Second Chance

Love Comes

FLASHBACK: TAECYOON is still missing:( JaySica officially call it quits. Jessica gets intoxicated at club 21. Ailee ends up picking Sica up from the bar and takes her to her apartment. After sobering up, Jessica and Ailee make up their friendship. Jessica reveals to Ailee that Jay has cancer. Ailee and Jessica decide to go to the hospital to see Jay. 


“Ailee” said Jay 


“Hey Jay, how you feeling” said Ailee


“I’m feeling good, the nurses said I’ll be able to get discharge soon and go home” said Jay


“That’s awesome...” Ailee said nervously 


“Look Ailee, I’m sorry for everythin-“ Jay gets cut off


“Jay don’t, it’s okay” said Ailee 


“No it’s not, Ive been an a**hole to you lately and you don’t deserve that at all, I really want you to know that I care for you and I want to be with you” said Jay 


Ailee smiles at Jay. 


“I like you Ailee, will you give me a second chance” said Jay cutely 


Ailee walks towards Jay and gives him a hug. Jay hugs her back. They continue to hug while talking. 


“Yes” Ailee said softly 


“What was that” Jay pretends to not hear 


“I said yes....” Ailee said softly again


“I’m sorry, did you say I’m handsome” said Jay 


Ailee breaks the hug and hits his chest and laughs. Jay smiles while looking at Ailee. 


“Yes, I’ll give you a second chance” Ailee smiles 


Jay pulls Ailee closer to him and tries to kiss her. Ailee avoids his kiss and whispers in his ear. 


“Jessica is here” Ailee whispers in Jay’s ear


Ailee walks to the door and opens it. She signals Jessica to come inside. Jessica starts to feel awkward, but she follows Ailee inside. 


“Hey Jessica” Jay said shyly 


“Hey Jay” Jessica said awkwardly 


“Thank you Jess for bringing Ailee here” said Jay 


“No worries....but um I’m actually going to head back home, I’m sure the girls are worried bout me” said Jessica


“Okay Jess, text me when you get home safely” said Ailee


“I will” Jessica heads time the door


“Bye Jessica” said Jay 


Jessica looks at Jay with a sad look. 


“Bye Jay” said Jessica 


Jessica leaves the room. She leans on the wall and starts to feel emotional. She can’t help but feel sorry for Jay. Her eyes start to get teary but she then gets distracted by her phone when she receives a text. 



To: Jessica

From: Jonghyun 

“Hey babe, what you doing” 


To: Jonghyun 

From: Jessica

“Can we meet up, I think we need to talk” 


Jonghyun texts back asking where she’s at. Jessica tells him to meet her at a cafe. They both drive to the location. Jessica arrives first and waits for Jonghyun. Jonghyun arrives and sits down with Jessica. 


“Hey what’s up” Jonghyun tries to kiss Jessica’s cheek 


Jessica avoids the kiss. Jonghyun feels upset. They both sit down and talk. 


“You okay babe” said worried Jonghyun


“Jonghyun, you are so nice to me and I think you are amazing but-“ Jessica gets cut off


“But you don’t like me” Jonghyun said sadly 


“I’m sorry, but I’m just not ready to be dating anyone right now” said Jessica


“I understand, it’s my fault actually, I rushed this on you but I really hope we can be friends cuz I think you’re really cool” said Jonghyun 


“You’re amazing you know that” said Jessica 


“I’s too bad you don’t want me” said Jonghyun 


“Yea you’re right” Jessica said playfully 


“Wowwwww” Jonghyun gets upset 


“I’m kidding gosh” said Jessica 


Jessica and Jonghyun both continue laughing. They both finish they’re drinks and drive home. 


9PM mansion 

The crew arrive at the mansion exhausted from looking for Yoona and Taecyeon. 


“Ughhh where can they be” said Hyoyeon 


“I’m really worried bout them” said Junho 


“Same here, I really hope they’re okay” said Sunny 


“I’m sure they’re fine” said Sooyoung 


“Yes don’t worry too much guys” said Chansung 


“What if something bad happens” Tiffany said nervously 


“Fany ah don’t say that” said Junsu 


“Tiffany is right tho, it’s hard to not think they aren’t okay and that maybe they... “ said Hyoyeon


“Maybe what??” said Seohyun


“No no there’s no way” said Junsu 


“MAYBE WHATT?!” Seohyun gets upset


“Dead...” Hyoyeon gets emotional 


Junho comforts Hyoyeon by hugging her. He kisses her forehead as well. 


“Yoona unnie! I miss you so much!” Seohyun cries


“YAH maknae stop, you’re going to make me cry too” said Sooyoung who cries with her


“Stopppp” Wooyoung cries with the girls 


“Babe are you crying too” said Taeyeon 


“No...(*stiffs) I’m just um like I’m just ughh” Wooyoung continues crying 


Taeyeon hugs Wooyoung. Taeyeon cries with him. Everybody starts getting emotional too. 


“Hey!” Nichkhun shouts to get everybody attention


“Why are y’all crying?! Wooyoung Ah you know Taecyeon well like I do, he is one strong a** m*****f*****, he won’t let nothing bad happen to both him and Yoona” said Nichkhun 


“We can’t think like that y’all, we gottAh keep our heads up and continue to pray that God keeps them safe” said Yuri 


“Yuri’s right! We also can’t expect the worse, I’m sure they’re okay” said Taeyeon 


“Cmon y’all lets pray” Nichkhun stands up


Everyone gathers around and holds each hands. They all pray together and hugs each other one by one. 




“Someone’s knocking babe” said Yuri 


“I’ll go check it out” said Nichkhun 


Nichkhun heads to the door. He looks through the peephole to see multiple men in black suits. He opens the door. Nichkhun is surprised to see who’s at front of the door. 


“Hello sir” Nichkhun said nervously 


The man passes Nichkhun and walks inside. The men in black suits also follow him inside. He notices the 9pm crew in the living room but looks around the house for a minute.


“Well well who are these people I see, oh wait I know you boys haha” the man laughs 


“Annyeonghasayo” the boys said nervously while bowing 


“Long time no see Wooyoung ah” said the man


“Yes sir” Wooyoung said awkwardly


“Maknae! Chansungee how you been?” said the man


“I’m been good sir” Changsung also awkward


The man then turns to face 9pm and turns his attention to the SNSD girls.


“Hey ladies” said the man 


“Annyeonghasayo...” said the girls while bowing 


“Omo who are they” Sunny whispers to Taeyeon


“Right? Who are these men in black suits?” Taeyeon whispers back 


“Babe who is that?” Taeyeon whispers to Wooyoung


“Taecyeon’s father” said Wooyoung 


“Sir what brings you here” said Nichkhun 


“Oh right, sorry to drop in like this but thanks to Nichkhun and his girlfriend for paying me a visit, I know that my son is missing” said the man 


“That must be Taecyeon’s father” Sooyoung whispers to Tiffany 


“Yes that’s right young lady I’m Taecyeon’s father” said Mr. Ok


“What are you doing sir?” said Nichkhun 


“Nichkhun I’m here to tell you I’m going to find my son and these men right here will help me do that” said Mr. Ok 


“Why are you doing that sir!” Nichkhun said angrily 


“Babe stop...calm down” Yuri holds Nichkhun arm


“Ms. Yuri it’s nice to see you again” said Mr. Ok


“Hello sir” Yuri said nervously 


“Imma have to ask you to leave sir” said Nichkhun 


“I’m sorry...” said Mr. Ok


“Babe what are you doing” said Yuri


“Leave haha” Mr. Ok laughs 


“Yes please leave sir” said Nichkhun 


“Wow Khun ah, should I remind you that I own this mansion and so if anyone were to leave it’s you guys right?” Mr. Ok questions Nichkhun 


Nichkhun got quiet. 


“Sir would you like me to everyone out” said Assistant Kim


“No need for that Mr. Kim, it’s okay” said Mr. Ok


“Yes sir” said Assistant Kim


“Khun ah I’m sure you guys want to find Taecyeon and Yoona right, well I’m here to help you do that” said Mr. Ok


“Why now? I don’t understand why you are doing this” said Nichkhun 


“Khun I-“ Mr. Ok gets cut off


“Why are you suddenly caring about Taecyeon? Why do you care where he is? Why? Why?? Why?!! You have never been there for him, and I’m sure if he was here he would say the same thing. Let’s be honest sir, you have not been a father to Taecyeon ever” said Nichkhun 


All the girls are shocked by Nichkhun’s confrontation to Taecyeon’s dad.


“Omo Omo what’s going on” said Sooyoung 


“Nichkhun that’s enough” said Junsu


“No it’s okay Junsu, Nichkhun is right, you have every right to feel angry, its true that I have not been there for Taecyeon but he is my son” said Mr. Ok


“Son..” Nichkhun laughs softly 


“Yes he’s my son! So despite how you feel about me I do love him and I’m going to find my son and his girlfriend Yoona” Mr. Ok shouts 


“Sir you really going to help us” said Junho


Mr. Ok nods at Junho. He calls for Assistant Kim. Assistant Kim carries his laptop which catches everyone’s attention. 


“We have 3 teams out right now. Alpha team is finishing their research on the suspect-“ Assistant Kim gets cut off


“Suspect!! You know who did this” Wooyoung shouts 


“Who is it?! Who took our Yoona?!!” Tiffany shouts 


“Hey quiet y’all, let him finish” said Taeyeon 


“As I was saying, Alpha team is investigating on the suspect, Bravo team is preparing to initiate the rescue, and Charlie team is undercover” said Assistant Kim 


“Be honest with me, you guys need my help” Mr. Ok questions the group


“Yes sir please” Seohyun said desperately 


“This might work” said Chansung 


“Cmon hyung, let’s do this” said Junho


“Babe what do you think” said Yuri


Nichkhun looks at Mr. Ok with serious eyes. Nichkhun then goes down on his knees and bows to Mr. Ok. Everyone is shocked.


“Sir please help us find them” said Nichkhun 


“Get up son” Mr. Ok pats Nichkhun 


Nichkhun continues to bow towards Mr. Ok. Yuri then bows down next to Nichkhun.


“Please help us find our friend Yoona too sir” said Yuri


“Please help us sir” Taeyeon bows down


One by one everyone gets down on their knees and begs Mr. Ok for help to find both Taecyeon and Yoona.


“Get up everyone” said Mr. Ok


Everyone stands up except Nichkhun and Yuri. 


“You two as well” Mr. Ok looks at Khunri couple


“Thank you” said Nichkhun 


“Okay now that we are all in agreement, let’s do this” said Mr. Ok


“Continue Mr. Kim” said Mr. Ok


“Yes sir (*bows)” said Assistant Kim 


Assistant Kim explains more into detail about each team. He tells the group that the two suspects identified on camera at the apartment are two men by the name of Siwon and Eunhyuk. They attacked Taecyeon after Yoona was unconscious. He then tells them that the two men work for a gangster gambler named Donghae. Yuri is aggravated and angry.


“DONGHAE THAT SON OF A B****!!” Yuri shouts 


“Who’s Donghae?” said Junsu 


“He’s Yoona’s ex boyfriend who cheated on her” said Taeyeon 


“I swear on everything imma kill that bas****!” Wooyoung shouts 


“Same here!! I can’t believe him!! Why can’t he leave her tf alone!!” Yuri said angrily 


“For those of y’all who don’t understand what’s going on, we believe that this Donghae guy has a revenge against Yoona and yes he is her ex boyfriend as far as we know, we are still trying to find out where there location is but we have eyes on the suspects” said Assistant Kim


“My son must really love Yoona” said Mr. Ok


“Yes sir, he really does and so does she, this Donghae bas**** has no right to interfere with their relationship” said Yuri


“Me and Assistant Kim will find them, please trust us” said Mr. Ok


Meanwhile at SNSD dorm

“Oh I wonder where the girls are at?” said Jessica 


Jessica decides to call Tiffany. 



“Hey Jess” said Tiffany 


“Where are you girls, are you coming home soon” said lonely Jessica 


“Yea we will soon, we have info on Yoona’s disappearance” said Tiffany 


“Forreals!!” said curious Jessica


“I’ll explain more when I get home” said Tiffany 


“Yes please hurry” said lonely Jessica


“Why? Are you lonely?” Tiffany laughs 


“Yess...” Jessica said softly


“What’s wrong, you okay?” said worried Tiffany 


“Yes I’m fine, but can y’all b****** hurry home, let’s drink” said Jessica


“Why don’t you invite your new boyfriend over?” Tiffany teases Jessica


“I broke up with him” said Jessica


“What?! How you feeling” said Tiffany 


“I’m good, I just told him I’m not ready to start dating again” said Jessica 


“Oh I see, yea you guys kinda rushed it” said Tiffany 


“Right! But I’m fine, I don’t need a man right now” said Jessica 


“Haha you make me laugh Jess, well don’t worry we’ll be home soon” said Tiffany 


“Promise?!” said Jessica


“Yes I promise lol” said Tiffany 


While that’s going on, TAECYOON situation begins to get difficult. Taecyeon and Yoona are now chained up standing up, standing next to each other. Blindfolded. Taecyeon can hear the person on watch snoring. He tries to get Yoona’s attention.


“Yoona...Yoona are you okay babe” Taecyeon said softly


(*No answer from Yoona)


“Babe, it’s me Taecyeon are you okay” said Taecyeon 


(*No Answer) 


“Cmon babe, I’m right here, please talk to me” said worried Taecyeon


“Uhh..I’m really....reallly” said exhausted Yoona


“Yoona, what’s wrong” said Taecyeon 


“I’m really...I’m really thirsty... I can’t breathe” Yoona feeling dehydrated 


“Babe, you got this...fight it” Taecyeon also exhausted 


“I..I...I can’t..cant breathe” Yoona said drowsily


“I can’t... breathe too babe, I can’t” Taecyeon said faintly





PS: Wow it’s been a long minute since I updated my story but I appreciate you guys who are still supporting me. I’ll try my best to finish the story so don’t worry. Please comment what you think of this chapter or your reactions which I love btw, it inspires to me write more and more. 


I need your guys opinion, so here’s a quick game for y’all, you can answer by commenting! Thank you!!



TaecYoon OR TaecSica

JaySica OR JayYoon

JayLee OR JaySica 


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Warsonic9620 #1
Chapter 28: Nice update. Please update again soon
soshisone27 #2
Chapter 28: thanks for update again.. update soon..:)
Chapter 27: Pls update soon!
Chapter 27: RIP To the two beautiful angels <3
Soshisone93 #5
Chapter 26: No... TaecYoon can't be die in that donghae hand..
update soon~~~
Chapter 25: O.O OMG WHATT
Soshisone93 #8
Chapter 25: update soon~~~ :)
Chapter 24: how bout TaecYoon uggghh im just so deperate and 9pm keeps having interuptions and they didnt focus on taecyoon but oh well i hope u could update soon and for the others jaysica pleasee let taecyoon be safe and let jaysica be together plleasee thanksyouuu
Chapter 24: Can't wait to read the full complete story cos it's great and awesome!!! Update it again!