Running backwards

⚜ It's Not Fair

 This chapter is from Luhan's POV

               "Luhan!" Chanyeol laughed cheerfully from the cash register just as I pushed the door open and made my way into the flower shop. I nodded at him and was going to head into the back where I knew Eun Hee was working when Baekhyun jumped out of nowhere and stopped me.

                "Ah--I wouldn't do that if I were you! She's in a really good mood right now. You wouldn't want to ruin it, would you?" Baekhyun chuckled with a small grin as he patted me on the chest lightly, pushing me back and away from the back room. I hesitated and grabbed his arm, pulling him aside as the bells chimed when two more girls entered into the small flower shop. I pulled him over to the corner before whispering, "She still won't talk to me. Does she seriously think that avoiding me is going to work? It's already been two days."

                "Dude, you can't blame her being piss you know?" Baekhyun shook his head and his smile faded into a small pout, "You knew how crazy she was about you and you pushed her away, but now that's she's actually moving on--you try to pull her back. That's seriously a move." I felt my cheeks get hot and stammered, "I--I know! I honestly don't know what came over me though--so I've been trying to apologize, but she won't let me!" The two girls glanced our way before I looked up and they quickly looked away, giggling to themselves as they began to talk with Chanyeol.

                "What do you mean you don't know what came over you?" Baekhyun made a face.

                "I'm serious, Baekhyun. One moment and I was just going to watch movies with her and then the next I was about to kiss her. I didn't even realize what the hell I was doing--it was like my mind completely blanked out on me and before I knew it, she was shoving me away and then Minah came over." I groaned quietly and grabbed the hair on the back of my head, frustrated. All I wanted to do was spend some time with her. She was barely home anymore! I just wanted to hang out with her like before and watch movies and talk! What the hell is wrong with me?! I looked back to Baekhyun who frowned, "Well...the other reason why she was mad was because you lied to her about you and Minah."

                "I...okay, well, I did lie about that." I slumped and sighed. I just wanted to spend some time with her. That was the only thing that would have made her stay. I shook my head and grunted, "I'm so stupid." Baekhyun only chuckled and reached out, patting me on the shoulder, "What is wrong with you? You're so different from the usual Luhan! What have you do to our Bambi?!"

                "Yah, what are you talking about? What difference is there?" I swatted his hand away and raised a brow.

                "The fact that you've been so fussy about Eun Hee lately. I mean, I used to you always being the oppa to take care of her and all, but ever since that incident two weeks ago...I don't know, but you've changed." He shrugged his shoulders lightly when Chanyeol came over, laughing, after the girls had left. He grinned widely and clasped a hand onto my shoulder while chuckling, "Hey, Bambi, you want to know what's wrong with you?" I glanced at Baekhyun who only shook his head, also confused, "I'm not in on this one. It's all him." Then I looked back to Chanyeol and frowned, "What?"

                "It's simple. You just have to answer this simple question," he cleared his throat and let go of my shoulder, "You have two paths. One is going forward and the other is going backwards. If you step forwards, you'll see Minah. If you turn back, you'll see Eun Hee. Question is, do you step forward or turn back?" He crossed his arms as Baekhyun laughed lightly, "What the hell, Chanyeol? I thought you were going to say something smart for a second there. Why are you so stupid?" Baekhyun punched the taller guy in the arm playfully, but Chanyeol only looked back to me, adding, "It's not a matter between friend or lover; it's a matter between moving on in life and backtracking. So, the answer should be easy, right?"

                "Yeah...but I still don't really understand..." I scratched the back of my head.

                "You wouldn't turn around and walk back down the path you just came from. Anyone would keep moving forward and your forward path is Minah. So, basically, stop worrying about Eun Hee. She's a good woman and she can take care of herself." Chanyeol nodded as Baekhyun replied, "Ah. That makes more sense. Luhan would've picked Minah either way, though." Baekhyun turned his attention back to me and laughed lightly, "You two are always with each other, it's almost weird to not see you two together, you know?"

                "Really?" I never realized.

                "Yup. So that answers all your problems. Eun Hee's cooled off already. She'll probably talk to you again later, so just go back to hang with Minah or something." Chanyeol nodded and tugged Baekhyun back towards the counter where the cash register was. I sighed and gave them both a small wave before heading back out. Chanyeol was right. I already have a girlfriend, so I should stop worrying about Eun Hee. But then again...Eun Hee was such a kid. How is she going to take care of herself when I'm not around anymore? Who's going to watch out for her? Who's going to take care of her when she's sick? Or when she gets drunk? I sighed to myself and stuffed my hands into my pockets, looking down as I walked pass two guys when one of them caught my attention.

                "Hey, Suho, let's go say hi to Eun Hee." One of the guys said when my ears perked up and I stopped in my tracks, whipping around to see them. Suho. That was the name the guy that keeps texting Eun Hee! They headed into the flower shop and I felt my heart race as my feet began to walk on their own. I was almost at the door of the shop when I remembered what Baekhyun said earlier. If Eun Hee sees me then I'll ruin her good mood. I sighed to myself and stepped back, hesitating. Should I? I wanted to see who this guy was...but I didn't want to ruin Eun Hee's day either. People walked by and glanced my way, but I ignored them and peeked through the windows. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were nowhere to be seen. One guy was looking around at the flowers while the other was talking to Eun Hee.

                She was laughing. I couldn't hear, but she looked happy. My chest tightened and my heart skipped a beat before I stepped back, turning away. Whoa, what the hell? I touched my chest for a moment. It felt weird. I wonder why. It was just Eun Hee...maybe I just feel left out. She still hasn't introduced this guy to me yet, but Baekhyun and Chanyeol have probably already met him. I turned around and peeked through the window again. She was listening to the guy talk probably, because she was nodding. I wanted to see his face, but all I could see was his back. I stepped closer when he plucked one of the wrapped single roses from the bucket in front of her and handed to her. He must have said something because her cheeks immediately turned red as she giggled and took it from him. Then before I knew it, I was already standing in front of her.

                "Luhan?" She sounded surprised as the redness in her cheeks disappeared immediately and her eyes turned dark with anger when she saw me. I felt a twist in my stomach and took a swift glance at the guy beside me. He also looked surprised as he raised a brow and turned his attention back to Eun Hee. I looked back to her and felt a spark of irritation in my chest. Why was she glaring at me when she was giggling at something the other guys said just a second ago?!

                "What are you doing here?" Her tone was gentle, but if looks could kill, I'd be dead.

                "We--We need to talk." I spluttered when she sighed, "We can talk later." She turned away from me when the guy spoke up gently, "It's all right if you guys need to talk. Kyungsoo and I have to go anyways." The anger in her eyes dispersed immediately as she looked back up to him with a pout, "Already?" He laughed lightly, "We're headed to see a friend's performance and we just wanted to grab flowers."

                "Oh, that's it?" Eun Hee raised a disappointed brow when he suddenly reached out to pinch her cheek teasingly, "And because I wanted to see you." Her cheeks turned pink again and I wanted to rip this guy's throat out as he turned back to face me and chuckled, "Sorry for not introducing myself, but I'm Suho. Eun Hee told me a lot about you." He held out a hand and I forced a smile while grabbing his hand, "Nice to finally meet you, Suho." I wanted to break his hand. I could have, but the other guy scurried over with a large bouquet in his arms and asked Eun Hee with wide eyes, "Do you think Kai would like this?"

                "Well, I made that arrangement, so he better." She laughed gently and stopped him from pulling out his wallet, "Kyungsoo, it's on the house. This is the first time you guys are getting anything here, so just take this as the payment for the free frozen yogurt that you guys always give me." Kyungsoo broke into a smile and then chuckled, "Thanks so much, Eun Hee."

                "It's all right--" She stopped when Suho abruptly grabbed her hand and handed her some money, "At least, let me pay for the rose, mmkay?" He winked at her and then chuckled when she blushed again before they hurriedly left. She waved at them cheerfully through the window and then went to put the money away before he nodded at me. I forced another smile in return. I should have broke his hand when I had the chance.

                "Seriously, Luhan. Why do you always come at the wrong time?" She sighed as soon as they were gone.

                "Excuse me?" I turned back to her. Why didn't she smile and laugh with me like she did with Suho?

                "What did you want to talk about?" She glared and I felt the irritation and anger from before turn to guilt.

                "What's your problem? I just want to apologize and work things out." I blurted, not knowing how else to say the truth when she grunted, "You know what my problem is! Don't make me say it when you already know why I'm mad at you!" I felt my chest tighten when she turned away and quickly walked around the counter to block her from heading into the back room. I didn't want her to avoid me anymore.

                "I'm sorry--" I started when she cut me off.

                "No! You can't just say sorry for something like that!" Eun Hee snapped angrily and tried to push around me, but I stopped her again, asking, "Then what can I do to make it up to you?!" She stopped shoving and the anger slowly faded from her face as I repeated more gently, "What can I do?" Eun Hee stared back at me with wide eyes and I couldn't tell whether she was hurt or whether she was thinking. My heart raced as she stepped back and sighed, "I don't know, Luhan. What can you do?" She blinked once. Twice. And then looked away and set down the single red rose that Suho bought for her. I stared at the rose for a moment before feeling my heart clench harshly.

                "I can help you and Suho get together."

                "I still can't believe it." She giggled to herself, giddily, as we made our way back into our apartment.

                "That he'd say yes?" I chuckled even though I didn't exactly feel excited for her.

                "Yeah! I mean--seriously! Twenty-three freaking years and this is going to be my first date! Ever!" She laughed and hit my arm gently a couple of times. I laughed lightly along with her, because I missed this Eun Hee. When was the last time she laughed like this around me? She grasped onto my arm as we reached our door and I felt a weird thump in my chest as I looked back to her and raised a brow.

                "Yah, Luhan, help me pick out an outfit? I want this to be the perfect date." She grinned and her nose scrunched slightly. It was kind of cute. I wonder how I never realized that before. Eun Hee tugged my arm a little more and then pouted, "Please?" I felt my face get hot and turned away, answering in quick short sentences, "Yeah. Sure. No problem."

                "Yes!" She exclaimed as she yanked the door open and rushed in like a little kid. I watched her and reminded myself, that she really was still a kid. I didn't understand why she was so excited, because she didn't even ask Suho out face to face. Plus, all I did was I just gave her pointers on what to say in her texts to lead up to asking him out. It really wasn't a big deal. Any friend would do that, but I guess she's just happy because it's her first date. First. The word hit me harder than I thought it would. This was going to be Eun Hee's first date. I looked up, but she was already gone.

                I suddenly felt lonely, like I'd never be happy again and I didn't understand why. I only sighed and closed the door behind me, locking it and then taking off my shoes before heading into the kitchen to get myself a drink. My face still felt hot and I didn't know why, but I figured that a glass of cool water should cool down my face. I was getting a cup when my phone buzzed and I pulled it out to see that it was a text from Lay:


Yiyi is practically screaming and she says that it's because she's happy for Eun Hee. What happened? Did you finally dump Minah?


                My eyes widened and I swiftly texted him back:


What? No! Are you crazy? All I did was help her ask that one Suho guy out on a date through text.


                It wasn't even a two seconds when he replied back:


Nevermind, Yiyi just told me that it was about Suho. So you guys are going on a double date... But why would you do that, Lulu?


                I frowned and texted back:


What do you mean why? Shouldn't I help her if I can?


                I waited for his text, but he never replied. So I threw my phone aside onto the counter and took a sip of my water. Why would Lay say that? Wouldn't he do the same for Eun Hee if he was in my position? I mean, I didn't want her to get awkward or stay mad at me just because I was stupid and I almost kissed her. I don't know why that happened either, but at this rate, we can put that incident behind us and pretend that it never happened. She can be happy with Suho. And I can be happy with Minah, like Chanyeol said. Even though, seeing Suho irritated me a lot for some reason, even I could see that this guy was sincere and nice to Eun Hee. And she really liked him, so why not?

                I chuckled slightly to myself as I realized that this Suho guy had no idea what he was going to have to put up with. Eun Hee is just so wild and crazy, but I'm sure that he'll definitely fall even more for her once he gets to know her even more. They have been texting for a while. I'm sure that they've met aside a couple of times, too, so it should be good, right? And if anything happens and he doesn't like Eun Hee, I can just kick his , because who wouldn't like Eun Hee? Sure, she was childish and clumsy and messy, but she was still an amazing kid. I smiled to myself and took another drink of water when I heard, "Luhan."

                I turned and almost choked on my drink when I saw her. I quickly turned away again when I heard her run up to me gasping, "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?! Do I look that bad?!" I felt her hand pat me on the back gently and cleared my throat. I tried to answer, but my throat hurt and I tried to clear it as I turned back to face her.

                "Are you okay?" She repeated and her brows knit together as she stared back at me with puppy eyes.

                "Ye--Yeah." My voice sounded hoarse and I tried to clear my throat again as I touched my neck.

                "I'm so sorry--" Eun Hee blurted as she grasped my arm gently. I felt my chest get tight when she glanced down for a moment and then looked back up to me with eyes still sparkling like a puppy's. I felt my face get hot and felt my throat clog up again, but not from the water. She was wearing peach colored halter top button up dress and she had loosened her hair from the bun she put it up in today. I didn't realize how long her hair was until now as it cascaded down her shoulder in wavy curls.

                "Should I wear heels? Do you think Suho would be okay with them?" She tilted her head a bit to the side and I found myself looking away from her beautiful eyes and at her plump lips. There was a burning in my chest and I leaned in when I caught myself and quickly looked down at her shoes instead.

                "They look good--but--you might be taller than him if you wear these heels." I looked back up to meet her eyes and felt my heart skip a beat when she looked back to me with a small pout on her lips again, "Ah. You're probably right. He isn't as tall as you." Eun Hee sighed and puffed at her bangs slightly, "Ugh. Why can't I be short and cute like other girls?" I reached out and brushed her bangs aside gently, "What are you saying? You're perfect." She was the perfect height for kissing. Her cheeks turned pink and she looked away.

                "You're really cute." The words slipped from my mouth before I realized it and I felt my mind come to a sudden halt as she suddenly pulled away from me and hit me in the chest, roughly.

                "Yah! Stop teasing me!" Her cheeks turned red and she quickly turned to leave when I found my body automatically moving. I caught her wrist and swiftly pulled her back around to face me, as I blurted, "I'm not!" She grabbed my hand with her other hand. My heart thumped against my chest when I realized how small her hands actually were compared to mine as she tried to pull away from me.

                "What are you and what have you done to the real Luhan?" She gasped and struggled and I loosened my hold on her when I noticed how weak she was. Had Eun Hee always been this fragile? I didn't remember. Wasn't she always a strong girl?

                "What are you talking about?" Didn't Baekhyun say something like that to me today, too?

                "You're starting to freak me out again. You're being too nice." She slipped from hand away and hugged it to herself. I stared at her for a moment longer. She was delicate. How did I not see it before? Eun Hee is a girl. I should've treated her like one. I should take better care of her. She glanced back over to me and raised a brow. She looked so doubtful that I felt a sense of guilt hit me in the gut. Had I never said anything nice to her before? I sighed and stepped up to her and she hunched as if expecting me to flick her in the head or something. Her reaction made me want to strangle myself and I swiftly embraced her.

                "I'm sorry. I just want you to be happy." I murmured into her ear and hugged her closer. Her chest pressed against mine and I felt my heart skip another beat and then start pounding against my chest. I inwardly sighed and prayed that she wouldn't feel how fast it was racing when I felt her small arms wrap around my waist, gently. She took a deep breath and then mumbled, "Okay..." I swear that my heart pounded a hundred times faster and I could swear that I can run a marathon, but instead, I found my arms pulling her closer. She smelled like flowers and I leaned in closer when she laughed and pushed me away.

                "Stop--that feels funny." She had a really cute giggle.

                "What?" I frowned when she raised a brow, "What were you doing, idiot? Sniffing my hair?"

                "You smell good. Like flowers." I stammered as she shook her head, "Okay, whatever. So this is good, right? Not too much?" She raised a brow and drew the attention back to her dress. I in a deep breath and nodded. She was beautiful. Eun Hee grinned and stepped out of her shoes, "All right then. I'll wear this tomorrow! Thanks!" She turned to leave when I felt my heart drop.

                "Wait!" I burst on accident.

                "What?" Eun Hee glanced back over her bare shoulder and I felt my heart thump weirdly again.

                "Actually--you're showing a bit too much skin for a first date. He might get the wrong idea that you're trying too hard." I didn't really know what I was saying. All I knew was that I didn't want Suho to see her dressed like this as I added, "Maybe you should wear something more casual and relaxed." She thought for a moment and then nodded with a small smile, "Okay, I'll find something. Thanks, Luhan." She giggled and her nose scrunched slightly again in that cute way. Then she left when my phone buzzed again. I opened the text from Lay before reading it:


You're going to regret it. If you don't hurry up and realize that Eun Hee is the one. You're going to lose her and then you'll be the one coming to me and saying that "It's Not Fair."


                I looked back up and down the hall that Eun Hee had disappeared. I still didn't understand why as the sudden feeling of loneliness hit me again. Except this time, it was ten times worse and I felt like I was being swallowed up by a black hole. A never ending black hole. I shook off the feeling and went to my room. Then I walked over to my bed before sitting on it and thinking. I've felt like this before. I know I did, but when? I sighed and clasped my hands together when I saw the light scars on my hand. Then it hit me.

                 The last time I've felt this endless dark hole of loneliness was when I thought that Eun Hee was dead.

                "Why are you so tense, Babe?" Minah asked as she slipped her hand into mine.

                "What?" I glanced back to her, not really hearing what she had just asked.

                "Why are you so tense?" She frowned before I looked away and searched the crowd for Eun Hee and Suho again. They were supposed to show up 20 minutes ago. Did she forget the time? Or was she having too much fun with Suho and changed her mind about the double date? Stupid questions ran through my mind and I wanted to just shout and tell my conscious to shut up when I caught sight of her. I felt my shoulders relax and inwardly sighed, but felt my muscles tense up again when I spotted Suho by her side, holding her hand. They were laughing as they came towards us.

                "Oh, did Eun Hee finally score a guy?" Minah asked excitedly.

                "I...I guess." I suddenly felt uneasy as they reached us.

                "Hey, guys, this is Suho." Eun Hee beamed. Her eyes twinkled and her smile was beautiful as she tugged Suho closer by the arm and introduced him, "And this is Luhan and his girlfriend, Minah." I felt a forced grin play onto my face and reached out with a hand for him to shake, chuckling, "Nice seeing you again, Suho." He didn't pay attention to me though. I turned my attention to where he was looking.

                "Minah?" Suho's eyes were wide and his voice was quiet.

                "Do you guys know each other?" Eun Hee asked, surprised, and I looked at back at her. The spark in her eyes flickered and I could tell that she was thinking other things as Minah quickly looked away from Suho and answered softly, "No. Not at all."

                "What's going on?" I turned to Minah when she let go of me.

                "Nothing. Let's go, Luhan." She turned to walk away when Suho stopped her, "Wait, Minah--"

                "I don't know you!" She surprised us all with when she turned and snapped so angrily at him.

                "Ah--" Suho looked hurt for a moment and then smiled painfully, "I--I guess you're right." Then he bowed and stepped back, pulling away from Eun Hee before apologizing, "I'm sorry." Then he turned and left hurriedly. Minah only her heels and walked in the opposite direction, replying, "Come on, Luhan. Let's go." I glanced back at Eun Hee and felt my chest tighten almost painfully.

                She stared back at me helplessly and lost. I could already see the un-fallen tears at the corner of her eyes. She wasn't stupid. And neither was I. Suho and Minah knew each other...and they must have had something with each other in the past that we didn't know about. I was about to reach out to her when she stepped back and chuckled brokenly, "Um. I don't know what's going on--but I'm going to go check up on him. You and Minah enjoy your date and don't worry, okay?" I didn't even get to answer when she dashed off in Suho's direction without another word. I watched her run after him and heard Minah call my name before turning to face her again. She waved at me to hurry and I stepped towards her when I remembered what Chanyeol had said to me yesterday:


"You wouldn't turn around and walk back down the path you just came from. Anyone would keep moving forward and your forward path is Minah. So, basically, stop worrying about Eun Hee. She's a good woman and she can take care of herself."


                He was right. I hurried up to Minah's side and she grabbed my hand when I felt my chest get hot. She tugged on my hand and we were about to go--when I stopped her. Minah glanced back at me with wide eyes and her jaw dropped as she asked in confusion, "What's wrong?" Her doll like eyes stared back at me in confusion and I stared back, wondering why I stopped. Then she pouted and tugged my hand gently again. Usually I'd feel all warm inside and pounce her whenever she pouted and acted cute like this...but this time was different. I pulled my hand away softly.

                "Minah, I'm sorry." I took a step back.

                "What? What do you mean?" Minah blinked in shock as I shook my head and swallowed.

                "I'm sorry." I repeated.

                "No, wait, Luhan--" She reached out for me, but I stopped her.

                "I have to go. I'm sorry." I shook my head again as I turned and ran. Chanyeol was right. Anyone would keep moving forward and anyone would have kept walking forward with Minah. They wouldn't look back twice.

               But I guess I'm the exception, because I am running backwards, right back to Eun Hee.

gahhhhhhhhhh, okay, I updated >___< WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK now that you've read from Luhan's point of view!? Also, actually, I need some help in decision making, so I made a poll--PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK BECAUSE I CANNOT DECIDE RIGHT NOW FOR CRAP.

anyways, more will be explained in the next chapter, and this mini story WILL end in the next chapter ^^

Thank you all for your support and I know that it waiting for me to update because I always take forever unlike Miyoung who is super amazingly fast--but please bare with me. I'm almost done with school and once summer starts, I'll update more! I'm just so busy right now that it's hard to find time AND motivation to update. Please forgive me ;A;

But anyways, right now I'm debating whether I want to make an extended version of this story like I did for my "Baekhyun three-shot series" from here? For those who don't know, I made a three-shot Baekhyun/OC on here a long time ago, and decided to turn it into an actual storyline on our other account called Teach Me --, so if you all would be so kind, can you drop an opinion on the poll and let me know what you guys think? It would really help!!

Thank you so much!

Saranghae ♥ Eunae



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heads up, guys ((: next chapter is going to be from LUHAN's point of view!! Wooo! Are y'all excited to find out what's going on in his mind?! Because I am!! ♥


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Keycolight 0 points #1
Chapter 5: Woah, i don't even know i have subscribed to this fanfic. It's either i did it recently or 10 years ago when i was still reading fanfic religiously :D
The plot is light and easy to read. I enjoy reading it in my spare time. A bit annoyed with luhan and i was hoping she would end up with suho tho. But i guess a lot readers want luhan to be her happy ending. At least suho and minah can start dating each other.
What a convinience situation that she's now dating her roommate. They've been living together anyway 🤣
Nice story!
Chapter 5: Such a cute story! I really enjoyed it, thank u very much! Till the next one :)
Chapter 5: It’s so cute I love this story so much!
Chapter 5: The long wait paid off!
pudding_islove #5
Chapter 5: Aw that was cute
Chapter 5: Aaarrrgghh,,, luhan & eunhee made my heart dugeun dugeun like crazy~~~