Chapter 1

Why Doesn't He Love Me?

Chapter 1

"Oppa! Oppa! Kibum Oppa help me!"

I yelled out his name as I sat on my bed, looking on my laptop.


He ran to my room. He jumped on my bed and panted.

"What now?!"

"Oppa look!"

I pointed my finger to the screen filled with beautiful Korean singles. He turned his body toward the laptop and looked at the screen Without even staring at it for less than one second, he got up and tightly gripped his fists.

"Yah! Kang Rae Kyung! I don't need this Kind of stuff!"

"But Oppa, you'll be lonely if you don't take a chance. Come on, just look! Look! This girl has a y figure. Curves! Look Oppa!"

"I don't need a relationship! I'm still young! And besides, I like you. Don't you know?"

"Oppa! That's going overboard! I know you wanna be an actor, but not that way! Don't say such lines to me! Gosh! And by the way, I'm dating Eunhyuk."

"EH?! He knows I like you!"

"Yah Kibum! Stop saying useless things to my cousin! You know she's dumb! She'll fall for anything!"

"Hyuunnngg! I'm practicing!"

"Practice with a smart person!"

"Fine! I know she's a PABO!"

"Oppa! Psh."

"I'm just joking Rae Kyung. So you really are dating Eunhyuk now? Wow. I can't believe he actually asked you out! He's been talking about it for days!"

"Really?! Eeeewwww. He likes me?! I can't believe it!"

"I'm such a good actor aren't I? Hah."

"You mean?"

"I mean it's bull! You can't fool me. You see, that's why you can't be an "actress"!"

"Whatever! Hmph! But Oppa, what will it take to make you like me?"

"Nothing. You wanna know why?"


"Because I-DON'T-LIKEY-YOU."

"That's too mean Oppa. You can just say that I'm not your type."

"I can, but I'm always wondering. If you like me so much, why do you always show me pictures of girls?"

"So you can close the laptop and say that those girls are nothing compared to me. So you can say, Rae Kyung, you are more beautiful than all the Korean girls in the world."

"If I say that, will you stop?"


"No. I never lie."

"Hmph! Siwon Oppa! Kibum said that I'm ugly!"

"You two lovebirds calm down! I'm trying to concentrate!"

That's what he always says when he's working out. It's so annoying really. Girls at my school would always come to me and ask me, "Rae Kyung! Did you see Siwon's abs?! Did he sweat when he worked out last night?!" How do they even know this stuff? He's in college and they're in Highschool. Hm? Stalker? I only saw him as my handsome brother. Not hot or anything.

"Hyung! Don't forget your 1000 crunches!"

"EH?! Oppa's doing 1000 again?"

"Do you think y abs like his grow on trees?!"

"Kibum Oppa, that doesn't make sense. That doesn't make sense AT ALL."

"Whatever. See you later Squirt. I have to go home and study."

"Okay. Bye my mean Oppa."

"Yeah yeah."

That's me. I'm his Squirt. Will I always be his Squirt? I love him. Why did we always roleplay things like this? I want it all to be real. Can't my parents give me a lucky Love charm?

My parents, along with Siwon's parents died in a car crash a few years back. We couldn't speak for a few weeks. We were practically homeless, and starved, but a friend of Siwon's helped us out. At the time, he was in college, but now, he's an annoying Ahjussi that I have to live with. Eeteuk! AHHH!! He drives me crazy!


That's what he always called me. Urrgghhh.

"What Ahjussi?!"



"Okay! I rented some movies. I invited Eunhyuk over. He's gonna bring a friend too. Go make popcorn Rae Rae."

"Stop calling me that! I'm not a kid anymore! You-you AH-JU-SSI!"

"Fine. Then stop calling me Ahjussi."

"That's not fair! But, fine."

"Hurry and make the popcorn. Make extra! Remember we're having an extra person coming!"

"Oh yeah..."

I gasped. Eunhyuk Oppa had the cutest friends! Donghae, Yesung, and OH! Ryeowook. Last time he brought Ryeowook. He cried. I think he's very shy. I stared at him the whole time, so he began to cry. I cried after that because I felt bad. Sorry Ryeowook. I doubt he'll ever come back.

"Oh, and Rae Rae?"


"Don't make anyone cry this time!"

"Adaso, adaso. ADASO! You stop staring too you HOMO!"

"YAH! I am not a HOMO! You never see men that look better than me anymore!"

Whatever. Hehe. He's so cocky sometimes.

 walked to the kitchen, towards the microwave. I grabbed a pack of popcorn and ripped off the wrapping paper. I swear that Ahjussi is so lazy. I put the popcorn in the microwave and set the time for 3 minutes.

“That Ahjussi must be lonely. Should I show him that website? Wait-he's a homo. It probably won't mean anything to him."

"Rae Kyung!"

"What Siwon Oppa?!"

"Get me a cold bottle of water!"


Man are just so lazy. Just because i'm a girl, they think they can push me around. Psh. I'll show them one day. What? December 1! I need to plan carefully. What's the date today? August 2nd?

"Rae! Hurry up!"


I ran towards the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. I turned around and ran towards Siwon's room. It was right across from the kitchen. You see? Men are so lazy! I ran like 5 steps to his room and opened the door.

"Here-Ah! Oppa, remember to put on your shorts! I'm still a minor! Yikes! What is that? Piggie boxers? Wow, macho man you are eh?"

"Just give me the water Rae! I'll put my shorts on in a bit. Can't you see that I'm sweating? I need my legs to have air you know. Girls aren't the only ones who have needs! Kah!"

"Okay. Oh, and Oppa, you're getting kinda buff."

"I know. Oh. Want me to get you your ointment later? I'm going to the store."

"Remember that it's zero point one percent. And make sure it says Eczema! Last time, you bought lotion."


"You pay for it Oppa. I am unemployed."

"Get a job!"

"Hey, I cook for you guys! Beat that! So, yeah! You pay for it buff cousin! Oh! What now?!"

"Calm down Rae. Leave, you're giving me a headache. I don't know why a person can be so dumb. Did I do something wrong? Ah! You need to stop hanging out with that Ahjussi. He's ruining your head."

"I think so too. Well, work out well, and NEXT TIME, get your own water."

I walked out of his room and went back in the kitchen. Hmmm. Butter was the best! I went to the microwave and stared at the popcorn bag. It was fat. LOL.

"RAE RAE! They're here!"

"Oh! I'm coming! Oppa, let me open the door! I wanna open it!"


I ran out to the living room and to the front door, where Eeteuk waited for me.

"Are you ready Rae Rae?!"

"Why are you so jump-oh yeah. You're a homo."


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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
please update
KimSasaeng #3
seems interesting
Chapter 4: Update soon
pluckfire #5
awww why have you stopped updating? :(