Only time will tell

Love Comes

Flashback: Nichkhun gets defensive about the topic of Jay and Jessica's relationship. Yoona receives multiple calls and texts from that same stranger from before. The stranger threatens Yoona, but Yoona doesn't believe in what he says(yes the strange has a guy voice so that makes him a "he"). Jessica meets an old friend named Ailee. Jessica sets Ailee up on a date that night. Snsd decides to have a group shopping outing with by the way has been the longest time Jay has been stood up by Jessica until he finds Ailee there who happens to be his date. 

Jay feels heartbroken about Jessica backing down on this dinner date, but he also feels somewhat okay that he's having dinner with such a beautiful girl. Jay tries to feel comfortable with this date.

"Here have a seat, please" Jay pulls out her chair and then pushes it in for her

"Why thank you...umm" said Ailee

"Oh I'm Jay" said Jay who sits in his chair

"Thank you for coming tonight, I was kinda thinking you wouldn't show up" said Ailee

"No Ailee what is your relationship with Jessica?" Jay said curiously 

"Oh me and her go way see we're like close friends during the high school days" said Ailee

"Oh I see...but why are you here instead of Jessica?" said Jay

"Umm..." said Ailee

"Not to be rude, but I'm just curious" said Jay

"Okay she forced me into to doing this, if you don't want to do this I can just-" Ailee stands up

"No don't leave I didn't mean it like that it's just cause Jessica was supposed to come tonight but instead she stood me up but it was likely she'd do that" said Jay

"Well what now?" said Ailee

"Can I ask you something?" said Jay

"What is it?" said Ailee

"Would you mind be my venting buddy tonight?" said Jay

"Umm...I guess so" Ailee felt bad for Jay

"So like me and this girl had a thing for each other as a couple, but now our relationship is at bad terms" said Jay

Ailee sits back down and says, "How bad?" 

"Well me and her were together and all but many problems occurred like me being a player and her dating my best friend and all that and now she saying that she lost feelings for me because she can't trust me, so what do you think I should do about this?" said Jay

"Well...first of all, I have to say that you and that girl's relationship is a very complicated one" said Ailee

"Trust me it is" said Jay

"Well if she can't trust you why should you continuing seeing her?" said Ailee

"Because I love her" said Jay

"Do you think she still loves you?" said Ailee

"Yes of course....wait no..yes..maybe,I don't know" said Jay

"Jay I think it's time for you to move on" said Ailee

"But what if I can't, I'll keep having thoughts about her and me and the times we shared together" said Jay

"Jay if you really love her, you would let her do what she wants which would please her, even if it means leaving her alone" said Ailee

"I guess your right" said Jay

"Hey later maybe you guys could be a couple again or not, only time will tell you whether you guys deserve one another" said Ailee

Meanwhile the girls are at the biggest mall and also their favorite. They all shop from store to store buying nothing but clothes, and using nothing but their credit cards. They all meet up and sat down at the food court to grab a bite.

"I'm exhausted!" said Yuri

"I know right!" said Yoona

"Sica how can you do this all the time" said Sooyoung

"It's a gift" said Jessica

"So what do you guys want to eat?" said Taeyeon

"Ooh how about Meat Jun" said Sooyoung

"Meat Jun sounds good" said Tiffany

"Yeah I'm craving for some" said Yuri

"Okay Meat Jun it is" said Taeyeon 

"Yayy!" said Sooyoung

"Your such a fat***" said Hyoyeon

"Hey I love my food, don't judge" said Sooyoung

"Okay unnie I'll order them for us" said Seohyun

"I'll go with you, maknae" said Sunny

"Me too" said Yoona

Seohyun, Sunny, and Yoona stand in line to order the meat jun. Seohyun and Sunny look at the menu. Yoona receives a call from a private ID caller, she assumes it is that same stranger. Seohyun and Sunny are wondering why she won't answer the calls.


"Aren't you going to answer it unnie" said Seohyun

"Yeah it's been calling you for a while now" said Sunny

"No it's just my........MOM! She's calling me about uhh dinner" Yoona lies

"Okay whatever" said Sunny

"Here unnie carry these bags back" said Seohyun

Seohyun gives one plate to Sunny and one to Yoona, but Yoona gets interrupted by a text.

"Here unnie" Seohyun struggling to hold the three plates in her hands

(*beep beep)

"Oh hold on I have a text" said Yoona

From: Private Caller
To: Yoona

You may not be answering my calls but you will sure be answering my texts, YOU CANT GET RID OF ME OR IGNORE ME HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

"Unnie are you okay?" said Seohyun

(No answer)

"Yoona unnie" said Seohyun

(Still No Answer)

"UNNIE!" said Seohyun

"Huh...what? what?" said Yoona 

"Can you please help?" said Seohyun

"Oh I'm sorry maknae" Yoona said while grabbing a hold of the plates

The girls eat their meat jun. On the other side, at the restaurant Jay and Ailee's "date," is actually going well. Jay and Ailee finished a meal and are now saying their goodbyes.

"So tonight was pretty chill" said Jay

"It was, we should do this some other time as well" said Ailee

"How about Saturday?" said Jay

"Sure, just text me where and when" said Ailee

"But I don't have your number?" said Jay

Ailee grabs Jays phone and types in her number.

"You do now" said Ailee

"Alright Saturday, thank you again for venting with me tonight it really helped my mind and heart cool down a bit" said Jay

"Anytime Jay, I'll help you out anytime" said Ailee

"Bye Ailee" said Jay

"Bye Jay" Ailee said while blushing 
The girls head home all tired and lazy. 

"UGHH..." said Sooyoung

"I'm so tiredddd..." said Hyoyeon 

"Tell me about it!" said Sunny

Yoona gets a text from Taecyeon.

To: Yoona
From: Taec😍😘

Hey babe! Let's go out to dinner tonight!

To: Taecyeon
From: Bae😍😘

Sounds great! Pick me up at 7 ish.

To: Yoona
From: Taec😍😘

Okay bae, love you!

"Hey girls, Taecyeon is taking me out to dinner I'll see yall later" said Yoona

"Okay, have fun!" said Tiffany

"Use protection!" said Hyoyeon

"Unnie! Gross" said Seohyun

"Haha okay whatever, bye" said Yoona

Yoona heads down to the lobby's front entrance to wait for Taecyeon. Taecyeon has arrived with a very fancy car and with his handsome self. And Yoona looks fabulous.

"Hey babe!" Yoona said while sitting into the seat

"You look gorgeous" said Taecyeon

"Taec you look very handsome.....MUAH" Yoona gives a little kiss on his lips

"Shall we go eat" said Taecyeon

"We shall" said Yoona

Taecyeon drives away to the restaurant. He parks his car and the couple walk in hand to hand to the elevator. 

"Your tie is crooked" Yoona fixing his tie

"God! Your so damn beautiful" said Taecyeon 

They look into each other's eyes deeply. Taecyeon kisses her lips softly. He bits her lips roughly and she does the same back. Taecyeon's hand makes his way into Yoona's dress. Yoona grabs his hair and messes it around. They both stop when they see a familiar face come into the elevator.

"Umm Hmm!!!" said the man

"Oh sorry we didn't mean-" Taecyeon stop his sentence 

"Wow your still with this hooker, Taecyeon!" said the man

"What did you just call her?" the man ignores Taecyeon 

"Taec stop it!" Yoona hold him back

"You heard what I said son" said the man

Yes indeed that similar face was Taecyeon's father. Taecyeon's father walked into the two of them making out in the elevator. He calls Yoona a hooker, making Taecyeon furious.

"Don't you ever call her that!!!" Taecyeon shouts into his face

He leaves the elevator holding Yoona's hand. They stop when they hear the dad say something to Taecyeon.

"You never do learn do you, son!" said Mr. Ok

"I am not your son! Don't ever call me that!" Taecyeon shouts and walks away with Yoona

Taecyeon walks fast holding Yoona's hand tightly. Yoona stops Taecyeon by pulling his hand off hers.

"Taecyeon stop!" said Yoona

"What! Let's go babe!" said Taecyeon 

"You need to go back and apologize to him" said Yoona 

"No! Hell no! We're you not listening he called you a hooker and you think imma apologize to him for that" said Taecyeon

"I don't know Taec! I just don't like you and him fighting like this because of ME!" Yoona turns away and tears a bit

"Oh no baby! It's not your fault for us fighting! Don't you ever say or think that!" said Taecyeon  

He hugs Yoona closely to his chest. They walk back the the car and decide that maybe next time they do this. He drives her back home to Snsd dorm. Yoona unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Bye Taec" Yoona said coldly with no eye contact

"Yoona I'm sorry" said Taecyeon 

Yoona pecks Taecyeon's cheek and says "Bye Taec," coldly and opens the door and leave. Taecyeon gets out of the car and chases after Yoona who's already in the elevator. Taecyeon throws his keys to the bell boy and tells him to Valet Park. Taecyeon runs the stairs until they reached the 9th floor. He runs and rushes up the stairs. Yoona comes out of the elevator and is grabbed behind from the back. Almost like a back hug but more suffocating a bit.

"Taec why did you follow me up here? I'm mad at you" said Yoona 

 Yoona gets kisses on her neck softly. 

"Taecyeon stop it! People might see!" said Yoona blushing 

Just then Yoona hears a similar voice shouting, "Yoona!" That voice is coming from Taecyeon who just finished the stairs. Yes, a stranger is behind Yoona hugging her so tight and giving her kisses on her neck. Just the the stranger grabs out a needle and a knife.

"Who are you?" Yoona said softly while shaking of fear

"Your worst nightmare" stranger whispers into her ear and puts a shot into her neck making Yoona unconscious.

The stranger holds Yoona and places a knife by . Taecyeon tries to calm down that stranger. 

"Okay we can talk this out, I don't know who you are but please don't hurt her, please I love 
her" said Taecyeon 

"Love?! Hahahahahaha you don't love this " said the stranger

"Yes I do" said Taecyeon 

"Okay then prove it, fight for her right now" said the stranger

"Okay let's do it, if I win you'll let her go" said Taecyeon

"That is if you win a****** , but when I win I get to kill you" said the stranger 

"Okay whatever just don't hurt her please" Taecyeon begging 

The stranger the places Yoona to the side and let's her sit aside. Taecyeon and the stranger fight it out. Taecyeon using nothing but his hands and the stranger using a knife. Taecyeon tries punches at the he/she but he fails to do so. He/she throws a knife a Taecyeon.the knife hits Taecyeon in the side of his stomach. Taecyeon is wounded but he continues to fight.

"You are strong man!" said the stranger

Taecyeon rushes to the stranger and pulls the knife out of his stomach and attempts to stabs he/she in the chest. He does so making he/she struggle of pain. Taecyeon about to stab again gets hit in the back by a bat. Taecyeon's unconscious. 

"Why did you come? That was my fight" said stranger 

"Boss doesn't like waiting so I helped you out moron! Now lets go!" said stranger #2

"Okay grab the girl" said stranger 

"How about him?" said stranger #2

"Umm should we take him, yeah let's just grab him too!" said stranger 

Like that Taecyoon couple is kidnapped but why exactly. The real question is who is the kidnappers? Who are they working for? Will the others find out about this kidnapping? 


Hey guys sorry for the long wait! I was trying to think of a irony situation and in this case I chose kidnapping. How did you think I did good or bad??? Imagine being kissed by a stranger from behind who you thought was your boyfriend? Comment what your reaction would be like and also what you thought about this chapter!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Warsonic9620 #1
Chapter 28: Nice update. Please update again soon
soshisone27 #2
Chapter 28: thanks for update again.. update soon..:)
Chapter 27: Pls update soon!
Chapter 27: RIP To the two beautiful angels <3
Soshisone93 #5
Chapter 26: No... TaecYoon can't be die in that donghae hand..
update soon~~~
Chapter 25: O.O OMG WHATT
Soshisone93 #8
Chapter 25: update soon~~~ :)
Chapter 24: how bout TaecYoon uggghh im just so deperate and 9pm keeps having interuptions and they didnt focus on taecyoon but oh well i hope u could update soon and for the others jaysica pleasee let taecyoon be safe and let jaysica be together plleasee thanksyouuu
Chapter 24: Can't wait to read the full complete story cos it's great and awesome!!! Update it again!