I know what you did

Black Coffee

Ying Jie was studying her reflection in the mirror. She had changed a lot, since she changed school, but she actually still had a pretty face… if her body just wouldn’t have been that extremely skinny, and pale. She knew that skinny and pale was usually good, but she also knew that extremes almost never were. Her dark brown hair was flat but shiny, and still curled after having been in a French braid all day. She was a pretty girl, but she definitely didn’t look like one who could easily get the guy.
“Bye bye, old new me…” she then said, and walked out of her room. That day was the day when she had to get a haircut anyways, so a change there wouldn’t hurt. She would do anything for her poetry, so a new haircut wouldn’t be over the top.
Ying Jie sighed, and then opened her closet. She had decided to throw some of her old clothes out, but looking at them made her realize that she couldn’t. Just the thought of throwing her favorite vintage leather pants, her plaid red trench coat, or her favorite Christian Louboutin stilettos in black and red patent leather out was scary. Actually more scary than ever wearing those things again. She sighed, and walked towards her computer to check her email. Not that she ever received anything; she didn’t have facebook, twitter or a profile at some net dating site, but she still checked it frequently. To her surprise, she actually had received something. From Wang Zi. She opened the email, though she really didn’t want to, to see what he had to write.
I know you like poems so much, so here’s one for you:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I know what you did
If only your new friend knew

What did you think about it, ?
Meet me at our old café at five sharp
” it said Ying Jie rolled her eyes, and answered the email:

Dearest Wang Zi
Yes, I truly do love poetry so much, but as usually, you at it…
So, you know what I did, huh?
Then please tell me, what did I do?
Bust you kissing someone else?
Cover for you?
Oh, and if you know so much about me, then you know that I can’t be there at five, as I’ve moved a long time ago.
Good luck with Ya Tou,
Your non-friend and best critic
-Ying Jie
” she wrote, though she knew exactly what Wang Zi knew that she did, and if Aaron found out, she probably wouldn’t get her inspiration back ever. Still she liked to stay cold, and be calm; Wang Zi had been threatening her about this before, and he now did it again. It wasn’t really big news.

Aaron was sitting alone in his room, trying to do his math assignment, though he at math, and had never done one of these without Hebe’s help. That was when his phone started vibrating, and ringing with the chorus of the song “Hollywood ” by papa roach. It was one of his favorites, so he waited for a short while, listening to the song, before answering the phone.
“You’re speaking to Aaron Yan” he said, though the person who had called him, probably already knew his name. How else would the person know his number?
“Hello, Aaron Yan, my name is Qiu Sheng Yi, one of your classmate’s ex boyfriend, and I can’t seem to get in touch with her. You’re the only person whom I’ve heard of from her class, so I was wondering if you would pass her a message?” a male voice asked. Aaron sighed.
“Of course… What’s her name?” he asked.
“Wu Ying Jie.” Qiu Sheng Yi answered, in an angry tone. “Could you please tell her that we’re having a memorial for a girl who committed suicide at her old school about a year ago, due to bullying on Saturday? Ying Jie was broken when it happened.” The guy sounded very honest, and Aaron was actually a little touched by it. Was this why Ying Jie had changed so much?
“Of course I’ll tell her… What about the location and time?” Aaron asked, and wrote down the information that Qiu Sheng Yi had just given him. Aaron wondered for a short second; could Qiu Sheng Yi be Ying Jie’s rumored boyfriend from Brown university, but then shook the though of; Sheng Yi had just said that he was from her old school.
“Oh, at her old school, four PM…”
“I see… What’s the name of the girl?” Aaron couldn’t help but ask; he was curious about Ying Jie’s life, and well-being. He really wanted her to be happy, but she never seemed to be. What was he even thinking? Wu Ying Jie was way out of his league.
“Rainie Yang. She was targeted by Gui’s group after stealing one of their boyfriend’s… She couldn’t deal with the pressure, so she committed suicide” Qiu Sheng Yi explained. “I mean, of course it isn’t Gui’s fault; she just tried to help her friend, and she was devastated afterwards. The saddest part is, that Ying Jie was sadder than the girl’s parents” Sheng Yi added. Though Sheng Yi said it wasn’t Ying Jie’s fault, Aaron asked himself if she was really who he thought she was. Was this the reason why Ying Jie had always been so weird and distant? That she had partly killed a girl? Or was it because of something else, even darker, and even more evil?
“Oh, I see… But don’t worry, I will tell her about the memorial… bye” Aaron said in a weak voice, still not understanding quite the reason he was surprised. There was so many crazy rumors about Wu Ying Jie, were any of them really true? They sounded SO out of character, but this sounded even more out of character to him. He hung up, and dialed Wu Ying Jie’s number.

“Hello?” Ying Jie said in surprise; she never got calls, and especially not from people whose numbers she didn’t have. In the start, she thought that someone had dialed the wrong number.
“Hello, Ying Jie; it’s Aaron” a familiar voice said in the other end of the phone. Aaron? Why would Aaron call her? How did he even get her number? Oh well, she didn’t care; she was just happy that he called her.
“Aaron, hi, how are you?” she asked in a much more gentle tone than she usually used. If she was going to chase Aaron, she had to treat him like an equal… Or god?
“I’m fine… I actually only called you, because one of your old classmates, Qiu Sheng Yi, contacted me…”
“Wait, Wang Zi called you?! My god, what did he say? He’s been trying to destroy my life ever since we broke up, because I know something about him that he won’t let anyone else know! You see, he thinks if no one trusts me, then no one would believe me if I told them, and…”
“Yes, your old boyfriend, Wang Zi called me. He just told me to tell you about a memorial for a girl you went to school with at Saturday. It takes place at your old school at four PM, if you want to come.” Aaron said. Ying Jie noticed that his voice sounded much colder than it usually did. It scared her.
“He told you, didn’t he? He told you that my crew was targeting Rainie before she committed suicide, didn’t he? My god… Someone died, and he uses it as a part of a game? I cannot believe that guy…” she suddenly said. She didn’t want Aaron to know about what she had done, but he probably already knew. She sighed, and took a sip of her black coffee.
“Yes, he told me, but I was stupid enough not to believe it. You killed someone?”
“No, I mean, yes, I mean… sort of. It’s a long time ago, and I was very different back then. You see, one of my friends, Tiffany had this boyfriend named Jeffery. I hated Jeffery of all of my heart, but I never showed it, as he dated my best friend. You see, he was only using her as a cover, because he was afraid to let the world know that he was gay. One day, he slept with this Rainie girl… he actually slept with her! They were best friends, and after breaking up with Tiffany, he used her instead. As he actually cared about her, Tiffany wanted to use her to make him sad, and I was against it at first, but then decided to join. One day when I got home from school, and wanted to surprise visit Wang Zi, whom you just had the honor to talk to, and I… I saw Wang Zi and Jeffery kissing… No kidding. I took a picture, and showed it to Rainie, though I continued covering for Zi, stupid as I was. The day afterwards, we were told that she hung herself, and… It’s my entire fault, Aaron!” Ying Jie sniffled.
“Well, it’s partly your fault, which I why you may feel sad at the memorial, and need a friend to accompany you.” Aaron said, in a suddenly gentle tone.
“But I have no friends…”
“You have me?” Aaron asked, all of a sudden. Ying Jie couldn’t help but smile; Aaron who had been so cold towards her just a few seconds ago, wanted to go with her to comfort her. She didn’t even care whether or not she would get caught in the lie that she had created. She actually wanted to let them catch someone else in a lie too; Wang Zi.
“You… You would go with me?” she asked him nervously.
“Of course I would, and I always keep my word. Besides, if you wouldn’t let me come with you, I’d teenager-nap you, and force you to go with me… Oh, and my father has this dinner party at Friday, so if you were interested in me bringing you… As a friend, of course, if you wouldn’t mind” Aaron said, in an even more nervous tone.
“Are you nervous, Yan? Of course I’ll go with you, but I’m not sure about the friend part. You see, we would be much more interesting if we started dating. The exact stuff poetry is made of. What do you say?” Ying Jie asked him, with a smile on her face. If she was nervous, she surely didn’t show it.
“Well, wouldn’t it be awkward if I introduced you to my father on our first date?” Aaron asked her. Ying Jie seemed to think about it.
“I don’t mind, I mean, I love parents, and besides… If the day you kissed me didn’t qualify as a date, then what was it?” she asked, totally forgetting her promise to forget it.
“Well, that day never happened, remember?” Aaron asked her, and she could almost hear that he was smirking. “But anyways, you can be my date to the dinner party, but you’ll have to wear a dress… And makeup, and something else than Doc. Martens boots” he joked. “My father likes them classic” he added, still joking.
“Fine; you know I plenty of other clothes than what I usually wear… Okay, see you loser” Ying Jie added, and hung up, smiling.

Heey gals (:
Ying Jie’s secret is out, but Aaron supports her, though…
And they’re dating! (;
But how will the date go?
Will Aaron’s father approve Gui Gui?
And what about the memorial-thingy?
I can’t wait to write it, and I know that you can’t wait to read (;
Thanks for all the sweet, sweet comments (:
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Chapter 12: Still in love with you ffs so much >.<
This is so good... <3
I rarely see fahrenheit fanfics so *adds more love*
As far as you know me or vice versa ... I have been supporting you ever since I start reading guilun fanfic ... no matter you update it here or winglin ....
YOU WILL ALWAYS BE ONE OF MY TOP FAV AUTHORs .. (I am your loyal reader and will always be)
Wish you getting better soon and come back to finish this story ....
Still waiting for your return ^__^
Gril4Life #4
SaranghaeILY - Thank you for commenting! :D<br />
I was very scared to lose all of my readers because of the long time it has taken me to update (my life's been a mess)...<br />
I will update soon :)<br />
And thanks - he's very nice ;)
YAAY!! you updated!!!<br />
aaron is bipolar?? guiugi faces depression and OCD?? poor people...<br />
aaron must have been very sad when he found out about his mother's stepdaughter...hope that they can be together...<br />
update soon!!<br />
P.S.- congratulations son your bf!!
Jieeee!!!!!!! How long has it been since the last update????!!!!! Oh!! Was this already on winglin?? Haha, I didn't know. <br />
This chapter was epic!!! How could aaron be such an ??? Is he returning to his old player self?? You better update soon, jie, or else *sharpens knife* yeah, or else.....
Update soon!!
SakuraMikan12 #8
uuuppppdddaaattteee!!!!<br />
luv ur story
VictoriaCookie #9
guigui smoking? so hard to imagine >.<
plainpaper #10