Breaking of hearts

⚜ It's Not Fair

                "Eun Hee."

                "Mmpf." I shrugged away from the tapping on my shoulder and pulled the covers over my pounding head. The tapping stopped and I silently thanked God for letting me sleep when I felt the mattress shift downwards. I rolled over and whipped the blankets off my shoulders while sitting upright and whining, "Whaaaaat?" There was a dull pounding in my head and it bugged me.

                "Here," a cold glass was pushed into my hands as I opened an eye to see Luhan smile, "Drink up." I blinked and rubbed my eyes, trying to adjust them to the bright light before looking down to see a glass of beer in my hands. I groaned and pushed it back into his hands. Then I swiftly pulled the blankets over me again and rolled onto my side, grunting, "I don't want to drink anymore."

                "Eun Hee," he started gently and touched my shoulder again when I pulled away, sighing, "I'm sorry if I said anything stupid yesterday! I don't remember anything, okay? And sorry for lying--sorry for--" I was pulled back to face him again as he chuckled, "It's just Apple Juice, Eun Hee."

                "Oh." I quickly sat up again and felt a wave of dizziness wash over me.

                "Are you okay?" He actually sounded genuinely concerned when I cringed. There was a sudden warmth on my forehead as he placed his hand upon my head and frowned. I shoved away his hand and grunted, "I'm fine, I'm fine. Stop treating me like a kid." He only chuckled and messed my hair up earning himself a punch in the arm from me. Luhan grabbed his arm and whined while I drank my apple jiuce.

                "Owww." He grumbled and pouted cutely, but I only scowled at him.

                "Shut up." I rolled my eyes and got out of bed when I saw my alarm read that it was only 8:07am. I groaned loudly and turned to kick him lightly in the leg, "Why'd you wake me up so earlier?! I don't even work today! UGH!" Luhan blinked in surprise and only frowned back at me in confusion as he tilted his head adorably and asked, "Ah, really? I just thought that I'd help you out today since you were always running late to work."

                "I know how to set my alarms, thank you very much." I yawned sarcastically and handed him the empty cup. Then I turned and headed into my  bathroom. Luhan let me take the bigger room when we moved in, since it had a walk-in closet and personal bathroom.

                "Yeah, you set it at 8am and let it ring every 10minutes until 9:30, then you get up and run around to get ready. You leave at 10 and that's when you're supposed to be at work." He shook his head and followed me, continuing his lecture as he laughed lightly, "And you say that you're not a kid."

                "I'm twenty freaking three, just like you, okay, baby face?" I shot back as I grabbed my toothbrush before he scrunched his nose in distaste when I mentioned his baby face.

                "I do not have a baby face." He muttered sourly while I wet my toothbrush and put toothpaste onto it.

                "Don't kid yourself. Minah thought that you were only 16 when she met you, hence the reason why she agreed to date you. Don't tell me that you forgot the look on her face when she discovered that she wasn't your Noona, but in fact, your dongsaeng." I laughed and wet my toothbrush again and then started brushing my teeth.

                "Yah! Shut up!" He kicked my lightly on the side of my leg and I shot him a glare. He stuck his tongue out at me and I flicked him off and then turned my attention back to brushing my teeth.

                "Are you planning to go somewhere today then?" Luhan chuckled after I rinsed out my mouth.

                "I'm probably going to bother Chanyeol and Baekhyun at work and make fun of them for working on a Saturday." I shrugged and turned back to him, "You want to join me?" Luhan sighed and thought for a moment. I felt my heart leap unexpectedly with excitement. It's been so long since he's had time to hang with me, maybe for once, he'd be able to spare me some time again? Even though we live together, he's always out with Minah, but she just left yesterday after spending two nights at our place in a row, so the odds were in my favor, right?

                "I can't." Luhan shook his head and I felt my heart drop as he grinned stupidly, "Minah and I have a date."

                "Of course." I heard the snob in my voice and quickly cleared my throat to try and hide it, but his grin had already disappeared as his eyes widened as he asked, "Seriously, Eun Hee. What's your problem with Minah? She didn't even do anything to you." I felt my chest tighten and only shrugged while looking away from him, "I don't know, Luhan. Maybe's it's not her that I'm mad at. Maybe it's you." I put the towel down and side stepped around him, heading to my closet.

                "Then why don't you just tell me what the problem is?" His brows knotted together and he crossed his arms, like he usually did when he got irritated or when he got impatient. I noticed that he had been doing so a lot lately after he found out that I didn't really like Minah as much as he thought that I did

                "I don't really know either, Luhan. Maybe it's just that you're giving all your time to Minah now and...I just can't really relate to you anymore. It's like I'm living with a stranger and not Luhan. You've changed so much and I just feel like I'm a bother to you. Then you treat me like a kid and I don't like that either." I was rambling, everything was just spilling like a river. All my bottled up emotions and inner thoughts were just flowing.

                "Maybe you should change, too, Eun Hee." He cut me off and I felt my heart skip a beat as I stuttered, shocked, "W--What?" Luhan kept his arms crossed tightly and shrugged, looking away from my eyes as he repeated himself, "I said, maybe you should change, too. I don't understand why you feel that way when I spend all my time at home with you. I see you every day, so that should be enough."

                "Wait, did you even listen to what I said?" I snapped back at him, feeling the hurt and anger hit me like a bullet as he turned his attention back to me with a frown. He opened his mouth, about to reply, but I continued on, angrily, "I'm sorry, but you asked me what the problem was and I told you. And you're telling me to fix it?" I glared back at him when he made a face.

                "Yeah, because the way I see it, the problem isn't me or Minah. It's just you and your jealousy." He shot back roughly and I felt my cheeks get hot. I was about to reply when he spoke before I could try to defend myself. Luhan chuckled bitterly, "I'm not stupid, Eun Hee. Stop waiting for me. I can't love you back the way you want me to."

                It was suddenly too hard to breath, so I shut my mouth and immediately turned and walked out. He followed me, raising his voice, "Where are you going?" I forced the lump down my throat and choked back a sob, "Stop giving s, Luhan. I'm just going to take the bus to go see Lay. I'll be back tomorrow." I grabbed my jacket and opened the door when I felt a grasp on my wrist.

                "Eun Hee--" He pulled me back and stopped when I looked back at him. I blinked and felt the tears slip from my eyes. His stare softened and I felt my heart clench, but yanked my wrist away, and sniffed, "Don't stop me." I stepped out and slammed the door shut behind me. Then I ran like I've never ran before.

I stood in front of the bus and sighed heavily to myself. Should I go? The bus driver frowned at me from his seat and growled grumpily, "Well, are you going to get on or not?" I looked back up to him, unsure, while he snorted, "Depressed again? Just get on and I'll drop you off as the usual bar." I sighed again and almost got on, but changed my mind and waved him off, "I think I'll walk it off this time. Thanks." He shrugged and closed the doors, driving off. Drinking didn't sound like a nice release this time.

                I took out my wallet that I left in my jacket from last night and checked the amount of cash I had on me. It was only enough to last me for the day. I turned and walked the opposite way of the bar and from Luhan. I walked around pointlessly for about an hour or two until my knees gave out and I finally sat down on a random bench outside of frozen yogurt shop.

                It wasn't until I finally sat down that all the pain hit me again and I started bawling my eyes out. I didn't care about the people passing by or the stares. I just kept my head down and continued to cry to myself for I don't know how long, until someone tapped me on the shoulder. I sniffed and wiped my tears away roughly, clearing my throat, and then looking up.

                "Here you go." The guy handed me a cup of frozen yogurt and some napkins. I only stared back dumbly at him, confused and surprised as he sat down beside me. His eyes crinkled as he smiled gently, "Don't be alarmed. Just take a break from crying and enjoy some free frozen yogurt." I continued to stare at him when he chuckled, "I work here, so it's on the house, don't worry." I looked back to the cup of frozen yogurt that he gave me and stifled back a small giggle when I saw that he had arranged the fruits into a smiley face.

                "I'm Suho, by the way." He beamed generously when I looked back to him.

                "Eun Hee." I muttered back quietly and he nodded, "Nice to meet you, Eun Hee."

                "Nice to meet you, too..." I looked back to the cup of frozen yogurt when he nudged me playfully, "Come on. Hurry and eat it up before it melts." I sniffed and picked  did as he said. The cool taste of the frozen yogurt on my tongue helped my hot face cool off a bit at least, and the fruit tasted fresh.

                "You've been crying out here for about an hour and a half, you know?" He asked with a small chuckle, trying to be polite.

                "I'm sorry." I remembered that I left my phone on my night stand back at home and sighed.

                "Don't be. I just wanted to check up on you and see if you were okay." He glanced behind him and back into the yogurt shop and then turned back to me with another kind smile, "Do you have anywhere that you need to be?" I swiftly shook my head when he chuckled again, "Well, my friend and I are about to head out to grab some lunch. Do you want to join us? My treat." I looked back to him with a frown, uncertain when he put his hands up, "Only if you want." The bell on the door rang and his friend stepped out before looking back to me with wide eyes.

                "Oh, you're still here...Are you all right?" His wide eyes softened and Suho cleared his throat and then motioned a hand at his friend, smiling, "That's Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo, this is Eun Hee." Kyungsoo bowed and smiled back gently and I felt the suspicion in my heart die down. Then Suho looked back to me and raised a brow, "Um...we're just going down the block..."

                "Okay." I nodded softly and he broke out into a grin, "Ah! Great! Then let's go eat!" He got up and hurried over to Kyungsoo while I followed. Our walk was short and sweet. They asked a lot of questions, but none of them were personal, so it was easy to make conversation with them. We stopped by a small buffet and they talked about work. Then Suho paid for lunch and we headed back to the shop when he handed me his number.

                "Stop by whenever you feel down and I'll get you another free cup of frozen yogurt, okay?" He chuckled and Kyungsoo grinned, "It'd be nice to see you again sometime, Eun Hee." I smiled back and only nodded silently as they said goodbye and went back in to work. Then I tucked the slip into my pocket and waved down a cab.

                Instead of heading back to home or to Lay and them, I paid the driver to take me out into the suburbs and to my old house. Even though I had just met Suho and Kyungsoo, they treated me like my parents would have whenever I felt down. Eating and talking to them made me realize how deprived I was of my family, so I figured that instead of spending the night at a friend's house, I'd just go and visit them.

                "Aigoo..." Umma sighed and I nodded silently when my Appa whacked me in the head with the rolled up newspaper, playfully, "My stupid Eun Hee. Luhan would never like you that way! What made you think he would?! You're too much like a man for his taste!" Umma laughed and I glared back at Appa while he chuckled and shook his head.

                "Appaaaaa! You're suppose to cheer me up! Not make fun of me! Why do you always have to take stupid Luhan's side!?" I snapped back, but I wasn't really actually angry, because even though he was making fun of me, it was nice to hear Appa laugh again. I didn't realize how long it had been since I've last seen them. But after telling them everything, it finally hit me how much I've missed them.

                "Because if it wasn't for Luhan, you  probably wouldn't have gotten your job! Also, you're such a baby! If he dates you, he'd be slaving away for the rest of his life!" Appa laughed loudly and I groaned while kicking him lightly, whining, "I am not a baby! Why does everyone keep saying that?!"

                "If everyone keeps on saying it, then it's probably true, Eun Hee." Umma reached out and grabbed my hand, squeezing it gently as she chuckled and shook her head, "I think Luhan is right. You should head back tomorrow and apologize to him, okay?"

                "But--" I started when Appa cut me off, "Why don't you go back and hit it off with that Suho guy you met today? Free frozen yogurt everyday doesn't sound too bad." He laughed when Umma shot him a glare and reached out to hit him lightly on the arm.

                "Ugh..." I groaned and shook my head, because as much as it hurt to hear everyone tell me to let Luhan go, they were right. Maybe I will go back tomorrow, so that I can thank Suho and Kyungsoo for being so kind to me today. Umma hit Appa a couple more times and muttered something under her breath and then turned back to me with a serene smile, "So, what does this Minah girl have that you don't, Eun Hee?"

                "Everything." I shot back instantly and grabbed a pillow from the couch, slamming my face into it.

                "That's not true." She cooed in my ear and reached out to brush tuck my hair back behind my ear.

                "Pffft. You better bet that it is. Eun Hee's twenty three and she's still never had her first kiss." Appa snickered and I grunted, "Well, I was saving it for stupid Luhan! But what's the use?! I give up. I can never be as pretty or as smart as Minah--ugh, why is life so unfair?!" I shouted into the pillow when Appa hit me on the back of the head lightly again with his stupid roll of newspaper.

                " it up, Eun Hee. Instead of moping around, you should get off your nonexistent and go find some hot guys to date. Forget about Luhan." He laughed and shook his head, "I can never unsee those times when we put that boy in those girly dresses and made him take pictures with you. He really did look like a girl!" I giggled slightly as I remembered, too.

                "Aigoo, just listen to your Appa, Eun Hee. Go find someone that will like your manly side." She laughed lightly and I sighed while straightening up, answering sarcastically, "Thanks for the support." They only laughed louder before shoving me off to bed like they always did when I was younger. I headed into my old bedroom and changed into my old pajamas and then tucked myself into my small bed.

                Reaching out, I turned off the lamp and then stared up at the old glow in the glow-in-the-dark stars that Luhan and I placed up on my ceiling when we were little kids. Stupid rearranged them to spell out Luhan and then placed a post-it note next to it with a huge heart. I chuckled to myself, feeling the happiness from earlier turn slightly bitter and then sighed softly to myself.

                "Goodbye, Luhan. Tomorrow this Eun Hee will become a totally different person." The words sounded familiar to my lips and I felt a sense of deja vu wash over me, but brushed it aside and fell asleep.

                "Wahh, Eun Hee looks so different!" Appa laughed as soon as he saw me.

                "Shut up, Appa!" I groaned, feeling my cheeks flush from embarrassment as I tugged at the dress that I was wearing. Umma only laughed as I grabbed my jacket, "Beautiful Eun Hee, it's been so long since I've seen you in that dress!" I sighed and bit back a smile as I gave her a hug and glanced back at Appa.

                "I'm going back to the yogurt shop to thank that Suho guy, so I need to dress up and impress him. Right, Appa?" I stuck my tongue out at him and he only laughed while shaking his head, "Aigoo. Grow up, Eun Hee." I rolled my eyes and let go of Umma before going to give him a hug, too.

                "I'll come see you two more often." I mumbled while pulling away when Appa flicked me on the head with a tsk, "Yah, you even put on make-up?! You look so gross!"

                "Appa!" I pushed his hand away and rubbed my forehead when Umma laughed, "He's just teasing you, Eun Hee. The truth is your Appa can't stand the fact that you're a grown woman now." Umma walked over and grabbed Appa's arm when I frowned, "Well, I am. So deal with it!" Then I laughed and waved them goodbye before heading out and catching a cab to head back to the yogurt shop. The ride was shorter than yesterday and I asked the driver to wait outside as I headed in.

                "Ah, Eun Hee! You're back!" Kyungsoo grinned as soon as he saw me and I smiled back when Suho hurried out from the back. Suho's eyes crinkled as he smiled widely as soon as he saw me and I felt my heart skip a beat as I actually took a good look at his face.

                "Are you feeling better today?" Suho beamed as I walked up to them. He was actually super cute and I felt my cheeks flush for not noticing yesterday.

                "Yeah. I feel great." I nodded and glanced at their menu, "I wanted to thank you guys for taking me out to lunch even though we just met."

                "It's no problem." He chuckled and pulled out a cup, "It's on the house"

                "No, please let me pay for it." I quickly replied when he shook his head, "You came back though."

                "But I'm not in any need to cry, so just let me pay for it, okay?" I tilted my head slightly and I swear I saw his cheeks turn pink as he pouted, "Ah...I guess." Kyungsoo chuckled from the cashier reminding us that he was still in the room before I cleared my throat and laughed lightly, "Um, can you get me two orders of what you got me yesterday?"

                "Two?" Suho raised a brow and his smile faded while I nodded back, "Yeah. It's for a friend." He smile came back as he chuckled, "Okay. Do you want the smiley face, too?"

                "That'd be great. Thank you." I giggled and he nodded before getting my order done. Then he capped them nicely and placed them into a paper bag and handed it to me. I took it and paid Kyungsoo and said goodbye to them. Then I jumped back into the cab and headed home.

                "I'm sorry, Luhan." I practiced quietly to myself in the back seat and clutched the bag tightly. Because I had thought everything over that my parents had teased me about yesterday. And even though they were just teasing, their words still held a truth to them. Luhan was right. I just let my jealousy get in the way. It wasn't him or Minah. It was just me. I did act like a baby. It was time for me to grow up and move on. The cab stopped in front of our apartment and I paid him. Then I took a deep breath to settle my nerves and headed in.

                "I'm sorry, Luhan." I repeated softly as I pulled the keys out from my pocket and unlocked the door. I frowned as soon as I stepped in, because it was a complete mess. My chest tightened and I set aside the bag of frozen yogurt. Okay, so Minah probably stayed the night, but no big deal, right? I closed the door and locked it, taking in the horrible mess around the house.

                Did something happen? I felt my heart start to beat faster. Broken glass, magazines, and everything was just littered all over the floor. There was a figure on the couch and I hurried over. I gasped when I saw Lay sleeping on the couch, his face bruised.

                "Lay!" I blurted out when he jerked awake and swiftly sat up, his eyes wide and alert.

                "What happened to you?!" I ran back into kitchen, avoiding all the broken stuff on the floor to grab the first aid kit that we kept under the kitchen sink. Lay only stood up with wide eyes while stammering, "You're--You're here! Eun Hee!"

                "Yeah, I'm here! Where's Luhan? What happened to you? What happened here? Why's the place a total mess--ohmygod." I was heading back to him when I stopped in my tracks as I realized that it could have only meant one thing. Lay continued to stare at me when I heard Luhan's door whip open from down the hall.

                "Eun Hee--" Lay started and I quickly turned away and walked back over to him.

                "Don't tell me. I already know." I felt my heart clench tightly. Great. How was I going to apologize to Luhan now that Minah broke up with him? That had to be the reason why the apartment was a mess. It was either that or someone ransacked us, but I doubted it, since everything was still here.

                "You do?" Lay's eyes widened and I frowned, "Yeah. I can tell just by looking at this place. Plus, you're here, so that could only mean that--" I stopped when I heard Luhan.

                "Eun Hee?" His voice was softer than I've ever heard and I felt my heart skip a beat. When was the last time I dealt with a heartbroken Luhan? I in a deep breath and turned around when I heard him approaching. I turned to face him and flinched when he reached out and touched my face without a warning. My eyes widened when I saw the bloody cuts on his hands and I swiftly pulled away, grabbing his wrists.

                "Yah! What did you do?!" I blurted out, angrily when I saw how badly bruised and bloody his knuckles were. I didn't care that Minah broke his heart anymore. Seeing him inflicted pain on himself was more than enough. I was about to start yelling at him when I looked up and saw his red and watery eyes. He blinked back his tears and I felt my heart wrench before biting my bottom lip so that I wouldn't start cursing him out for hurting himself.

                "Lu--" I started when he suddenly yanked me into his arms.

                "Please tell me that I'm not dreaming." His soft whisper sent a chill down my spine and I felt confusion wash over me as I asked, "What's going on, guys?" I felt his arms wrap around me tighter and my heart thudded against my chest as my cheeks started to get hot when Lay quietly explained, "We thought that you were dead."

                "What?!" I blurted and would have turned to face him, but found myself stuck in Luhan's embrace as he pulled me even closer. My heart started racing as Luhan buried his face into the crook of my neck and tightened his hold around me, refusing to let me go.

                "Eun Hee...didn't you take Bus 502 yesterday? That's the usual bus you take to come see me, right?" Lay asked carefully as I tried to push Luhan away.

                "No, I didn't--I was going to, but--Ugh! Let go of me, Luhan!" I struggled for a moment and was going to start hitting him when I felt  sudden wetness on my shoulder. My body stiffened and I forgot how to breath for a moment, refusing to believe it as I asked gently, "Luhan?" His shoulders shook and my eyes widened even more as a small sob escaped his lips to confirm the reality.

Luhan was crying.

Ohmygosh, I hope this isn't too confusing! But if it is, Lay will explain everything in the next chapter!

Hope you guys are liking it so far?? Lol XD

Thank you all for your support!

Saranghae ♥ Eunae

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heads up, guys ((: next chapter is going to be from LUHAN's point of view!! Wooo! Are y'all excited to find out what's going on in his mind?! Because I am!! ♥


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Keycolight 0 points #1
Chapter 5: Woah, i don't even know i have subscribed to this fanfic. It's either i did it recently or 10 years ago when i was still reading fanfic religiously :D
The plot is light and easy to read. I enjoy reading it in my spare time. A bit annoyed with luhan and i was hoping she would end up with suho tho. But i guess a lot readers want luhan to be her happy ending. At least suho and minah can start dating each other.
What a convinience situation that she's now dating her roommate. They've been living together anyway 🤣
Nice story!
Chapter 5: Such a cute story! I really enjoyed it, thank u very much! Till the next one :)
Chapter 5: It’s so cute I love this story so much!
Chapter 5: The long wait paid off!
pudding_islove #5
Chapter 5: Aw that was cute
Chapter 5: Aaarrrgghh,,, luhan & eunhee made my heart dugeun dugeun like crazy~~~