The Fox picks a Fight

The Houses of Agape and Polemos


I drove out onto the streets looking at the piece of paper in my hand which held the Park's residence address. It clearly said that they would be located on the house at the end of one street. The mansion up on a hill.

I parked up at their gates. Wasn't it enough that I've been tortured lately by my dreams, and by three bleeding ghost ladies calling me, compelling me to commit a crime.

Lately I've been having strange dreams since Taec and i tried to attack each other in school. We've all pinned the blame on the dying heat of the summer but it sounds really absurd.It never was the heat. It simply is a fatal attraction. I've searched it on the internet, the Furies. And no ones even paid much attention to the fact thet he saved me from a mugging one time. It was okay for me though, I never really wanted to thank him.
My dream with Taecyeon wasn't the first of its kind. I've had a dream of me just in a barren land. Black rocks and obsidian sand, the sky was filled with nothingness only the dark. The only light in the place in my dreams or nightmares rather came from my body. I was glowing. Every night I woke up in that place trying to get out but to no avail.
And in my wake some of the traces of having been in that place is evident in. my bed. Some sand, some rock, a few twigs from dyng trees, Sometimes i would even stumble upon poppy seeds and they would end up with me in my bed when i wake up.
And this time I want answers from the man whose been causing this. I'm positive that he's been doing this. This is all his fault. But enough of that. My vey recent dreams equally as strange than the others had brought me here in front of the parks residences. 
As i killed the engine, I realized how would I call Park Taecyeon out?  Can I even take him? Apparently, I can. I almost choked the life out of him the first time we met right?
How would I call the reason, I am sure, of the recent strange events that's been occuring around me and that's been affecting me. I took out my phone and texted the number on the call registry. what am i gonna say? but at the thought of the message being sent to taecyeon  it felt like my emotions had been put in ablender and shoed down my throat.
What am I to say to him?  I felt like I wanted to text him and wanted to meet up with him on the other hand I wanted to text him a death threat. The furies want me to kill him. But another three women sometimes appear in my dreams pleading, singing songs that fill me with joy and the images of him appear in my dream flickering like gold and bronze melded together. 
In the recent dream, they have even forced.. or rather made us decide to kiss each other.
It made me stop mid-text and came back to the thought as I unconsciously put my hands on my lips. It felt like it was real but it wasnt I only wanted it to0 be real. How I wanted it to be real. But I snapped out of it and then thought to myself, How dare he touch me? Much less kiss me?!
I sent the text telling him, calling him out to a fight. Then I waited for him inside the truck and honked the horn incessantly.
About a minute or so a man came out but the anger in me felt strange. Maybe because the built of the man that came out wasn't tall and not that muscular. He was a bit slender and not that tall.Unlike Taecyeon. The Fuuries were behind him too but now I realized it isn't Taecyeon that came out. 
I walkd out the truck in fury and looked at the lock on their gate and decided to climb over. I wasn't one to do this, I am not the kind of girl to climb over fences. Especially back when we still lived in Jeonju.
I climbed over and jumped a twenty foot high gate down. No pain from the height I just landed. I ran to the man though it seemed like he hasn't noticed me yet. As I got closer the man looked around felt stranger maybe. He covered his ears as if he were hearing the growing voices of the ghostly ladies as I.
I got closer but before I can close the ten feet gap between us. I was spun around.
Taecyeon: Why are you here?
I pulled my hand away and tried to punch him with my other that landed only on his chest. He looked at me with pain in his eyes. That assured me that despite his muscles and that oh so handsome face, I could break him in two like twig just as much as he could do it to me too. 
I went at it again and tried to punch him but this time he caught my arms in his and hugged me, spun me around and made me look at his brother. I thrashed in his arms.
Taecyeon: He couldn't see us. I'm bending the light around us so he won't see us. Now if you become noisy...
My thrashing died down in his words. 
Taecyeon: ..he would hear us. And he would definitely kill you. The blood- my anger would not subside with him but I would very much join him in killing you.. ripping you apart and then burning you. Now get out of here..
He let go of me and I looked at him. And then tried to punch him again. At that he looked me in the eyes and I looked back. We were in a stare down but it was as if he searched something in me. Not with hatred and anger but something confused him... intrigued him.
He moved his face closer to me. I did too. I started to see something in him I have never seen before.. I started to feel something much different than when we first met.. And then..
Lee Joon: Anyone there?!
He waved his hand around with a flashlight. No not a flashlight, I realized a fter three seconds of looking at what was in his hand  I saw that a circle of light was in his hands. His hands gave off the light.
Taecyeon: Get out of here now.. 
I looked back at him as he had spoken up.
Yoona: I need explanations.. Why?! What's happening to me.. Let me talk to your family.. Did I do something to you guys?
He looked back at Lee Joon. And at their house.
Taecyeon: No nothing.. Just get out of here now... NOW!
He shouoted at me and I felt like I was.. hurt. Yes, it pained me to hear that he wanted me to leave. This is all just so complicated now. I need answers. What's happening to me? 
I ran to their gates and he followed. Fog grew heavier around us.
Taecyeon: Get into your truck. And leave.. 
He said from behind their gates as he opened it and shoved me out. I turned back before I got in and said.
Yoona: You see them too.. Don't you?
I said. As the realization dawned on me and I thought, what the hell.. He must see them too right? These ladies that seem to be haunting me, commanding me to kill and commit a crime against the Park Family. He must see them too. But what did we, I and his family ever do to deserve this.
Yoona: The furies.. no?
He cursed in a language I did not understand.
Taecyeon: Do you?
He said, his eyes still fixed at an invisible point on the ground. He was avoiding my gaze. I walked up to him close to his face and asked him again.
Yoon: You do don't you?! What are they? Why us?!
Taecyeon: The Erinyes... The kindly ones.. Let's talk about this some other time.. Hopefully my family hasn't decided on hunting you down yet. Now go!
He shoved me back out. And I walked to my truck. And drove away.
What the hell made her, had given her the idea of the Erinyes? What the hell.. How could father and mother just ignore this? That's how I see it. The order of not seeing her, being away from her is simply ignoring her. Hwo could we do that? 
And then I realized, I forgot to put into play my own cards back at the family meeting. Someone attacked her. Four people attacked her and I am pretty sure they are of another house too. 
I saw the Furies behind them.
The four people in black hood were also followed by the Furies. And they had inhuman strenght too. Inhuman speed that they used to escape from my clutches. But they seem to have not the same feeling towards Yoona. I flew up to my room. And left Lee Joon in the dark. Weird lion, must be smoking again.
I crept inside my room and under my covers and fell back to sleep. I thought too, that the best thing to do in the morning and the following days or weeks would be to avoid Yoona completely. But one offense from her again and I would not think twixce to fight back. I planned to tell the family in the morning about her too. And what we should do about her attackers.
Then I fell back to sleep under my warm sheets.
In the morning of Saturday, the day had gone normal. Well most of our morning was normal. Every lion kid was lounging around the house and the wolf family, the Jungs had gone on to do the chores that needed to be done around the house.
I looked around the house and found dad in the garage with Mr. Jung and Jay fixing some vintage mustang cars, grease covered the three half-bloods. I walked throught the doorway and called on dad, sprinting in the process.
Taecyeon: Hey dad..
I walked up to him and he looked up from the black mutang engine he was fixing up.
Taecyeon: Dad.. I need to talk to you about something.. I forgot to tell you something last night...
Then what perfect timing brought all the family members to the garage. Wooyoung, Mir, Junho, Chansung, JB and Jr rode into the garage with their motocross bikes and Jia and Suzy had just parked outside the garage who came from a quick grocery run. They got out and mom came in from the same doorway that lead me to the garage.
In her hands were three glasses of orange juice and some sandwiches. Minjun came in from the same door holding a book and his glasses. He must've just wanted to use the garage exit to go straight to the lounging chairs outside. 
Hyori: Oh hey girls..
Mom greeted the girls and smiled at me.
Jia and Suzy: Hey mom.. Hey dad..
Jihoon: Sup daughters..
Dad said and then turned back to me and smiled.
Wooyoung: We're back from the sand dunes.
Minjun: ~Aliiiiiiive!~
Dad looked at the two who spoke and then back at me. Wiped his hands on a rag and said.
Jihoon: What were you saying son?
I breathed in and then told them about Yoona's attackers. About the Furies behind the four people in black hoods who've attacked her. After that I looked at Dad and then at mom who was setting the trays of snacks in a vacant table. She went close to dad and held his right hand. I looked at both of them. I saw that they were both worried.
Jihoon: Taecyeon.. You saved her?
Dad said still looking down.
Taecyeon: Yes Dad.. I'm sorry..
He let go of mom's hands and then walked over to me and hugged me.
Jihoon: Son.. Don't ever meet this girl again for your safety. She's trouble to you and our family okay?
He said half-crying. It confused me and pained me that dad cried. I never saw this strong man cry. It didn't suit his persona to be crying. But with his pleas, I decided to go with his decision and follow his orders.
Jihoon: Our family's chosen..
I caught the words from Dad's mouth as he left the garage with mom. 
Then the rest of the day fell really awkward to what I had announced. I stayed in my room the whole day and spent dinner thnking. Of her.. What could have set these starnge things to happen to us. 
Monday morning in school. I walked into the senior's building and walked straight to the lockers with my friend Jihyun. We've known each other since our move just this summer and we've totally clicked. 
Jihyun: Hey there girl friend!
She said with her bubbly voice that suited her cute and bubbly personality and face and her eyesmile was to die for according to guys. She smiled at me and rested her shoulders on the locker next to me.
Jihyun: What up IY? What di do?!
SHe said mocking and faking a gangsta accent.
Yoon: KEKE. You know Ji.. nothing. KEKE. Let's get to class..
She then looked over my shoulder as I turned the knob on my locker and locked it.
Jihyun: Before that, how about you explain to me what's been happening to you lately..
She looked at me from head to toe. She was babbling on about how I've slept in class and started to get thinnner than usual. She looked at me in the eyes with concern over-flowing in her.
Jihyun: You've been.. Off lately..
I looked at her and asked.
Yoona: What are you looking at...
I followed her gaze and saw him. Taecyeon with his brothers, Jay, Minjun, Lee Joon and their friends Doojoon and GiKwang.
Jihyun: Those hunks...
She said dreamily. Looking over my shoulder and at the jockes.
Yoona: Who?
Jihyun: The Park Brothers and their friends..
She said again in her dreamy voice and it was starting to get annoying might I say. I looked at Taecyeon and sure enough he was staring back at me. My eyes.. melted down his body. He looked at me and then away and into their class. He avoided me again. But it isn't out of fear. The last week he avoided me too. And I certainly needed answers.
Jihyun: Yoona yah.. Why are you the only person who isn't interested in the Park family? Their practically Korean Royalties..
She said as we both walked in on our class.
Yoona: No I will never be interested in them specially after we tried to kill each other..
Jihyun: Who we?
Yoona: The other big son..
Jihyun: Oh Taec?
I nodded at her and then classes started. I couldnt' come to tell her about our meetings. Taecyeon and I's meetings. The few chances we've had to see each other not in a romantic way though. More of a pre-fight show way. The day had ended pretty quickly.
As I walked out the building and had said my goodbyes to Jihyun and walked over to my truck I saw the brothers and their sisters walk to a black van. Taecyen was holding a guitar in his hand, did he play guitar? And Suzy was in tow with Jia, Mir, Chansung and their twin brothers JB and Jr.
They opened the van but before veryone got in they all looked at me. All at the same time with a murderous look. Then Taecyeon gave the guitar to JB and walked over to me.
Taecyeon: Got a problem Im?
I nodded no at him with arrogance.
Yoona: Do you? PARK?
I looked at him with venom spilling down my mouth. The campus parking lot was empty at the moment and before I could say anything else someone from behind tried to choke me. 
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Chapter 18: Hai... I really love your story.. The 2 unfinished story.. please continue to write the stories.. I really miss to read Taecyoon story.. and I think you are among the best.. I really hope you can update this story..
light_love #2
Chapter 18: Wow...this story is really cool
Please continue author
I'm back. Here I am, back with book 2 of this story. Sorry, I might discontinue SCS.
yoongcat0512 #4
Chapter 15: Not gonna update again?? :( update please authornim~
yoongcat0512 #5
Please update soon :-)
Authornim.. please update soon. I'm hungry for this story.. :D
Chapter 15: Update sooon plisss <3
Chapter 15: U left it at a cliffhanger?! *gives you the death stare* You better update soon!
LuvFFWorld #9
Chapter 15: I wonder if Taeyeon will fight back to get her daughter back. I hope she will unite with the lions to fight back the wolves.