Chapter Two

The Snow Deer

Chapter Two:

“Welcome to the forest.”

Yunhee showed no reaction to Krystal’s words for she knew of her location, a forest in the midst of an odd snowstorm.

“Or should I say…. welcome to your new home…” Krystal stated as her gaze dropped to the floor and she shifted in her spot on the couch.

Yunhee’s cracked lips parted, “New home? You can’t make me stay here.” Her eyebrows furrowed and she removed the blankets placed upon her by Sulli earlier.

“And I don’t want you to stay here but you really… have no choice.”

Disbelief dripped from her words as she crossed her arms, “Oh really?”

Krystal heaved a deep sigh and pried her eyes away from the floor. The two locked eyes as Krystal thought about what to say next. Just tell her the story, she thought.

“Yes, really. Just… let me explain before you look at me like that. Long ago, in this forest, was a town where the townspeople hunted to survive. One day it was brought to their attention that there was a witch among them. They burned her to death and she cursed the town, yet no one took it seriously. Soon game grew scarce, and winter hit. It was a terrifying winter with harsh snowstorms that never stopped. The townspeople all soon discovered that they never grew hungry and they began to change. They could transform into animals. In the beginning, it didn’t seem like anything bad until they realized that spring, summer, and fall would never come, and they could never leave.  To this day the curse remains strong and those who enter can never leave just as those who are born here can never leave.”

Yunhee stared at her and the two became engulfed in silence.

“You’re very good at telling stories.” Yunhee stated, cutting through the silence as she stood slowly and looked around the room, “but I have to get back to my family.”

She may not have believed anything she had just told her, but Krystal was, at the very least, relieved that there were no tears.

The sound of shoes clicking against the wooden floor grew close and the two turned their heads to see Luhan and a tall, rather serious looking, boy with brown hair, standing there.

“I’m sure your family is worried but you can forget about going back. Though if you absolutely insist on trying to leave then please go wander aimlessly in the storm for hours on end until you die. I saved you once because you were ignorant on the situation, but now that you know, death is completely your own stupid choice.” Luhan stated, as he looked Yunhee in the eyes. His harsh words sent chills down her spine and Krystal looked at him, eyes wide with shock.

“Krystal.” His eyes snapped to the red head, “Taemin has just informed me of an emergency town meeting. As head of this household I will attend it alone, let the others know where I’ve gone if they inquire. Sehun will be letting me out”

Luhan turned to look at Yunhee once more before crouching to the floor. He closed his eyes, as his body seemed to emit a strange blue light. The light grew and grew until it became so awfully blinding that Yunhee raised her arm to shield her eyes. When the light disappeared and she slowly opened her eyes, she noticed that Luhan was nowhere to be found. Instead, in his place, was a white deer. The same deer, she presumed, that had led her here.

Her eyes widened and her mind filled with questions as the deer turned away from them and clopped down the hall. Sehun followed and the two made their way to the front door. He let him out, and the deer went dashing off through the snow.

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Your story seems pretty good, but add a little more detail to the forward so you can gain more subscribers :)
I will be waiting for an update.