Qn 7 & 8

The Interview


Question Seven < A lie that deceived no one. >

“What was the last lie you told to anyone?” The interview, seemed endless, continued.

“Lie? Idols don’t lie.” Dongwoon gave a playful smile. Then added seriously, “Hmm… I don’t know.”

“Any lie will do? Even white lies are counted,” The interviewer prompted.

“I told them ‘I’m fine’, when all I want was to complain ‘I’m tired’” Dongwoon explained. “Because ‘I’m fine’ sounded better ‘I’m tired’.”

“Woonie, are you asleep?” Yoseob peeked in through the door.

“Yeah, hyung. I’m turning in right now.” I answered, in fact, I could sleep at all.

“I’m sorry, woonie, about this afternoon. I shouldn’t have…” Yoseob’s face was guilt-filled.

“Nah, it’s alright. It’s just saying hi. Plus, she seemed fine. I’m happy that she’s happy. Don’t worry too much, hyung.” I blabbered on.

“So, are you alright?” Yoseob questioned in concern.

“I’m fine, absolutely.” I gave him a thumb up in the dark, not too sure whether he could see clearly. “Night, hyung.”

“Goodnight, woonie.” And he left.

I laid in my bed, trying to empty my thoughts. But, I just found myself yearn for her even more. Those sadness in my heart resurfaced, deepened even more. Even when I missed her, and even when I think about her, I’m okay as long as she finds her way back to happiness.

How did we end this way?

Question Eight < Do you believe in Karma?>

“Do you believe in karma?”

“Yes, mostly. I do believe that every action you make will bring you consequences. Depending on that action, it may be good or bad.” Dongwoon smiled.

I dragged my feet towards her apartment. Schedule lasted till dawn without any rest. After a quick shower, I headed down to Lya’s place. It was the only time I could meet her before the schedule.

I rang the bell, only to be answered by a fatigue Lya. What had happened?

“Dongwoon? What are you doing here?” Lya frowned, her hands on her hips in annoyance. Usually she did just let me in.

“You hung up on me last night. I came to check on you. Are you alright, Lya?” I questioned, reaching out for her face. She moved away, not wanting my concern.

“It’s nothing. I simply fell asleep. Just leave, Dongwoon.” Lya tried to shut the door. I held it, before it closes. What had I done to earn such attitude from her?

“Tell me what’s wrong.” I entered the apartment without her permission. Lya ignored me and slowly annoyance creped on me. I grabbed her wrist, in attempt to confront her but only to realise her swollen red eyes.

“Why did you cry? What happened? Did someone upset you? Could you at least share with me? Please?” I was nearly begging her. She flung away my grip, and backed away from me. My concerns seemed to never reach her, not any more.

“I’m sorry for disturbing you.” I’m tired.

Silence was the only thing that filled us now.

It's going to be a good friday!^^ black black paradise.heheh.

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Chapter 10: is there going to be a sequel for the sequel?
Chapter 10: WHAAAAAAT?! I got so scared, omg lya, she's so sweet, why something like this? I got so shocked!

I really love your writing, please do continue it ^_^
Chapter 10: :( poor lya. hope to see the continuation to the story soon!
B2utyLoveB2st #4
Chapter 7: Please update soon.. I love your story =)
MsLonlified #5
Chapter 7: The questions are making me curious as to what had happened between the two of them..please continue to update ^^
it's so great so far ! please update soon
Chapter 3: @B2utyLoveB2st ^^Heheh!TY!
B2utyLoveB2st #8
Chapter 1: I love this sequel! Update soon ~