meet my sister

Love, Friendship, and Family

Ella opened the door…then she saw a very familiar face…it was her brother, Calvin Chen.

Calvin: Surprise!

Ella: Whoa! Ge! (hug Calvin) I miss you so much Ge. (look at Calvin) why are you here in Taiwan? Are you here for a vacation? But it’s already class days. You’re supposed to stay in Australia.

Calvin: Nah…im staying here in Taiwan for good because I miss my sister so much…(pinch Ella’s nose)

Ella: really?(smile) Does mom know you’re here in Taiwan?

Calvin: ummmm…actually mom is the one who sent me back here in Taiwan. Im not doing good in Australia…I’ve got many girls…mom doesn’t like it…

Ella: really? Mom already knows you have many girls…is there any other reason why mom sent you back here in Taiwan? (curious)

Calvin: ummmmm…I’ll tell you later, it’s a very long story…okay? (pinch Ella’s cheek)

Ella: okay (smile at Calvin)

Calvin: anyway, I brought my board mates, I want them to introduce to you and to your friends.

Ella: where are they? (look around)

Calvin: Wait. Hey guys! Come here. (called he’s board mates who are sitting in the bench in the garden) I want you to meet my little sister.

The three guys went in front of Ella. (Arron, Jiro, and Chun)

Ella: whoa! Arron! (hug Arron) my beloved cousin. (look at Arron) I thought you’re already in Paris to study Music? What happen?

Calvin and Ella are Arron’s cousin because Ella and Calvin’s Mother is the sister of Arron’s Father.

Arron: yeah. I decided to stay here in Taiwan because mom’s father is sick. They don’t want me to leave in Taiwan since its Grandpa’s wish.

Ella: I see…I’ll find time to visit your Grandpa….anyway, Hebe misses you…(teased Arron and laugh) (looks at Chun) Ge! I know him…he’s Chun Wu (point at Chun) we’re classmates.

Calvin: really? What a small world. Then that’s good.

Ella’s POV
“really…what a small world…he’s so cute…maybe we’re meant to be or soul mates that God made it easy for me to be closer to him…(sigh)”
End of POV

Ella: anyway, who is he?(points at Jiro)

Calvin: Oh! He is Jiro Wang…he is studying Fashion Designing.

Ella: I think I heard your name before but can’t remember when…ummm…your name really sounds familiar…hmmmm…aiyooo!!! I tend to forget things easily (Ella Laughed) anyway, nice meeting you.. (shake hands with Jiro)

Jiro: nice meeting you too. (shake hands with Ella and smiled)

Ella: (slaps her forehead) oh my gosh! Ge! I totally forgot…we’re still here outside the house…im so sorry guys. Please come in and I will introduce Chun and Jiro to the rest.

Calvin: it’s okay mei…im used to it…you’re really forgetful. (Went inside the house)

Chuns POV
“she’s really cute…(sigh)”
End of POV

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
What a sweet and creative poster
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Looking back at the oldest stories on this site ♡