Into The Act IV

Mortal Enemies
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"WHAT?!" The three men sitting on the couch exclaimed in chorus.


"What 'what'?!" Aunt Bom replied, in a tone that could kill a cute little kitty.


"B-b-b-but, Yobo, isn’t that… Uhmrnnn… Kinda… Uhmrnnnn… T-t-too much?" Uncle Onew said, in an attempt to oppose - and even calm -  the raging aunt. However, the glare he received from the red-haired woman told him that he was nowhere near successful.


"Are you even hearing yourself,  Lee Onew?" Aunt Bom slowly replied, her breathing becoming labored. Her hands are now shaking, and visible tears are now forming at the sides of her eyes.


"But, Yobo, living together - it's just too much for the kids to handle!" Uncle Onew said, his voice firm and full of conviction.


"And I cannot handle that - Suzy - trying to harass my nephew!" yelled Aunt Bom so suddenly, Taemin felt his soul was stunned.


But Uncle Onew wasn't.


"They are just high school students!" Uncle Onew exclaimed, in a voice that's a little stronger than Aunt Bom's. Taemin was impressed.


"Yobo, this is the only way to stop Suzy's obsession!" Aunt Bom exclaimed back while flailing her hands in the air.


"How, Yobo? How?" Uncle Onew asked in a very mocking tone.


"Look here, Yobo. If Suzy learns about this 'move', then she will get the idea of how serious these kids are in their commitment with each other! And how we, as their elders, support them! " Aunt Bom convincingly explained.


"And because of that, Suzy will stop stalking us? Right, Aunt Bom?" Minho suddenly butted in, his eyes seemingly shining with excitement. What the actual asdfghjkl is with him?! Taemin thought to himself.


"That is right Minho! I'm glad you're getting on the idea better than these two," Aunt Bom exlaimed while clapping her hands.


"That is genius, Aunt Bom. Just plain genius!" Minho exclaimed, his excitement and happiness offendingly obvious.


Taemin could not contain himself anymore.


"WHAT MINHO WHAT!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. He is now on his feet, his eyes wide and glaring at Minho.


"TAEMIN SIT DOWN!" Aunt Bom screamed louder, but Taemin did not budge.


"Yobo,"Minho suddenly said, his tone soft and tender. "I know that this decision is big, but this is the only way we can get rid of Suzy, and continue our love for each other in peace!" He grabbed Taemin's hands , kissed them gently, and took them to his chest. "Please, Yobo, consider Aunt Bom's solution. Please." Minho is now looking at Taemin, his eyes boring into his. For a moment, Taemin saw something in hiding in Minho's eyes. Honesty?  He asked himself.  He himself didn’t know how, or why, but this made him believe that yes, their love must continue without the pest that is Suzy. He believed in their love, in Minho. He was believing that everything is true - well, until his aunt brought him back to reality.




"WHAT AHJUMMA?!" Taemin turned away from Minho, and faced his aunt - he is now back from his stupor from the large man's stare.


"Look at Minho! He is begging you!"


Taemin turned back to Minho and immediately felt the urge to puke. There, on the couch, sat Minho and his puppy eyes.






"But Ahjumma I don’t even know how to cook!"




Get your cray on~ Get your cray on~ Get your cray, get your cray on~


"Chae Rin's calling. I'll get back and we'll talk, Lee Taemin." Aunt Bom glared at Taemin. She then turned to Uncle Onew and glared even more. "And, Yobo, I think you should come with me outside. I need to talk to you, alone. "


"Yes, yes, Yobo," Uncle Onew replied rather sweetly. He turned to Taemin and held his hand. "Taemin, don’t worry. I'll fix this. Okay?"


 Taemin nodded.


"And you, Choi Minho," Uncle Onew glared at Minho. "We will talk later, you understand?"


"WHAT DID I DO?!" Minho exclaimed as his uncle went out the kitchen door.


Taemin planned to stay quiet and to ignore Minho until the two elders come back. But then he remembered Minho's stare, and the one hiding behind his eyes. The silence between them made the thought very bothering, so he decided to speak up.


Without even looking, Taemin asked Minho.


"Ya. Why are you siding with Aunt Bom?"


Minho seemed to grasp Taemin's game of their connection-void dialogue because he did not look up.


"Because her plan's brilliant, that's why,"


"Really, eh?" Or you really just want us to live together huh? Taemin silently continued in his mind.


"Yes. If not for my desperation to get rid of Suzy, I won't even consider this plan. Tsk, we, under the same roof, together? Never." Minho replied, disgust coloring his tone.


Taemin was about to say something very offensive to Minho - like how doesn't like jerks as room mates - when he was heard the kitchen door open. Within a few seconds, Aunt Bom was back, her face all red, and Uncle Onew trailing behind her.


"CL has her apartment in Gangnam ready, you move in this Saturday."








"But, Yobo, can't we just report Suzy to the principal?" Uncle Onew quickly blurted out - pleadingl - with the intention of giving a quick and sensible solution to Aunt Bom's near breakdown. But as soon as Uncle Onew got this out, he knew that he had done wrong. So wrong.


In a matter of seconds, Aunt Bom was on full rage, bawling, and even coming at Uncle Onew, berating him for what he has said. Taemin and Minho had to come between the two elders to prevent further injuries and damages to properties. Tears, things, and curses were all flying across and around the room, causing such chaos that one could easily mistake as another world war. After what seemed like an eternity of violence and harsh words, Aunt Bom calmed down just enough for her to talk and communicate her feelings effectively and efficiently.


"Ya, Lee Junki,look here," Aunt Bom semi-called semi-threatened Uncle Onew in between her deep breaths. "Do you think that I, Park Bom, the beautiful, smart, and elegant Park Bom, hasn't thought about such solutions, huh?!"


"Yobo, yobo, no, no," Uncle Onew softly said, in the hopes of further calming Aunt Bom down.


"THEN WHY SUGGEST IT!" Aunt Bom aimed a high kick at Uncle Onew, but was prevented by Taemin, who is now pulling her by her back.


"AHJUMMA CALM DOWN WILL YOU!" Taemin exclaimed while her aunt continued to struggle against his hold.


"Yobo, please, I was just thinking of ways on how to solve this Suzy problem without taking so much risks!" Uncle Onew reasoned while hiding behind his giant nephew.


"Really?" Aunt Bom replied, halting her struggle against her own nephew's hold. "Do you think that Suzy will stop harassing my Taemin- oh my poor baby Taemin - after you report her to the principal?!" Her tone was off the villain charts. Here comes danger, Taemin quietly thought.


"Yobo, yes, I belie-"


"NO, YOBO, NO. SO STOP ARGUING WITH ME." Aunt Bom said this with so much force one would believe that the conversation has ended then and there. But Uncle Onew, with his heart of steel, still hasn't given up.


"But how will we know if we wo -"


"I know because this is business."


The silence that followed sealed the end of the wild debate. Uncle Onew was flustered, Minho was eerily happy, and Taemin was plain miserable.


"You two," Aunt Bom directed towards Minho and Taemin. "Pack your bags and get ready to move."


* * * * *




For the first time in his life, Lee Taemin really wanted to die. Everything was just not falling into places for him: He was losing Kim Jonghyun, he has a ' problem' with Bae Suzy, and he is now moving in with Choi Minho.


my life, he quietly said.


"Aren’t you over-reacting, Lee Taemin?" Minzy remarked from the other side of the table.


"No, I'm not," replied Choi Minho while sipping his coffee.


"What a whacky that Aunt Bom is, eh?" Key commented, with a rather disgusted expression plastered onto his face.


"I know! That's what I'm trying to say!" Taemin exclaimed, making everyone in the canteen turn their heads and stare at him.


"But the plan was brilliant!" Minho exclaimed louder, scaring the birds away.


"But how will you live together, considering how you hate each other?" Minzy asked, genuine curiosity evident in her face.


"It will be hell, I tell you," Key remarked once again, a frown building at the sides of his lips.


"AH!" Taemin and Minho both screamed, amazingly almost at the same time, considering that they are  five floors apart from each other.


"Could you please keep quiet, Lee Taemin! The canteen is still a public place for god's sakes!" Minzy angrily whispered, her fist in the act of punching Taemin's head.


"But it's so frustrating, Gong Minji!" Taemin said as he slammed his head onto the table. "Now it feels like my aunt teamed up with Minho to ruin my life."


"Well, make that three," Minzy said, her voice suddenly full of contempt.


"What?" Taemin replied, raising his head from the table. Minzy was staring at something past him, and by the moment he saw Minzy's face, he immediately knew what she was talking about.






"Ahhhh," Key sighed, sipping the last of his  latte. "It really feels good to have this rooftop, eh, Minho? You can scream all your frustrations here."


"Well, not exactly all," Minho started, throwing his empty cup to the far side of the rooftop.

"But yeah, it still feels good."


"You always say that, Choi Minho," Key replied, facing Minho. The frown that was just threatening awhile ago now contorted Key's face. "What is it that you can't scream here? Or even tell me?"


"Aigoo, this kid. C'mere," Minho signaled Key to occupy his side. Key obliged, though halfheartedly, and went. He rested his head onto the big man's shoulders, and the big man caught the fragile boy by his waist, and pulled him closer. They stared at the skies, the peaceful skies, and Minho whispered:


"It's nothing, Key. I think I'm just glad you’re here."


* * * * *


"Nowadays, the parking lot is not just for cars anymore, eh? Tsk, tsk." Taemin remarked, his eyes locked with Suzy's.


"Yes, it seems so," Suzy replied, her glare now sharper.


"What do you want?" Taemin wanted to get to the point, because if this dragged on, he might murder Suzy.


"I've heard." Suzy replied. Taemin was taken aback by how short Suzy's answer was. Nevertheless, he still wouldn't trust that the won't cause a scene.


"What have you heard?" Taemin inquired, his tone - however - bland.


"You're moving in with him."


Taemin felt that his lips locked for a minute. Wow. Is the news that fast?! This must be FBI, he thought.


"Oh," Taemin colored his voice with artificial and irritating amusement.  "Isn't the news too fast, too, nowadays?"


"When?" Suzy replied, her voice almost shallow. Taemin noticed that her eyes are now hidden beneath her bangs.


Aigoo. What is wrong with this , now?! Why is she shaking? He thought, as he stares at Suzy.


"Lee Taemin, answer me. When?" Suzy reiterated, her tone dangerous.


"Saturday. Why?" Taemin answered because of something he never thought he would ever feel because of Suzy. Fear? He asked himself.


"You will never make it there, Lee Taemin," Suzy continued, her voice now almost gone due to her heavy breathing.


"What, Bae Suzy? What are you talking about?" Taemin asked. He is now genuinely scared. No doubt, he reaffirmed himself.


"Because I, Bae Suzy, will not let that happen." Suzy continued, as if she has not heard Taemin speak.


"Whaaaaat?!" Now Taemin is both scared and confused.


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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 9: You can't stop here... We need to know what is going to happen next! ;) Taemin is so funny... removing his clothes to cook so no oils spill on his :P
17-09-2020 #2
Chapter 9: You said you were going to finish this story? 🤗🙏 Looking forward to read more!
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 9: Very enjoyable - I like the push and pull + plus comic relief of Jinki and Bom😉 I hope you stay well and find time to continue this story author-nim ✌️
Chapter 1: Omg this is interesting from the beginning XDDDD I like hatred turned into love relationships!!!
Chapter 9: Hyyy new reader Thank you for updating hope you keep updating
Chapter 9: Glad you are back! Please continue updating it's great story
Chapter 3: Wow minho is an