Sehun: Like Coming Home

Everything Changes


Stray beams of sunshine had dappled the apartment with pockets of gold by the time Sehun's eyelids finally unshuttered themselves. His limbs were a little stiff but his body was pleasantly flush from the warmth that surrounded him. Closing his eyes again, Sehun smiled languidly as he placed his hand over the one that clung to his slim waist ...

He had woken up in the middle of the night to find his head pillowed on Baekhyun's lap, a rerun of Strong Heart playing on the TV in the background. The apartment was cold and he stifled a shiver. He turned to see Baekhyun slumped over the sofa arm with his left hand lightly cradling Sehun's face. In repose, Baekhyun's normally intense features looked youthful and relaxed - now that he had nothing to stress over and no one to boss around. Tenderly, Sehun's slender fingers explored Baekhyun's heart-shaped face. He had imagined and drawn those features so many times in the quiet of his own room but this was the first time he'd ever had the luxury of freely touching him. 
Baekhyun had the kind of clean-cut, bookish good looks which couldn't be called handsome exactly, but they were somehow the epitome of everything that appealed to Sehun. Images of Baekhyun's many expressions rifled through Sehun's head. Baekhyun laughing. Baekhyun scolding him. Baekhyun being sarcastic. Baekhyun relaxed. Baekhyun being angry. So many years of memories. Sehun's fingertips rested gently on his eyelids and they twitched slightly beneath his touch, but Baekhyun carried on sleeping. For someone who made so much noise when he was awake, Baekhyun had such a quiet snore, and Sehun found the contrast unbelievably cute.
His head told him he should wake Baekhyun up so that they could both move to their own rooms to sleep comfortably, but his heart was selfishly telling him not to spoil this moment. So he switched off the television and carefully swung Baekhyun's legs up onto the sofa, and moved him so that he was lying down on the couch instead of sitting up. Sehun knew he should feel bad for falling asleep on Baekhyun's lap and causing him so much discomfort but he just couldn't make himself regret the opportunity it had given him to be as close to Baekhyun as he'd ever been. 
Quietly, he made his way to his room to get his phone because he needed to set his alarm - damn Professor Lee to hell for having fricking 8am lectures. He groggily checked his phone for texts. There was one from his mom reminding him to eat a proper breakfast. And there was a text from Jung Soo-Jung, saying she'd see him at the 8am lecture. Soo-Jung was a girl in his Multimedia Applications course who was obviously into him but Sehun hadn't figured out how to tell her sorry I can't date you because I've been in love with my best friend for three years. 
Then he saw the message from Jongin, which was the only one he gave a damn about. He'd texted Jongin before dinner but he'd never gone back to his room the night before. Sehun was a ball of anxiety mixed with hope as he opened Jongin's reply.
Sehun: why'd you say B was jealous? 
Jongin: he watched you a lot at lunch. when KJ asked you out, I saw his reaction. he seemed jealous. don't think I read it wrong. 
Sehun's chest clenched a little. Could Jongin be wrong? He'd only known Jongin for six months but they'd grown pretty close. He was a cool guy who was easy to relate to and who'd shown himself to be pretty good at reading people's emotions. Kyungsoo had once complained that he couldn't hide anything from Jongin, no matter how hard he tried. Thinking back on the evening, Baekhyun had been unusually reticent. He usually talked his way through any lunch and dinner - but not breakfast because he wasn't a morning person and everyone just stayed out of his way until he'd had his second cup of coffee. Tonight, he'd barely said anything and it wasn't like him at all. But it was too late at night for ruminating - he'd figure things out in the morning. 
Grabbing his pillow and blanket, Sehun headed back to the couch. After carefully placing the feather pillow beneath Baekhyun's head, Sehun climbed in next to him and covered them with the heavy winter quilt he had brought from home. Baekhyun moaned in protest at all the sudden motion, and then he threw his left arm around Sehun and pressed his body close against his back. It felt safe, like coming home. And with that final thought, Sehun fell back to sleep.
Sehun still had his hand over Baekhyun's when his phone alarm went off. Baekhyun moved restlessly at the jarring noise and seemed a little startled when he opened his eyes to find himself draped all over Sehun. 
Sehun turned to face him, "It's ok, hyung. Go back to sleep. I've got an 8 am lecture but you don't have one till 11 am. Go back to sleep,"
Baekhyun mumbled something incoherent and drifted back to sleep. Reluctantly, Sehun got up. Then he covered Baekhyun with the quilt before leaving to get ready for classes. 
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Hi! For any Kai stans who want to view my video of the Sukai hug at the GDAs, check out my AFF blog or my tumblr: lattelotus


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Chapter 17: In this story sehun character matches with his original character, finally they got together cute sebaek
baekhyunsbutt #2
Chapter 17: Sebaek!!! I just got into them they are just so cute >.<
Chapter 1: Cute ??
969 streak #4
Chapter 17: Thank you so much for this story.
I really like love stories where one of the parties is oblivious to his feelings.
It was a great read. I had wanted to finish reading it at once. But work had to take priority. So, i finally finished this now.
binnybunny #5
Chapter 17: This is so good! I love your stories!
micsalvador #6
Sebaek ❤❤❤
Chapter 17: Omggggggg this is one of the cutes sweetest most beautiful and well written sebeak ff I have ever read author nim this is sooooo good and thank you billion times for writing this I just love this story and my sebeak heart feel refreshed it's sweet and simple please write more sebeak I beg you and hats off for this story thanks again <3
Chapter 17: Chapter 16: Cute. :)
mistymountains 193 streak #9
nice story! congrats for the golden star!