Chapter -9- I Do..

✿You Are y But, You Know..✿

In The Wedding Hall~


Ema's POV~


Mrs. Jane: "You look stunning!" she praised me, looking at me through the mirror,

I blushed,

Ema: "Gomawa” I smiled to her,

Mrs. Jane: "Let's go and meet your mother" she patted my back, and I nodded, we walked out the dressing room, and we entered into another room beside it,

Ema: "Umma!" I ran toward her as soon as I saw her,

Ema's Mother: "Oh! My God! You look beautiful!" she got off her chair and she hugged me,

Ema: "You too! I missed you, don't leave without me again!” I pout, hugging her back,

Ema's Mother: "Owe~ my baby" she tightened her hug,

Ema: "You are getting married” I mumbled against her chest,

Mrs. Jane: "Ema-shi, don't cry! You are going to ruin your makeup!” Mrs. Jane scolded,

Ema's Mother: "Neh, mine is too" she chuckled, breaking the hug,


Myungsoo's POV~


I sat in the car with Woohyun, and Mr. Park starts the engine,

Myungsoo: "This is tiring" I sighed,

Woohyun: "It is..”

Myungsoo: "After the party they are going to their honey moon?” I asked Woohyun,

Woohyun: "I don't know” he dropped his shoulders,

Myungsoo: "Then what?” I raised a brow,

Woohyun: "I know that they are going to the hotel to spend the night”

Myungsoo: "Ema is going to be crazy" I chuckled softly,

But why am I thinking about her now?!!

Woohyun: "She is a nice girl, don't piss her off”

Myungsoo: "I don't" I shrugged, "But she does”

Woohyun: "She is such a nice girl”

Myungsoo: "Don't be fooled with her cuteness” I rolled my eyes,

Woohyun: "Anie, I'm not fooled with..”

Mr. Park: "We are here" he said, parking the car,

We walked out the car, and inside the hall, there was too many people around us!

Woohyun: "That's beautiful!” he gasped,

Myungsoo: "Neh" I looked around me, people were busy greeting each other, chatting, eating desert, drinking champagne,

Argh! That’s why I hate crowded places!!

Mrs. Jane: "Oh! You are here!" I looked straight and saw Mrs. Jane walking toward us,

Woohyun: "You look beautiful like usual”

Mrs. Jane: "Gomawa” she nodded her head, “Myungsoo-shi, come with me" she patted my shoulder, and I blinked,

Myungsoo: "Where?”

Mrs. Jane: "You are going to walk with the bride" she smiled, and I rolled my eyes, "And you are going to walk with Ema” she pointed at Woohyun with her last words,

Woohyun: "It's my pleasure" he grinned,

Mrs. Jane: "So, come this way” she walked before us,

Woohyun: "Where is Appa?” he cleared his throat,

Mrs. Jane: "He is up there" she pointed up stairs, "Greeting his guests” she ended,

Myungsoo: "He is old and he wants a second wedding! What a shame” I scoffed, rolling my eyes,

Mrs. Jane: "It's not nice to say that about your dad”

I can feel her frowning even though I’m facing her back,

Woohyun: "He is rude” he pumped shoulders with Mrs. Jane while walking,

Mrs. Jane: "Now listen to me both of you” she stopped walking, turning around, “After you take the bride to your dad, they are going to sign and start the ceremony, after that you are going to ask her into a dance” she told me,

Myungsoo: "Bhwo?!” I widened my eyes,

Mrs. Jane: "Ehm.. and you are going to dance with Ema too” she told Woohyun,

Woohyun: "Neh!" he nodded,

Mrs. Jane: "After that, you are going to switch turns”

Myungsoo: "No no, I'm not dancing with them” I shook my head, crossing my arms,

Mrs. Jane: "I know where you go every week" she glared at me, and I widened my eyes,

Myungsoo: "Are you blackmailing me?" I raised up my brow,

Mrs. Jane: "You name it" she smirked and walked away,

Myungsoo: "Y.. Yah!” I clenched my fists,

Woohyun: "Let's go"

We walked out the big hall, to the hallway,

Woohyun: "That way" he pointed at the end of the hallway,

Myungsoo: "Aishh~" I sighed,

We walked toward it, Woohyun opened the door, and we walked in, I blinked as soon as I saw Mrs. Guem, and my jaw dropped, WOW!!

Woohyun: "You look beautiful” he praised her,

Ema's Mother: "Gomawa" she smiled,

Ema: "Woohyun-shi!”

Woohyun turned around,

Woohyun: "Oh! My God!" he gasped, and I quickly turned around, I widened my eyes, my heart beats faster, my jaw slowly dropped, and my breaths fastened,

Ema: "You look handsome" she smiled to me, I gulped,

Myungsoo: "Y.. You too” I muttered quietly,

Woohyun: "Come on Ema-shi" he linked arms with her, I looked down at the ground,

Ema's Mother: "Are you ready to go?”

Myungsoo: "N.. Neh" I linked arms with Mrs. Geum, and stole glances at Ema,

We start walking, me and Mrs. Geum first,

Ema's Mother: "I'm nervous" she smiled,

Myungsoo: "Weird, It's not your first time" I scoffed,

Ema's Mother: "I understand your feelings, you hate me, but you are not different from my daughter”

Myungsoo: "So she hates us?”

Ema's Mother: "Anie, but she finds it hard to fit with a new family, but I know your dad is a good man and he can take care of her as his own child”

Myungsoo: "We are not blood related”

Ema's Mother: "I know, but you can treats her as one”

Myungsoo: "I won't!” I frowned,

Ema's Mother: "It's ok, don't be mad" she chuckled,

Myungsoo: "Yah!”

Ema's Mother: "Shhh.. we are here" we walked into the wedding hall, and starts walking toward Appa and the priest,

I gulped, we arrived and I handed her to Appa,

I stepped aside, next to Woohyun and Ema,


Ema's POV~


Everything went so fast.. their vows, their gazes to each other, their smiles, she said yes, and he did the same.. it was magical!!

My heart was beating fast and I couldn't breathe.. suddenly, I felt a hand grabbing mine, I looked at my right side, and saw Woohyun's smiling face, I glanced beside Woohyun at Myungsoo, who was zooning out somewhere,

The Priest: "I name you, a husband and a wife! You may kiss the bride" the priest said,

I rolled my eyes as they leaned toward each other,

Woohyun: "Now we are going to dance" he tightened his grip on my hand,

Myungsoo suddenly moved toward Umma, and pulled her to dance with him,

I blinked at his action, because there was no music yet!


Myungsoo's POV~


I wrapped my arm around her waist,

Ema's Mother: "You are on a rush!” she whispered,

Myungsoo: "If you ever hurt my dad..” I warned,

Ema's Mother: "I'm 35 years old, don't threat me young man" she smirked, and I widened my eyes,

Myungsoo: "I don't trust you”

Ema's Mother: "I don't trust you either” she shrugged,

Myungsoo: "I'm warning you woman!" I glared,

Ema's Mother: "Just kidding, I'm not a bad person" she winked,

DAMN! She is very beautiful!!

Ema's Mother: "I think Woohyun and Ema become a good friends" she chuckled, I glanced at them dancing together, she was blushing and giggling lightly, and he seemed to be very happy!

Ema's Mother: "I think we should switch partners now, your dad is waiting to dance with me" I looked at her, then at Appa, who was staring at us and smiling, we stopped, and I looked at Woohyun, he walked toward me and handed me Ema, and grabbed her mother's hand, I looked at Ema, and grabbed her hand with my other hand wrapped around her tiny waist, she looked into my eyes, and I looked back..

Keep calm Myungsoo! Why are so freaking nervous??

Ema: "I bought gloves too" she smiled, "Just in case you forgot yours" she winked, and I blinked,

Myungsoo: "Y.. you.. you must forget about the kiss" I stuttered, looking away from her,

Ema: "It wasn't a kiss" she shrugged,

Myungsoo: "G.. good”

Ema: "But I'm trying to forget the you" she hold a laugh and I widened my eyes,

Myungsoo: "Bhwo?!” I gasped,

Ema: "Just kidding, I already forgot”

Myungsoo: "Bhwo?!”

Ema: "Well, I'm not interested" she shrugged,

Myungsoo: "Bhwo?!!!" I shrieked,

Ema: "Shhh!" she put a finger on my lips, and I blinked,

Myungsoo: "Y.. Yah! You are very lucky cuz you saw me! And because we kissed" I smirked,

Ema: "Wea?”

Myungsoo: "Because I'm very handsome, and hot and y” I bragged,

Ema: "No you are not”

Myungsoo: "Yah! Watch your mouth”

Ema: "Wea? I'm just saying" she shrugged, and I puffed my cheeks,

Myungsoo: "You are lucky because I'm dancing with you”

Ema: "I don't feel lucky" she said, staring directly into my eyes, my heart kept bounding fast..

Woohyun: "Myungsoo-ah" I stopped and looked behind me, "The music stopped" he said and I nodded, walking away from her, I put my hand on my heart, Damn..


Whoa~ now I wonder how Ema's life will be after the wedding lol :P

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Infinite_7 #1
Great poster!
Chapter 2: Cute chapter pic
Chapter 12: hahah she actually did it! LOL!
i absolutely love your story.
but i would like to point out something. the photo you posted of woohyun in the forward is in fact sungjong. is it suppose to be like that?
Chapter 11: Hahaha! I love it!! Great update Noona!!
Chapter 11: haha. L have fallen in love~
Chapter 10: its gomawo
Chapter 10: Awwww!! Myung likes her!!!
Chapter 3: Hi I'm only got to read to chapter 3 because I'm pretty busy today >.< but I totally just subscribed and I'm planning to upvote when I come back to read the rest.

This story is seriously good, like I really don't want to stop reading it. It's really interesting :3
Chapter 9: OMG!! Myungsoo is a real head! Woah! REALLY!?! TREATENING his future MOTHER well step-mother but still!!! What the Helll!!!