Chapter 4

Why Doesn't He Love Me?

Chapter 4

“Okay. Bye Hyung! Bye Rae! See you next time!”

“Yeah Hyuk! Bring more friends will you?!”

“BLAH! Yeah right! I already lost 4 because of you Hyung! Stop what you’re doing fool!”

“Shut up Ahjussi. Just listen to what Oppa’s telling you. He’s always right you know?”


“Bye Oppa! Bye Min! See you next time!”

“Ah yeh. Bye Rae kyung shii!”


We shut the door after saying bye a million times. Hopefully Sungmin is willing to come back. It seemed like he was shaking when the Ahjussi sat next to him. I didn’t wanna say anything because it was funny. He’s a man so he can handle it.

“Rae Rae, why are you standing there like a fool?”

“Huh? Oh, I’m just thinking Ahjussi.”

“Stop calling me that! Yaish!”

“Sorry, it’s become a habit. It’s not my fault you’re getting wrinkles!”

“I don’t have wrinkles!”

“Fine! All I have to say is that you are old! Like three times my age!”

“You’re like seventeen! I’m like twenty-seven! That’s only twice as much! Psh! Learn your math!”

“I would, but you’re blind eyes can’t help me with anything! Hmph! Ahjussi, just face it! You are an old homo!”

“Yaish! This girl! You really have no respect for me huh?!”

“Siwon Oppa told me that I shouldn’t. He said that you’re a big, fat, homo, and that you’re a really bad human, who has sinned so many times. He says that I shouldn’t trust you because he’s scared that I might go dumb!”

“Adaso, adaso! You win! I’m going to sleep! So, so, you clean up!”

“Aish. Why are men so lazy? You’re a homo, so you should do it!”

“Shut up!”

He walked away, hurt because he lost to me. What’s his problem?! I’M THE ONE CLEANING UP! God. I looked at the living room. I don’t understand why, but the couch was crooked, and the pillows of the couch were sticking out everywhere, popcorn bags were everywhere. Man, MEN! All we did was sit down, and all of this happened? How did wrappers get there? We didn’t have any wrapper-like snack! EH? A sock?! Are you kidding me?!

“Ew. MEN!”

After examining the room, I went to the kitchen to grab rubber gloves from the pantry. As I opened the pantry door, I noticed that all the snacks and candy were missing. It’s only been one week since I bought them with Siwon Oppa’s money. Definitely Ahjussi’s doing. Last time, I found all the remains of the candy under his bed. He’s so annoying!

“Ah whatever!”

After I grabbed the gloves and slipped them on, I walked back into the living room and grabbed the sock. It was black on the bottom and stanky!


Barely holding onto it, I ran outside, and threw it in the big trash bin. Yuck much? I ran back inside and began picking up all the other trash lying around. I mean seriously! What the heck are these men doing?! It took me a quick thirty minutes to clean everything. After I finished, I went to my room to call my best friend. Her name is Mina and she’s super cool.

Hey Mina! Guess what happened today?!

Hmm. What?! Tell me!

Bad news or good news, or annoying news?

BAD please!

Well, I found out that the Bum has a girlfriend.

That’s Kibum’s code name between us girls.

*Gasp* Oh really?! Are you okay?! How did you find out?! Don’t tell me. You caught them smooching?! That would be the best dramatic scene ever! But yeah-

Mina! I heard from a new friend of mine. Kissing? Smooching?! No way dude!

New friend? Like, what kind of friend are you talking about here?

A friend that is a boy, that I just met today. Eunhyuk brought him over.

Why didn’t you tell me you pabo! Aish! I would’ve run over like nothing! You know his friends are hot! Are you hogging them for yourself? Huh?!

No! It’s too much! There’s too much to say! I’ll tell you when we meet up okay? My Oppas are going to summer school so I can just invite you over.

Okay then. When?

Tomorrow? It’s a uh, Wednesday tomorrow right?

Yeah. So, come over what time?

Umm. Early! Before 12 o’ clock!

Okay. See you then. Bye.


I hung up the phone. Mina’s cute. Maybe Min will like her. Wow. Min and Mina. Just right. Maybe I should introduce them. She will definitely thank me for this! I prepared my pajamas so I can change into them after I take a shower. I walked to the bathroom and the water. I stepped in the shower and closed my eyes. Finally. I shut my eyes and stood under the hot, showering water.


I reached over to grab a bar of soap. Eyes still shut. I didn’t feel anything. Maybe because my eyes are shut so I missed it. I don’t wanna open my eyes! It just feels so relaxing. Again, I tried to grab a bar of soap.


Finally, I opened my eyes, and saw that there was no bar of soap. Ugh. Again?

“Ahjussi! Oppa! Ahjussi!”

I could hear fast footsteps.

“Rae kenchana?!”

“Rae Rae! What happened?!”

“I need a bar of soap.”

“Aish! Shouldn’t the soap be in there?”

“No. It’s in the hallway. Next to Ahjussi’s room.”

“Yaish! Stop calling me that!”

“Just go get it!”

“Okay Rae. Wait for a bit.”

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I walked to the bathroom door, and slightly opened it. Siwon’s hand slipped in, holding a box of soap.

“Thanks Oppa.”

“Yeah. Be careful.”

“Adaso! Goodnight!”

“Goodnight Rae.”

“Goodnight Rae Rae.”

“Goodnight Oppa, and Ahjussi!”

“What’s it gonna take to make you stop calling me that?!”

“Just go sleep!”

I finished my shower and hopped into bed. I can’t wait until I tell Mina about Min. She’s gonna love him!

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
please update
KimSasaeng #3
seems interesting
Chapter 4: Update soon
pluckfire #5
awww why have you stopped updating? :(