She always had it in her

Black Coffee

On the way home in the train, Aaron looked at Ying Jie with serious eyes. “I didn’t screw up, so I guess you owe me one… And about that one you owe me, I think I may just tell you know; you owe me to forget that these last two days ever happened… That we never met, or hang out, or pretended to be anything that we’re not… I really enjoyed this, but…”
“…It’s just not right. Two people like us shouldn’t just mess with what we already have. I’m a poet, Aaron; I should know better than everyone else why this is wrong… Besides, I agree with you. Two people like us shouldn’t hang out, even as friends.” Ying Jie smiled for the last time that day. “See you tomorrow at school” she then said and followed Aaron out of the train.
“You know, if we won’t remember today in the future, we could always make it a little more pleasurable” Aaron smirked, and grabbed Ying Jie’s hand, dragging her towards him. She wanted to resist, but she couldn’t. She longed to be loved by just… someone, and though she knew that Aaron would never love her for real, a little flirting could make her feel like that. He then placed a soft, gentle kiss on her lips. If she could just get herself to pull back… But she couldn’t, so she just closed her eyes and kissed him back.
Aaron pulled back from the kiss when he realized what he was doing. Why was he even hanging out with Wu Ying Jie of all girls when he could choose? He looked at her. She was beautiful, but that didn’t explain anything at all; Hebe was beautiful too, but he didn’t feel a rush in his stomach when he kissed her. This was totally weird.
“Bye bye Aaron Yan; my father and Jennifer are probably wondering where I am… We sneaked out, remember? So I have to go home and prepare for some serious damage control.” Ying Jie said, controlling herself. She sighed a few times, and then looked at his face. “Today has been rather special; no one has seen y Gui Gui since I changed school… And that was the last time ever she appeared.”
“Well, I’m happy to hear that; you guys were rather scary in that bar. Well… I guess I’m saying goodbye to Gui Gui right now; I’ll see Ying Jie at school tomorrow… But tomorrow I will have no relation whatsoever to her.” Aaron sighed, and then shook her hand. He really didn’t know what to do, but he knew that he had made a huge mistake hanging out with Ying Jie. It would for sure complicate his life a lot.

“Aaron, honey, you seem very absent… What are you thinking about?” Hebe asked Aaron exactly one hour later. It was now nine O’clock, but Hebe had insisted on visiting him as he hadn’t been to school, though he had assured he was just having a hangover.
“I’m thinking about how good you look in that dress, babe” Aaron smirked, while checking Hebe out. For some reason, he didn’t see her face in his head. He saw Ying Jie’s serious face, covered behind a black beret.
“Well, thanks, but I’m not wearing a dress; I’m wearing shorts. Would you please tell me what’s on your mind? Maybe I can help you.” Hebe looked at Aaron with serious eyes. Serious eyes that didn’t talk to him at all.
“Maybe I just don’t want you to be here right now. Please leave” Aaron said, and looked at Hebe with cold eyes. He didn’t know why he was being an , but somehow he knew it was the only way to make Hebe leave, which was what he wanted. The other thing was that he had never wanted Hebe to leave him alone before. Though he wasn’t sure if he loved her or not, he usually… Enjoyed her company a lot; especially when she was not talking.
“Don’t you love me anymore, Aaron?” Hebe asked, looking at Aaron. That was when he realized something.
“I don’t love what you’ve become in the last year. I don’t love the fact that you’re okay with me sleeping around, as long as no one knows it. I mean, you’re so demanding, and so not at the same time; all you care about is, is attention. How could anyone love that?” he asked her, looking her in the eyes. “So please leave, Hebe Tian, or whoever you are.” He then said, and pointed at the door. “I think you can show yourself out; you’ve showed yourself in so many times.”
“Is this because of Wu Ying Jie? I’ve seen pictures of you talking her home in a cab from only yesterday. But you know what? If you don’t want your little friend to get hurt, you better tell me that you love me right now, and stay by my side.” Hebe stated, and sent Aaron a daring look.
“Wu Ying Jie is not my friend, okay? I just made sure that she was okay, and got home safe. I don’t get what the big fuss is about… I’ve slept with several girls while we were together, but just talking to Wu Ying Jie makes you act so obnoxious?! She’s just a girl, for god’s sake. She means even less to me than you do.” Aaron looked at Hebe with angry eyes.
“Oh, really?! Then I guess that destroying her has completely NOTHING to do with you. I wanna believe you Aaron, but I’m pretty sure that you’re only saying those words to make me not do it. Therefore, I’m not changing my mind. You can like her if you want to, you just have to pretend to love me. You’ve done so in a year, haven’t you?! Come on; tell me that you love me.” Hebe yelled desperately. The truth was that she really loved Aaron, and that she couldn’t live without having him by her side. If he said that he loved her, she could at least pretend that he loved her.
“You cannot destroy a girl like Wu Ying Jie; she’s too mentally strong, and by the way, she already has the lowest possible status in school. I can’t wait to see this game. You don’t love me, Hebe Tian; you love popularity. Therefore, I’ll still have to tell you to leave. Bye”

Ying Jie was sitting alone in her room. She was grounded, and she had no inspiration for a poem whatsoever. It really annoyed her. She ALWAYS had inspiration, and she had never in her life had a writer’s block. And she was worrying a lot about the reason for her not to be able to write meaningful poems. At least not the type of poems that she used to write. It knocked on her door, and the door immediately shut open afterwards.
“Listen, Ying Jie, I really want to talk about what happened today with you… I just want to understand what’s going on before. Firstly, you just disappear the night when I told you that Jennifer and I were engaged, and yesterday you disappeared with that Aaron guy again, and came home looking just like you did before we moved… And I’ve heard you in the bathroom with the water on… Almost always right after dinner and lunch.” Ying Jie’s father looked at her with a worried look on his face. “Please tell me what’s going on…”
“I could never tell you about this. It’s horrible. I met up with the girls yesterday, and of course they were acting like total es, but if they just knew… You know the thing with Wang Zi? The reason that we broke up, and all those crazy rumors started, and… I’ve tried so hard to change, but as soon as I wore that outfit today, I felt like I hadn’t changed at all… I mean, except from still smoking, I’m nothing like back then, right?” Ying Jie asked her father, already crying. She had so many things going on in her head, but she couldn’t tell him a single one of them.
“Oh, you can tell me anything; I’m no one to judge you. You already know this, but Jennifer and I have been together for…”
“Several weeks before mom died, I know dad; you don’t have to tell me.”
“Well, I’m very happy that you have found yourself a friend in Mr. Yan and all, but I don’t think that he wants to be friends with you for the right reasons, and even if he did, he’s very bad news in my eyes. Jennifer really likes him, but I don’t understand why… On the other hand, I don’t really understand Jennifer in general; she won’t tell me anything about her past.” Ying Jie’s father, Harold, smiled.
“Listen, dad, Aaron Yan and I aren’t even friends. The only reason why he was here yesterday was to see if I was okay, as I was passed out the last time he saw me. Besides, he has a girlfriend, and when I go to school tomorrow, everything will be like it used to” Ying Jie smiled back at Harold, though she in reality hated to smile. She never felt really happy. “Ya Tou is now dating Wang Zi. You do remember why we broke up, right?”
“Yes, I do remember, though I still don’t understand why you agreed to all the things he put you through… Does Ya Tou know about his, uhm… Preferences?” Harold asked, trying to sound professional.
“I doubt that she does, I mean, I wouldn’t if I hadn’t caught him in the middle of it, it’s just that when I think about it, I was so… dingue [daft] back then, not realizing how much he was using me, and I did so many ridiculous things back then, and…” – she set fire to one more cigarette – “…I don’t know, I just… Why did I even let him use me as a ing cover after busting him in the act?!” Ying Jie was angry at herself, and besides, she rarely – almost never – swore.
“We both know that it was an act out of love and ignorance, Ying Jie, I mean, I’ve read some of the poems you wrote about him, and you were so obsessed… I’ll be right back with a cup of coffee for you. If you don’t stop throwing up, I’ll consult a doctor” Harold then walked out of the door. Ying Jie sighed, and then inhaled the smoke from her cigarette. She really missed having those conversations with her father.

Aaron walked down the halls of his school, with his school together with his four friends, or whatever they were. He honestly wasn’t sure about it, as they never even shared secrets. All the others talked about, except from Show Luo who was probably the only honest one of them, were girls. The thing about the clique, both boys and girls, were that they were invited to all the same things, so that had to at least pretend to be close. Calvin Chen was ert beyond comparison, and treated most girls like trash. Jiro Wang was pretty much a ert like Calvin, but he treated girls with value, and cared about not hurting their feelings. Chun was a confused, misplaced jock, who was currently dating Hebe’s friend, Ella, though he got even more confused by being pushed around, and Show was an ambitious, passionate guy whose heart burned for music, though he’s parents hated his taste. What a weird group.
“So, Aaron, how far have you and Hebe taken it? I mean, you’ve been dating forever… Have you even sealed the deal yet?” Calvin asked, looking like it was obvious that they had.
“Actually, Hebe and I aren’t dating anymore. We broke up just yesterday; she freaked out over me helping some girl home.” Aaron rolled his eyes in the same way that Hebe always did, and the boys laughed.
“Since when did Wu Ying Jie become just ‘some girl’?” Aaron heard Hebe’s voice say behind him.
“You nailed Wu Ying Jie? Wow… You’re good” Calvin smirked in his usual, erted smirk, while lifting his eyebrows.
“I didn’t do anything with Wu Ying Jie, okay? I was at a bar, and she was at the same bar, being extremely drunk. All I did was to help her home!” Aaron yelled loud enough for anyone in the hall to hear. Of course that always has a disadvantage.
A few seconds after, Wu Ying Jie was walking by the group, ignoring them completely.
“Hey, emo-girl?! I’ve heard you spend Monday night with Aaron. I must admit that I didn’t know you had it in you, but I guess I’m wrong!” Calvin yelled after her.
“Would you just leave her alone?!” Aaron looked at Calvin with hatred in his eyes. “What has she ever done to you?”
“Oh, so you do care about her” Hebe looked at Aaron with the most fake look in her eyes she could found, and kept on repeating in her head that she wasn’t hurt, hoping that she would make herself believe it.
“I don’t need you to defend me, Aaron Yan.” Wu Ying Jie said in a cold, but calm and casual tone. “It’s not like I’m gonna tell them something that isn’t true.” Then she turned to look at Calvin. “I think you should get your facts straight before believing in anything so… Irréaliste [unrealistic]. I spend Monday night at a trashy bar writing poetry. Not that it’s any of your business, but I don’t just… Spend the night with guys” Ying Jie rolled her eyes and then left.

Ying Jie was eating her lunch outside the school, because she couldn’t stand being inside. The situation was so… familiar to her. She had witnessed something just like it, not long ago.
“Hey nerd?! I’ve heard that you spend the night with Tiffany’s boyfriend. I didn’t know you had game, I guess I was wrong” a young, popular girl said, looking at one of her classmates with no mercy in her eyes. She was wearing black leather pants, and a white T-shirt with the text ‘I love NY’. Her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, and she was wearing a black leather headband.
“Come on, Gui Gui, leave the poor girl alone; she has done no wrong!” A guy named Jeffery said. Jeffery was the boyfriend of one of Gui Gui’s friends named Tiffany. He was the person suspected to have slept with the poor girl. It was funny how Gui Gui, the youngest girl in the clique, was the queen.
“Jeffery, don’t tell me that you’re defending the ” Tiffany looked at her boyfriend with despise in her eyes.
“Of course he isn’t. Jeffery would know better than to hang out with…” – Gui Gui looked at the victim as if she was a rat, or something even more disgusting – “that.” She ended the sentence.
“Jeffery…” the victim of the girls’ mocking looked at the guy with tears in her eyes, and ran away.
“Why do you always have to do that, Wu Ying Jie?! Do you think that you own this place or something like that? People are getting hurt! My god, I can’t believe you…” he said, and looked at Tiffany. “You know what? I cannot date you when you hang out with that army of s. You have the choice. Them or me.” Jeffery said. Tiffany just looked at the floor.
“The person who throws the ultimatum is never to be chosen. I’m sorry, Jeff.” Tiffany said, and looked at Jeffery with tears in her eyes.
“But I’m not.” Jeffery said, and turned around. “Rainie, wait! I really like you!”
“Oh my god, what a dirt bag that guy was. Seriously, choosing HER over someone like you? You’re fabulous, Tiff. Don’t let a cheater take that away from you.” Gui Gui said, and hugged her friend… Or minion.
Honestly, Wu Ying Jie was confused about her feelings towards Aaron. When she looked at him, she had sudden inspiration to write poems, but only about his beautiful eyes. That was when she realized what she had to do. And she didn’t like it.

Heey guys (well… Mostly, or only gals, I guess xD)
So, new chapter (long one, for this ff’s standards…)
So, more of Ying Jie’s past is revealed…
And what’s with Aaron caring so much about her?
And why in the world would I name Tiffany’s boyfriend Jeffery?!
Lol, I think it’s because Jeff Buckley made a version of hallelujah, which I listened to while writing xD
God, my head feels like it’s gonna explode!
And I’m not even sick…
Or maybe I am; I usually only got sick once a year or so, but this year I’ve already been like, four times
It really !
Anyways, thanks for all the nice comments (:
Please comment again (:


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Chapter 12: Still in love with you ffs so much >.<
This is so good... <3
I rarely see fahrenheit fanfics so *adds more love*
As far as you know me or vice versa ... I have been supporting you ever since I start reading guilun fanfic ... no matter you update it here or winglin ....
YOU WILL ALWAYS BE ONE OF MY TOP FAV AUTHORs .. (I am your loyal reader and will always be)
Wish you getting better soon and come back to finish this story ....
Still waiting for your return ^__^
Gril4Life #4
SaranghaeILY - Thank you for commenting! :D<br />
I was very scared to lose all of my readers because of the long time it has taken me to update (my life's been a mess)...<br />
I will update soon :)<br />
And thanks - he's very nice ;)
YAAY!! you updated!!!<br />
aaron is bipolar?? guiugi faces depression and OCD?? poor people...<br />
aaron must have been very sad when he found out about his mother's stepdaughter...hope that they can be together...<br />
update soon!!<br />
P.S.- congratulations son your bf!!
Jieeee!!!!!!! How long has it been since the last update????!!!!! Oh!! Was this already on winglin?? Haha, I didn't know. <br />
This chapter was epic!!! How could aaron be such an ??? Is he returning to his old player self?? You better update soon, jie, or else *sharpens knife* yeah, or else.....
Update soon!!
SakuraMikan12 #8
uuuppppdddaaattteee!!!!<br />
luv ur story
VictoriaCookie #9
guigui smoking? so hard to imagine >.<
plainpaper #10