Trapped in an Icey Hell-Chapter 1

Trapped in an Icey Hell


Okay Jonghyun shirt off,” the photographer called out.

Jonghyun shivered and removed his shirt giving it to an assistant that was bundled up in warm jumpers and furs.

Jonghyun sighed letting out a puff of air. He posed while looking off towards Key and Taemin that were getting their makeup done while in heated seats and blankets by a heater.

Minho and Onew had already finished their part of the photo shoot for today and were back at the cabin not too far away to get warm. Key and Taemin had arrived just an hour ago, and already the maknae was going blue from exposure to the snowy mountain air.

Jonghyun sat down on a frozen car and tried to look cool instead of a Popsicle. His skin was a slight tint of pink, and his lip would have been blue by now, but Photoshop would fix the lighting and colour changes.

He brought his foot up to the hood of the car he was posing on; this photo shoot was meant to be about a new car that could drive in any condition even the snow. Next, he rested his elbow on it his frozen thumb in his mouth as it tingled.

“So y,” the camera man smiled taking more and more photos.

Jonghyun smiled as he watched Key sneeze and some lipsticks smudged up from his lips to below his eye.

Jonghyun threw his head back in laughter while Key blushed at the Dino on the car. He was too cold to get mad.

“Okay, shirt on your done, ten-minute recaps for film and light then Kibum you're up,” the manager shouted.

Jonghyun got off the car hissing as his bare feet walked across the freshly fallen snow. He grabbed his shirt where the assistant had placed it over a heater and put it on.

“So…cold,” Taemin chattered as Jonghyun sat down beside the maknae.

An assistant gave Jonghyun a boiling cup of coffee and Jonghyun took it smiling.

Here,” Jonghyun said giving the younger the coffee.

Taemin smiled taking the warm cup in his thin hands “t-thanks h-h-hyung,” Taemin stuttered as his teeth chattered.

“I don’t like coffee anyway,” Jonghyun said pulling the younger into his chest to keep him warm. The poor maknae was in a tank top and skinny jeans now that he would be ready for his photo shoot.

“How’s the other two?” Jonghyun asked.

“Onew…Onew hyung I think has a cold,” Taemin said then took a sip of the coffee; he scowled at the taste by relishing in the warmth it provided. Immediately Taemin’s lips looked like they were turning back to pink under the makeup.

“M-Minho hyung was in the shower,” Taemin said then sneezed almost spilling the coffee.

“He better not use all the hot water Key demands a hot shower when he gets home,” Jonghyun smiled as he looked towards his lover who was been prepped for his shoot.

“You leaving?” Taemin asked leaning into Jonghyun more.

No, I will wait,” Jonghyun said then rubbed Taemin’s bear arms to try to heat them up. He felt so sorry for the younger and then grabbed a heated blanket and wrapped it around Taemin’s shoulders.

“Jonghyun! Take that off him! His skin will go darker if he’s heated,” the manager asked.

“But he will get sick,” Jonghyun protested for the maknae.

“A little cold is nothing,” the manager said cruelly.

Taemin took off the warm blanket “it’s okay hyung, I will be fine,” Taemin said sadly.

Jonghyun glared, it would be three hours before it's Taemin’s turn and at least another three before it will be over. That left Taemin in a tank top exposed to the snow for six hours; the poor boy already looked like the snow beneath them.

“Jonghyun I’m sending you back now, I don’t want you getting sick,” the manager said pointing to the snow car.

“So I can’t get sick, but Taemin can is that it?” Jonghyun snapped.

“Get going!” The manager roared.

Jonghyun glared and sat his arms around Taemin in an attempt to get him warm.

The manager glared at Jonghyun before leaving.

Jonghyun smiled in victory or at least until the manager came back with their security guards. Jonghyun found it ridiculous to have body guards while out in the Alps but hey still came.

“ Jonghyun back to the cabin,” the manager said.

Jonghyun’s eyes widened “what’s wrong with you,” Jonghyun snapped, but his protests were over quick as the guards grabbed him roughly and pulled him to the car.

Jonghyun took one last helpless look at Taemin before being shoved into the car.

Key had started his shoot was looking in shock as Jonghyun was dragged off and then Taemin grabbed and roughly placed in a seat and scrolled at by the manager.

‘Must be the cold,’ Key thought trying his best to ignore his motherly protective instincts as his baby and lover were been abused. Their manager wasn’t always so bad, he had his temper at times, but he was always rather harsh on Taemin. If anything Key thought the manager hated Taemin.

Taemin sat in a none heated seat, the seat had freshly fallen snow on it and made it almost unbearable to sit and wait. He was so cold he lost feeling in his bare feet, hands, legs, nose and his lips tingled as he chewed on the bottom lip.



Four hours later

“Get him inside,” Key yelled as he slammed open the door.

The three boys who were sitting next to a fire place watching TV jumped at the sudden loud noise.

“Bath! A warm bath now! Hurry!” Key yelled pushing the guards that had escorted Jonghyun home towards the bathroom, Taemin pale and limp in their arms.

“Key what happened?” Minho gasped.

“He’s hypothermic!” Key panicked “he’s so cold,” Key said as he began to cry.

“Was he left in the cold all this time?” Jonghyun asked.

Key nodded “he should have been in a heated chair, but he wasn’t…” Key cried as the two guards put Taemin fully clothed into a warm bath to warm him up.

“I will make something warm for him to drink,” Onew said. He couldn’t cook, but he can make cocoa very well.

“Jonghyun there is some soup in the fridge from last night go heat it up now,” Key ordered.

“He can’t…I ate it,” Minho said feeling bad for eating it, but it’s not like he knew this would happen.

“Ugh..okay okay..umm you take care of him, and I will go make some soup,” Key said then rushed out of the bathroom to go make Taemin some food.

“Taemin…are you okay?” Minho asked as Taemin started to come around.

“I’m cold,” Taemin muttered as he held himself to get warm.

“I know, don’t worry baby we have soup and cocoa coming for you,” Minho smiled.

“And it’s here,” Onew smiled walking into the bathroom with a warm cup of cocoa and handed it to Taemin.

“Thanks, hyung,” Taemin smiled sipping the warm liquid “it’s so good.”

Minho smiled thankfully that his lover would be okay.



“Had enough?” Key asked as Taemin finished the soup he had made.

“Neh, it was really good,” Taemin smiled.

“You look so much better,” Key smiled as he touched Taemin’s forehead and cheeks to check how warm he was.

“Really, good…I didn’t even get to finish my photo shoot,” Taemin pouted.

“You passed out from the cold; you can’t blame yourself for not finishing,” Key chuckled “now go watch TV with Minho by the fire, and keep yourself under a blanket, forget the photo shoot tomorrow because our not going,” Key said then left to do the dishes.

Taemin sighed, he had tried to argue with the manager but he had just said he needed Taemin to be pale in the shoot and being cold would be faster than makeup. He should have argued better.



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Chapter 1: Stupid manager!! Pity for Taemin... :(
Chapter 1: y Manager :(
Poor Taemin^^ Plz well soon~
sofie93 #3
Chapter 1: ooo seams good!!
Ohh I'm looking forward to this story! Please update soon? =)
smiley_pauli #5
are you from germany??
GayDragon #6
looking forward