Buried Alive

Trapped in an Icey Hell



Next day

“Come on in,” Taemin smiled as two delivery men arrived with their weekly food shopping “thanks just place it on the table.”

Aman smiled back. The two entered the warm cabin placing the food down on the table, their snow boots leaving icy trails as they walked though. “Keep warm,” one of them said before they left leaving Taemin inside the small cabin alone.

Taemin nodded, he was freezing even though he was wearing a million layers and by the fire most of the day. It seemed colder then yesterday if that was possible and he wasn’t even outside. He could only imagine how cold his hyung’s were, but then again they were better than him in every way so he shouldn’t worry. If it were him, he probably would have ruined the whole photo shoot. Why was he so useless? He ruined everything he touched. His manager deserved to hate him. He was just so weak and pathetic.

Taemin began to put the food away; hopefully, he can do that right, but then again, Key was so particular about where things were placed inside the fridge and cupboards, and for a moment he debated just leaving it as it was, after all, it wasn’t like any of it would go warm. But something changed his mind…well, more like the carton of banana milk that was sitting in the corner of the bigger box. He began putting away the food while drinking it; he couldn’t help himself, besides it was for him anyway.

The cabin felt so big now compared to when his hyungs’ were here. The others had all gone out to the photo shoot on a frozen lake to advertise an ice-cream bar, something he was meant to do too, but Key told him to stay home instead. Probably because he didn’t want Taemin to ruin that photo shoot as well. He hoped no one would fall through the ice, but then again, they were all better skaters than him or at least the manager said.

After he had put the groceries away, he was so tempted to dance but Key and warned him to sit and stay warm so he can get better soon. So he continued to sit and watch TV he would ask to dance later.


“We’re home, Taemin you feeling better?” Key called as he walked into the cabin.

Minho, Jonghyun and Onew walked in too. Onew went to the kitchen to make everyone a warm drink, Minho went for a hot shower because he was freezing, during the photo shoot Minho had fallen into a pile of snow, Key had ordered him to go for a shower, and he would deal with Taemin.

Jonghyun went to go to the bedroom to get changed into warmer non-ice covered clothes.

Key, however, went straight to find Taemin. He got a bit worried when Taemin didn’t answer till he found the maknae asleep on the couch by the fire under a blanket, the end of a movie playing on the TV.

“Taebaby, time to get up. You will be awake all night if you sleep now,” Key cooed shaking Taemin’s shoulder.

“Hmmm oh, umma…you’re back,” Taemin mumbled as he rubbed his eyes.

Key could have squealed at his baby’s actions “aww yes baby we’re back, you feeling better?” Key asked.

“Much,” Taemin smiled “oh…can I umm dance?”

“Where? It’s snowing outside,” Key said as he sat down feeling Taemin’s forehead.

“Here…please, I need to, I stayed on the couch all day as you asked so can I?” Taemin pouted.

Key sighed “don’t push yourself; I think it will be okay, all the other workers have gone down the mountain, it’s just as up here,” Key said.

Taemin immediately got up and raced to get his radio. Soon enough Taemin had set out everything and turned up the music and began to dance.

Jonghyun, Minho, Onew and Key sat at the table watching Taemin as they drunk warm hot chocolates and coffee while eating boiling BudaeJjigae that Key cooked.

“Taemin, come eat,” Key called out, but the music was too loud.

“Key! Pass the salt!” Minho called.

“What?” Key yelled back.

“Pass the salt!” Minho called again but the music was too loud so he just reached over everyone grabbing the salt but as soon as he did the ground began to shake hard. The cabin walls seemed like they were about to collapse in any second as everything went black, the radio fell onto the floor smashing and a freezing breeze swept through the entire cabin as it continued to shake. The roaring of something burst their ears. It sounded like a train, plane, elephant stampede, loud horns, earthquake and rumbling all at once, a strong whistle of wind split their ears in a high pitch tone at the same time sounded like a million insects crawling around the walls. Everything was unbearably loud.

“Ah!” Key screamed holding onto Jonghyun who pulled him under the table.

Minho got up and dived onto Taemin pushing him to the floor to cover Taemin if anything fell.

Onew stood up from the table and ended up falling under the kitchen bench. He pulled his legs to his chest and hands over his ears hoping the shaking would stop soon. It didn’t, the shaking, the noise, the terrifying heart pounding fear went for almost five minutes and when it stopped the cabin was pitch black and freezing.

“Has it stopped?” Jonghyun asked as he slowly moved out from under the table hand in hand with Key.

“I think so…what happened?” Onew asked as he felt around, he couldn’t even see his hand in front of his face. He felt around and moved towards a light switch and turned it on, but it didn’t work.

“You okay Taemin?” Minho asked his lover who was still clinging to his shirt as tight as he could.

“That was so scary,” Taemin whimpered, his finger in his ear trying to get rid of the irritating ringing.

“The lights aren’t working,” Onew mumbled as he tried over and over flicking on and off the light. He moved to the window and froze “It’s going to get scarier,” Onew said.

“What?” Key asked, “what could possible by more frightening that that?” He snapped.

Onew stood back from the window he was in front of pulling back the curtain open and held up his phone from his pocket for light “we’re snowed in.”

“WHAT! Oh no! No no no no! This can’t be happening! This cannot happen!” Key began to panic.

“We have to get out, try every room and see if there’s an opening,” Jonghyun said.

Everyone nodded. Key ran to Jonghyun’s room, Minho ran to Taemin’s then Onew’s. Onew went towards the chimney; however, the snow had half taken over the lounge room area.

“Nothing,” Minho puffed.

“Nothing!” Taemin gasped.

Key came out of Jonghyun and his room “we’re completely snowed in.”

Jonghyun went to his lover and held him “keep calm, I’m sure we will be dug out soon.”

“But- this house is built on snow…we were probably swept away in the avalanche,” Key whimpered.

No one had said it yet but that’s what had happened. They have been complexly covered in snow by an avalanche.

Taemin began to cry then ran to his room.

“Taemin!” Key called.

“Don’t worry, he’s just upset…we all are,” Onew said sitting down on the couch “it’s cold.”

“We’re buried in snow hyung,” Jonghyun said rolling his eyes taking a seat at the table eating his warm food to try to warm up before it got cold. After all if the lights aren’t working then this is probably his last warm meal and he was eating all of it.

“So…we’re all going to be frozen alive?” Minho said looking up at the ceiling “who know how long the roof will hold out with all the snow on top of us.”



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Chapter 1: Stupid manager!! Pity for Taemin... :(
Chapter 1: y Manager :(
Poor Taemin^^ Plz well soon~
sofie93 #3
Chapter 1: ooo seams good!!
Ohh I'm looking forward to this story! Please update soon? =)
smiley_pauli #5
are you from germany??
GayDragon #6
looking forward