Chapter One

The Snow Deer

Chapter One:

Sulli arrived with another blanket for the delicate passed out girl currently lying on the couch.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" she inquired as she laid the blanket on top of her and took a seat at the plush black velvet couch opposite of the one their guest was lying on.

As the last word escaped Sulli's pink lips, Yunhee's eyes cracked open and the tall wooden ceiling came into view. The ambient light of the fireplace danced and played upon the ceiling as Yunhee slowly sat up, slightly taken aback by her surroundings. She casted her gaze to her right where two girls sat. A slim faced girl with fiery hair that could have lit up the room and a pale faced beauty with two dark brown braids and a cherry red flower sitting in her hair.

"Where am I?" she said, her voice trembling and face sickly pale.

"It's complicated but you’ll find out soon enough. For now just rest your eyes," The red head replied.

Far too confused and troubled to lay down her head, she inquired about the dear and that handsome young man as she avoided eye contact, and stared into the swaying flames in the fireplace. They gave no answer and instead insisted she closed her eyes again. However, she met them with equal persistence, Yunhee was insistent on knowing more than they were willing to tell her now.

Just then, a short girl walked in, hair bleach blonde, and not at all long, more like a man’s. Yunhee stared at her a bit as she tried to determine her through that thick crimson sweater.

"Amber, where has Luhan gone? Let him explain it all," Sulli said.

"In the north wing, doesn't want to be bothered, says he has some work to do. You know how he gets, so don't disturb him now," Amber said as she cast her gaze to Krystal who crossed her arms and looked away. Sulli rolled her eyes stood up from the couch, and strode over to Yunhee. She put her hand on Yunhee's cold pale cheeks and looked into her eyes, giving her a reassuring smile.

"Everything will be fine I swear, please go back to sleep. You're safe here."

Yunhee nodded, convinced by her gentle touch, and let her slightly aching head connect with the plush black pillow as she closed her eyes. Krystal stood, and eyebrows knitted together, she walked out of the room leaving Amber to call her name.

She knew just where he'd be and nobody would stop her, she didn’t want to explain it all. She didn’t want to look Yunhee in the eyes and watch her heart break. Krystal strode into the hallway and up the dark wood stairs, her footsteps resounding off the walls. Her pace quickened as familiar faces dawned hallway walls. Giant paintings of the fallen, dead either of old age, or from the harsh cold. They were former owners of the mansion framed in lovely gold. As she passed into the library where she assumed Luhan would be, she had to tear her gaze away from her mother's kind eyes staring down at her from the tall grimy wall.

Krystal passed shelves upon shelves of dusty books passed down from generations, as she spotted a head of golden brown hair sitting in the distance, and she jogged over to the boy as she called his name. He looked up from a large worn out green book, pages thinned and torn with age. Luhan gave a scowl and asked why on Earth she had come to bother him.

"What do I tell her when she wakes up and wants to no more?" She questioned as she looked into his deep brown eyes.

"The truth," he responded, "Might as well. It's not like she can leave the forest. She's one of us now whether she likes it or not."

Krystal nodded, eyebrows still close together in worry and Luhan sighed as he tried to reassure her that everything would be all right, as he ushered her through the library doors and went on with his day.

She felt sorry for the girl. Yunhee had wandered into a mess and all Krystal could do was imagine how violently she would sob when she told her she would never go back home.


Seconds became minutes, minutes became hours, as Krystal waited on the other couch for Yunhee to open her eyes. Two, three, four hours of the day sailed by before she finally came to.

Yunhee sat up slowly, her eyes darted right as Krystal took a deep breath.

Her heart raced and threatened to leap from her chest as she Yunhee turned to face her.

"Welcome to the forest."

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Your story seems pretty good, but add a little more detail to the forward so you can gain more subscribers :)
I will be waiting for an update.