Chapter VI [Our Secret](Slightly Rated)

The Player Is A Girl?!
YAY! Chapter 6! Ok here goes, sorry for any spelling or grammar errors I made. Now go read the story! ^_^



“Hebe! Hebe!” I kept calling her name, but she won't wake up. “Hebe, wake up! Hebe!” Then slowly I saw that she was opening her eyes. “Thank god you're ok.”

“AARON!” Hebe cried as she hugged me tightly. At first I thought she was going to punch me. Phew.

“Uh...Its alright Hebe. I'm right here. Its ok, you're save now. It was only a nightmare.” I said as I hug her back.

“Its wasn't a nightmare. It's true, he's coming back. He gonna tried to hurt me again.” She said in between sobs. Who's she talking about?

“No ones going to hurt you. Not when I'm around, you hear me. I will protect you.” I said.

{End of Recap}

{Aaron's POV}
[Outside the School gate]

I just arrived in front of the school gate, when I saw Hebe. I quickly ran over to her.

“Hebe!” I called. She stopped in her tacks and turned to face me.

“What?” She asked with her arms crossed and very cold eyes.

“Uh...could I talk to you...alone?” I asked as I looked to the floor, to avoid eyes contact with Selina and Ella.

“You two go on I'll be there soon.” I heard her say. “What is it?”

“Look, about last night I—” I said.

“Just forget it.” She said. “Forget it ever happen.”

“What?!” I said. “How can I just simple forget something like that?” She bit her lip and looked away from me. “Hey! Look at me, when I'm talking to you.”

“Look, I really don't want to talk about this any more. OK?!” She said as she walked off, but I grabbed her wrist. “Get lost, I don't need you.”

“Don't be like this.” I said.

“Be like what? Huh?” Hebe asked. “Why don't you get it, just leave me alone!” 'Just leave me alone' Those words kept echoing in my head as I watch her walk away.


{Hebe's POV}

“Hebe? Hello? Are you there?”

“Selina, what's wrong with Hebe?”

“I don't know. She's been like this the whole morning.”

“Hebe, are you ok?”

“Huh?” I said as I looked at them. “Uh yea, I'm fine.”

“You sure?” Ella asked.

“Yea.” I said as I looked out the window.

“By the way, where were you yesterday?” Selina asked.

“I......I went home. I forget to call you guys, to tell you that something came up.” I said still looking out the window.

“Oh.” Was all that they said.

[Lunch Time]

{No One's POV}

Aaron was playing with his food when he felt someone tapped his shoulder.

“Hey. What wrong with you?” Calvin asked.

“Nothing, just not hungry.” Aaron said still playing with his food.

“Are you s—“

“LET GO OF ME!” A girl screamed. The cafeteria got quit and everyone turn to face the girl.

{Rainie's POV}

Dammit! Now everyone's looking this way.

“Rainie, just listen to me.” Xiao Gui said as grabbed my arm again.

“Don't touch me.” I shouted as I pulled my arm away from his grip.

“Hey! Let go of my sister!” Gui Gui shouted as she pushed Xiao Gui away from me.

“ out, you little brat.” Xiao Gui said as he was about to smack Gui.

“NO, DON—“ I said.

“Hey, didn't your mother ever teach you, not to hit girls.” Aaron said as stopped Xiao Gui's arm.

“Fine, I'll hit YOU then.” Xiao Gui said as punch Aaron in the face.

“Aaron!” Gui yelled as ran over to him. “Are you ok?”

“Serve you right.” Xiao Gui said. “Rainie, will you just hear me out?”

“I have nothing to say to you.” I said as I went over to Aaron. “Aaron, are you ok?”

“I'm fine” Aaron said as he wiped the blood away from his mouth.

“Why is it that your ALWAYS running away from me?” Xiao Gui asked. “And WHY do you always end up with HIM?” *Pointing to Aaron*

“Haha” Aaron chuckled.

“What the hell's so funny, ?” Xiao Gui asked.

{Aaron's POV}

“What the hell's so funny, ?” Xiao Gui asked.

“You are, of course.” I said.

“What?” Xiao Gui said.

*Chuckle*”You can't even tell the differences between me and her current BOYFRIEND!” I said as I punch Xiao Gui in the face.

{Hebe's POV}

“What's going on in the cafeteria?” I asked.

“Beats me.” Ella said. Then Selina came running out of the cafeteria. “WHOA! Sel, what the hurry?”

“Aaron and Xiao Gui are fighting. I have to go get a teacher!” Selina said as she ran off.

“WHAT?!” Ella and I said as looked a each other.

“Come on lets go stop it.” Ella said.

“Right.” I said as we ran into the cafeteria.


“Calvin!” I shouted as I got in to the cafeteria. “Why aren't you stopping the fight?”

“It happen so fast, I couldn't get to them in time.” Calvin said.

“Come on, lets get through the crowd.” Ella said.

“Right.” Calvin and I said.

{No One' POV}

When Calvin, Ella and Hebe got to the front of the crowd. They saw Aaron and Xiao Gui beating the crap out of each other.

“Calvin, go in and stop them.” Hebe said.

“Yeah Calvin. If you're a man, go stop them.” Ella said. Calvin just stood there scratching his head.

“Uh...Why am I stopping them again?” Calvin asked.

“Oh forget it. I'll do it.” Hebe said as went up to Aaron. “AARON YAN, ENOUGH AREADY!”

“Huh?” Aaron said as he looked at person who just shouted at him. Xiao Gui took this chance to hit Aaron but Hebe run in front of Aaron to protect him. Everyone's eyes widen, they couldn't believe what just happen. Hebe was now on the ground with blood coming out of . “Hebe! Hebe, are you ok?” Aaron asked as helped her up.

“I'm fine.” Hebe said as she struggled to get up.

“YOU BASTARD!” Aaron yelled as ran towards Xiao Gui and tackled him to the ground and started to punching him continuously with all his might. “HOW DARE HIT HER!!!” Seeing how badly Aaron was hitting Xiao Gui, Calvin ran over to stop Aaron.

“Aaron! ENOUGH! STOP IT!” Calvin said as he pulled Aaron off Xiao Gui. Aaron kicked Xiao Gui in his face as Calvin was pulling him away. “Aaron, enough! Look at him, he's lost conscious.”



{No One's POV}
[Principal's Office]

“Who started the fight?” Mr. Wu asked as calmly as he could. (A/N: the Principal is Chun's dad and his also Hebe's Uncle. Oh and the Chairman of the School used to Hebe's dad, but now it Hebe's mom. Just telling you this, so you don't get confuse. ^_^) The room remained silence , no one spoke a word. “Well! Answer me! Who started it?”

“Dad! Aaron did nothing! Xiao Gui Started it all!” Chun said barging in. “I was there. I saw the whole thing. And if anyone should be punish, it should be that F—“

“Enough Chun!” Mr. Wu shouted. “You shouldn't be in here. Get back to class.”

“But—“ Chun said.

“No buts, get back to class.” Mr. Wu said as he pointed to the door.

“Fine.” Chun mumbled as he walked out the the door.

“Since both of you don't want to talk. Both of you are suspend for one week.” Mr. Wu said.

“But sir, I did nothing wrong. Aaron is the one who punched me first.” Xiao Gui said.

“I don't care. Two weeks of Suspension and that's final.” Mr. Wu said.

“AARON YAN YA LUN!” An old man shouted. Great! He's here. I'm in for it now. Aaron thought. “Didn't we agree to no fights in school.” Aaron remained quiet. “Nothing thing to say huh? Fine, be that way. Why did god give me such a trouble some child?”

“Uh...Mr. Yan...” Mr. Wu said.

“How long?” Mr. Yan asked as he rubbed his temples.

“ week.”

“Fine. Come along Aaron, lets go home.” Mr. Yan said as he walked out of the room with Aaron trailing behind him quietly. As they were walking out the room, Aaron saw Hebe.

{Hebe's POV}

I was waiting outside my Uncle's office. When I saw Aaron come out. Our eye's met and it seemed like we were staring at each other for hours.

“Aaron hurry up. I have no...Oh. Never mind, take your time. I'll be waiting in the car.” An old man said. Which I think was Aaron's dad.

“Are you alright?” Aaron asked as he touch my face gently.

“I'm fine. Don't touch me.” I said as I pushed his hand away.

“I'm sorry, does it still hurt?” He asked with his head down.

“No, its just I don't like it when you touch me.” I said.

“Oh. I-I-I'm s-s-sorry, I-I won't d-do i-it anymore.” He stuttered.

“What wrong with you? Why are you stuttering?” I asked.

“I-I-I'm n-not—I'm not stuttering.” He said and I laughed at his stupidity. He glared at me and then said angrily. “Here.” He took my hand and placed a key on it.

“What's this for?” I asked confused.

“If you every need a place to escape.” He said. “That apartment will always welcome you, 'cause I know I will. This will be OUR secret hide out. Bye.” I just watched him walk away as I looked at the key blankly.

{Flash Back}

“You can sleep in the bedroom. I'll just sleep on the sofa.” Aaron said as he toss the key on the coffee table.

“Why did you bring me here? And is this your house?” I asked as I looked around. “Do you live alone?”

*Smile*”I brought you here because I figure that you don't want to go home. Being in the state you are, that is. And yea this is my place. And no I don't live alone. This is just my hide out.” Aaron said as he went into the kitchen.

“Your hide out?” I asked as went into the kitchen too.

“Yeah, hey, do want any thing to eat or drink?” He asked.

“You cook?” I asked.

“Instant noodles.” He answered as I laughed.

“How about we order in?” I asked still laughing.

“Fine with me. What do you want to eat?” He asked.

“Pizza sounds good.” I said.

“Pizza it is.” He said.


“Aren't you going to ask?” I asked as I bit in to the pizza.

“Ask what?” He asked as sipped his soda.

“Why I was crying earlier?” I said.

“No. I don't want to force you to tell me. You'll tell me when you want to.” He said.

“Its because I almost got once...” I said. “ my ex-boyfriend. His name was Mike He.”

“Oh.” Was all he said.

“If it wasn't for Chun.” I said on the verge of crying. “H-he—“

“Stop.” Aaron said. “I-I-I think we should get to bed. We have school tomorrow.”

“Right...” I said as I looked down to wipe my eyes. “ you have any spare clothes that I could ware?”

“Yeah, hold on.” He said as went to go get some clothes. He came back with a T-shirt and shorts. “Here. The bathroom is down the hall to the right.”

“Thank you.” I said as took the clothes and walked away.


“Hey, Aaron who's...” I said, but found that Aaron was sounded asleep on the sofa. He looks so cute when his asleep. I walk up to him and sat on the floor next to the sofa.

“Why don't you love me?” I heard Aaron mumble clearly. “Why am I, not good enough for you?”

“Silly boy, you maybe be gay but I didn't say anything about you not being good enough for me.” I whispered as I started to trace his face with my finger.

“Huh? What are you doing?” Aaron asked sleepily as slowly open his eyes.

“Nothing.” I said as I quickly stood to my feet.

“You were doing something...” He said as he rubbed his eye.

“When did you wake up?” I asked.

“I don't know. I just felt something on me, so I woke up. Why?” He asked.

“No reason.” I said. Good he didn't hear what I said. “ you always wake up when you feel something on you?” I asked trying to change the subject.

“Yea, ever since I met Rainie I did.” He said. I rolled my eyes when I heard Rainie's name. “What's with the face?”

“What face?” I asked.

“That one.” He said. “What, you don't like Rainie?”

“No I didn't say that.” I said. “I just find it odd that her and her sister seem to like you even though you're GAY.”

“I'm not gay.” He said.

“Then prove it. Show me a picture of one of your ex's, if you had any that were girls, that is.” I said.

“You...” He said as he pointed at me. He just stood there, remaining silence.

“See I wa—“ Suddenly I felt Aaron's lips on mine. I parts of me wants to push him away and the other part doesn't want him to stop. Then he deep the kiss and I responded back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me in closer to him. He picked me up and brought me to the bedroom. He gently placed me on the bed and started to nibble on my neck.

{No One's POV}

“Arh...Aa...Aaron~.” Hebe started to moan. Aaron then took off Hebe's shirt. To his surprise Hebe didn't have her bra on. A smirk appeared on his face. Hebe Blush. “Not a word.” She said as looked away. Aaron then took off his own shirt and his pants. Now he was only left in his boxers. Then He started to around her s and on one of her s. While one is encased in his mouth, Aaron massaged the other with his free hand.

“Arhhh…” Hebe moaned again.

Aaron moved to the other and repeated the whole process until he found Hebe’s harden. After that, Aaron grabbed Hebe’s waist and kissed a trail down her body. Finally, Aaron stopped at Hebe’s shorts and wanted to pull it down, along with her .

“W-wait.” Hebe said.

“Don't worry everything is going to be fine.” Aaron said. “And plus you should be use to this by now.”

[Rated End]

“Excuse me!” Hebe shouted as she got up and pushed Aaron away from her.

“What?” Aaron asked confused. “Wait, are you still a ?”

“UGH! YOU ERTED, PIG HEADED JERK!” Hebe shout as she put her shirt back on and ran out of the room.

“W-w-wait! Hebe!” Aaron shouted as ran after her and stopped her before she reached the door. “Hebe don't go. Its late, you shouldn't be outside by yourself. *Sigh* How about this, you stay and I'll go. K?”

“Actually, you can stay, I mean, this is your house.” Hebe said.

“Wait ,does that mean your staying?” Aaron asked.

“Only if you stay in the living room and away from me.” Hebe said.

“Alright.” Aaron said. “ should get to bed its uh late.”

“Yea, uh night.” Hebe said as she quickly ran into the bedroom and locked to door.

[End of Flash Back]

{Hebe's POV}

“Hebe, you can come in now.” Uncle Wu said. “Hebe? Are you ok?”

“Huh? Oh! Yea, I'm fine Uncle.” I said. “Uh...what did you want to see me about?”

“Are you sure your ok, Hebe? You seem out of it.” Uncle Wu asked as he touch my forehead.

“Yea, I'm fine Uncle. Now what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?” I asked.

“Your mother wanted me to give you this.” Uncle said as he handed me a letter. I open it and read it.

“WHAT!?” I shouted. “Great, now what am I going to do? I hate being in the house by myself.”

“You can stay with us if you want, your mother will be fine with that.”

“No thanks Uncle. I'll just stay at a friends house.” I said.

“Alright, but call, so I know your ok?”

“I will, uh so is that all?” I asked.

“Yes, you can go back to class now.”

“Oh, by the way how long are those two going to be suspend?” I asked.

“One week. Why?”

“Oh just wondering, that's all. Well see you later Uncle.” I said as walked off.


Ok there is one more chapter so I'll hold up on thanking you all for reading. ^_^

2010/4/4 U.S. time

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glendamaebalboa #1
:OO yay ! haha :)) excited for the next chapter =))
like it.. waiting it to be update..
Smiles #3
Awhhs i like ..<br />
update` !<br />
`<br />
ghostprincex #4
Hey, I'm reviewing your story from<br />
Sorry for the long wait. I'll get the review to you as soon as possible!!<br />
<br />
Once again, SORRY!!
M0M013 #5
Please update soon!! =)<br />
LOVE this story ^^
Diana18 #6
i hope Bebu get back together soon@!
Wasashi #7
mee too cant wait for the next chp!<br />
Diana18 #8
can't wait the next chap! update soon plsssss<br />
Aaron should be get jealous now! hehehe
I love it so far!! =P<br />
update soon!!