Chapter XII [Not Another One]

Players Beware
Chapter 12! =)

“Aunty, it's ok. I already know.” I said.

“How? Angela, did you tell her?” Aunty asked.

“No, no Ang didn't tell me. I found out on my own.” I said.

“I see.” She said as we all heard the door open.

“Xiao Rou? Angela? I'm home.”

“Sheng Xue, we're in the living room.” Aunty slightly shouted.

“You won't believe who I saw today.” My mom said as she walked in.

“Hi mom.” I said.

“Fu Zhen?” My mom said as she rushed up to me and pulled me into a hug. “Oh my god. Fu Zhen I thought I lost you forever. I've missed you so much.”

“I've missed you too.” I said as I hugged her back. She broke the hug and looked me up and down.

“Where have you been this whole time?” She asked.

“Here and there.” I said.

“When I get a hold of your father, oh he is going to get it from me.” She said.

“Mom. Dad only did what he did because what you two did was wrong.” I said.

“What we did?” She questioned.

“You two hid the truth from me.” I said. “You shouldn't have done that.”

“ know?” She asked.

“Yes.” I said. “And I'm not happy about the fact that you separated Ah Bu and me.”

“Sweetie, I only did that because he was a bad influence on you.” She said.

“Mom. Ah Bu wasn't a bad influence on me.” I said.

“Fine I did it on impulse.” My mom said. “Was just so upset that I almost lost you. I didn't want it to happen again, but in the end it did.”

“Mom, you can't prevent every bad thing from hurting me.” I said.

“I know.” She said as she rubbed my shoulders. “I know.”
{End of Recap}

{Hebe's POV}

I just reached the school gate and that's where I saw the most prefect site. Jiro, Cyndi and Ang walking into school together. A smile slowly appeared on my face as I ran over and jumped Ang. “HEY!”

“Hebe! What the hell!?” Ang said as she placed a hand on her chest. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack!?”

“Maybe.” I said giggling. “Whoa! No need to hit me!” I said as I dodged her hit.

“Geez, what am I going to do with you?” Ang said as she rolled her eyes.

“You let me handle her.” Jiro said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

“I rather have Cyndi or Ang do that.” I said as I hide behind Ang.

“I agree with Hebs. I rather Cyndi or me deal with her.” Ang said.

“I know who Hebe wants to man handle her.” Cyndi said in a teasing tone.

“Who ever you have in mind. No way in hell.” I said as everyone but Jiro laughed.

“How is it that he's in the conversation even though he's not here?” Jiro asked with a pout.

“Oh you know you're the best.” I said but quickly added. “I meant second best.”

“YAH!” Jiro said as he began to chase me. As I was running I bump into someone.

“Ah! Sorry.” I said as I looked at who I bumped into.

“Got you!” Jiro said as he picked me up and spun me. I let out a small squeal as he did so.

“AH! Put me down.” I said as I began to laugh.

“That's what you get for saying I'm second best.” Jiro said.

“Why the hell are you two always so close to each other?” The person I bumped into asked as he pulled me to him.

“Geez chill out, Aaron.” Jiro said. “We're just having fun.”

“Hey Hebs, I forget to...” Ang said as she and Cyndi caught up to Jiro and I. “What the hell are you doing?” She asked as she pulled me behind her. What the hell is this tug of war?!

“I was just getting her away from him.” Aaron said as he glared at Jiro.

“Well you don't need to. He has more trust with her than you.” Ang said.

“What are you talking about?” Aaron asked confused. Crap!

“Nothing. Just mind your own business Aaron.” I said.

“You are my business.” He said seriously. I swear, I'm blushing right now.

“” I said. Damn! I turn around to leave, since I couldn't say anything back, but someone held me back. Thinking it was Aaron, I turned around to scold him. “Aaron let—Jiro? What are you doing?”

“Hebe, we should just tell him the truth.” Jiro said as my eyes widen from the shock. “It will hurt less, if we tell him now, together.”

“No! We can't!” I said as I felt the sweat forming on the back of my neck.

“What truth?” Aaron asked confused.

“Hebe is—“ Jiro said as I covered his mouth.

“What the hell are you doing?” I hissed at Jiro.

“Hebe is what?” Aaron asked irritated.

“Just ignore him.” I said.

“But he should know that we're dating.” Jiro said as he removed my hand from his mouth.

“Jiro, shut u—WAIT! What?” I asked as I looked at Jiro completely confused.

“When did this happen?” Aaron asked pissed off and I think I saw his eye twitch. Scary.

“Last night.” Jiro said.

“Wait, h—“ Before I could finish my sentence, I felt someone's lips on mine. AND it was so not Aaron's lips! I was going to push Jiro away from me but there wasn't a need to, because someone else did it for me.

“What the hell do you think you're doing?!”

“Jay! Calm down.” I said as I tried to pull him away from Jiro.

“What does it look like?! I'm kissing my GIRLFRIEND!!” Jiro shouted.

“G-girlfriend?” Jay said in shock.

“Jay, listen to me. Jiro...Jiro's just saying stupid stuff. Don't listen to him.” I said.

“Give me two ing reasons why I shouldn't kill you right now?!!” I heard Aaron shout as he pinned Jiro on to the wall again. Apparently, Jay wasn't the only one I need to calm down. I heard Jiro snicker as he looked at Aaron with a pissed off look.

“Why should I? Huh? You can't bring her happiness!” Jiro shouted. “You only know how to bring pain to girls!”

“I say we just kill him right now!!” Jay said.

“No one is going to kill anyone!” I shouted.

“Just let me hit him once!” Jay and Aaron said.

“NO! Cyndi take your cousin to class.” I said as I glared at Jay and Aaron.

“Jiro, let's go.” Cyndi said as she dragged Jiro away.

“What's going on here?” I looked behind me and saw Rainie, Selina and Ella.

“Rainie, take your idiot cousin to class.” I said as pointing to Jay.

“Why?” Rainie asked.

“Just do it.” I said.

“Ok, ok. Come on Jay.” Rainie said as she grabbed him.

“Who's bringing me to class? You?” I heard Aaron ask. I turn to look at him and he had this retarded smirk on his face. I smiled at him.

“I believe you know your way to class Mr. Yan.” I said as I turned around to head off to class, not forgetting to pulled Selina and Ella with me.


Well awkward. I look to my right and Aaron was sitting there. On my left was Jay and in front...was Jiro. It was just oh-so-perfect. I tried to ignore the fact that they were at the table and continued to eat my lunch.

“Hebe, you need to come over today...without your guy friends.” Ang said as she glared at all of them. “My mom will kill me if she sees them.”

“I'll try my best to come over.” I said as I focused a smile and Ang gave me a nod. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my food. Avoiding eye contact with everyone.

“Hebs, do you think we can talk?” Rainie asked and then quickly added. “In PRIVATE!”

“Um...I don't think now is a good time.” I said.

“Fine later tonight?” She asked.

“Maybe?” I said.

“Good enough for me.” She said as she shrugged her shoulders.

“Hey, mind if I steal this pretty lady from you guys?” I heard a male voice ask. I looked behind me and saw someone I didn't want to see.

“Danson?” I said in shock. “W-what are you doing here?”

“I came to make you mine, once again.” He said as he lean closer to me.

“Sorry but she's taken! I'm her boyfriend!” I heard Aaron, Jiro and Jay shout. I looked at them and they were all glaring at each other.

“Why don't we talk outside?” I said as I got up. The guys also got up too, but I quickly ordered them to sit back down. “Get your butts back in those seats, now!”

“Wow! They're like puppies obeying their mater.” Danson commented. They were about to say something back but I gave each of them a death glare.

“That's him! That's the guy that touched me!” I heard a girl shout. I looked over to the doors of the cafeteria and saw some girl pointing to Danson.

“Old habits.” Danson breathed out with a smirk. I looked at him and returned the smirk.

“I think you should run now.” I said.

“Not before I tell you this.” Danson started as he placed his hands on my shoulder. “Even if I have bad habits. You're the only one that has my heart and I plan to take yours.”

“Sorry to tell you this but someone has already taken my heart long ago.” I said as I saw the teacher come closer. “Bye.” He smirked at me before running off.
Hey guys sorry for not updating in awhile.
Been busy studying for school and my permit
and getting ready for college!! OMG~! AND
I'm helping plan Asian night at my school.
STRESS to the M-A-X!! UGH~! Sorry~ kinda venting
a bit. Anyways I hope all of you like the chapter.
Just a heads up this story is going to end in the
next chapter...maybe I'm not sure if I want it to
end in the next chapter or the next two chapters,
but yeah either way its all coming to an end.
Thank you all for the comments and support!
Please comment. =D

PS you guys should prepare yourselves for the ending!
I'm telling all of you now. I might cry writing the
end of the story. T^T so sad...

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m0zarts0nata-- #2
I like your poster! ^^b
WHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why.....?! T.T AARON!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
0.0 The ENDING?! Already?! T.T Whyyyy?????? T.T It's such a GOOOOOD storyyy!!
Ohhhh awesome!! And np~^^ I love this story~ Lol
0.0 You need to Update!!! This story goes to my Fav Bebu fics! Yahahahaha!!! Continue plzzz!!!^^ And 0.0 What is Aaron plan on doing? Hebe, just say you're Ah Fu already!!
Oh wow Hebe! Totally did not expect that to be honest..<br />
Update soon!<br />
Happy new year!