Chapter X [What to do]

Players Beware

heehee this is chapter 10 the last chapter was 9 my bad. ^^

“Yeah.” I said sadly. “But now that I do remember. I recall the time at the hospital, before I woke up, I heard Ah Bu voice. I guess that's what woke me up.”

“So Aaron in a way did actually save you.” Jiro said as he laughed.

“Yeah, I guess he did.” I said as I giggled. “BUT Da Dong you can't tell anyone about this especially Ah Bu.”

“What about Cyndi?” Jiro asked. “She misses you too.”

“I don't plan on staying too long, so no.” I said.

“Why!?” Jiro asked.

“I only came here to...” I said as I avoid his eyes. “ the number one player in Taipei.”

“Number one player in Taipei?” Jiro asked as he pondered about it. “You came here to break Aaron's heart?”

“At first.” I said. “But my plans kinda changed when I got my memory back.”

“I see. So what are you gonna do now?” Jiro asked.

“I want you to bring up the accident at school tomorrow.” I said.”

“Why?” He asked.

“Because to be honest my memory of that is a bit fuzzes.” I said.

“You want to know what happen.” Jiro said.

“Yes I do.” I said. “Don't you?” Jiro only nodded his head yes as he looked at me. “So you'll help me?”

“Only if you go out with me.” Jiro said with a serious look.

“Jiro, I...” I said as I once again avoid his eyes.

“Ah Bee, I lost you one.” Jiro said as he took hold of my hands. “I don't want to lost you again. So please give me a chance.” I only looked at him. I didn't know what to say. Should I? Should I give him a chance?
{End of Recap}

{No One's POV}

Hebe was sitting peacefully eating her lunch by herself, outside the school court yard. When someone came up to her from behind and covered her eyes. “Guess who?” A manly voice said. Placing her sandwich on the table. Hebe tried guessing who it was. “Hm? Now who could this be? Jay?”

“Hey, is my voice that hard to recognize?” Hebe giggled as she pulled the guy's hands away and turned to look at a pouting Jiro. “Well its a bit more girlish than most guys.” She .

“Girlish!” Jiro said as his eyes widen. “I have you know, my voice is the most manliest voice in this school.”

“Oh really now?” Hebe questioned as she raised a brow. “From what I know, it used to be the most squeakiest voice ever.”

“I don't know where you got your information from, but its wrong.” Jiro said as he took a seat beside Hebe. They looked at each other and let out a few giggles. Hebe lightly hit him on the arm and then continued to eat her sandwich. “Peanut butter with banana?”

“Yup. Want some?” Hebe asked as she handed him the other half of her sandwich.

“I don't want to eat that, but I do want to eat you up.” Jiro whispered the last part into her ear. She then slapped him lightly on the arm. She was now turning a light shade of pink.

“Shut up.” Hebe said as she bite into her sandwich.

“When did you two get so close?” A familiar voice asked. Hebe looked up and saw Aaron sitting in front of her.

“You don't need to know.” Jiro said bitterly.

“Geez I was just asking. No need to be so cold towards me.” Aaron said. “Hey Hebe, could I copy your notes from class?” Before Hebe could answer. Jiro answered for her.

“Go copy Calvin's notes.” Jiro said. “He has the best hand writing in the class.”

“That was before Hebe came to this school.” Aaron stated as he glared at Jiro. Thinking that it would scare him off, but this time it was different. This time Jiro also glared back a him.

“Well then I guess you have to copy someone else is because Hebe is not giving it to you.” Jiro said as his anger rose within him.

“Well that's for Hebe to say, not you!” Aaron said equally pissed off. The two guys turned to Hebe waiting for her to answer. Hebe looked from Jiro to Aaron. They both looked so pissed off at each other. And here she was, stuck in the middle, between the two.

“Um, I need to go see the nurse.” Hebe said as she gather up all her things and stood up.

“I'll go with you!” Jiro and Aaron said. They turned to look at each and gave the other a deathly glare.

“Uh, no its fine. I can go by myself.” Hebe said as she tried to rush off.

“Dammit! Can't you see I like you!” Aaron shouted as he blocked her way. Hebe froze in her spot. She couldn't believe this. She was already confused on whether she should except Jiro. Now this!

“Take it back!” Jiro shouted as he grabbed Aaron by the collar of his shirt.

“What's your deal?!!” Aaron asked as he pushed Jiro away. “I thought you wanted to get with Selina.”

“That was before.” Jiro said. “Now its different.”

“Different how? Huh?” Aaron asked. “Is it because she looks like Ah Bee?! Well news flash for you, Jiro! She's NOT!”

“How can you be so sure about that? Huh?” Jiro asked as he gave Aaron a shove. Before it could get any worse, Hebe stepped in between to two.

“STOP!” Hebe shouted. “You two are acting like ten year old's!”

“Well he started it.” Jiro and Aaron said as they pointed to the other. Hebe gave a look of disappointment. A look that Aaron found way too familiar.

“Sit your down right now!” Hebe ordered. Aaron and Jiro looked at her with a confused look. “I SAID NOW!” Jiro and Aaron got down to the ground like there was no tomorrow. She gave them a serious look and then walked off. Leaving them lost in confusion.


[After School]

“Hebe.” Jiro called as he rushed up to her. She ignored him because she was still mad at his childish act during lunch. “Hebe~. Don't be like this.” She turned to him with an emotionless face.

“Be like what?” She asked coldly.

“Hebe, how about this. I take you to the best ice cream place in the world.” Jiro said as he took her hands. A smile was about to appeared on her lips but she bit her lips and she turned her face away form him.

“Ice cream won't help you this time.” Hebe said. A smirk appeared on Jiro's face as swayed their arms.

“You know you want to go.” Jiro said. Hebe puffed her cheeks up. She hated how he was right, but Hebe didn't get a chance to answer him. 'Cause the next thing she knew, she was being dragged out of the classroom by Aaron. “Hey, what the hell are you doing Aaron!?”

“Run.” Aaron said to the confused Hebe.

“Huh?” Hebe said as Aaron picked up the paced. They were now in front of the school, standing by Aaron's car.

“Get in.” Aaron ordered. Hebe was so lost in her own thoughts at the moment. Why on earth was he being like this? Hebe thought to herself. All of a sudden someone yanked her arm and forced her to face them. Hebe's eyes widen as she was now face to face with her cousin Angela.

“Xi Bi?” Angela said in a whisper.

“Ang! Why did you run away from me?” Her friend asked as she caught up with her. ! Hebe cured in her mind. Why? Didn't Jiro tell me, Ang and Cyndi were here at THIS school!

“Hey what are you doing?” Aaron asked as he got in between Hebe and her cousin.

“Move aside right now, Aaron Yan Ya Lun.” Angela said with anger.

“Why do you sound so mad?” Aaron asked confused.

“Ang, what's wrong with you?” Cyndi asked equally confused as Aaron.

“I told you to move!” Angela shouted. Still in a bit of a shock Aaron moved aside. “X—!” Angela cured as she saw Hebe make a run for it.

“Hebe!” Aaron shouted as he was about to run after her, but Angela stop him.

“You stay away for her!” Angela said with a deathly glare. “Cyndi, make sure he stays here.”

“Wait, why?” Cyndi asked.

“I'll tell you later.” Angela said as she headed off in the direction Hebe went.

{Hebe's POV}

I ran as fast as I could to prevent Ang to caught up with me. Damn! Where am I? I took a look at my surrounding and realize I was near Granny Cho's house. Granny Cho! Ang doesn't know about her. I quickly made my way towards Granny Cho's home. Once I reached her home I knocked on the door continuously. Granny Cho finally open her door and I rushed inside.

“Do I—“ Granny Cho started off but I cut her off.

“It's me, Ah Bee. I need a place to hind.” I quickly explained. I looked through the peek hole of the door and saw Ang in front of the house. She did a 360 turn and then kicked a rock in frustration. She finally left and I gave a sigh of relief.

“Care to explain a bit more?” Granny Cho asked.

“Haha.” I gave a nervous laugh and scratched the back of my head.

“I'll make us some tea.” She said as she head off to the kitchen.

“I'll help you.” I offered.

“No, no. Just sit down and make yourself at home.” She said. I smiled, she hasn't chanced one bit. I walk into the living room and saw the picture of Ah Bu, Granny and I making Christmas cookies together. I pick up the photo and glade my hand across it. “Ah I remember that Christmas day. Both yours and Ah Bu's parents forgot to pick you kids up the day before.” She said as she walk in with a tray of tea and cookies. “Sit. Let's talk for a while.”

“You always know how to make someone feel at home.” I said as I took a seat next to her.

“Now tell me, when did you and your family come back?” She asked as she handed me a cup of tea. I told her my story and everything that has happen since the move.

“That is quite a story.” She said as she took a sip of her tea.

“Yes, yes it is.” I said as I nodded my head.

“Then I should tell you something.” She said.

“Tell me what?” I asked.

“Your mother is back in town.” She said as my eyes widen. “She is living with your aunt. She comes by once in a while to check up on me.”

“I have to go.” I said as I gather my things.

“Just remember this, dear, you can't hind from it forever.” She said as I froze. She's right, I can't. “I told the same thing to your mother.” I looked as her as she walk away into the kitchen. “Weren't you heading out?” I walked up to her and gave her the biggest hug I've ever given her.

“Thank you, thank you so much Granny Cho.” I said as I released her from my embrace. “I'll come by again, when my life is more in order.”

“You do that dear.” She said with a smile as she gave me a pat in the shoulder. I waved her goodbye and headed home.

{No One's POV}
[Girl's House]

“Hebe where have you been?!” Ella asked in a worried tone. Hebe gave her a slight smile.

“Memory lane.” Hebe replied as she headed up to her room. Ella looked at the other girls, who were as confused as she was.

“Huh? Did she say memory lane?” Ella asked.

“I think we should let her be for now.” Selina said.

“Yeah, I think she has a lot of thinking to do.” Rainie said.

“But I'm scared. What if she leaves?” Ella asked.

“Let's not think about the negative.” Rainie said.

“We should head to bed.” Selina said not wanting to further the topic. The other two nodded and headed up to their rooms.

hey guys! ^^ so hows was it? i spiced it up a bit.
hehe ^^ anyways might update again tomorrow.
not promising though. 'cause to tell you guys
the truth i'm running out of ideas for this story.
but yeah lol to apple's reaction. and guiwang_4ever
i honestly didn't know that it was going to turn
out that way. ZhiXuan and mushiromigal thank you
for choosing to read my story, as you guys can see
i don't update as offend as most authors.
oh ZhiXuan i read a bit of your story sounds
pretty good so far, but just to tell you i don't
really comment a lot on others stories. kristine
i'm sure this chapter answered yours and everyone
else is question. as always thank you all for
the comment and support. please comment.
and see ya later. ^^ (maybe)

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m0zarts0nata-- #2
I like your poster! ^^b
WHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why.....?! T.T AARON!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
0.0 The ENDING?! Already?! T.T Whyyyy?????? T.T It's such a GOOOOOD storyyy!!
Ohhhh awesome!! And np~^^ I love this story~ Lol
0.0 You need to Update!!! This story goes to my Fav Bebu fics! Yahahahaha!!! Continue plzzz!!!^^ And 0.0 What is Aaron plan on doing? Hebe, just say you're Ah Fu already!!
Oh wow Hebe! Totally did not expect that to be honest..<br />
Update soon!<br />
Happy new year!