
Back as 5 again

The two of them were listening to the director intently and at times, Changmin can be seen explaining things to Hyemi who would just nod but at times she would ask questions – mainly to Changmin and not the director. As soon as the director had finish explaining, Changmin escorts Hyemi to the spot that she needs to stand before he takes his place away from Hyemi after wishing her good luck.

Breathing in, Hyemi tries to calm herself down by getting herself into character. As this is her first shoot, she feels super nervous about it and no doubt that it is obviously shown on her face. Looking at Changmin, a smile is form as Changmin did an OK sign to her, as though comforting her.

‘Stand by everyone!’ The Director shouts causing all of the crew to be in their individual places while Yunho and Yeon Hyo stand at the monitor screen, monitoring the whole process also curios at how the whole scene will be like.

Once the director said action, the two of them starts to get into character; Hyemi being all sad as Changmin is late and as on cue, Changmin, he runs into the scene before he grabs hold of Hyemi who is about to leave. Shocked by Changmin’s action, Hyemi shrieked and Changmin apologise for being late as tears starts to form on Hyemi’s eyes.

Pulling Hyemi closer to him, Changmin pull Hyemi into a hug before he moves forward towards Hyemi’s lips as he plants a kiss. The world seems to stop spinning for the two of them as Changmin kiss Hyemi passionately. When the director shouts cut, the two of them break the kiss. Hyemi blushes as she wipes the tears, not believing that she could cry on the spot while Changmin just rub the back of his neck, letting out an awkward laugh.

‘That was good. Alright, stand by for another take; we will have a closer shot. Both of you might want to monitor yourself,’ the director announces before turning to the crew, giving them instructions as Changmin and Hyemi walks towards Yeon Hyo and Yunho to monitor their acting.

‘That was embarrassing,’ Hyemi whispered to Yeon Hyo who just chuckled at her. Monitoring the video, the production crew seem to be impress with Hyemi’s acting causing them to sing praises and not believing that it is Hyemi’s first time acting. Bowing shyly at the production crew, Hyemi thanked them before turning to Yeon Hyo, upon realising that someone is missing.

‘Er, where is J?’ Hyemi asked as she searches for J.

‘She went to the ladies just now. Oh, there she is,’ Yunho replied instead of Yeon Hyo as he points at a distance.

‘How was it?’ Was the first question that I asked them as Changmin just smiles while Hyemi blushes before she hides her face on Yeon Hyo shoulder totally embarrass.

‘What took you so long?’ Yeon Hyo asked while Yunho just looks at me as though trying to read my mind. Before I could answer, one of the production crew calls out to Hyemi and Changmin to take their position.

As the filming begins again, my mind starts to wonder away from reality as different thoughts begin to play in my mind as I wonder about what had happen before.

‘J, are you alright? I’ve been calling you since just now,’ Yunho whispers, nudging my arm as he tries to break me from my daze. Shocked by the sudden nudge, I just nod my head as I flash him a smile and I was taken aback as he hands me a tissue. Confuse, I look at the tissue before looking back at him.

‘Your nose is bleeding,’ Yunho adds as he reaches out to wipe as I touch the edge of my nose again and was surprise to see blood again. Quickly, I grab the tissue from Yunho before he could wipe it for me. Mumbling a quick thank, I rush to the toilet again leaving Yunho and ignoring his call which disrupt the filming.

‘Could you check out on her for me?’ Yunho asked Yeon Hyo as he apologise to the production crew.

As soon as I enter the toilet, I rush to the nearest sink as I look at my reflection. Wiping the blood from my nose with the tissue, I press the tap before rinsing any remaining blood. As I look at my reflections, I mentally questioned myself if I have been over-working or it is something else as I start to feel weird as it is not the first time I am having nose bleed. Throwing the soil tissue, I walked to the nearest cubicle, grabbing as much tissue as I can and tries to stop my nose from bleeding when the toilet door is open.

‘J, you alright?’ Yeon Hyo asked as she walks towards the sink shocked to see me pressing a bunch of tissue on my nose.

‘Yeah, I guess, I am too tired?’ I said shrugging and continue cleaning my nose. Yeon Hyo just looks at me with a worry expression as I clean the blood stain which seems to flow non-stop.

‘You shouldn’t do that. Tilt your head down and let all of the blood flow down. It will stop on its own,’ Yeon Hyo said as she spins me around, tilting my head down and holding the bridge of my nose while I just continue to wipe the blood away.

‘Ok, I think it stops already,’ Yeon Hyo said letting go of my nose bridge and washing her hand.

Thanking her, I just throw the soil tissue and wash my hand before the both of us exit out of the toilet and walk back towards the production crew.

‘Can you, don’t tell anyone about it? Especially Yunho. I guess that I’m just too tired,’ I said to Yeon Hyo who just nods in returns.

As soon as we reach back, the production crew seems to be on a discussion and Changmin, Yunho and Hyemi rushes over once they see the two of us walking.

‘J, are you alright?’ The three of them asked in unison.

‘Yeah, I am fine. Don’t worry about it ok? Oh, you guys done filming?’ I asked trying to change the topic. Changmin and Hyemi just nod his head while Yunho just look at me with questioning eyes.

‘So that means, she can go? As she needs to return to their trainee dorm,’ I asked while pointing at Hyemi.

‘Yeah, her part is done. Only our individual part is left,’ Yunho said while I just nod my head.

‘J, let me change for a while,’ Hyemi said looking at me and Yeon Hyo.

‘Alright, we will wait for you in the van then,’ I said to Hyemi who walks away to the dressing room as I bid my goodbyes to Yunho and Changmin before walking to the van with Yeon Hyo.

‘They will send you to your trainee dorm and tomorrow there will be people from the company that will show you your dorm and the other stuff. So I am not following you guys back, take care alright. Today was a hectic day for you guys, just don’t forget to rest. Oh! You guys will receive your schedule tomorrow, for now, you guys have vocal training at 12pm tomorrow. I'll see you guys when I have time again.’ I said when Hyemi arrives from changing her clothes. Bidding our goodbyes, Hyemi and Yeon Hyo enter the van as it drives away. I follow the van before hailing for a cab home, sighing at the fact that my car is of no use at the moment.




Updates are here!!!

Happy Late Merry Christmas to those who celebrate Christmas....

Today is DBSK 9th Anniversary..... :D

Have you guys listen to Jaejoong's teaser?

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Hypedbabybee #1
Chapter 30: Should I continue this story and not abandon it???
Chapter 30: Omg i am super curious about whats the content in the envelope!!! I look forward to the next chapter and hopefully finding out whats happening!! :)
Chapter 30: good luck with your laptop, but please update soon!! i really love your story and i wouldn't be bothered to comment if i didn't like it!! :P
Chapter 30: I know how it is to have a hard drive to go bad on you because my old laptop's hard drive went out on it. HWAITING
Chapter 29: Thanks for the updates.... So this is what I think. I think that Yoochun will advise her, if her illness can be cure, to go for a treatment even though it is life threatening. Who knows?? But wtv it is update asap as I cant wait to read what will happen to J. =)
Chapter 28: OH MY GOD I HAD A FREAKING HEART ATTACK AND I WAS THINKING ABOUT WHAT TO RANT ABOUT IN THE COMMENTS IF YOU WERE GONNA STOP THE STORY!! I WAS GETTING REALLY MAD >_< LOL but then it was april fools so i got over it :P please please please update soon evil author-nim~~ LOL
Chapter 27: Thank you for updating!!=)
Chapter 26: Thanks for the update. =)