Fair enough

⚜ It's Not Fair

                "Suho!" I caught up with him and grabbed onto his arm, pulling him back to face me.

                "Eun Hee. I--I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry." Suho's voice shook as he looked back to me with apologetic eyes. I stared at him and felt my chest squeeze tightly. He looked like he was in so much pain, there was no way that I could be mad at him. I squeezed his arm gently and took a deep breath, "Um...it's all right." He looked back to me and I could that he was forcing himself as he chuckled lightly, "No. It's not all right. I'm sorry. Let's just forget about what happened earlier and continue our date."

                "Suho, please." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Don't force yourself. I don't know what happened between Minah and you, but you're obviously not over it. You don't need to pretend that you're okay...Maybe we can hang out some other time when you feel better...as friends." His eyes widened and he looked back to me before I nodded silently. I could see it in his eyes. He was only forcing himself to let go of Minah. He wasn't ready and...I wasn't ready to be the rebound again. So, it was probably for the best if we just stayed friends for now. Maybe I'll wait for him...maybe he'll move on.

                "I made a stupid decision, you know?" Suho chuckled as he spoke softly, but I saw the pain in his eyes as he looked back to me and continued, "I tutored her for a while...and I knew that she liked me...but I kept it strictly to business and no matter how many times she asked, I didn't want to return the feelings." I felt my heart skip a beat as he looked back at me with shame filled eyes, "No matter how many times I told her that I didn't like her, she kept persisting...so I gave in."

                "What?" My jaw dropped.

                "I fell so hard for her, Eun Hee..." He looked away from me and I slowly let go of his arm, "I just couldn't admit it to myself, but she figured it out. She knew that I loved her and I gave her everything...but then her parents found out about our relationship and they didn't approve. They thought that I was taking advantage of Minah and using her to get to their money. Minah tried to defend me, but we both already knew that her parents hated me."

                "What happened?" I asked quietly before he chuckled, "She received full scholarship to go dance in America and she was going to refuse it to stay here with me, Eun Hee." He shook his head and laughed lightly, "She's such an idiot, sacrificing her dream for something as stupid as love...She said that it didn't matter, that she rather forget about her dream." Suho swallowed with a bit of trouble and then continued, "She was too stubborn. She was afraid that I'd forget about her if she left, so I told her that I didn't love her anymore and I broke it off with her completely. That was the only way..."

                "So...then she left?" I raised a brow before Suho nodded with a small smile, "I'm glad that she met Luhan. She deserves someone that will love her better than me." I watched him sniff and look away before slowly reaching out.




                "Ow!" Suho blurted and grabbed the back of his head where I had hit him. Then he looked back to me with wide shocked eyes. I took a deep breath and gritted my teeth to calm myself so I wouldn't end up shouting at him, "You're an idiot." He blinked and stared back at me with even wider eyes.

                "Obviously you two are still in love with each other!" I snapped back when his jaw dropped, "But--she wouldn't even look at me! She hates me!" I hit him again on the arm and growled, "No! She looked like she was about ready to start crying on the spot! Why would you lie to her like that?! How could you do that?! Why didn't you communicate more clearly with her?! You think that you're hurt?! Put yourself in her shoes!" I felt my heart race. I may have hated Minah for being so perfect before, but now I gave her my ultimate respect. Suho stumbled back as I closed in on him.

                "Do you know how painful it is to wait for someone?" I couldn't keep myself calm.

                "Of course I do--I've been waiting all this time--" Suho stammered before I cut him off.

                "No. You don't." I took a deep breath, "You wouldn't know, because she already liked you before you fell for her, Suho. She already wanted you. She already loved you. You didn't have to wait for her to fall for you. You didn't have to wait for her to care about you. She took all that time to catch your heart and once she did, you crushed her and that's not even the worst part. You did it because you thought it was for the better--are you ing kidding me?" His eyes widened when I cussed him out, but I didn't care.

                "You're so stupid." I laughed, "There were so many other ways that you could've made it work and yet you chose lying to her. This isn't a movie, Suho! If you loved her as much as you say you did--you should've never let her go! I'm not going to buy your bull on that. This is reality. Don't take Minah's love for you for granted!" He stared back at me for a long moment before frowning, "I could almost say the same to you, can't I, Eun Hee?"

                "What?" My heart jumped as he straightened up.

                "Why are you letting go of Luhan then? You still love him, don't you? I don't think that it's fair that you're picking on me when you're in the same position." He stated quietly when I felt even more anger fill me up within. I almost laughed, but didn't as I replied back calmly, "Suho, the difference is--I've waited for Luhan all my life." His eyes widened again and I crossed my arms, because I felt like I was literally going to fall apart as the anger within me slowly melted into something else.

                "And I think I've waited long enough. It's time for me to move on. I can't wait for him any longer." A lump was starting to form in my throat and I swallowed it with difficulty, "I thought that maybe you were the one...the one to save me from this endless waiting, but I guess I thought wrong. I really do like you, Suho...but I'm not going to put myself in another waiting cycle. If you still love Minah, please try to work things out with her...even though you two may not get together again, you should still settle it out and let her know the truth. At least then, you two can look at each other without hate and miscommunication."

                "And...us?" He raised a concerned brow, but I could tell that he was more worried about hurting me.

                "I think...we're going to be great friends." I smiled back gently, "Maybe we're not fit to be a couple after all." He slowly nodded in agreement as he apologized again, "I'm sorry that I'm not the one, Eun Hee." His words were sincere and I almost wanted to start crying, but instead I shook my head and laughed lightly, "It's all right, maybe I'm meant to be alone." He stared at me for a while and then smiled softly, "I don't think so. I think you've just been searching too hard for him. I'm sure he'll find you as soon as you stop looking for him."

                "I guess." I sighed and nodded at him as he turned to leave.

                "Stop by for some frozen yogurt sometime, okay?" He smiled and I nodded again with a small wave before he left and I sighed heavily. I watched him disappear into the crowd and then uncrossed my arms as I looked up at the bright sky. I watched a pair of birds fly by and then sighed again, "I've stopped searching. Now I have to wait for him to find me, don't I?" Great. Another waiting cycle...but I guess that's just how life runs. I glanced at the people walking by. Maybe I'll just walk around and shop by myself instead? Or maybe I'll call Yiyi and ask her to come hang with me? I pulled out my phone and dialed her number.

                "Eun Hee!" I turned around, but didn't see anyone and frowned. I swear I just heard someone call my name, but glancing around once more, I didn't see any familiar face so I turned my attention back to my phone when I heard it again, "Eun Hee!" I stopped the call and looked up, but once again, there was no one. I wondered if I was hearing things and started to walk. It was kind of creepy and I was alone, so I didn't want to get scared. I glanced around when I heard my name again and stopped walking. At least there were people around me, so I didn't have to worry about getting attacked, but who the hell was calling me?

                "Eun Hee!" I turned around and almost got ran into.

                "Whoa! What the heck, Luhan!?" I blurted when he came to a stop right before crashing into me.

                "Thank god I found you!" He panted and hunched over to catch his breath.

                "What? What happened? Where's Minah?" I patted him on the back while looking up to try and find her.

                "Yah, where's Suho?" He didn't answer me as he in a deep breath and straightened up.

                "He left. Why?" I frowned and dug in my bag for a water bottle.

                "Seriously?" He coughed as I handed him the bottle before he opened it and took a huge gulp.

                "Yeah." I shrugged when he finished and handed it back to me.

                "Where is he?" Luhan glanced around angrily.

                "It's fine. We already talked." I sighed and punched him lightly in the arm to distract him.

                "What? Really?" He looked back to me and I nodded, "Yeah. We've decided that we're just going to be friends. And that he needs to talk to Minah and settle down the stupid drama between them." I shrugged and took another look around, but realized that I didn't feel like shopping anymore. I kind of just wanted to go back home and sleep the day off instead. I felt mentally drained. I turned back to Luhan and smiled, "I'll see you later then."

                "Wait, where are you going?" He grabbed my arm even though I didn't move yet. I looked at my arm and then back at him and raised a confused brow, "Um...Home?" He quickly let go of my arm and scratched the back of his head, blurting, "Oh, okay." I chuckled, "Why are you so awkward?" His cheeks turned pink and I felt my heart skip a beat before shaking my head, "See you." I turned and left quickly, afraid that my heart would start racing again when I felt a grasp on my wrist.

                "Wait, Eun Hee--" I turned back around with a frown as he blurted, "I'm coming with you."

                "What about Minah?" I glanced behind him, but she was nowhere to be found.

                "She left." He answered quickly and then pulled me along with him as we headed back in the direction of home. I frowned and glanced back behind me again. I hope they didn't fight. I would feel bad, especially now that I know about her and Suho. If I knew earlier, I would have never asked Luhan to help with the double date. I didn't want to hurt anyone. I felt a squeeze on my wrist and looked back to Luhan, but his back was facing me.

                "Ouch, Baby face. You're hurting me." I stated as I stopped walking and tried to loosen my wrist from his hold. He stopped in his tracks and turned back around to face me. He glanced down and loosened his hold around my wrist, "Sorry." Then he surprised me by slipping his hand down and gently grasping my hand instead. I looked back to him with a frown as he raised a brow, "Better?" I opened my mouth, about to ask him what was up when he entwined his fingers with mine and continued walking without waiting for an answer.

                All of a sudden, I couldn't hear any of the chattering around me anymore and all I could see was Luhan's back as he led me back home. The only sound that rang in my ears was the sound of my own heart beat. My feet were moving as if they had a mind of their own. My chest tightened and I felt butterflies in my stomach as I looked back at our hands. I stared at them and felt my heart clench in joy and in pain as I finally admitted the truth to myself. No matter if I wanted to or not...there was no way that I could stop myself from waiting for Luhan.



                "What movie do you want to watch?" Luhan asked as he grabbed the remote and plopped into the couch beside me. I pulled the blanket closer around me and shrugged, "A sad movie." He glanced back at me with a raised brow and I only frowned back at him, "What?" He shook his head and began to flip through the choices on Netflix, shrugging, "Nothing...why do you want to watch a sad movie?"

                "I don't know? Maybe because I feel like crying?" I sighed and sat back into the couch.

                "Why's that?" He stopped looking through the movies turned to me again. I made a face and reached out, grabbing the remote from him quickly before swiftly choosing the movie named Harmony. Then I threw the remote back at him and huffed, "I don't know why. I just do." It was a lie though. I knew why I felt like crying, but that didn't mean that Luhan had to know. The movie was starting when Luhan started to ask again. I just shushed him and used the movie as an excuse, because I didn't want to answer his questions.

                We watched in silence. It was weird because even though we sat right next to each other, we didn't even glance at each other as the movie played. Usually I'd turn and make some comment about how cute the baby boy was or about how sad each of the character's background stories were, but I couldn't find myself to even look at Luhan. From the corner of my eyes, I could tell that he was actually intently watching the movie. Didn't it bother him at all? Didn't it bother him that Minah had a thing with Suho in the past? How could he be so chill about it? I shifted and pulled the blankets closer.

                "Eun Hee, I think we need to talk." He suddenly sighed and turned paused the movie.

                "What?" I quickly turned to face him, but he kept his stare on the screen.

                "I've been thinking a lot lately and..." Luhan made a face and stopped, as if he was debating about telling me or not. I waited for a moment and he sighed again in frustration before turning his body so that he was facing me. I raised a brow, "And?" He straightened up and took a deep breath, looking away from me again, "I've said some things to you before that I want to take back."

                "Like what?" I frowned and chuckled lightly, not used to this Luhan. He was always so straight forward with me, I didn't understand why he was suddenly so cautious. Was it because it involved Minah? Was he afraid that I was going to start bashing her again? He hesitated and I quickly reached out to grasp his arm, "Luhan, if it's about Minah, you don't have to worry. I may have been iffy about her, but that's all changed. So don't worry about it. If you need to say something, just say it." I patted his arm, but instead of responding positively, he seemed even more troubled.

                "What is it?" I leaned in when he shook his head and chuckled, "Nevermind." He forced a smile and then turned his attention back to the screen. I tugged his sleeve, but he only shook his head lightly and played the movie, "Let me think about it some more and then I'll talk to you about it."

                "Okay..." I let go and turned back to face the television screen. Maybe it was more serious than I thought? Could there be a possibility of him wanting to move things a step further with Minah? I felt my heart flutter unsteadily in my chest and crossed my arms. Was there no way to escape these feelings? I glanced back at him and inwardly sighed. Why did I fall for you? Why couldn't it have been someone else? I looked back to the movie and saw the mother crying as she left her baby boy behind. I felt tears fill my eyes and quickly looked away. How could she do that? I mean, I understood that she had no choice but to put her boy up for adoption, but how was she able to cope with it when she loved him so much? I sniffed and blinked back the tears when Luhan asked, "Are you crying?"

                "Yeah," I choked on a sob and sniffed, hurriedly wiping away my tears. I wanted to be strong like her and leave behind all these feelings for Luhan. He chuckled lightly and I gasped, "You're so heartless! Why are you laughing? That's so sad! She has to leave her baby behind and just look at him!" I turned and hit him in the arm when he laughed, "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing them."

                "Oh, so you're laughing at me!" I hit him again and tried to blink away the rest of the tears, embarrassed. Luhan shifted nearer and suddenly placed an arm around my shoulders before chuckling, "I'm not laughing at you either." I shot a glare back at him, "Yeah, right. Don't lie."

                "I'm not, I swear. Just stop crying, it's just a movie." He smiled and leaned in before flicking my head lightly. I pushed his hand away roughly, "So heartless. It's still sad." He was about to reply when his phone buzzed. Luhan stopped and turned to grab his phone before I realized that his arm was still wrapped around me. My heart skipped a beat and I bit my bottom lip so that I wouldn't say anything stupid as he read his text. He finished reading it and then sighed as he got up.

                "Who is it?" I turned back to watch the movie and tried to calm my heart.

                "It's Minah. She's outside." He sighed and headed over to the door.

                "Why doesn't she come inside?" I stopped the movie and slowly got up. Something was off

                "I think we're going to go out for a bit." He nodded and I let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, okay." I was about to sit back down and play the movie again when he motioned for me to head over as he replied, "Come lock the door. It's going to be a bit." I frowned, because he had the keys, but walked over anyways.

                "Have fun, but don't stay out too late, okay?" I teased while opening the door as he put on his shoes.

                "Don't worry about me. I can take care of myself." He laughed lightly before I hit him on the arm, "Double standards." He made a face and pretended to reach out and flick me on the head again when I stuck out my tongue, "You won't let me worry about you, but yet you treat me like a kid."

                "That's because you act like one." He laughed lightly and stepped out.

                "Do not. I am not a little kid." I snapped back when he turned around just as I was about to close the door.

                "You're right." Luhan smiled and I was about to tell him that he was wrong when I realized what he actually said. I stopped and looked back to him when he looked away and shrugged his shoulders, nodding to himself as he continued, "You're not a little kid anymore."

                "Yeah, so stop treating me like one." I stammered, surprised by what I was hearing. When he suddenly turned back to face me and sighed. I raised a brow, "Wha--" His lips captured mine before I could finish. My mind went completely blank and my heart literally stopped beating as he slowly pulled back from the unexpected kiss.

                "I will, but make sure you're prepared, because I won't hold back anymore." He murmured softly and eyed my lips again before swiftly pulling the door shut as he left. It wasn't until I heard the slam of the door that I realized that I wasn't breathing. I gasped for air and my heart raced while I stumbled back and grabbed a hold on the wall. What the hell?! I blinked and touched my lips unconsciously. Did Luhan just freaking kiss me?! I turned to look at the closed door and listened to my heart beat for a moment longer when it hit me.

                No. I quickly yanked the door open and ran after him. I wasn't going to let him get away with this! Who does he think he is?! He may be my best friend and the man I that I was completely in love with, but he had no right to play me like this! I made it to the elevator just in time and stopped the door for closing completely before Luhan looked up, surprised.

                "You!" I stomped in and grabbed him by his collar and then yanked him back out and shoved him against the wall, angrily, "What the hell was that?!" Luhan's eyes only widened innocently as he blinked slowly, "What are you talking about?" I felt my cheeks flush and glared back fiercely, refusing to be shown up. There was no way that I was going to back off like before. I didn't care how cute he was and how fast my heart was beating, I was sick of getting ruled over by my heart. It never did me any good. Luhan tried to straighten up, but I pinned him back against the wall and snapped, "Answer me!"

                "Eun Hee, what are you doing?" He sighed heavily and gently placed his hands over my wrists, but I was stronger than him. He tried to side step me, but I locked my wrists, loosening them from his hands and kept him in place where I wanted him.

                "Stop avoiding the topic, Luhan!" I tightened my hands into fists and pounded him on the chest, "Why would you kiss me?! Why would you do that?! That was my first kiss, you know?! Why would you steal my first kiss?! You know that I'm completely head over heels for you! You know that you have a girlfriend! Why would you play with my heart like this?! What am I to you?! How could you treat your best friend like this?! Do you know how unfair that is?!" I continued hitting him, my chest was tight as I finally let out all the questions that had been on my mind since forever. I could feel the tears of frustration begin to build up behind my eyes and blinked to keep them back. He looked right back into my eyes and only stayed silent, so I sighed and shoved him against the wall again and let go of his collar when he grabbed my wrists.

                "Eun Hee," He started as he tightened his hold on my wrists.

                "Just forget it." I stepped back and tried to pull away, but his strength surprised me as he locked his fingers around my wrists and yanked me back to him. I stumbled and almost fell, but luckily I caught myself right before I crashed right into him. Luhan didn't seem affected by it at all and straightened up before I felt my heart skip a beat when he leaned over me and I remembered that he was taller than me. I couldn't figure out what he was thinking, because his face was completely blank as closed the distance between us.

                "Do you want to know why I kissed you?" He asked quietly and I felt my cheeks heat up. My heart started to race and all of a sudden, I didn't want to know why anymore. I didn't want to listen. I didn't care anymore. I just wanted to run. I was afraid. Why would Luhan kiss me? There was no way that he would ever like me back. He even said so himself. He took a deep breath and was just about to explain when I instantly lifted my arms and covered his mouth with my hands.

                "No. Forget I ever asked. We'll just pretend that it never happened." I whispered and he stared back at me with wide eyes as I pulled my hands away from his lips. I stepped back and he stepped forward, still watching me. I quickly turned away to avoid his eyes and was about to head back down the hall when he blocked my way.

                "Lu--Luhan--" I stammered and quickly stepped back when he continued approaching me until I felt my back come into contact with the wall across from the elevator doors. Luhan placed a hand against the wall blocking my escape and then sighed heavily, "What about me, Eun Hee?"

                "What?" I frowned in confusion and looked back up to him when he leaned in. I panicked and hurriedly put my arms up to block him from closing in too much.

                "You say that it's not fair, that I stole your first kiss. That I played with your heart. But did you even stop to think for a second what you do to me?" He leaned in and his eyes darkened. I felt guilt hit me in the gut because he was right. I was so focused on me, myself, that I never thought about how I had treated Luhan and Minah in the past. I put my arms down looked down at my feet, muttering, "I'm sorry...I'm really sorry--I didn't realize--I guess I was just so hurt that I didn't think clearly. I'll stop acting like a kid and I'll back off."

                "What?" Luhan sounded confused, so I looked back up to him, just as lost as he was.

                "What do you mean what?" I raised a brow when a small smile broke onto his lips and he looked away, chuckling, "Aish, what am I going to do with you?" I stood still for a moment, dumbfounded and even more confused, "Wait, what do you mean? What's going on?" He only shook his head and laughed lightly as he looked back to me with a spark in his eyes, "Eun Hee."

                "Yeah, what?" I blinked and tried not to make a face, but I think I ended up making a face anyways, because Luhan broke out into an adorable grin and it made my confused heart jump. He shifted and I almost flinched, but didn't when he removed his hand from the wall and gently took a strand of my hair.

                "You do know that you're a girl, right?" He raised a brow with an almost teasing half smirk.

                "So what?" I bit my bottom lip and tried not to pout, because he was really starting to frustrate me. What the hell was it?! Why couldn't he just tell me already?! What the hell did all these questions have to do with anything anyways!? He lifted the stand and leaned in to kiss it before I felt my heart jump twice as hard as he looked back to me with confident eyes.

                "I don't think it's fair either. How come Suho was able to make you smile and laugh the way he did? How come I could never make you do that? How come you rather spend time at work with Baekhyun and Chanyeol instead of back at home with me? How come whenever I tried to work things out with you, you pushed me away? How come you talked to Lay about your problems, but never me? You knew that I cared about you. You knew that I worried about you. But did you know how crazy you drove me?" His voice grew soft as he leaned in slowly. I quickly stepped back, but found myself pressing my back against the wall again.

                "Did you know how devastated I felt that night when I thought that you were one of the passengers on that bus? Did you know how happy I was when I was able to hold you in my arms and confirm that you were still alive? Did you even notice how closely I watched over you afterwards? You say it's not fair that I'm dating Minah--but what about you? I don't think it's fair how you tease me every morning, primping yourself for other men while I have to sit behind and watch you leave. It's not fair how you can make me so jealous without even trying. How can you forget that I'm a man?" His face was only inches away and I quickly looked down while trying to side step around him when he swiftly placed both hands against the wall and trapped me.

                "Luhan, stop." I could hear my own voice shake, "Minah's still your girlfriend and she's waiting for you outside." He suddenly pouted  and his eyes got big with disappointment as if he had been expecting something else. I wanted to say something, anything, but my heart was pounding against my chest and I already felt like I was about to fall over.

                "Eun Hee, did you even listen to anything I just said?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

                "I'm not stupid, Luhan. If you're going to confess to me, you should just do it." I blurted and quickly pushed him away when the elevator doors opened and he yanked me back to him. I felt my breath leave me when I felt his arms wrap around me so protectively again like the time when I returned home from visiting my parents. I shrugged when I felt him bury his face into the curve of my neck as he replied, "You're right, Eun Hee. I'm absolutely in love with you." I felt my cheeks heat up and tried to pull away when I saw the person in the elevator. I gasped and tried to unhook Luhan's arms, stuttering, "Le--Let go, Luhan."

                "I'm sorry. I just didn't realize how much I loved you and when I did, I just couldn't admit it. But I really do. I love you, Eun Hee." He only tightened his hold around me and I felt my cheeks start to burn as I tried desperately to get him to let go. Minah stared at us and I wanted to shoot myself, when she looked back to me in complete shock. I grabbed Luhan's hands and tried to pull it away, but he had such a good and strong grip. I never realized how strong he actually was. I always thought that I was the stronger one.

                "Minah--" I gasped, not knowing how else to get Luhan to let go. Luhan immediately looked up and his arms loosened around me. I took the chance and was going to make a run for it, when he tightened his hold again and I got stuck again. I covered my face from embarrassment while Minah slowly stepped out of the elevator. I felt terrible and I had no idea what to say or do as Luhan kept his hold on me.

                "Minah," Luhan sighed gently.

                "So...it was Eun Hee this whole time?" Minah chuckled lightly and I felt my heart jump as I looked back to her. I expected to see a mocking sneer or an angry face at least, but she surprised me with her usual sweet and cute smile. I only stayed silent as Luhan nodded, "Yeah...it was."

                "I can't be mad then." She huffed cutely and looked away, "Well, I just wanted to come explain to you about Suho and me, but I guess there's really no point now, huh?" She shrugged to herself and continued on without letting Luhan answer, "Also, I kind of overreacted earlier today...and I wanted to apologize for ruining your first date ever, Eun Hee." I bit my bottom lip and elbowed Luhan in the rib before he finally released me from his hold.

                "It wasn't anyone's fault." I muttered back quietly, not knowing what else to say or do.

                "You don't have to be nice." Minah shook her head lightly and then looked at Luhan, "Well...our time together was great, but I'm going to let you move on." She pressed the elevator button as Luhan nodded, "I'm sorry, Minah..." Minah only smiled, "It's okay, I knew it already after the bus incident. I just didn't want to admit the truth to myself either, but maybe it was meant to be...I mean, I would've never met Suho today then, right?" She laughed lightly, but I could see that mentioning Suho hurt her more than the actual break up between her and Luhan. The elevator doors opened and she walked in before I blurted, "Suho told me everything--and he left me because he's still not over you."

                "What?" Minah's eyes widened as the elevator door shifted.

                "Hwaiting!" Was all that I managed to say before the door shut. Then the two of us stood there silently for a long time, just staring at the door when I felt a hand slip into mine. I looked down at our hands and then back up at Luhan. His cheeks were pink and he looked away and scratched the back of his head with his free hand as he stated quietly, "So...I'm single now..."

                "Good. Enjoy it then." I pulled away and started to head back down the hall when Luhan caught me.

                "Eun Hee~" He used his puppy eyes on me and my heart clenched tightly as he pouted adorably and tugged my shirt lightly, "Please?" I stared at him longer and let the flow of shock wash over me. So...this was actually happening...Luhan was asking me to be his girlfriend? After what? Twenty freaking three years? My heart was on a rampage and I couldn't stop the embarrassed smile from breaking out onto my lips as I reached and took his hand gently. His eyes lit up before I giggled, "No."

                "What?" His jaw dropped immediately.

                "Because that'll make me too easy." I shrugged.

                "But Eun Hee~" He reached out for me again, but I stepped back and shook my head as I squeezed his hand gently in mine, "It's your turn to wait for me now, Luhan. If you really do love me as you say, you'll do as I say. Because it's time we even things out, right?" He bit his bottom lip and sighed, "So, you still love me, too...but I have to wait before you become my actual girlfriend."

                "Duh. You have to date me first. Sheesh, Luhan." I teased making him blush as he huffed lightly, "Ah, okay." Then he nodded and smiled a small smile. I let go of his hand headed back, while glancing back at him, "We need to even things out so that in the end, it's fair for both of us." He nodded and then followed with a small defeated smile, "Fair enough."


thank you for reading.

saranghamnida ♥ eunae

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heads up, guys ((: next chapter is going to be from LUHAN's point of view!! Wooo! Are y'all excited to find out what's going on in his mind?! Because I am!! ♥


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Keycolight 0 points #1
Chapter 5: Woah, i don't even know i have subscribed to this fanfic. It's either i did it recently or 10 years ago when i was still reading fanfic religiously :D
The plot is light and easy to read. I enjoy reading it in my spare time. A bit annoyed with luhan and i was hoping she would end up with suho tho. But i guess a lot readers want luhan to be her happy ending. At least suho and minah can start dating each other.
What a convinience situation that she's now dating her roommate. They've been living together anyway 🤣
Nice story!
Chapter 5: Such a cute story! I really enjoyed it, thank u very much! Till the next one :)
Chapter 5: It’s so cute I love this story so much!
Chapter 5: The long wait paid off!
pudding_islove #5
Chapter 5: Aw that was cute
Chapter 5: Aaarrrgghh,,, luhan & eunhee made my heart dugeun dugeun like crazy~~~