Baekhyun: Epiphany

Everything Changes


It always amazed Baekhyun how much Sehun could eat and yet remain so thin. Where did all that energy go? All those spare calories? And Sehun was never restless or hyperactive like Chanyeol. He was typically calm and quiet - like Kyungsoo, only quieter.  But then that was old Sehun. This Sehun was ... unpredictable. 

In the past, Baekhyun had always felt the tension flowing out of him when he spent time with his low-key friend, but now he found himself all strung up and anxious. He'd been too antsy to make small talk during dinner and Sehun had been his usual quiet, ravenous self. Baekhyun had tried his hardest not to stare at Sehun's mouth as he casually, unhurriedly chewed his way through multiple slices of cheese-covered pizza.
They'd finished the entire regular pizza - Sehun consuming two-thirds of it as usual. Then they had worked quietly together to clear the dinner things. Sehun had simply got up after dinner and brought the empty pizza boxes and dishes to the kitchen. Baekhyun didn't say anything but he was pleased that Sehun seemed to be the kind of roommate who pulled his weight - unlike his last roomie Kyuhyun whom he'd had to nag every last second of the 12 months they'd spent sharing the apartment.
Earlier on, they had sat cross-legged on cushions on the floor and eaten at the living room coffee table which doubled as a low, Korean style dining table. Now, they half reclined next to each other on the burgundy sofa, surfing channels. Baekhyun eventually settled on some Hollywood movie they'd both never watched called The Bourne Ultimatum. It was a spy thriller, which was their favourite kind of film. He could do this. Sehun and him had been watching movies together for eight years and this felt safe. He could do this. 
Only twenty minutes into the movie, and he was stealing glances at Sehun's profile, trying to ignore how close his thighs were to his, pretending he wasn't peering at the slim hand that rested on Sehun's right thigh, and restraining himself from brushing that annoying fringe out of his half-lidded eyes. 
"Hyung, did you catch that last bit? What did Bourne say? I didn't read the subs fast enough."
"Hmm? No, I don't know what he said - the subs were too fast for me too." Baekhyun lied. He had no intention of telling Sehun he hadn't caught anything much at all of the movie because he'd been too preoccupied with surreptitiously observing the long, warm body beside his. 
He forced his attention back to the screen and tried to make sense of the complex plot without much success. Then an even bigger challenge presented itself about halfway through the movie as Sehun's head suddenly drooped and rested on his left shoulder. He could hear rhythmic breathing sounds and he bent forward so he could glimpse Sehun's face. His eyes were shut and his face was relaxed in sleep. His beautiful face. How had he never noticed? 
His dongsaeng had become a handsome young man without Baekhyun realizing it. He studied the sensual sleepy eyes which were now concealed in slumber, the strong jawline which held just the faintest shadow of a beard, and almost razor sharp high cheekbones. His nose wasn't perfect but it was still a very attractive nose. And Baekhyun couldn't stop staring at that small, thin-lipped mouth,  which he wouldn't normally be drawn to but - but this was Sehun. 
Baekhyun dragged his eyes away and let out a sigh. What was he doing? This was his best friend. He couldn't be attracted to his best friend. He'd never even once asked Sehun if he was gay or straight. Kyungsoo and himself had dated other guys over the years, so there was no question where their preferences lay. And Chanyeol had only ever liked girls. But Sehun had never talked to either one of them about liking anyone and honestly, how could he never have thought to ask? What a useless hyung he had turned out to be. 
Sehun shifted slightly, emitting a gentle snore and Baekhyun's right hand reached out tentatively, hovered for a few seconds, then brushed the fine dark brown strands to the side so they no longer touched Sehun's eyelids. But as soon as he removed his hand, the soft fringe fell back down like a curtain. Stubborn hair. 
Baekhyun gave up on the fringe and let his fingertips skate lightly over Sehun's smooth forehead, cheek and stubble roughened jawline. He watched as slight furrow lines appeared on Sehun's forehead and his eyelids flickered open lazily. 
"I'm here."
"Tired." Sehun's voice was husky with sleep. Then he shifted his body and lay his head on Baekhyun's lap, wrapping his left arm over Baekhyun's knees and thighs. 
"Sehun, I ..." Baekhyun started to speak but fell silent as he heard Sehun's soft snores. He Sehun's hair rhythmically like one would do to a sleeping child - except his feelings were nothing like what one would feel towards a child - sleeping or otherwise.
Baekhyun frowned. How had things changed so much in a space of one day? He felt like he was walking on quicksand. Powerless to do anything about it and trapped by Sehun's sleeping form, Baekhyun caressed the younger man's hair until he too fell asleep. 
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Hi! For any Kai stans who want to view my video of the Sukai hug at the GDAs, check out my AFF blog or my tumblr: lattelotus


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Chapter 17: In this story sehun character matches with his original character, finally they got together cute sebaek
baekhyunsbutt #2
Chapter 17: Sebaek!!! I just got into them they are just so cute >.<
Chapter 1: Cute ??
969 streak #4
Chapter 17: Thank you so much for this story.
I really like love stories where one of the parties is oblivious to his feelings.
It was a great read. I had wanted to finish reading it at once. But work had to take priority. So, i finally finished this now.
binnybunny #5
Chapter 17: This is so good! I love your stories!
micsalvador #6
Sebaek ❤❤❤
Chapter 17: Omggggggg this is one of the cutes sweetest most beautiful and well written sebeak ff I have ever read author nim this is sooooo good and thank you billion times for writing this I just love this story and my sebeak heart feel refreshed it's sweet and simple please write more sebeak I beg you and hats off for this story thanks again <3
Chapter 17: Chapter 16: Cute. :)
mistymountains 193 streak #9
nice story! congrats for the golden star!