
Why Did I Fall In Love With You?

A/N: Enjoy the update and please do comment or subscribe! 

It was Soohyuk's birthday then and Heejin doesn't know what to buy for him. Sure, they have known each other for the past months and they probably know each other's interests, but it wasn't enough for her to actually choose and buy something that he would like. After all, she is a girl and he is a guy.

That was when Jaejoong steps in the picture and volunteers to go with her. They decide to meet at a mall a few hours before going to the party.

"Let's meet up at around 4:30 at the mall then?" Heejin confirms the plan.

"Sure. I'll see you tomorrow then." He replies.

But the thing is, he also doesn't have an idea on what to buy for his best friend, and if he will be able to make it to the party tomorrow.

"Heejin noona's really beautiful and she looks smart..." Changmin's voice echoed through the living room, boasting about his newly-found "friendship" with Heejin after the event a few nights before. Yunho, Junsu and Yoochun were sitting on the sofa listening intently while Jaejoong was in the kitchen preparing their lunch. 

"See, we even have a selca together!" The youngest member takes out his phone to reveal his wallpaper with Heejin, both of them smiling and looking comfortable with one another.

"Wow, Yunho hyung, she's so pretty," Junsu mumbles as he takes the phone closer while Yunho nods in approval.

"Does she have a boyfriend?"Yoochun asks.

This time, Jaejoong couldn't help but join in the conversation. "No, she doesn't have one." He said proudly.

"Are you sure?" Yoochun and Junsu asked at the same time. Yunho then asked if he and Heejin had a picture together.

"Yes we did," he replied. "But Changmin accidentally deleted it, so the remaining copy is stored in my head." He adds, glaring at Changmin.

"Anyway, lunch is ready for you guys. I'll be heading out in the meantime." Jaejoong says, taking his car keys and bag. 

He could still hear Changmin's enthuastic voice as he recalled the past event to the others.

Heejin arrived at the mall at 4:20 in the afternoon, just in the nick of time. She messaged Jaejoong that she was already at the mall, but five minutes have passed, and he still hasn't replied. It was strange because he usually arrived earlier, and this was maybe his first time to be late for something. Ever.

"Maybe he's on his way already." She said to herself, thinking of different excuses. "Or his phone just had a low battery so he can't reply. Or..."

Or what? She couldn't think of any other excuses, but the thought of him not coming to the party often crossed her mind. The party starts in an hour and they have to buy presents and be there before the party starts. They just have to.

In the end, Heejin decides to wait at the coffee shop, staring at her phone and waiting for it to light up.

On the other hand, Jaejoong was having a hard time to get out of practice.Their group's vocal trainer just got mad and he's giving all of them a lecture that lasts for a long time. He briefly took a glance at the wall clock at noticed that it was already 4:45, making him 15 minutes late for the supposed trip to the mall with Heejin. On top of that, he couldn't even take out his phone and he knows he has received text messages and missed calls.
"I'm so sorry guys." was all that he could say.

Being punctual as ever, Jaejoong arrived early at the cafe. Wearing the usual sunglasses-and-beanie combo, he made sure that he wasn't going to be recognized.

He should not screw this up.

Not when he was the one who asked if Heejin wanted to have lunch with him and catch up on things. Not when she immediately said yes and started telling this story about one of her clients.

"Hey, hey make sure you have a lot of stories to tell when we meet, okay?" He said over the phone last night.

Jaejoong could picture her nodding eagerly and laughed. "Of course I will!"

Smiling to himself, he took out his phone and texted her.

Heejin arrived forty-five minutes after the party started, acting as if nothing happened: she just ran late because the family driver failed to pick her up earlier. Thankfully, no one else seemed to noticed the disappointment in her eyes. That is, except for Eunsung. 

"What's wrong? You look a bit down tonight." Her best friend said, offering her a cup of her favorite drink after giving her present to Soohyuk.

"Me?" Heejin replied. "Oh no no no. I'm feeling good tonight. You know, a mini class reunion, Soohyuk's party and everything. Is there something wrong?"

Eunsung slowly pulled her out of the crowd and gave her a small smile. "I'm your best friend, Son Heejin. You can't fool me."

Heejin didn't say anything for a moment, looking at Eunsung with a smile on her face, and then groaned in frustration. "Are you a mind reader or something, Eunsung?!"

"Nope," she replied, winking. "But really, the moment you walked in with that expression on your face, I can tell something didn't go well."

In the end, Heejin told her about how she was supposed to go to the mall with Jaejoong to pick a gift, but he didn't show up. Judging from the disappointment in Heejin's voice, anyone could tell that she likes him. Eunsung just gave her best friend a quick hug and told her that maybe something came up at training.

"Or maybe I'm just selfish," Heejin shrugged, then shook her head. Now isn't the time to be sad because it was Soohyuk's birthday and that she missed her friends.

Until Jaejoong arrived an hour later, breathing heavily as he entered Soohyuk's house. Eunsung immediately looked at Heejin who gripped her plastic cup tighter.

It will be okay, Heejin. Nothing's wrong. She repeated to herself just before their friends gathered around Soohyuk and sang to him.

Patience, Kim Jaejoong.

He wrote those words on the paper napkin at the cafe, still waiting for Heejin. It was past lunchtime already, and the employees who dropped by the cafe for lunch had already left and went back to work. He was also getting hungry because he only had two slices of bread and a cup of coffee. Plus, Heejin hasn't called or texted since this morning, making him think twice about what he said last night. Was he too early? Was he at the wrong meeting place? Did he sound too enthusiastic? Was he—

Jaejoong's thoughts were cut short when his phone vibrated over the table. It was Heejin.


"Jae I'm so sorry I really am but I think I can't meet you up—it's—just that all of a sudden there's a meeting and—"

It was in the moment when he heard the words, "I'm so sorry" that his heart sunk. All those minutes he spent waiting for Heejin didn't matter because he wanted to see her, and that he believed that she was just late. But it wasn't

He couldn't remember what he told her, but right now he couldn't think straight. Jaejoong had the feeling that somewhere in the past, something like this happened, but it didn't happen to him. The memory was coming clear and it soon hit him that this was how she felt when he failed to meet her at the mall back then. 

So he decided to stay at cafe and ate a late lunch by himself, wishing that somehow, even if it was impossible, Heejin would arrive at the cafe and she would continue her story about her client.

But she didn't.

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130506: Edited the recent chapter.


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Chapter 17: Can't remember when did I clicked the subscribe button but just had the chance to read the whole chaps.. This story is kinda sad.. Watching DBSK's mv 'Why did I fall in love with you' makes me think what if they'll end up marrying someone else? Whoa~ but I hope they will find the way to each others arms...

Can't wait for the update..
AmyDick #2
Chapter 17: Like it. Gonna wait for new update :)
Chapter 17: Can't wait for your next updates to know what will happen next so will surely wait for your next update! Update soon :) By the way, thanks for the update since I really did miss reading this story and Fighting to your studies!
Chapter 17: What a lovely story! Can't wait for the future chapters, man.
Chapter 16: They like each other but what's stopping them to tell one another? I really hope soon they will be honest with their feelings for each other! Will surely wait for your next update! Update soon :)
Chapter 16: arghhh,,,why?why?why???????????????they like each other but seemed like they cant say it out loud..huaaa..
thanks for the update dear,,n sorry for the lateeeeeeeeeeeeee comment*bows..
see u on another update :D
Chapter 14: Happy you updated! After reading this Chapter of yours, I get really curious on their next meeting because of hoping Jaejoong will open up his feelings for her! Will surely wait for your next update! Update soon :)
Chapter 14: Welcome back..\^^/
aigoo,,why he cant speal to her heart to heart so they can be together??:'(
thanks dor the update dear^_^
Chapter 13: success for ur study at university dear,,
don't worry,,we will waiting for the next update..:D
Chapter 11: I don't think that Heejin should be guilty for what had happened because it wasn't her fault & Jaejoong understands her reason so I think they should just set another lunch together :) will surely wait for your next update! update soon :)