The Art of NOT Moving On

⚜ It's Not Fair

                "What?" My eyes widened as Lay nodded. His eyes were still wide on me as he repeated, "They've confirmed that all the passengers and the driver died. The bus flipped over the bridge and into the river...they're still pulling out bodies and identifying them."

                "That's terrible." I sighed, feeling horror seep into me as I realized that I'd never see that bus driver again. He was so nice to me, too. I continued to apply the cream lightly to the bruise on Lay's cheek. After finally getting Luhan off of me, I made him go clean up. It wasn't after he left for that bathroom that I asked Lay to tell me what was going on while I cleaned up most of the crap on the ground so that we could walk around safely. I got most of the glass thrown out before sitting down to tend him.

                "It is..." He nodded and winced when I accidently pressed a little too hard.

                "I'm sorry." I jerked my hand away when he smiled gently and shook his head, "No. It's good. I'm just relieved to see you again." I stopped and stared at him for a long moment, not knowing what to say. I had so many questions, but...was this the right time to ask? He seemed to have noticed and his smile only soften as he reached out and patted me on the head.

                "I'm okay. It's Luhan that you need to worry about." Lay chuckled lightly and his dimple showed, "He's the one that did all this by the way." My heart jumped and I glanced around at the mess of our apartment before turning back to him with a frown, "He did all this?" Lay looked around once more and then back to me and nodded, "Yeah...he hit me, too." He laughed lightly and pointed at his bruise.

                "Why?" I gasped and put away the cream as he shook his head, "Don't get mad, Eun Hee."

                "And why shouldn't I?" I raised a brow when his smile faded, "Because you're Luhan's precious Eun Hee." I glared at him. He always used that line when he got lazy to explain. I reached out and hit him in the arm lightly, "Yah. Seriously. Just tell me the truth. What happened between Minah and Luhan? Something happened, didn't it? Don't hide it from me. You're my friend, too."

                "I'm not lying, Eun Hee." His gentle smile came back serenely as he reached out and grasped my arm gently, "Nothing happened between them...but even Minah couldn't calm Luhan down when we found out about the accident." He paused for a moment, "The truth is...I've never seen Luhan act the way he did when we couldn't contact you. We really thought that you had been on that bus, Eun Hee." He squeezed my hand gently and then let go and got up when we heard the bathroom door open from down the hall.

                "I'm going to go home now. Yiyi's waiting for me." He nodded and pulled me into a hug.

                "Go get some rest. Don't let her worry. And tell her that I'm okay." I hugged him back. Yiyi and Lay were like my siblings. I was so happy when they got together. She was the only one other than Lay that knew about my real feelings for Luhan. Or so, I thought. I guess, Luhan knew the whole time, too, but I doubt that Lay or Yiyi told him. I probably made it too obvious.

                "I'll clear it up with the others that you're okay." He smiled and headed out as Luhan appeared at the end of the hall. Lay patted him on the shoulder kindly and then left, shutting the front door quietly on his way out. I watched him leave and then looked back to Luhan. My heart skipped a beat and I felt my face get hot when I caught his eyes. In an attempt to avoid his gaze, I looked down and noticed his hands. He must have saw how I noticed them, because he immediately pulled his hands behind his back and cleared his throat softly.

                "Yah." I shook my head and hurried over to him, pushing aside my feelings and everything else, "Don't try to hide it from me." I made sure to grab his wrist instead of his hand so that I wouldn't hurt him as I pulled him back to the couch where the aid kit was still open. I pushed him down onto the seat and grabbed the cream again as I took his right hand.

                "Why would you do this to yourself? I thought you were smarter than this." I muttered while applying the healing cream onto the cuts on his knuckles and his fingers, "And you always said that I was the stupid one." I chuckled lightly, trying to lighten up the mood, "Didn't you even think about how much pain your hands will suffer for the next week or so? You should've applied the--"

                "That pain is nothing compared to the agony of losing someone, Eun Hee." He spoke quietly, his words rough. I stopped and looked back to him, not knowing how to reply. But Luhan wasn't looking at me. He only blinked and kept his stare straight ahead. His eyes were glassy as he sniffed and gave me his left my hand, motioning for me to continue. I stared at him for a while longer and then looked back down to his hand, ignoring his gloomy attitude, as I sighed, "Well, I'm all right, so you don't need to be so mean. Sheesh." I didn't exactly have an amazing day yesterday either. But I guess heartbreak couldn't compare to thinking someone was dead, could it? Not like I wanted to remind him that he broke my heart yesterday either.

                Luhan suddenly pulled his hand away and I felt guilt hit me in the gut. I was acting like a kid again. I was about to apologize when he surprised me by hugging me. But this hug was different. It was a gentle embrace and I felt my heart flutter involuntarily when I felt his arms around me again. That was when I realized that he was never the touchy feely kind of friend. He always made sure to emphasize that we were only friends and nothing more. Other than dragging me home from the bar when I'm drunk, he never really touches me. I don't even get best friend hugs like Lay does.

                "Um--Luhan," I started quietly and lifted my hands to push him away gently when he pulled me closer.

                "I'm sorry." His whisper washed down the side of my neck and I inwardly shivered.

                "Don't be." I sighed into his shoulder and hesitated. Should I hug him back? Or not? I mean...I wanted to...but was it okay? My fingers twitched and I was going to hug him, but stopped when the doorbell rang. Luhan immediately pulled away from me as if he had been burned. He turned and sniffed again and I only pretended that his reaction didn't hurt me as I got up and went to open the door. I already knew who it was judging by Luhan's reaction. Even though, I didn't really want to open the door, I did anyways.

                "Eun Hee!" Minah dropped her bags and instantaneously threw her arms around me as soon as she saw me. I stumbled a little bit, but she was actually super light, so I was able to catch my balance and not fall over. Damn, why can't I be as small and cute as she is? I normally would've grunted and mumbled a small hi or hey, but before I could even try to be nice--she was already sobbing into my shoulder.

                "Um--Minah?" I glanced back at Luhan with wide eyes. What the frick was I supposed to do?! But that head kept his back to me the whole time and didn't even bother to check while his girlfriend continued crying in my arms. So I ended up standing awkwardly for another minute or two until Minah finally hiccupped and sniffed, "I'm so sorry--I just--It's just--You're alive!" as she pulled back wiped away her tears gently with a small smile. I inwardly sighed, because she even made crying look pretty.

                "It's...It's fine." As much as I wanted scream at her for being so perfect, I couldn't, because she looked so innocent  and pure with the crystal droplets at her eyes that I couldn't bear to be as mean as I wanted to be. I reached over to the counter and grabbed her some napkins and motioned for her to held into the living room. She then took off her heels and hurried over to Luhan while I closed the doors and took her bags to Luhan's room. Why was I being so nice to them? Seriously. I need to get a grip or else I'm just going to fall back into the cycle of chasing after Luhan again.

                I shook my head to myself and dropped her bags onto his bed. I didn't fail to notice that they were thickly packed compared to last time's sleepover which was questionable since she did sleep over only the other night. I stopped and took another glance at the bags and felt an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Was she going to move in as my replacement? I felt my stomach churn uncomfortably and bit my bottom lip roughly while quickly leaving his room. Even though Luhan seemed upset, I'm sure that thought did cross his mind. He was going to have Minah move in if I was dead. A feeling that I couldn't described started to crawl up my skin and I wanted to cry and look as beautiful as Minah did, but instead I blinked them back and took a deep breath. No. Time to be a strong girl and move on, Eun Hee.

 [ 2 weeks later ]

              I heard my phone buzz from my bed and put down the bobby pin as I turned to go get it when I saw Luhan sitting on my bed. My heart skipped a beat in my chest as I gasped, "Oh my god--how long have you been there?" I frowned and checked the time on my alarm. It was only 8:23am. I didn't even hear him come into my room. Had he been watching me get ready this whole time?

                "It's a text from Suho." Luhan only ignored my question as he grabbed my phone and got up to hand it to me. I couldn't stop the grin that broke onto my lips as I excitedly took it from him. It's already been about two weeks since the whole incident where everyone thought that I was dead. Since then I've actually been talking a lot with Suho back and forth. He found out about me always being late for work, so he surprised me by calling me in the mornings to get me up so that I'd have enough time to get ready for work. At first, I was super embarrassed, but I've actually gotten used to it. I told him that he didn't have to call anymore, so instead he's been texting to make sure I'm up before 8:30 at least.


I hope you have a great day today~


                I giggled. His little messages always made my day. I texted him back and then went back into the bathroom to finish putting my hair up into a bun. I was pinning it when Luhan stepped in and leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed. He had a slight frown on his face and I pushed another bobby pin into my hair before turning to him with a raised brow, "What's up?" I should've gotten used to him joining me in the mornings like this, but for some reason, I'm still thrown off every morning when I see him sitting on my bed, waiting for me to finish getting ready.

                "I still haven't met this Suho guy." He shrugged nonchalantly, but I saw the irritation in his eyes.

                "Yah. Stop worrying! He’s a good guy. I know that you’ll definitely like him!” I nudged him and added jokingly, “Why all the worrying? You sound like my dad! Should I call you Ahjussi from now on? Hahaha, Ahjussi~” I laughed when he scrunched up his nose in distaste. He hesitated and sighed, “I’m not worrying…you’ve just changed…a lot.” Luhan shrugged and avoided my eyes when I looked back to him.

            “Well, I think I’ve been a baby for long enough, right?” I asked quietly and put down my mascara when he looked back to me. There was a look in his eyes that I couldn’t read and as a habit, I automatically tried to change the topic, “I need to catch up to Baby face!” I laughed and reached out to pinch his cheeks, “Why don’t you bring Minah in today? I’ll call Suho to come in as well and then you guys can meet and we can go on a double date sometime!”

            “Yah—don’t call me Baby face!” He pushed my hand away, pouting cutely before I chuckled, “Aww, but you’re so cute!” He knew I was mocking him so he reached out and pinched my cheek like I did to him. I gasped and tried to pull away, but Luhan only laughed. His laughter sounded soft like ringing bells in the wind and I felt my heart clench tightly. When was the last time I heard Luhan laugh like this? When was the last time he played with me like this? I swiftly pushed the thought away and cringed, shutting my eyes tight when he leaned in without a warning.

            “Your eyeliner is smeared.” I felt his hot breath brush against my cheeks, making them burn involuntarily.

            “I’ll fix it.” I barely managed to mutter back and opened an eye.

            “No, I got it.” Luhan laughed gently and I only caught a view of his crooked grin before closing my eyes again. I shrugged back a little, unsure if I really wanted him to, but I didn’t really have a choice. I felt his thumb brush under my left eye softly and felt my cheeks start to burn. I silently prayed that he wouldn’t feel the temperature difference in my cheeks.

            “You’re burning up—are you sure that you’re okay? Maybe you shouldn’t go to work today?” I inwardly cursed at God for not answering my prayers, but that only caused things to get worse. I opened my eyes and looked back at him, forcing a smile, “I’m totally fine! Don’t worry about it!” I tried to step back when he cupped the side of my face with his hand and caressed my cheek with his thumb. I immediately bit the inside of my bottom lip to keep myself from squeaking as he leaned in and looked me straight in the eyes with his beautiful doe eyes.

            “Don’t lie. I’ll call in to let Chanyeol and Baekhyun that you’re sick today.” His face was so close to mine, that I swear my heart was about to jump out of my chest. I didn’t even realize that I was holding my breath until he smirked, “I’ll make you some soup. Go and rest.” Luhan’s eyes twinkled and he swiftly turned to leave when I gasped, “Wait!” I grabbed onto his arm and pulled him back to face me.

            “I’m serious, Luhan. I’m fine. Don’t call in. I’m going to work.” I could hear my own voice shake and I just wanted to punch myself in the face when Luhan surprised me again. He only flashed me a smile and gently placed his hand over mine. I felt my heart thump weirdly against my ribcage as he squeezed my hand gently and smiled, “It’s okay to take a break, Eun Hee. You’ve been overworking yourself for the past two weeks and now you’re sick. Just sit down and let me take care of you for one day.”

            “Wh—What?” I stammered. Did I hear that last line correctly? Or was I imagining things again? His eyes went dark and he only smiled again before letting go of my hand and leaving swiftly.

            “Where’s Minah?” I asked quietly while trying to get the small blanket off of me as Luhan settled down into the couch next to me. For once, I was actually hoping—wishing that she’d just randomly appear like she always did whenever I didn’t want her around. He only shrugged while grabbing the remote and flipping through the channels while handing me the bowl of popcorn that he had popped in the microwave just a minute ago. I only sighed and blew up at my bangs to shift them away from my eyes while pushing the bowl back to him.

            It was only noon and Luhan had all the curtains down and turned off all the lights. He was forcing me to watch movies with him in the middle of the day. I was still mad at him for calling in and lying that I was sick when I obviously wasn’t! I even called in right after him, but Chanyeol hung up on me as soon as he heard my voice. Then I called Baekhyun and he only laughed and told me to get better before hanging up on me, too! And I was so excited about finding an excuse for Luhan to meet Suho today.

            “Hey, what movie do you want to watch?” He popped popcorn into his mouth and turned to me, but I only shrugged. Did I mention that he also forced me to finish a whole bowl of chicken noodle soup? Even though I told him repeatedly that I was fine. He slowly turned his attention back to the television screen and then sighed quietly, “Look, I’m sorry.” I only turned away from him and leaned onto the arm of the couch, keeping my blank stare on the screen. He shifted and then scratched the back of his head. I ignored him when he kicked me lightly under the blanket that he also threw on me earlier.

            “Minah and I had a fight.” His words were soft, almost vulnerable.

            “Oh my god—” I felt guilt hit me in the stomach and straightened up to face him, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. Is everything all right?” The anger in my chest from earlier dispersed and I reached out to touch his arm, tenderly. He only stared back at me for a long moment and then he put aside the bowl of popcorn before surprising me again.

            “I don’t know.” He grabbed a pillow and threw it onto my lap. I was going to ask what it was for when he suddenly threw his head down onto the pillow and sighed, “I just wanted to spend time with you since you always take my mind off of when I’m stressed.”

            “Oh.” So I was the rebound. Lovely. It was a stab, but then again, I was moving on anyways, right? I mean, I’ll be fine, since I have a chance with Suho—I hope. I felt my stomach drop when I didn’t feel the same excitement, thinking about him, the way that I felt this morning when I received his text message. I blame it on stupid Luhan though. He was just so touchy this morning that I almost reverted back to the old Eun Hee instantly! I wanted to strangle myself! But then again, Luhan was still my best friend.

            “Do you want to talk about it?” I tugged on his hair lightly.

            “Not really.” He reached out and clasped my hand, pressing my hand against the side of his head as he chuckled softly, “Just watch a movie with me.” Luhan took the control and flipped the channel again. I only watched him look through the channels. It wasn’t fair. How could he make my heart beat so fast and so irregularly without even trying? Here I am, trying so hard to get over him and I was actually making progress for two weeks. Then out of nowhere, he just takes my hand—oh my god.

            “What kind of movie do you want to watch?” He stopped flipping through channels and turned his head so that he could look back up at me. He was still holding my hand. WHY IS HE STILL HOLDING MY HAND?

            “Are you okay?” He suddenly sat up and reached out to touch my forehead.

            “I—I’m good—I’m worried about you!” I blurted, trying to take the attention away from me, but none of that seemed to work, because he only leaned in closer.

            “Why are you worried about me?” His eyes bore into mine.

            “Why else? I don’t want you to be hurt.” I didn’t have to think. The answer just came out honestly. I never wanted to see Luhan the way he was two weeks ago. I never wanted to see him broken down like that again. I looked back at him when he lowered his eyes and closed in. My heart did a double take and I felt my body turn rigid when he leaned in to kiss me when—

            “Wait!” I stopped him, covering his lips with both of my hands. My heart was racing as I gasped, “What are you doing, Luhan?” His eyes widened and we stared at each other for a moment longer when the door bell suddenly rang. He pulled away and I quickly got up to go pull the curtains while he went to open the door.

            “Babe, how are you doing?” I heard Minah’s giggle as soon as the door opened and turned to see her throw her arms around him. Luhan stumbled and quickly pulled away from her before glancing my way while I only stared back, dumbstruck. Minah looked over to me and frowned, “Oh, you’re not working today, Eun Hee?” I looked back to Luhan and raised a brow, because Minah did not sound angry or apologetic or anything like she had a fight with Luhan. What the hell was going on?

What do you guys think is going on? Kekekekke, let me know in the comments!!

saranghamnida ♥ eunae

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heads up, guys ((: next chapter is going to be from LUHAN's point of view!! Wooo! Are y'all excited to find out what's going on in his mind?! Because I am!! ♥


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Keycolight 0 points #1
Chapter 5: Woah, i don't even know i have subscribed to this fanfic. It's either i did it recently or 10 years ago when i was still reading fanfic religiously :D
The plot is light and easy to read. I enjoy reading it in my spare time. A bit annoyed with luhan and i was hoping she would end up with suho tho. But i guess a lot readers want luhan to be her happy ending. At least suho and minah can start dating each other.
What a convinience situation that she's now dating her roommate. They've been living together anyway 🤣
Nice story!
Chapter 5: Such a cute story! I really enjoyed it, thank u very much! Till the next one :)
Chapter 5: It’s so cute I love this story so much!
Chapter 5: The long wait paid off!
pudding_islove #5
Chapter 5: Aw that was cute
Chapter 5: Aaarrrgghh,,, luhan & eunhee made my heart dugeun dugeun like crazy~~~