Chapter 3

Why Doesn't He Love Me?

Chapter 3

"Sung Hee? Kibum. Sung Hee. SungBum? KiHee? RaeBum? KiKyung? RaeBum is better."

By this time, I was already done with my crying. I just pondered about Sung Hee. Is she that great? Hah. I feel so jealous and embarrassed. How dare Kibum not say anything? Especially when he knows that I like him. Maybe he didn't wanna hurt me. I probably wouldn't have been hurt this bad if he told me. God. I can't believe this. Sung Hee? Maybe, just maybe Siwon might know. Should I ask?

"Yeah, Siwon Oppa should know."

I got off the toilet seat and the faucet. With cold water, I rinsed my face. I turned the water off and grabbed a towel from the cabinet to wipe my face. I'm so organized, but the guys always ruin everything. I color code everything, but the cabinet always ends up looking like a rainbow. Red next to blue, yellow next to purple. It makes me so angry.

"Damn men."

I walked outta the bathroom and walked into Siwon's room. It smelled like man stink. Maybe the baby powder wore off.

"What Rae Kyung?"

"Oppa, can I talk to you? And can you stop working out?"

He looked at me and stopped what he was doing. He walked to his bed and sat down. And if you girls are wondering, yes, he's shirtless. He patted his bed to tell me to sit down.

"Sit Rae. Tell me why you cried. Anyone out there messed with you?"

Siwon Oppa was the only one who knew everything about me. My habits, how I am. or maybe he knew because he was a player. How would I know though? I walked over and sat down.

"Oppa, how do you know?"

"Your eyes are a little more sparkly every time. Just a little. You never turn red. It's just your eyes."

"Oh, but Oppa, do you know a Sung Hee? Sung Hee, the best actor at your school?"

"Sung Hee? I know her. Why?"

"I heard that Kibum is dating her. Is that true Oppa?"

"Who told you that?"

"Sungmin. You know, that very innocent looking guy?"

"Oh, him. Rae, I know that you really like Kibum and all that, but it's been too long. There are more men out there that are better than him. I know that they like you. Now, how many guys have you rejected?"


"And how many times have you been rejected by Kibum?"

"Twenty six times."

"See Rae, it's just not meant to be. Just forget him. If he doesn't like my cousin, then forget him."

"But, but, he comes to our house almost everyday."

"I'll fix everything, so you don't have to worry. Go out there and have fun with your Oppas."

"Thanks Oppa. You're the best there is."


I got up and walked to the door. As I opened the door I turned around to tell Siwon what was bugging me.



"You stink."

"I'll take a shower after I'm done!"

"Okay, just making sure."

I walked out to the living room and sat down next to Eeteuk. They didn't care and went back to watching the movie. I saw that Eeteuk and Eunhyuk had finished their popcorn. They were chewing on their nails and their bags of popcorn were on the ground. Irritated, I picked them up and walked into the kitchen. I threw them away into the trashcan and made more popcorn. Why are men so fat? I set the microwave to three minutes and sat on the counter again.

"Rae Kyung? I saved you some popcorn. Are you making more?"

Sungmin walked in with a nice bowl of popcorn. Did he even eat any?

"Oh, Sungmin. I was just making more for those pigs out there. Ah, I didn't remember telling you to put it in a bowl."

"Oh. You told Eunhyuk that he could hold the bowl, but instead I just gave us a bowl since he got his own bag. But are you feeling any better? You were gone for awhile."

"I'm good. Okay. Alright."

"You don't seem like it. What's wrong?"

He put the bowl in my hands and hopped on the counter next to me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Just-just nothing. It's stupid really."

"Nothing is stupid. If you're going through a hard time like this, then why would it be stupid? I'm just trying to help."



"You are weird. This is the first time we met and you're acting weird. I don't know anyone who acts so close in a few hours. I can only do that with girls. OMG. Are you gay?!"

"No. How many times are you gonna ask me this? I'm not gay."

"Okay. Just making extra sure. Whew. Anyways. Why should i tell you girl problems?"

"Because, maybe I can help. I'm a guy you know. Wouldn't you wanna know something from a guys point of view? We're actually not what you think we are."

"I'm still not sure if I can still tell you. It'd probably make you uncomfortable."

"No. I'm not that kind of person. At least, that's what I think. Whatever the problem, I'm here for anyone."

"Okay then. Here I go. I, I, I, I don't think I can do it."

"Just say it. You'll feel a whole lot better."

"Okay, I'll just say it okay? I like Kibum. And it was really a shock to me that you told me he has a girlfriend. So I'm kinda buzzed out right now."

"Oh. When?"


"When did you start liking him?"

"Ever since I was a kid. Why?"

"This is hard. How do you feel right now?"

"I feel like a piece of , laying on the dirt. Everyone's ignoring me, and there's no hand willing to pick me up and throw me away."

"That's very descriptive. Wow. Hah. Well, let's bring out the popcorn, watch the movie, and talk about this another time. How's that? Let's try to put your mind on something else. Is that okay with you? Then I'll come back here and help you out."

"Okay. I need to think about something else than that Sung Hee. Damn that Sung Hee! I just wanna stab her!"

"It's not a good idea to have thoughts like that. the more you do, the more ugly of a person you get. Sung Hee is a very innocent person, and Kibum really likes that. Maybe tone it down a bit."

"Oh, okay then. Heh."

He jumped off the counter and opened the microwave door to grab the popcorn. I looked in my bowl. All the popcorn was gone. I didn't even know I was eating it.



"I ate all our popcorn."

"It's okay. I only eat popcorn at the theaters, not at home. I'm not so hungry either. Do you want more?"

"No I'm okay. Let's go watch the movie shall we?"


He walked out with the popcorn in his hands. I jumped off the counter and followed him with the empty bowl in my hands. Eunhyuk was laying down on the couch, and the Ahjussi was sitting next to him. A bit too close.

"Eunhyuk, Ahjussi. We made you guys more popcorn."

"Finally Rae Rae! I've been starving!"

"Yeah yeah Ahjussi!"

We all squeezed in on one couch. You know. Sungmin wasn't that bad after all. Maybe we'll be good friends.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
please update
KimSasaeng #3
seems interesting
Chapter 4: Update soon
pluckfire #5
awww why have you stopped updating? :(