i caught you!!!

Love, Friendship, and Family

After eating their breakfast they cleaned the dinning table and washed the dishes. They are all ready to take off. Only Mike, Chun, Jiro and Arron brought their cars…

Ella: Ge! Where is your car?

Calvin: I’m sorry mei…mom confiscated my care. Mom doesn’t want me to drive cars anymore…

Ella: why?

Calvin: it’s a long story mei…ummm…(look at Chun) let’s just stay in Chun’s car…

Chun: yeah…it’s really fine with me…

Ella: okay… (smiled at Chun)

Arron and Jiro: Hebe! (Hebe looked at them)

Jiro: stay here in my car…I have something to tell you… (Arron looked at him)

Hebe: oh…okay… (looked at Arron and Jiro get her things)

Selina: hey monkey! Can I stay in your car too…? I love the color of your car… (smiled at Jiro)

Jiro: ah…. okay… (scratched his head) I can’t do anything…

Hebe: yeah!!! Lao po!!! Come here… (so happy)

Rainie: then I’ll stay with Arron…

Chalrene: me---

Mike: stay with me (smiled at Charlene)

Charlene: oh…okay…

Then they all went off…it’s a long drive going to the Chen’s rest house…they have to pass a certain City then mountainous place…then a city again and a mountainous place…

In Jiro’s Car…

Jiro: whoa! Witch is sleeping again…she’s really into sleeping huh?!…

Hebe: she really loves to sleep, especially when travelling…it gives her energy…

Jiro: really? She’s like charging…(laugh) very cute…

Hebe: yeah…you and Selina are cute together… you call each other with pet names, even though the names is kind of harsh but its really sweet… (smiled at Jiro)

Jiro: Ah!!! We call each other Witch and Monkey…it’s the sign of our friendship…

Hebe: really cute…especially when both of you bicker…Selina is not that bad…she’s harsh towards guys because she’s been hurt badly when we were still in high school…she tends to look for a perfect guy in her life now...actually she’s trying to move on…

Jiro: really? She loved that guy so much? (looked at Selina in the center mirror of the car)

Hebe: yes…that was her first boyfriend…

Jiro: oh…I see… anyway, (changed the topic) I wan to tell you something…

Hebe: what is it?

Jiro: ummm…I want to have a dinner date with you…at the Chen’s rest house…by the seashore…I heared they have beach their…I’ll prepare everything… (nervous)

Hebe: (smiled at Jiro) I’m sorry…I can’t…I have someone in my heart…ummm…Why don’t you ask Selina?

Jiro: huh? Why should I ask her? She’s such a witch…

Hebe: really? Think about it Jiro…I can see in your eyes that you like Selina…but I think your not that sure yet…your confused because of me…ummm…but I’m sure you like me as a friend…

Jiro: what are you saying?…I don’t have feelings for her…(deny)

Hebe: don’t deny Jiro…just think about it…maybe you’ll realize that you really like her…don’t worry I’ll help you prepare your date with Selina… (smiled at Jiro)

Jiro’s POV
“is this her way of rejecting me? (sigh) but…she’s right…hmmm…is she a mind reader? I do have feelings for Selina…but I’m not sure about it…whoa!!! I don’t know what to do…(sigh) I have to find out my true feelings…”
End of POV

In Arron’s Car

Rainie: hey! Arron! Are you okay? You’re so silent…

Arron: yeah! I’m okay…I’m just thinking something…

Rainie: oh…okay! Ummm…jealous?

Arron: who?

Rainie: you?

Arron: why should I be jealous about Jiro and Hebe…(deny)

Rainie: (smiled) I didn’t mention Jiro and Hebe…I caught you! Whoa! I’m so smart! (smiled)

Arron: what do you mean?

Rainie: you like Hebe too…right? Just tell me the truth…it came from your mouth…even though it’s not that direct…but still…your jealous because Hebe stayed in Jiro’s car… (smile)

Arron: fine! You caught me…you won…please don’t tell Hebe about it…I want to tell her when the right time comes…

Rainie: this the right time Arron…Hebe likes you and you like her too…what’s the problem with that…Whoa! Don’t be so slow…someone might get her…go for it Arron…

Arron: oh…okay…

Rainie: okay! I’ll sleep first…wake me up when we arrived… (smile)

Charlene is also sleeping in Mike’s car. In Chun’s car, Calvin and Chun are enjoying themselves listening music while chatting anything under the sun and Ella is sleeping…just like her lao po’s…

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
What a sweet and creative poster
Dailycommenter 98 streak #2
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Looking back at the oldest stories on this site ♡