
SNSD/ 2PM/ DBSK/ EXO One-shots ( Requests open! )

Taecyeon (21) & Wooyoung (18) are cousins who currently share an apartment together. Both are in clandestine relationships with Yoona (17) & Taeyeon (17).

It's shortly after two in the morning when Yoona slides out from under Taecyeon's arm and rolls out of bed, careful not to wake him. She pads across the room on barefeet and out into the hallway. She yawns as she turns toward the bathroom door and lets out a huff when she sees it closed, light spilling out from beneath it.

“Dammit, Wooyoung,” she murmurs, and moves to duck back inside Taecyeon's room. Wooyoung isn't supposed to know she's here. In fact, Wooyoung isn't even supposed to be home. When she turns, though, she sees that his bedroom door is ajar and when she squints her eyes to get a better look, she can see that Wooyoung is in his bed, red light from his alarm clock lighting up his sleeping face.

She whirls back around when she hears the flush of a toilet. If Taecyeon's in bed and Wooyoung's in bed, who the hell is in the bathroom?

Looking around quickly, Yoona spots Wooyoung's lacrosse stick lying on the floor outside his bedroom and grabs it just as she hears the sink in the bathroom shut off. She holds the stick up like a spear, ready to strike. She adjusts her grip and takes a defensive stance as the door opens...

...and Taeyeon steps out.

She's rubbing her eyes and startles when she sees Yoona, letting out a shriek. Yoona lets out a yell, too, and flails backwards, landing her onto the carpet. The lacrosse stick falls to the ground, causing a thud along with their shrilly shrieks. In an instant, both bedroom doors are torn open and Wooyoung and Taecyeon come rushing out, eyes flashing worry and confusion.

“What the is going on?!” Wooyoung exclaims when he takes in the scene before him: Yoona lying on the floor with her hand caressing the soaring pain by her bottom, and Taeyeon leaning back against the bathroom doorframe, hand over her heart.

“What the hell is Taeyeon doing here?!” Yoona counters, gesturing at her.

“What am I doing here?” she shoots back. “What are you doing here?!”

Taecyeon shakes his head and turns to Wooyoung. “What are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming home tonight?”

Wooyoung shrugs. “Well, we weren't, but...” he trails off and looks at Taeyeon.

“But my sister came home and decided to pick a fight,” she replies. “Can we please get back to the matter at hand?”

“Yeah, can someone please explain this?” Yoona agrees as Taecyeon helps her up, dusting her off in the process.

Taecyeon and Wooyoung exchange a look.

“This was bound to happen eventually, wasn't it?” Wooyoung asks.

A sigh escapes the other male's lips. “Probably.”

When neither of them immediately offer up an explanation, Yoona turns back to Taeyeon. She takes in her make-up-less face, her messy hair, and the fact that all she's wearing is a t-shirt that she's pretty sure is Wooyoung's.

“Are you sleeping here?” she asks, amusement flickering in her eyes.

“Are you?” she questions, mirroring her expression.

Taecyeon almost rolled his eyes as his eyes darted back and forth between the two girls as they tried to hint their situations through their expressions.

Yoona narrows her eyes and slides her gaze over to Wooyoung who's rubbing a hand over the back of his neck and looking sheepish. She turns back to Taeyeon, who crosses her arms and bites her bottom lip in attempt to hide her grin.

“Are you being serious?” she asks as it clicks in. She keeps looking back and forth between them, a smile touching her lips. “Are you actually for real right now?”

Taeyeon contains, clearing . “Yes.”

Yoona pauses for a second before swinging her head around to Wooyoung again and holding out a fist. “Good for you! Though, I totally called it.”

Wooyoung shakes his head incredulously and laughs a little bit but raises his fist and pounds it. It was true, even when Taeyeon and him weren't sneaking around to be together, Yoona would always make comments over how cute it would be if the two would get together ( when she was alone with each of them, of course ).

“Yoona,” Taecyeon says in his I'm-rolling-my-eyes-at-you tone of voice.

Yoona rounds on him. “Did you know about this?” She questions accusingly, almost offended over how he didn't tell her earlier.

Taecyeon leans against the bedroom doorway and crosses his arms. “Yeah.”

“Alright, this is all very fine and well,” Taeyeon cuts in. “But I still don't know why Yoona is here.” Although, it was very clear why she was here, but it was only fair for her to interrogate the latter as well.

“Uh,” Yoona stammers and turns to Taecyeon, but the look he gives her is wholly unhelpful. When she looks at Wooyoung, he's got his head bent, smirking. “Wait, do you know?”

Wooyoung's head shoots up to look at her, his smirk unfaltering. “Yeah.”

“Know what?” Taeyeon questions innocently, as if it weren't already obvious. Yoona turns back to her but before she can respond the shorter girl holds up a hand. “Wait a minute --” she narrows her eyes at her “-- are Wooyoung and I not the only ones engaging in a clandestine relationship?”

Yoona shrugs, letting a sheepish laugh escape her lips. “Guess not.”

Taeyeon turns to Taecyeon and looks him up and down. He shifts uncomfortably under her gaze. After a moment she nods and turns back to Yoona.

“Good job, Yoong,” she says. “Didn't know you had it in you," She teased.

Yoona rolls her eyes as heat rushes to her cheeks. “So, why are you two sneaking around?”

Taeyeon shrugs but there's something about the way she doesn't meet her eyes that tells her it's a touchy subject. “Why are you?” she shoots back instead.

“You mean besides the illegality of it?” Taecyeon cuts in.

“It's not illegal if we aren't doing anything,” Yoona says, unable to keep a little of the bitterness from seeping into her voice.

“Uh oh,” Taeyeon murmurs and turns to Wooyoung. “I'm sensing some trouble in paradise.”

He snorts. “I don't think we should get into that.”

“Probably right,” Taeyeon agrees and crosses the hallway back to Wooyoung's bedroom. “I'm going back to bed.”

“Wait,” Taecyeon says and she turns back to him. “Uh, don't tell Jaejoong.” He was definitely not trying to get caught by Yoona's older brother, who happened to be a cop. 

Yoona hates that he has to say that. She hates that she has to hide things from Jaejoong. But she knows he won't take it well when he finds out and she's not ready for that. Something must show on their face because Taeyeon's eyes soften.

“In fact,” Taecyeon shrugs. “Don't tell anyone.”

Taeyeon gives him a little smile and takes a couple steps towards them. She puts a hand on Taec's shoulder and leans up to plant a kiss on his cheek. “We won't if you won't,” she replies when she pulls away.

He grins, along with Yoona, at her. “Deal.”

With that she turns on her heal – Taecyeon has to flinch back to avoid being whipped in the face by her hair – and stalks her way into Wooyoung's room, her fingers entangling with his along the way.

“Night,” Wooyoung says, grinning idiotically at her actions. He follows her, shutting the door behind him.

Yoona turns to Taecyeon who reaches out and grabs her wrist, pulling her into his embrace, sleepiness evident on his features.

“C'mon,” he yawns. “I don't want to be awake anymore.”

Yoona smiles at him, kissing the corner of his mouth. “In a minute,” she says. “I got up for a reason.”

She watches Taecyeon retreat back into his bedroom before turning to the bathroom. Her eyes dart to Wooyoung's closed bedroom when she hears faint chatter and laughter. A lazy smile makes its way up her lips a sigh following after. It's been a lot to take in for two o'clock in the morning, but Yoona is kind of happy about it. She's still lying to her brother, but at least he's not lying to everybody anymore.

That, at least, is a relief.

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tupiemoppars #1
Chapter 4: woohoo.. i love your taecyoon shots. hope to see more authornim ^^
happylovestories #2
Chapter 4: I loved your taecyoon shots! Hope to see more from you soon!
Chapter 4: OMGAH I loved it!
Chapter 3: it is a nice chapter
please update more
ditaprili_jang #5
Chapter 3: Please Taecyoon story again...
Chapter 2: Love it!!! Love how Taeyeon is there to console Wooyoung when he needs someone <3 So this incident make them a couple already!!!?? Horray!!! <3 Love WooTae!!! <3 Write TaeSu(TaeyeonxJunsu Dbsk) and TaeJae(TaeyeonxJaejoong) too pls ;)
GSL1999 #7
Chapter 3: More taecyoon! This was great
taecyoonride #8
Chapter 3: Kyaaaah! So hot TaecYoon! Moreeeeeeee TaecYoon please!
Chapter 3: Kind of in love with you rn
TaecYoon please!