Chapter -3- Meeting The Kim's~

✿You Are y But, You Know..✿

Myungsoo's POV~


"Whoa~ she has a beautiful mother"

 ‏I mumbled while lying on my bed, and staring at the picture in the necklace,

"Myungsoo-ah!" my dad knocked on my room's door, I quickly hide the necklace behind my back, "N.. neh?"

Myungsoo's Father: "Are you still mad at me?" he walked in,

Myungsoo: "Sure"

Myungsoo's Father: "Don't be selfish son, marrying another woman doesn't mean I forgot your mom"

Myungsoo: "Yes it does!" I frowned,

Myungsoo's Father: "She died a long time ago, and we as a family must end this and move on"

Myungsoo: "I doesn't want to forget my mom!" I cried,

Myungsoo's Father: "Y.. you was five, I raised you by myself, I didn't bring you a nanny cuz I know you can't fit with new people, but I was mistaken! you still can't fit with new people, I keep watching you in the school Myungsoo-ah, you need a life! you need a mother!"

Myungsoo: "I ALLREADY HAVE ONE!" I shrieked, getting off the bed,

Myungsoo's Father: "You are going to meet her tomorrow!" he frowned clenching his fists,

Myungsoo: "She only wants your money!"

Myungsoo's Father: "Myungsoo!" he shrieked, "You are going to meet her tomorrow, if you felt that she is a bad woman, I'll cancel everything, but you have to be honest with yourself, if she is good, then nothing is changing" he said and walked out the room..


Ema's POV~


Ema: "I can't believe my necklace stayed with him since yesterday and for the next two days" I pout,

Ema's Mother: "You should have take it from him, didn't you know that today is the weekend?"

Ema: "I totally forgot" I sighed,

Ema's Mother: "Ok, now for tomorrow.." I looked at her,

Ema: "Don't worry Umma, I won't let you down" I smiled, Well, I hope that..


Next Day~


I can't believe how time goes really fast when you need it!

Ema,s Mother: "Ok, what are you going to wear?"

Ema: "I still need some time to think"

Ema's Mother: "Ema, It's almost 5! come on!"

Ema: "Arasso" I sighed, I looked at my wardrobe,


Myungsoo's POV~


Myungsoo: "I hate this.." I muttered, while staring at the picture in the necklace,

Myungsoo's Father: "I heard that" Appa said, looking at me in the car front mirror,

Woohyun: "Appa, where is the driver?"

Myungsoo: "It's a family meeting Woohyun-ah" I scoffed,

Myungsoo's Father: "What's that in your hand?" I panicked, hiding the necklace behind my back,

Myungsoo: "N.. nothing" I gulped,


Ema's POV~


Ema: "Umma, they are late" I whined,

Ema's Mother: "Be quiet" she whispered, and I rolled my eyes, "There!" she beamed, I quickly looked at the entrance, and I saw three men walking toward us, well, two guys and a man, *gulp*

 "Hi.. " the man greeted, My mom got up and smiled back, "L, Woohyun this is Hyun joo"

Appa! don't say L!" one of the guys complained,"

"Kim Woohyun under your service, the other guy bowed, I know this guy! Anie, both of them look so familiar to me!

Kim Myungsoo" he rolled his eyes,"

Ema: "Geum Ema Iminda" I bowed,


Myungsoo's POV~


Mmm~ she looks familiar, "OMO! YOU!" I shrieked, pointing at the girl and her mother,

Myungsoo's Father: "Myungsoo-ah!" he frowned, the girl kept plinking at me,

Ema: "OMO! He took my necklace!" she shrieked,

Woohyun: "Oh~ now I know why you look so familiar!" he clapped,

Ema's Mother: "You know each other?"

Ema: "Anie! but he.."

Woohyun: "We go to the same school"

Myungsoo's Father: "Neh, I told your mother to move you to our school" Appa smiled,

Ema: "Our?"

Woohyuk: "Neh, Appa is the school principle"

Ema: "Bhwo?! you put those stupid rule?!" she blurted out,

Myungsoo: "Pshh! haha!" I chuckled,

Ema's Mother : "Ehm…"

Ema: "Ehh.. M.. Mianhae" she blushed,

Myungsoo's Father: "Ok, me and Hyun joo are going to choose a cake from the restaurant list" he said and got up, Mrs. Geum got up too, and walked away,

She is very beautiful..

Woohyun: "Nice to meet you Ema-shi"

Ema: "N.. Neh" she blushed,

Myungsoo: "Are you ok with this marriage?" I asked her,

Ema: "N.. Neh"

Myungsoo: "Wea?"

Ema: "Because I know that will make her happy" she said, looking at the table,

Myungsoo's Father: "We are back"

Ema's Mother: "So, what did you talked about?" her mother smiled, while taking a seat next to her daughter,



After all, everything went good, we had a nice meal, we celebrated, eating the cake, but I wasn't happy.. I wasn't..



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Infinite_7 #1
Great poster!
Chapter 2: Cute chapter pic
Chapter 12: hahah she actually did it! LOL!
i absolutely love your story.
but i would like to point out something. the photo you posted of woohyun in the forward is in fact sungjong. is it suppose to be like that?
Chapter 11: Hahaha! I love it!! Great update Noona!!
Chapter 11: haha. L have fallen in love~
Chapter 10: its gomawo
Chapter 10: Awwww!! Myung likes her!!!
Chapter 3: Hi I'm only got to read to chapter 3 because I'm pretty busy today >.< but I totally just subscribed and I'm planning to upvote when I come back to read the rest.

This story is seriously good, like I really don't want to stop reading it. It's really interesting :3
Chapter 9: OMG!! Myungsoo is a real head! Woah! REALLY!?! TREATENING his future MOTHER well step-mother but still!!! What the Helll!!!