Chapter XII [Feeling Green]

The Player Is A Girl?!
ok sorry for the late update. things came up. anyways here chapter 12



“Wait, no. Aaron, you can't be serious?” I asked as I felt the tears in my eyes start to form.

“I am, I mean I do have a baby to take care of, not to mention my baby's mother too.” Aaron said as he took a step back. No, this can't be happening! “Goodbye Hebe.” And with that he left. I felt like my whole world fall to pieces. Everything just stopped, I felt like I couldn't breath anymore.

{End of Recap}

{No One's POV}
[3 days later]

“I told you not to call me, when I was in school!”

“MR. YAN!” Mr. Chou shouted. “Give me your cellphone!”

“What!?” Aaron shouted as he got up.

“I said gi—“ Mr. Chou said

“Not you! I heard what you said.” Aaron said. “What?...Right now?...Fine, I'll be right there.”

“Where are you going, Mr. Yan!?”

“None of your business.” Aaron said with a death glare as he walked out of the classroom.

“Whoa! Where are you going Aaron?” Rainie asked as she came back to the classroom.

“Somewhere.” Aaron answered as he tried to leave.

“Somewhere isn't a good answer.” Rainie said as she blocked his way.

“Just get out of my way Rainie!” Aaron shouted.

“No! We still have class F.Y.I.” Rainie said. “And your father won't be happy with this!”

“Like I give a damn anymore.” Aaron said as he pushed Rainie out of the way.


“You have no right to bring Jerry into this!” Aaron shouted as he rushed back and grabbed the collar of Rainie's shirt. “And this coming from someone who says she doesn't take orders from no one.”

“At less I'm not like you! Someone who lives his life in guilt!” Rainie shouted as Aaron let go and walked off. “That's right run away from your problems! That WILL definitely help you out in the future!”

{Flash Back}
{Aaron's POV}

“I told you three to kept an eye on them and make sure nothing goes wrong!” I heard a person shouted as I limped back into the school. Huh? That sounds like mom. “And what happens!? He get's his ex's girlfriend pregnant!” That is her! Who on earth is she talking to? I went to go lean against a wall and peeked to the side to see who she was talking to. WHAT THE HELL!? When I peeked to see who my mom was talking to, I saw Rainie, Calvin and Gui, all on their knees in front of my mom.

“Auntie, like I kept telling you, there has to be a mistake.” Rainie said. “I mean, he broke up with her two months ago.” How did she know that?

“That's right, I was there when it happen.” Calvin said. What? I don't remember seeing him there?

“And why on earth were you there with him, when he was breaking up with her?” My mom asked. Yeah, why? I mean how? I mean, oh dammit, I don't know what the hell I mean anymore!

“Uh I wasn't really with him, with him. I um kinda uh had someone um spying on him for me.” Calvin said nervously. WHAT!?

“Geez, if Aaron were here he kill you right now.” Gui said. Damn right I would! And I'm gonna!

“You be quiet! You're no better than he is.” My mom said. “This coming from the person who came up with this whole thing.” WHAT!?

“Auntie, I didn't know that she was going to be a problem.” Gui said. “The last time I talked to her, she was happy with her boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend?” Rainie asked.

“Yeah, I had to double check to make sure everything didn't get ruin.” Gui said. “I didn't think she came back and say she's carrying Aaron's baby!”

“This is just great!” My mom said.

“Auntie, if I'm correct about this, that baby isn't Aaron.” Rainie said. “I mean how could it be? They were miles apart. Right?”

“Rainie's right! She was in England the pass two months?” Calvin said.

“But that's not the problem! She is exactly TWO months pregnant!” My mom said.

“No! This can't be right!” The Yang twins said.

“Gui, where's Danson now?” I asked as I came out from my hiding spot.

“AARON!” They all shouted in shock.

“Where's Danson now?” I asked again.

“Danson?” Gui questioned with confusion. Wait, if her boyfriend wasn't Danson then who? “Was that her boyfriend's name?”

“Wait, do you mean Danson Tang?” Calvin asked. Then who? No! It can't be, can it? “Aaron?!”

“I will be taking care of Angela and the baby from now on.” I said.

“What?!” Rainie shouted. “Are you saying that baby is yours then?!”

“No, I'm not.” I said. “And I would appreciate that you guys stay out of my business.”

“Aaron, I'm your mother I have every right to know what's going on with you.”

“Do you really?” I asked. “The last time I checked! I was living an independent life before you told me that dad wanted me back home! You told me that he accepted the fact that I wasn't taking over the company! But what do you know, he wasn't! Instead he comes up with this stupid deal, just so I can live my dream! And I'm guess you were all in on this?!”

“Aaron just listen. All we wanted to do w—“ Gui said.

“Gui, don't.” Rainie said.

“Yeah, it be best if we just leave it as it is.” Calvin said.

“Fine.” Gui said. “But Aaron we only did this to make you happy again.”

“Doing this, won't make me happy again.” I said. “If you wanted that to happen, bring Jerry back.”

{End of Flash Back}

[Break time]
{Rainie's POV}


“Jie, what's wrong?” Gui asked.

“Nothing.” I said with a sigh.

“Jie, don't lie to me.” Gui said.

“Gui, when do you think he'll let go?” I asked.

“Not for a long time.” Calvin answered.

“Why don't we just tell him?” Gui asked.

“But we promise Jerry, that we wouldn't.” I said.

“Maybe it's time we just tell him.” Calvin said.

“Calvin!” I said.

“Tell who what?”

“Huh?” I said as I looked behind me.

“Are you three talking about Hebe and Aaron's problem?” Selina asked.

“Uh...” Damn! I haven't been this speechless since Jerry confessed to me.

“Yeah!” Gui said.

“Gui!” I said as I hit her arm.

“Ow!” Gui said as she rubbed her arm. “Well, we are.”

“What do you guys know?” Ella asked.

“Nothing that you guys don't know.” I said, ok lied.

“Calvin you know something don't you?” Chun asked.

“Uh no.” Calvin said.

“Cal, I don't want Hebe to be hurt again.” Chun said. Again? What does he mean by again?

“I finally got hold of Hebe.” Jiro said as he came running to us.

“What did she say?” We all asked.

“She's uh...”

“Just spit it out dumb !” I shouted.

“She said she's not coming to school no matter what.” Jiro said.

“WHAT!” Gui shouted. “What about Aaron?! What about MY SHOW! UGH! Why the hell did she ruin everything! That baby's probably George's!”

“George?” I asked. “Do you mean George Hu?”

“Well who else would I be talking about!” Gui shouted even more piss.

“Geez, Gui calm down.” I said. “Cal, do you have George's number on you?”

“Yea, why?” Cal asked.

“Give him a call.” I said as I looked at everyone else with an evil grin.

“I really don't like that look right now.” Chun and Jiro said.

“Well how would you guys like to help?” I asked evilly.

“Uh I have stuff to do!” Chun and Jiro said as they ran off. I turn to look at Selina and Ella

“Now, I know why Aaron calls you a devil.” Ella said. “You scare everyone with just a smile.”

“Well it doesn't scare everyone.” Gui said.

“Oh shut up Gui.” I said. “So do you two want to help or not?”

“I actually can't.” Selina said. “As much as I want to help Hebe out. I can't. I have to much on my plate right now. Ella?”

“ You three better get things back to normal!” Ella said as her and Selina walked off.

“Wait!” I shouted as they stopped in their tracks.

“Yeah?” They shouted back.

“Get Hebe back in school for me and I'll handle the rest!” I shouted and they gave me a thumbs up.

“What's the plan?” Cal and Gui asked.

“Well, Gui, I need you to which Chun's partner to Hebe and Aaron's to Ella.” I said.

“Fine.” Gui said. “Wait, how switching partners going to help?”

“Well, that's just one way to get Hebe back at school.” I said as Gui nodded. “Cal, I need you to get Aaron to write you a love song and say it's for Genie. Oh did you call George?”

“Got his voice mail.” Cal said.

“Get a hold of him before the show k?”

“Easy for you to say.” Cal said.

“And what's that suppose to mean?” I asked.

“Well, I doubt he'll pick up to my phone call.” Cal said. “I need Angela's cell.”

“Uh...that's a problem.” Gui said.

“No, just get her to come to one of the rehearsals.” I said. “Then ask her to use it.”

“Oh I get what your saying.” Cal said. “Alright, then that's going to be easy as pie.”

“Wait, Jie what are you going to do?” Gui asked.

“Well, once Cal get the song from Aaron. I'm gonna erase all the musical notes and give it to Hebe, well actually ask her for 'help' and there you go they wrote a song together.” I said.

“And then what their going to like each other again and sing it together?” Cal asked and I hit him in the head for being stupid. “OW!”

“No! You dickhead! We MAKE them sing together!” I said.

“How are we going to do that?” Gui asked.

“Oh that's easy.” I said evilly.

“If I die doing this. I blame you Gui.” Cal said.

“Well if I go down, you have to come with me.” Gui said.



“Jie, what's the point of having rehearsals today!? No one is going to show up.” Gui said.

“Don't worry so much. I just need everyone here so I can see what there going to do for their part of the show.” I said.

“Why?” Gui asked.

“Gui, just...let me get my plan in motion ok?” I said.

“Fine.” Gui said as I saw everyone but Hebe and Aaron walk in.

“What's the point of having a rehearsal?” Jiro asked.

“Well, one I need to know what song you are going to sing.” Gui said. I looked at her surprised. “What? I just remembered.”

“Well, Ella and I are going to si—“ Chun said.

“Oh! Another thing, Chun, you and Ella are no longer partners.” Gui said.

“WHAT!? WHY!?” Chun asked.

“Your partner is now Hebe.” Gui said.

“So mine's Aaron?” Ella asked.

“Yeah.” Gui said.

“Ok, I get what you two are doing.” Ella said.

“What?” Chun said. “What's going on?”

“Chun, just shut up and go with it!” Ella shouted. Chun, shocked that his girlfriend just told him to shut up was speechless.

“Alright, uh Selina what are you going to sing?” Gui asked.

“'Why not' by uh I forget who.” Selina said. “By the way what order are we going in?”

“Shot! I haven't thought of that!” Gui said. Then an idea popped up in my head.

“I know.” I said. “We'll do a couple then solo thing.”

“That would be good.” Gui said.

“But who will go first?” Jiro asked.

“Should we draw sticks?” Chun asked.

“NO!” I shouted as everyone looked at me like I gone crazy. “I mean no need. I already know who will go first. Calvin and me.”

“Ok then it will be a solo next.” Selina said. “I cou—“

“No need! I'll go then, Cal.” I said.

“Ok then who's next?” Ella asked.

“HEBE!” I shouted.

“Ok how about you just say the order, Rainie.” Cal said.

“Hehe. Ok.” I said with a cheesy smile. “It will be Hebe, then Chun and then their duet.”

“Ok, I'm cool with that, but how am I going to do the duet when Bebe isn't coming to school?” Chun asked.

“Don't worry she's coming.” I said.

“How do you know?” Chun asked.

“Do you want to live?” I asked.

“Yea.” Chun said.

“Then stop it with the stupid questions.” I said. I heard Chun take a big gulp of his saliva. That's right be scared! “Alright, then Jiro will be next and after him will be Selina.”

“Then our duet?” Selina asked.

“Yup!” I said. “Then Ella will be next, then Aaron and lastly their duet.”

“Alright, but I have a problem.” Ella said. “How on earth am I going to get him to STAY in school?”

“Leave that to me.” I said. “Alright everyone, let's rehearsal!”


{Aaron's POV}
[Class the next day]

Man, Angela is a in' pain! Who knew pregnant women could eat anything! Geez!

“Hey Aaron.” Chun said breaking my thought.

“Oh hey.” I said.

“So how's fatherhood?” Chun asked as I groan. “Not great?”

“Just shut up Chun.” I sad as I walk into the classroom. “Hebe?” I said quietly to myself.

“HEBE! You're back in school!” Chun shouted as he rush to hug her.

“Uh yeah mom, made me come.” Hebe said.

“I see. Will that's a good thing, now we can talk about what song we're going to sing for the duet.” Chun said. WHAT? I thought Hebe and I were singing together.

“Aaron, can I talk to you?” Calvin asked.


“Aaron, uh can you um make a love song for me?” Calvin asked.


“Well, I told my girl I write her a song, but you know me I can't write to save my life.” Calvin said.

“Fine, when do you need it?” I asked.

“By tomorrow.”

“What? Tomorrow? That's to soon.” I said.

“Well, her birthday's tomorrow and you've been leaving so how the hell was I suppose to ask you?”

“Whatever, I get it to you tomorrow.” I said as my phone rang. “Hello?”

“Aaron, ca—“

“Hey, Angela why don't you come to rehearsals today after school?” Calvin asked as he took my phone away. “Good, alright see you then bye.”

“Why did you do that?” I asked.

“I'm helping you! Be happy about it.” Calvin said bitterly. “Endless you don't want to be here, because of you know, Hebe?”

“Shut up. I don't care.” I said as I walk over to my seat. There was an awkward silence when I sat down. I could feel Hebe looking at me. I didn't want to look at her, I felt guilty for breaking up with her. I don't know why I did it. I just did, maybe it was because I didn't know how long I had to wait for her. I didn't know how much space she needed from me but I know deep down I want her. I need her. UGH! WHY is my LIFE so ed up right now? I slammed my head really hard on my deck.

“ Aaron...are you ok?” I heard Hebe asked. Oh god her voice! How I missed her saying my name! DAMN!

“Uh y-y-yeah.” I stuttered with my head still down.

“Aaron, pick up you head!” I heard Rainie say as she hit my head with her notebook.

“OW!” I said as I shot my head up.

“AARON! Your forehead! “ Gui said.

“What about it?” I asked.

“Why is it so red?” Gui asked.

“Rainie hit me just now. That's why.” I said.

“I didn't hit your forehead.” Rainie said. “I only hit your head, big differences.”

“Whatever.” I said.

“Hey Hebs. I heard you broke up with your boyfriend a couple days ago.”

“Yeah, what's it to ya?” Hebe asked.

“Wanna be with a real man?”

“You don't look like a man to me?” Hebe said with a smirk.

“I can show you how manly I am.” I looked at Hebe as she eyed the guy in front of her up and down.

“I doubt it.” Hebe said. Yeah! That's right reject him! HA! In your face jerk!

“Oh come on its not like I'm that bad a guy.” I saw Hebe roll her eyes.

“Get lost.” Hebe said. YES! Rejected! R-E-J-E-C-T-E-D! REJECTED!

“Fine you don't know what your missing out on.”

“Like she want to be with someone as ugly as you.” I mumbled quietly to myself, but I guess not quiet enough.

“What was that punk?”

“Uh nothing.” I said.

“It better have been nothing.” The dude said as he walked off.


[Break time]

“Aaron, I need to know what your going to sing for the show?” Gui asked.

“I'm writing a song.” I said.

“Ok, then what are you going to sing with Ella?” Gui asked.

“Huh?” I said. “Ella? I thought...”

“Uh well knowing your problem and all we switch partners for you two.” Gui said.

“Oh.” I said as I turn to look at Hebe at the door of the classroom, talking with Chun.

“You really love her don't you?” Gui asked.

“Yea.” I said. “Hey Gui, answer this one question for me.”

“What?” Gui asked.

“Why did you plan all this?”

“I told you it was because we wanted you to be happy.” Gui said. “And your my best friend, why wouldn't I do it?”

“Come with me.” I said as I grab her hand and ran out of the class.


[Music room]

“What are we doing here?” Gui asked.

“Writing a love song.” I said.

“What?” Gui said.

“I'm writing one for Calvin's girlfriend.” I said. An 'o' was form on Gui's mouth as I laughed. “What? Did you think I was going to write one for you?”

“Hey! Don't laugh at me.” Gui said. “I mean its a would be a girls dream if her bf wrote a love song for her.”

“Well I just want you to listen to it.” I said.

“Wait, you already wrote one?”

“Well sort of.” I said. “Actually never mind.”

“Never mind what?”

“Let's go back.”

“What you drag me out here and your not going to do anything?”

“Come on Gui!” I said as dragged her back to the class.


“Aaron, your so mean.” Gui said as we reached the class. I just laughed at her.

“Come on Gui. Don't be like that.” I said as I pinched her checks.

“Don't do that.” Gui said as she smack my hands away.

“Haha, still the same reaction.” I said still laughing.



The whole table was dead silence. No one spoke a word. I think everyone was scared of what Hebe and I were going to do to each other. I didn't really look at any of them I just kept my eyes on my food.

“So, what time is rehearsals?” Jiro asked to break the ice.

“ you want it to be a 3 or 4?” Gui asked.

“Three.” Everyone said.

“Ok then, 3 it is.” Gui said. Then it got quiet again.

“Hey who wants to play card?” Rainie asked as she took out a deck of cards.

“Oh! Let's play rummy!” Hebe and I said. We took a quick look a each other, then looked away. It got awkward again. Then I remembered I had to be somewhere.

“ guys play...I um have to talk Principal Wu.” I said as I got up to leave.

“Wait, Aaron, remember to come to rehearsals.” Gui said.

“Uh yeah will do.” I said as I walked off.

{Hebe's POV}

“Uh yeah will do.” Aaron said as he walked off. I just stared at him as his back get further and further away. I didn't even notice that everyone was staring at me.

“Hebe, are you ok?” Sel asked.

“Huh?” I said as I snapped out of my thoughts.

“Are you ok?” Sel asked again.

“Uh yeah just fine.” I lied. I knew I wasn't fine. I felt horrible without him by my side.

“Hebe, don't lie.” Ella said.

“No really, I'm fine.” I said with the best smile I could give them. “I mean come on, I'm Hebe Tian the school playgirl. Why wouldn't I be fine?”

“Ok, whatever you say.” Ella and Sel said. “But if you need someone to talk to, tell us we're here for you.” The person I want to talk to, isn't talking to me. I sigh as the break up scene replayed in my head. How did I let this happen?

“Hebe, do you love Aaron that much?”

“Yeah.” I blurted out. “I mean what are you talking about? He's not all that.”

“Whatever you say Hebe.” Rainie said. “But I can see it in your eyes. You can't lie to me.”

“Trust me, nothing gets pass her.” Gui Gui said.

“Hebe, who suggested the break up?” Calvin asked.

“Of course Hebe did.” Jiro said.

“For the first time in my life I didn't.” I said.

“So Aaron did?” Calvin asked.

“Yeah.” I said.

“What the hell is he thinking?” Calvin asked himself out loud.

“Would you three like to tell?” I asked.

“Huh? You mean us?” The Yang twins and Calvin asked.

“Yeah, who else?” I said.

“Well uh...Rainie you tell her.” Calvin said.

“Wait, what are we answering?” Gui Gui asked.

“Yeah what are we answering?” Rainie asked.

“What the hell is that idiot thinking?” I asked.

“Oh! He's thinking of you, of course.” Gui Gui said as she got hit by Rainie and I blushed.

“Oh I see that.” Rainie said as pointed to me.

“What?” I said as I turned away.

“Hey, where Chun go?” Ella asked as she looked around for him.

“Oh, he...went somewhere...” I said. Remembering I wasn't suppose to say anything.

“Where?” Ella asked.

“Uh...don't remember.” I said. Chun, hurry up back, god dammit!

“Huh? That's weird, he always tells me where he's going.” Ella said.

“Don't worry, he'll be back.” I said.

“K.” Ella said.


“Is everyone here?” Gui Gui asked as she scanned the auditorium. “*Sigh* Where's Aaron?”

“Right here.” Aaron said as he walked in. “Sorry, I'm late.”

“Its better than not coming at all.” Gui Gui said.

“True.” Aaron said. “So what's the order?”

“Well, Rainie and Calvin are going first.” Gui Gui said.

“Ah, I see, only the devil would have the guts to go first.” Aaron said.

“AARON~!” Everyone looked to the doors of the auditorium. It was her. Angela, the girl who took my boyfriend away from me.

“What is she doing here?” I quietly asked as I glared at her. Clearly, I was ticked off.

“Aaron, baby. I got the wedding rings.” Angela said as she went up to Aaron.

“Oh.” was all Aaron said.

“Here let me put it on for you.” Angela said as she lifted his hand up. “Huh? What's this? I don't remember giving you this ring?” I was shocked. Aaron was still waring the couple ring he get me for my birthday.

“Its nothing.” Aaron said quickly as he took it off. I felt my heart break again. I gripped tightly on the ring Aaron gave me around my neck. I really wanted to chuck it at his face right now.

“Is it really nothing?” Angela asked as she put the ring she got him on his finger. Aaron didn't say anything. Did he still care? “Aaron?”

“Uh...yeah, its nothing.” Aaron said. I felt the tears coming. I tried to hold them back. I didn't want anyone to see me cry.

“Hey, HEBE!”

“Huh?” I said as I look at the doors. “YOOCHUN!” I quickly ran over to Yoochun and gave him the biggest hug I've ever given in my life.

“Good to see you too.” Yoochun said as he broke the hug. “Hey, are you crying?”

“Huh?” I said as I put my hand on my face. Without me knowing my tears came down. “Please don't tell them.”

“Ok, ok. Just dry up those tears. You'll get more old if you keep crying like that.” Yoochun said as I slapped him on the arm.

“You're still a jerk!” I said.

“Well, I'm still the jerk that cares about you.” Yoochun said as took my hand and pulled me to the rest of the group. “Hey guys long time no see.”

“Our other Chunie is back!” Jiro joked.

“Dude not funny.” Yoochun said.

“That would only work if Hebe said that.” Sel said.

“I know right. Jiro you idiot.” Ella said.

“Ella?” Yoochun said.

“The one and only.” Ella said.

“WOW! You look taller.” Yoochun said. “So how is my other girlfriend doing?”

“She's doing just find without you.” Chun said as he wrapped his hands around Ella.

“My brother for another mother! Chun man, how are you?”

“Doing good, you?”

“Same. So what are you all doing here?”

“Wait a minute mister! We should be asking you that!” I said as pulled his arm.

“Haha. Nothing gets pass you, does it?” Yoochun said as he pinched my nose.

“Don't do that!” I said as I rubbed my nose.

“Same old reaction.” Yoochun said as he laughed. “Anyways, I'm here because I've moved back.”

“Really!” I squealed in excitement.

“Yes, it was boring in the states.” Yoochun said.

“Wait, did your name happen to be Micky Park in the U.S.A.?” Gui Gui asked.

“Even?” Yoochun said.

“Micky!” Gui Gui said as she jump on to him and gave him a hug.

“WHOA!” Yoochun said as he almost lost his balance.

“Oops sorry.” Gui Gui said as she broke the hug. “So how is my real life Micky Mouse doing?”

“Micky Mouse?” I said as I laughed.

“Hey don't laugh at me.” Yoochun said.

“So this is Micky.” Rainie said.

“So you must be Rainie.” Yoochun said. “ I heard a lot about you.”

“Did you really?” Rainie said.

“Good stuff.” Yoochun said.

“Ok good.” Rainie said.

“So how do you know Gui Gui?” I asked.

“Who?” Yoochun asked.

“Me. Even. I'm known as Gui Gui over here.” Gui Gui said.

“Oh. Uh we hung out with the same group of friend.” Yoochun said.

“Oh I see.” I said.

“I think you should leave. We have a rehearsal to do here.” Aaron said.

“If Yoochun has to leave then she has to too.” I said as I pointed to Angela.

“Aaron~, you said I could watch.” Angela whined.

“He doesn't even go here!” Aaron said ignoring Angela.

“Neither does she.” I pointed out.

“Well she has a right to be here. She's my future WIFE!” Aaron stated.

“Well HE also has the right to be here! He's my future HUSBAND!” I shouted out of anger. Yoochun gave me the 'what the hell is going on' look. I gave him the 'just go with it' look.

“YAH! No one talks to my girl like that.” Yoochun said as he put his arm around me.

“Y-y-your g-g-girl?” Aaron stuttered.

“Yeah you heard right. I'm his girl. So back off.” I said. “Yoochun, let's go.” I took Yoochun's hand and walked off.

“Hebe! WAIT! We still have rehearsals!” Gui Gui shouted. UGH! Dammit! “Remember we only have till the end of the month.”

“Right.” I said as I walked back with Yoochun.

“No worriers, we can hang out after.” Yoochun said.

“You always know how to cheer me up.” I said smiling.

“Same place as usually?” Yoochun asked.

“Hell yeah.” I said as Yoochun chuckled.

So how was it? Boring? Random? I think so, anyway I'll update sometime soon. don't know when, I have a lot on my mind.
do you guys have any ideas for me? if you do feel free to write it in the comments. Also if any of you have an AFF account feel free to add me as a friend if you want. =/
oh another thing, I haven't been feeling like writing anymore so I don't know if I'm gonna continue writing stories.

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glendamaebalboa #1
:OO yay ! haha :)) excited for the next chapter =))
like it.. waiting it to be update..
Smiles #3
Awhhs i like ..<br />
update` !<br />
`<br />
ghostprincex #4
Hey, I'm reviewing your story from<br />
Sorry for the long wait. I'll get the review to you as soon as possible!!<br />
<br />
Once again, SORRY!!
M0M013 #5
Please update soon!! =)<br />
LOVE this story ^^
Diana18 #6
i hope Bebu get back together soon@!
Wasashi #7
mee too cant wait for the next chp!<br />
Diana18 #8
can't wait the next chap! update soon plsssss<br />
Aaron should be get jealous now! hehehe
I love it so far!! =P<br />
update soon!!