Into The Act I

Mortal Enemies
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Taemin's eyes widened. Were his ears hearing reality?

"Bo-Bo-Boyfriend?" Taemin asked Minho loudly (though he really meant it to be a whisper), with wide eyes.

"Yes Babe, boyfriend." Minho replied, glaring a him implicitly.

Boyfriend?...Boyfriend?...Boyfriend?...This question echoed endlessly in Taemin's head; all until Mrs. Choi spoke.

"Taemin? You were Minho's bo-boyfriend?" she said, looking at Taemin, surprised.

He couldn't hold the stare of Minho's mother because, obviously, he was embarassed; so he sent his stares on the ground instead.

"Ne, Omma," he heard Minho say, sparing him from answering the question meant for him. "Taemin has been my lover for a long time now."

"What?" his father asked, standing up from his chair. "I had a feeling you two hated each other since you were kids!"

"Times change Aboji. We mature, and we leave uneeded things behind us." Minho said, grabbing Taemin by the waist and pulling him close to him.

With this, Taemin felt a slight lurch in his stomach and his heart missed a beat. His body was remembering some kind of feeling he had before; a feeling that he didn't know was hidden most of his existence.

"But, Minho," Mrs. Choi said, her eyes full of pleading. "You are both boys. How... How did you fall in love with each other?" she finished, tears welling in her eyes.

"Omma," Minho said; his eyes were pleading, too. "Do you remember what you told me before, about love?" he asked his mother. Mrs. Choi, on the other hand, seem to remember this and was now crying silently.

"You said that love goes beyond many boundaries: color, race, preference and so on. You said that love goes well beyond these, that sometimes they are completely erased, making impossible things possible. With Taemin," Minho pulled Taemin closer to him, "My love for him went beyond the most impossible boundary: gender. Many people might not approve of us crossing that boundary, but I don't care. I love Lee Taemin, and I am very sure that I will have no regrets in doing so." Minho finished with a spectacular triuphant expression in his face, sending his speech deep into anyone's heart. Taemin even thought he saw a proud smile on Minho's mother amidst her tears.

"I don't believe you."

A voice came from their left side. Taemin turned his head and saw that the voice came from the beautiful lady sitting across them. Taemin was sure that she hadn't done anything wrong to him yet, but he was really into pulling all the hair out of her head.


"I don't believe you, Choi Minho," she repeated, her eyes narrowing.

"And so?" Minho said, turning to her. "Who the hell cares?"

The lady's expression went from angry to I-can-kill-you-now-I-swear-if-you-won't-stop-contradicting-me kind of expression. She shifted her glare from Minho to Taemin and smirked.

"Well then," she said. "Prove it to me."

Taemin panicked. Proof? We don't have a relationship certificate yet! he thought. But, there ain't any 'relationship certificate' right? So what's this girl looking for?!

Taemin would've ran out of the room when he felt fingers holding his chin. After a few moments he realized that they were Minho's, so he quickly looked up to see if he too was panicking. However, dear Taemin didn't expect any of the events that followed.

Minho pressed his lips on Taemin's.

Taemin was surprised. He wanted to push the ert kissing him away, but the eyes of the angel in front of him said that its alright, that nobody's going to harm him; so he stayed put. He never thought that Minho's lips were these sweet and soft. He again felt that feeling of being lifted off to the heavens, much like what he felt a while ago; however, this time, it was impossible to ignore, so he let himself be taken away. As the sweet lips he was kissing parted, his lips acted on their own accord: they parted too, filling in the gaps the other made. Minho's and Taemin's lips danced together in perfect beats, in wonderful rhythm, in a harmonious melody called love.

- - -


Taemin is still in heaven.


Taemin is still savoring the sweet lips of his angel.


Taemin does not want to go down, no.


Taemin wishes to stay here forever and ever.

"Aigoo, Taemin!"

Taemin felt hands shaking his shoulders violently. As he open his eyes, he was sure he had just woken up from a dream: the scenario he was currently seeing was way different from where he was a while ago.

"WHOA! Where are we?!" he exclaimed as he examine the place they were in.

"We're in the food court, dumb-o." Minho said, rolling his eyes.

Taemin was sure that the man who spoke was the same man he kissed a while ago, but somehow, something had changed: he wasn't his angel anymore.

"Tsk. Ya, why're are we here? Aren't we in that restaurant upstairs?" Taemin said, glaring at Minho.

"We've been here atleast ten minutes already." Minho replied, sipping up a drink from a cup.

"What? Ten minutes?!" Taemin asked, looking shocked. "But how did we get here?!"

"Well, I had to piggy-back you until here because it looks like you thouroughly enjoyed our kiss awhile ago." Minho said, a malicious smile creeping up on his lips.

Taemin blushed at this, but he tried to keep his voice straight.

"I definitely did not!" he exclaimed, covering his body as if protecting himself from a .

"But, what really happened upstairs? Why did we go down here?" he asked inquiringly.

"Well, after we kissed, it looks like you've been dumbfounded hard," Minho replied maliciously.

"For goodness sake Minho, what else happened?" Taemin said, closing his eyes.

"Well, after you got dumbfounded, Suzy raised hell. I had to get you down here to keep you alive." Minho narrated seriously.

"Suzy? Is she the girl in there?" Taemin asked again.

"Yeah." Minho replied uninterestedly.

"Uhrmn... Minho?" Taemin started, eyes squinted.


"Do you know Suzy that well?" he continued, looking honestly curious.

"Hmmn... Not really. Wae?" the other replied, gulping another sip from his drink.

"Well, its just that... I don't know... I... Hmmn... Hate her at first sight?" Taemin's expression was trying to get across what he means; that he really wanted to rip that Suzy's head.

"Oh. You hate her?" Minho said with interest. "Maybe its because of your first meeting back when you were three." he continued in a matter-of-factly tone.

"We met already? I don't recognize her." Taemin replied, eyebrows burrowing.

"She ripped the bear your Omma gave you. Remember her now?" Minho replied, in an irritated tone.

Taemin searched his brain for the said memory for a moment, and when he came upon it, his face became violet (yes, he's that angry) with rage.

"SHE'S THAT ING ?!" he bellowed, causing half of the tables occupied stare at them.

"SHH!" Minho clapped his hands over Taemin's mouth. He smiled at everyone who is staring, until they're ignored and was considered 'weird', 'scandalous' and 'doesn't have social manners'.

Minho let go of Taemin's mouth when he felt he won't go amok anymore and said: "Yeah, she's that... Well... ."

"That... Is the last gift... My mother... Gave me..." Taemin couldn't straighten up his voice: he was so angry at her.

"I know," Minho said dully.

"You know?" Taemin asked. He was quite surprised that Minho knew this.

"Yeah," Minho replied again in the same dull voice.

"How did you know?" Taemin asked, one of his eyebrows raised.

He saw Minho froze.

"Uhrmn... Well..." Minho stuttered.

"Choi Minho..." Taemin said threateningly.

"Well, my mum told me." Minho lied.

"Really?" Taemin asked, unbelieving.

"I'm telling the truth, but if you won't believe it, then don't!" Minho replied in a funny would-be-angry way. Taemin have no choice but to believe.

"Okay Mr. Choi," he stated, smiling and rolling his eyes.

"Hmn... If she went wild in there, it means we convinced her hard. Then, Minho, your blackmail's over!" he continued triumphantly.

"Bwoh? Over? Are you hearing yourself Lee Taemin?" Minho said, pointing at his ears.

"Wae? We already convinced her, I bet she won't..." Taemin would've said that she won't come after them, but after a moment's thinking, maybe she will. That's what es do, right?

"Tut, tut. Lee Taemin, I've always thought that you are smart." Minho leaned his face close to Taemin's. "But I guess I am greatly mistaken. Tut, tut."

"Bwoh?-" Taemin said, but before he could react to this statement, Minho already spoke.

"Obviously, we must expect Suzy to pursue us. Even if we do not know her that well, it is easy to deduce that she will come after whatever she wants, which is me. If she found that we - " he pointed himself and Taemin, " - only made up that scenario up there, she would quickly tell it to our parents and boom: my life will be ruined, and so is yours."

Minho finished his little speech by folding his arms and looking straight at Taemin.

"Then that means..." Taemin tried to put things together in many other ways just to avoid the conclusion that he had to act as Minho's boyfriend from now on. But whatever he does, it still goes down to that.

"Taemin, do you really have such a small brain?" Minho suddenly said. He must have noticed Taemin's engagement in deep thoughts. "That means you don't have any choice but to act as my lover until we are sure that no marriage will take place and Suzy won't come after me." he continued, finishing up his drink.

"But, Minho, you know I already have Jonghyun! What am I going to do?" Taemin asked pleadingly.

"Break up with him. Tell him its me you love and not him." Minho replied casually.

"BWOH? YOU WANT ME TO RUIN MY LOVE LIFE SO YOU CAN GET OUT OF YOUR MARRIAGE?!" Taemin said, half-angry, half-scandalized.

"I think it is a much better choice than having your whole life ruined." Minho said, still casually.

What the hell did I get into?!Taemin thought, cupping his face with his hands.

*    *    *

Taemin woke up the following day feeling a little bit nauseated. He spent the first hour of his morning convincing himself that everything that happened yesterday was only a nightmare he had last night, that he was now awake from it, that he did not kiss Choi Minho, that he was safe, that he did not kiss Choi Minho, that all he did yesterday was to shop for Kim Jonghyun's birthday, and that he really did not kiss Choi Minho. However, this psyching-up did not do any good to his feeling: he still felt violated, due to the fact that indeed, he kissed Choi Minho and, even though he worked so hard to deny it, he did enjoy it. He was still sulking when he heard his phone ring. He received a message from Jonghyun.

'Good Morning Yobo!~~ Are you ready already? I'll pick you up at nine! I love you! :))'

Taemin couldn't help but smile. Even if he really had a bad day yesterday, Kim

Jonghyun seem to erase it all away. He replied:

'Good Morning too Yobo! ♥I just woke up, but I'll go and take a bath now so I won't be late! :D I'm excited, can't wait to see you! I love you too!'

And he pressed send, and quickly went to shower.

He was deciding whether he would wear his black or grey shirt when he remembered something.


He quickly got his phone and dialled Minzy's number. It rang, and rang, and rang, and rang, but she didn't answer.

"MINZY YOU LAZY BONES! WAKE THE EFFIN' UP! MY GIFT!" he shouted, hoping that she would somehow hear him. He redialled again and again, but he still got no answer; so he decided to go to their house instead. It wasn't really far, but it takes a good ten minutes of walking (which Taemin decided to take on 5 minutes of running) to get there. When Taemin was rounding up the street where Minzy's house is, a hand suddenly caught his arm and dragged him backwards.

"BWOH? WHAT THE - " he started, but when he turned around, his heart fell: it was Choi Minho.

He was dragged until they reached a vacant space in-between two houses. Minho let go of his hand and faced him, his face serious.

"We're going to tell your Aunt today." he said.

"BWOH?" Taemin replied in an unnecessary loud voice.

"I know

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 9: You can't stop here... We need to know what is going to happen next! ;) Taemin is so funny... removing his clothes to cook so no oils spill on his :P
17-09-2020 #2
Chapter 9: You said you were going to finish this story? 🤗🙏 Looking forward to read more!
Beau1996 1379 streak #3
Chapter 9: Very enjoyable - I like the push and pull + plus comic relief of Jinki and Bom😉 I hope you stay well and find time to continue this story author-nim ✌️
Chapter 1: Omg this is interesting from the beginning XDDDD I like hatred turned into love relationships!!!
Chapter 9: Hyyy new reader Thank you for updating hope you keep updating
Chapter 9: Glad you are back! Please continue updating it's great story
Chapter 3: Wow minho is an