Fake love

100 Days of Truth

“InHye-yah!” she cried as she held your hand. “What happened?” she asked not even noticing Kris who was looking at her with a disgusted face.

“Why is she crying?” the soul ripper asked as he tried to kick the girl but it didn’t affect her.


“She’s crying because of me of course. Me, her best friend, just got into an accident.” You said to him and walked over to Sooyoung who was weeping on her knees.

“It’s okay Sooyoung, this will be just for 100 days. Be strong and take care of my parents for me.” you told her like she can hear you.


“I’m so sorry.” Your friend said as she sobbed making you confused.

“What?” you asked yourself. But then, another person entered your room. It was your fiance, Chanyeol.


Your eyes lit up at the sight of your loved one and saw his worried expression, but there’s more in to his eyes. Guilt?


He made his way to your friend and helped her up as you, Suho and Kris watched them. He pulled your friend into his arms and caressed her back making a tiny piece of jealousy in to your heart.

“Everything’s going to be okay.” Chanyeol said to her and you agreed. This is normal, comforting friends with a hug is just normal and there’s nothing wrong with that.

“But.” Sooyung tried to say something only to be hushed by Chanyeol.


He reached for the girl’s chin making Sooyoung look at him their faces really close to each other while you three were watching them. Your heart beating fast as you saw the two while Suho felt sad towards you and Kris glaring at the two.

The next thing they did was out of your imagination. In front of you, you husband to be and your best friend was kissing, not only a peck nor a short kiss but a passionate and loving one.


Your eyes widened as your entire being froze, your heart shattered into pieces as tears slowly made its way out of your eyes to your cheeks.


This is not happening. You wanted to look away but you couldn’t it was like you were frozen because of the pain.


Chanyeol broke the kiss and held Sooyoung closer with a sigh as he looked at your comatose body. “Don’t worry about her.” He said with a cold voice. “With the wedding happening or not, I will soon join Inhye and my account together and after that, I can easily break up with her.” He said, word by word piercing your broken heart. “But I think it’ll be better if she dies.” He added making you fall on your knees.


The love you shared, all those warm and soft words, all those lovely days and the love you shared. They’re all fake.


“Don’t say that.” Sooyoung broke the hug. “She’s still my friend you know.” She said making Chanyeol smirk.

“Yeah, right.” he said with a sarcastic tone. “You think I didn’t know you were just friends with her so you won’t get bullied and because of her money?” he said that made Sooyoung look down in shame.

“I’m sorry.” Chanyeol said as he went over board by his word. “But it’s true,right?”

“Yes it is.” She said breaking your heart even more. “But she was so nice to me and I really treat her as my friend.” She added.


“We’ll get through this together.” He said. Kris rolled his eyes while Suho watched sadly

“I know” she smiled and the both of them went out of the hospital hand in hand leaving you, your body, the angel and the soul ripper in silence.


“Well, that’s some friend and a reason to live you got.” Kris told as he sighed and went back to the bed.


You were sobbing and Suho was the one you helped you sit on the couch as he caressed your arm for comfort. “Some things are meant to happen, Inhye-yah. Don’t lose hope.” The angel said but nothing on earth can comfort you right now. NO ONE.


“I’m going for a walk.” You stood up and was about to go out but then turned back to see the two about to follow you. “Alone.” You added and they nodded. Kris went back to relax while Suho pouted and remained on his place.


You were walking on the streets while people walked through you. But you didn’t even notice as you were busy crying and just walked without any direction.


Then, you ended up in a university. The university you, Chanyeol and Sooyoung went together. You walked into the territory and went to the library where you always study or whenever you and Sooyoung fights, you’ll stay there until you’re ready to talk to her again.


You sat in the usual place you sat on back in the days as you cried as loud as you can, not even caring if someone hears you or not.

How could they do this to me? Why do these things have to happen to me? All those questions lingered in your mind as you cry.


After 3 hours of weeping, the library was about to close and a guy wearing glasses approached you. There were no more people in the library except him and the librarian.


“Excuse me miss.” He said and you quickly wiped you tears and looked at him. “The library is about to close, we should get out.” He said and you nodded.

“Yes, thank you.” You said and stood up before going out of the library with the guy with glasses following you. He said his goodbyes to the librarian and then walked out.


But then, as soon as you walked out of the library, your eyes widened in shock and you gasped as you turned back at the guys who almost bumped unto you.

“Careful miss.” He said making you more and more shocked as you stepped back and pointed at him.




“You! You you c-can see me?!” 

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I changed the plot... k k k ... ottoke?!


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Chapter 6: Gaaaaaaaaaaah~ The feels~~~ Kenekeleg eke~~ emegehd~~ UD na unnie !!!~ hahaha !!!!~ Can I have Suho please ?~~~
Chapter 6: Gaaaaaaaaaaah~ The feels~~~ Kenekeleg eke~~ emegehd~~ UD na unnie !!!~ hahaha !!!!~ Can I have Suho please ?~~~
Chapter 6: Waaa so nice! I'll wait for the update author-nim.
Chapter 6: Nice story. I'll wait for the update. :)
Chapter 6: I will wait for you to update...........
All of my stories will be on hiatus for the next 5 months OTL
I'm very sorry but I have to concentrate on my college studies and my responsibilities OTL
pls understand ~
Chapter 3: OH MAY GAWD!!!! KYAAHHHHH KRIS IS SO CUTE!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ he's green minded!!! I luv it ♥♡♥♡
Please update soon :(
I've just finished my exams, hoping that you'll update T____T