean what happened to me? You're not gonna wait til I take those meds?” He said asked.

"Why are you gonna report me?" I teases him.

“You looked so different. I like it. I’m very proud of you. Keep it up okay?” I told him with smile.


“Didn’t I tell you I hate your smile?” He looked at me suddenly became serious. 


“Tsk. What do you want me to do? Do you want me to cry?” I said rolling my eyes.


“If you keep smiling at me, I might fall for you. You wouldn't want to have a suitor that is mentally ill, would you? I might stalk you and burst my anger out of no where if I see you with a guy. You don’t know how dangerous I am. You better watch out for me.” He said with a sad smile then wink at me.


My heart suddenly pounds faster. “Yeah? I didn’t know you’re so cheesy! If that happened which probably not, I would prepare my ready to inject ativan in my purse. So you better watch out for me more." I said laughing.




I took my two days off and spent my time in my apartment laying down on my bed. Jaejoong came over to my apartment to apologize for what happened the other day. Surprisingly, Jessica was not there with him. I was so happy.


We were like kids again, talking while reminiscing our childhood memories. My heart couldn’t stop pounding so fast as I stared at him. He caught me many times staring at him and it’s so embarrassing. I’m sure every nurses and female doctors in my unit would be so jealous of me if they saw us now.

We slept at the sofa together and woke up at the same time for work.




“Code Strong! Room 305!”


I heard the page as soon as I got to the unit. I immediately ran over to Donghae’s room and I saw him trying to push  everything that he see. His eyes was very furious and scary. He was very combative to staff and they were unable to re-direct him.


“Mr Lee Donghae! What happened? It’s me nurse Dara. Try to relax. I’m here now.” I told him but he won’t listen. I tried to hold him but he immediately brush it off. He almost hurt me when he was trying to get free from them. He swung over his arm and almost hit me but he stopped when I screamed. I was so scared. Jaejoong came over and the other two big PCA hold him down and they gave him a higher dosage of ativan to relax him. They immediately transferred him to a seclusion room.


I asked Jaejoong why does he need to be transferred to that room. That room will just make him worst. He said it’s necessary and that’s our protocol. I really felt bad at him.


I asked them what happened but they don’t know what triggers his episode. One of the rumor said it was because it’s the death anniversary of his fiancé and the other gossip said it was because he heard his ghost fiancé while he was asleep and told him to kill himself so they could be together forever.


I went to the seclusion room secretly at the end of my shift to check on him. He was still sleeping. 


“Mr. Annoying, it’s me nurse Dara. I don’t know what happened a while ago. I thought your doing very well these past few weeks. What triggers you to do that? Please recover well. I miss you being my annoying patient.” I said to him and was about to go when he told me, “Please don’t leave me. I’m scared here.” 


“Don’t be scared. You will be out of here by tomorrow as long as you won’t hurt you’re self or anybody anymore.” I told him reassuring him.


He looked at me with tears all over his face. My heart suddenly dropped. I walked to him and hugged him to console him without thinking. "I'm sorry I almost hurt you a while ago. I didn't mean to." He told me, tears all over his eyes. "It's okay. I'm fine." I told him, gently patting his back.


This is very wrong I know. If they saw me doing this, they would fire me in a heart beat. But I couldn’t help myself. Deep inside me I felt really bad seeing him like this. Everyone is turning their back at him and he has no one to lean on after all the tragic things that happened to his life.


“What happened? You can tell me." I asked him while hugging him, he is crying so bad.


“I just couldn’t handle this anymore. I want to die. There is no one that understand what I have been going through.”


“I’m here. I will help you. You also have your parents and you are still young. You still have so much things ahead of your life.”


“You’re just saying that because you are my nurse. My parents doesn't care for me. They don't even remember what is today. They are just living for their money. And you? You are here because it’s your job. I miss you when your off but I couldn’t do anything because you're just here to work.”


“Don’t say that. I love what I’m doing that’s why I’m here. It’s not just a job for me. In fact I’m already out and was about to leave but I think of you so I came here because I’m worried about you.”


“You’re not scared of me?” Donghae asked me.


“Hmm.. I'm not scared of you..It’s very weird honestly.” I told him.

He laughed. “You're always making me laugh. I hate that." He told me and our eyes met.

"Do you know it's my birthday today?" He said with a sad smile before staring to my eyes, "Thank you for my life though you're already too late." He said.


"It's your birthday?" I asked him, my heart felt his pain.


He just smiled at me, "I already gave up, but you came." He said leaning forward slowly to me. Just like in a movie, everything turned into a slow motion and he kissed me.


My eyes snapped open wide but I didn’t let go. I kissed him back and now I can really call myself...crazy.

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I planned this as one shot story but my brain suddenly just stop working. LOL. This is gonna be a short story I promise.
I’m still working on this. Please bear with me. I’ll be busy next week. Not sure when will I update and finish this story. Thanks for the comments💖


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EmrieD #1
Chapter 1: hello to the author ☺️please continue this story...thank you in adavance
Momo_14 #2
Chapter 2: I love this story authornim.. Please update soon.. Authornim fighting..!!!
gpl_nicole #3
Chapter 2: Nice story! Hope you update soon...
Iamkpopprincess #4
Chapter 2: Woah chanyeol is here.. I wonder who is he in donghae's life
Iamkpopprincess #5
Chapter 2: More darahae momemts please and hope donghae to get better
Grace62 #6
Chapter 2: Wow more Darahae moments next please authornim
Chapter 2: My darahae is so cheesy. And I'm lovin' every bit of it! Kekeke
kathyrica17 #8
Chapter 2: Hmmm. I'm really hoping for a DaraHae ending. ㅋㅋㅋ. And how does Chanyeol know Donghae?
uta220488 #9
Chapter 1: Update pls
Iamkpopprincess #10
Chapter 1: Omg.. Please update.. This story is so new to all the darahae stories ive read.. Will be waiting for your update..