Nothing but weirdness

One Wish Changes Everything


"Ah yeh hyung"
Joonmyeon came into the living room and sat next to Baekhyun. He was watching SNSD Hello Baby.
"This is like his 5th time watching this. This fanboy I swear." Joonmyeon thought to himself. But soon enough he too got caught up in the show.
While the two other boys were watching tv, Kyungsoo was in the kitchen cooking.
"Tao I'll call you when the foods ready, alright. You don't always have to stay and wait here whenever I cook."
"But I like the smell of your cooking hyung. Please can I stay? Buing buing!"
"Yah! You know aegyo makes me feel uncomfortable. And plus there was no need for that. It's not like I'm going to kick you out of here. Unless you do something horrible to my kitchen then that's when things get serious."
Meanwhile in the living room.
"AWWW KYUNGSAN-AH!!!!! Nomu kyeopta!!"
"Uh" Tao's jaw drops as he walks into the living room and witnesses something he wishes he didn't see.
"Ah jongmal. They're already grown men yet they still act like this. Holding hands, sparkling eyes, tsk. YAH!! Breakfast's ready." Kyungsoo slapped the heads of the two oldies. Joonmyeon and Baekhyun snapped out of it and became normal again. For now.
"Kyungsoo babyyyy!!" Joonmyeon jumped on Kyungsoo and gave him a huge hug.
"YAH!!! How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that? Get off hyung." Kyungsoo yelled at the person who was tightly holding onto him but he knew there was no use in that. Yelling at his hyung never helps. It just makes the latter hug him tighter.
"You're so cute baby!" Joonmyeon was rubbing his cheeks with Kyungsoo's. Everytime Baekhyun sees this he can't help but laugh his off. When he finally calms down he pulls Joonmyeon's ear and drags him to the kitchen.
"Ah Baekhyunnie that hurts. Kyunggie help me!!" Joonmyeon's arms were trying to reach for Kyunsoo but he was too far.
"Aish jongmal." Kyungsoo follows the two into the kitchen and sees Tao eating. "I see you're eating already."
"Sorry hyung but I couldn't wait any longer. You know me. I need to have a full stomach. Food is good for you. It's what gives you energy. It's what gives you strength. It motivates.."
"Tao I get it haha. Just finish your food."
The four of them were happily eating and talking.
"Oh Joon hyung. Did.."
"Kyunggie. Remember what I told you to call me? It's "my one and only guardian" hyung. Remember? Now you try it."
" .....Joon hyung did you ask Baekhyun hyung yet?" continued Kyungsoo.
"Well I tried." Joonmyeon sighed. "And oh. I forgot ahaha."
"This hyung jongmal." muttered Kyungsoo.
"Uh Kyungsoo what was it that he needed to ask me?"
"Oh yeah. Well hyung and I were thinking about going to the park to practice. We wanted to know...well, I wanted to know if you wanted to tag along."
"Baek hyung please. Don't leave me alone with him" whispered Kyungsoo. Their eyes land on Joonmyeon who was finishing up his food. Their hyung is such an angel. He even looks like one but when it comes to Kyungsoo he becomes really weird. He acts like Kyungsoo is his wife. It freaks everyone out sometimes.
"Arasso. I'll come. How about Tao?" asked Baekhyun.
"Oh I can't come hyung. I'm meeting up with the others at the gym." Baekhyun mouthed "ah I see"
"Tell them I said hi."
"Neh. Well I'll get going first hyungs. See you tonight. Don't come home late. We're leaving early tomorrow."
"When did you become so responsible?" asked Kyungsoo smiling.
"Baby, he's only like this when he's excited to go somewhere."
Hearing the word baby gets on Kyunsoo's nerves. He glared at Joonmyeon who looked back at him and gave him his famous angel smile.
Kyungsoo's eyes widened. He put his right hand on the left side of his chest. "I don't get it. My heart's beating at normal speed."
"What is this??" thought Kyungsoo. He looked back at Joonmyeon but his heart was still beating normally.
"AHHH I'M GOING CRAZY" Kyungsoo ran into his room and shut the door closed.
"What's wrong with him?" Joonmyeon looked at the laughing Baekhyun. He was laughing so hard that he fell of his seat.
"Ah that was so funny ahahahahahaha"
"What happened baekhyunnie?" Joonmyeon was really curious now.
"Aniya aniya. It's nothing. But hyung I'm going to get ready now haha." Baekhyun got up from the floor and walked to his room. "Dugun dugun. Ahahahahahaha!!!"
The 3 boys finally arrived at the park and began their practice session. As usual the training went well. Not one made a mistake. It's not surprising because they've been doing this for 2 years. It takes about 3 months to get used to things. 4 if you have a more difficult type of style.
"Yah I couldn't ask for a better power." said Baekhyun happily.
"Me, too." agreed Joonmyeon. "Water suits me well. Don't you think baby?" Kyungsoo's eyes widened again and he quickly ran back to the table.
"Seriously, what's wrong with him?" Joonmyeon looked at Baekhyun and sees him giggling.
"kekeke ah I really don't know."
As they were eating they saw lightening.
"It's so weird. It's such a nice day. Sunny. No rain. But there's lightening?" Baekhyun was really confused.
Minutes later they noticed something else.
"Is that snow on the table?" Kyungsoo asked.
"What's going on?" Baekhyun and Kyungsoo didn't know what was happening.
"I think I know." began Joonmyeon. "Remember what coach told us? Only 12 boys were chosen to have powers. Right now there's 8 of us. Telekinesis, flight/fly, water, light, flame/fire, earth, time control, and wind. We've been searching for the other 4 which are frost, healing, lightening, and teleportation. It's been 2 years now and I think we just found 2 of them." Joonmyeon explained everything their coach, Lee Soo Man, taught them.
"Well we can't just sit here. We should look for them now." suggested Baekhyun.
The 3 of them searched around the park for 10 minutes but there was no sign of them.
"Hyung...I can't...find...them...anywhere." Baekhyun was still trying to catch his breath.
"What are we going to do now?" They were about to give up until a random guy appeared in front of them out of nowhere.
"WHAT THE!! YAH GET AWAY FROM MY KYUNGGIE!!!" Joonmyeon pulled Kyungsoo away from the unknown guy.
"Hyung." Kyungsoo escaped from his grasp.
"Uh who are you and where did you come from?" asked Kyungsoo.
The other boy was surprised. He was a tall, thin male who had dark brown hair with slightly tan skin and full lips.
"What am I supposed to tell them? I can't just say I have powers. They'll think I'm weird." Jongin thought to himself. "I ah..I run really fast. Uh huh. That's it. Sometimes when I run too fast I run into things unknowingly." he gave the other 3 an awkward smile.
"Hyung. He's lying." Baekhyun pointed out the obvious.
"You haves powers don't you?" questioned Joonmyeon.
"Powers? Aha aniyooo. Mwo? That's crazy. Why would I?" Jongin was becoming very uncomfortable now.
"Hey it's alright. No need for you to cover it up. We too have powers." said Baekhyun.
Jongin wasn't sure if he should believe them or not. They could just be tricking him to get him to tell them the truth. Who knows what they'll do to him. They'll probably sell him to a zoo and they'll become billionaires. "That's just crazy." he said in his mind.
"What makes you think I'll believe you guys?"
"We can show you." replied Kyungsoo.
""Kyungsoo I'm not sure if that's a good idea." Baekhyun opposed.
"No it's a great idea Kyunggie. Then maybe after when he believes us he can show us his powers and he'll introduce us to his friends."
The 3 friends showed their powers and so did Jongin. He led him to his friends, introduced them, and explained everything to them.
"So this is it. There's finally 12 of us." Joonmyeon excitedly said.
"Wow I still can't believe it. We're not the only ones. There's 8 other boys out there who are just like us." Yixing felt like crying.
"So you're going to introduce us to the rest you said?" Minseok asked Joonmyeon.
"Neh. If you guys are still willing to come with us tomorrow. You sure it's not too soon?" answered Joonmyeon.
"No it's fine. We can come."
"Alright then. We'll see you guys tomorrow."
The 7 boys said their farewells and headed back to their homes.
Baekhyun explained to everyone what happened that day. They were all amazed and were excited to meet them.
"Yay more friends!" Tao was so happy that 4 other boys were being added to the group.
While they were all chatting Baekhyun notices Kyungsoo leave the living room. He knocks on Kyungsoo's door and enters the room.
"Something bothering you?" Baekhyun asks.
Kyungsoo places his head on Baekhyun's shoulder and begins to talk. "To be honest, I don't know. Hyung this morning something happened. My heart..."
Baekhyun began to giggle.
"Yah! If all you're going to do is laugh then might as well leave the room." Kyungsoo pushed him away and laid down in his bed.
"Kyungsoo I'm sorry for laughing, but it's too funny."
"Okay I get it. Just leave me alone."
"Hey. What happened this morning was me." Kyungsoo turned around to face Baekhyun.
"What?" he wasn't sure what his hyung meant.
"What I'm trying to say is, that heart beat sound was me. Dugun dugun." After Kyungsoo got his thoughts together he finally took his pillow and threw it at Baekhyun. "YAH!!!!"
"Ahahahahahahahaha!! Hey that isn't the way you're supposed to speak to your hyung."
Kyungsoo laid back down and faced the wall.
"Kyungsoo-yah. I'm sorry. I thought it would be funny. I didn't know you'd take it this seriously. It's not like you even like him back. Don't worry. After awhile you'll be fine and get over all this. Okay?" Kyungsoo didn't say a word and just stared at the wall. When Baekhyun left the room Kyungsoo slowly closed his eyes.
"Is he okay?" Joonmyeon worriedly asked once Baekhyun got out of the room.
"He's fine. Just tired. You don't need to worry much hyung." Baekhyun gave him a smile and walked back to the living room.
"I hope so." mumbled Joonmyeon. He slowly and quietly opened the door to Kyungsoo's room. He was lying down on his bed facing the wall. Joonmyeon carefully sat on the edge of Kyungsoo's bed and examined the latter's perfect face. He watched how the little boy's chest moved up and down as he was breathing. He couldn't help but smile to himself. Joonmyeon used his hand to caress the boys face. "You're so squishy and adorable. I love how you always get upset whenever I hug you and call you nicknames. It hurts because I get rejected but at least you know. You know hyungs feelings right? Kyungsoo. Hyung loves you. You know that? If only I can say this to you when you're awake. I care a lot about you. Most of the time more than the others. But that's because you're special to me. Today you seemed out of it. Was something bothering you? Don't be afraid to come talk to hyung, alright? I'm always here to listen. Anyway, I should get back to them. They might be looking for me. Goodnight Kyungsoo. Sleep well." Joonmyeon quietly closed the door behind him and got back to the noisy kids.
Kyungsoo opened his eyes and looked at the clock. 2:36 am. He couldn't stop thinking about earlier. He heard every single word Joonmyeon said. That's all he's been thinking about for the past few hours. His eyes were teary. His heart wasn't beating normally. He was sweating a lot and his stomach felt weird. He got out of bed and tip toed his way out the room trying not to wake up the sleeping panda. He went to the bathroom to wash his face then went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. As he entered the kitchen he sees the refrigerator door open. "Oh? Who are you?" he asked. His eyes were wide open and he was scared.
The unknown person closed the door and showed his face.
"Hyung? What are you doing here?" Kyungsoo was surprised to see the other person.
"Shouldn't I be asking you that? Haha. I couldn't sleep and I got hungry so I decided to look for something to eat. But seems like there's nothing. What about you? Why are you up?" The other boy said.
"Well I woke up and it was really hot and I got thirsty so I came here to get a glass of water." Kyungsoo explained.
"Oh I see. Well there isn't anything to eat so I'll just go back to my room."
"Uh hyung. I can cook you something."
"Right now? I mean I don't want to force you."
"No it's okay. I'm actually hungry, too."
"Okay then." the other boy smiled happily.
While Kyungsoo was making ramen Joonmyeon was quietly waiting.
"Wah! This looks good. Let's eat!" Joonmyeon said.
During the whole time, they were quiet. Not one word was said until Joonmyeon spoke up.
"Kyungsoo-yah." began Joonmyeon.
"First time you actually said my full name in awhile."
"Oh yeah. Uhm, did I do something to make you upset today?" Joonmyeon stopped eating and looked at Kyungsoo who also stopped eating but was looking down at the table.
"Then what happened?" Kyungsoo stayed quiet.
"It's okay if you don't tell me. I'm just worried."
"It's ok hyung. I'm fine." Kyungsoo smiled at him but Joonmyeon can tell it was fake. He didn't want to say anything though because he might make the boy upset.
Joonmyeon waited for Kyungsoo to finish cleaning the dishes.
"Hyung you didn't have to wait for me."
"I know but I didn't want you to be alone when you walk back to your room."
The 2 boys went back to their assigned rooms and finally got some sleep.
DONE!!!! OMG my kyungmyeon/sudo feels >.< Kyungsoo and his overly used word "jongmal". Baekhyun and his weird, funny self. Tao and his aegyo. Joonmyeon and his love for Kyungsoo xD I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Comment and subscribe :D
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Chapter 3: *cries of joy* I LOVED IT! Thank you so much! I really enjoyed it! The funny and annoying Joonnie all overprotective around Kyunggie, but then everything changed and I loved how they ended up talking normally and Joonnie being serious and calm..I really really loved it!
Also, I think is this story is going to have my EXO perfect pairings~ it has KaiLay, XiuChen and ofc SuDO confirmed already~ I wonder if we are going to have BaekYeol, HunHan and TaoRis, too? OMG! I would love it!
Please update soon~ ^^
Chapter 3: yay a xiuchen fic c: and with kailay and sudo~ /cries tears of joy ;;
Chapter 2: SUHO and D.O! Pretty please~
And I would never complain if you make them a couple~ xDD Lol! I love SuDO~
Chapter 1: Omy
Yaay I love AU's with superpowers and I love KaiLay and XiuChen heheh :DD can't wait for moree~
smiley44 #5
Chapter 1: Is there an EXO game for real?? How lucky they are, their wishes came true.
Chapter 1: Aww~ I want to play EXO, too~ *pouts* >o<
I really want to know why did their wishes come true! I mean..I've wished for so long so many things and guess what? I got nothing! Not any teleportation power, or water control (my fav) or time control, super strength..NOTHING! I mean..come on! I was a little girl, too~ xDDD
Great story~ (^_^)d I will wait for my flawless Suho-oppa~