Chapter 2

Schoolyard Scandal

Jiyeon's POV

I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked around to check my surroundings. I mentally shot myself when I realized that i had no earthly idea where I was. All I knew was that I was in some park. I took a seat at a park bench nearby and let a fresh set of tears fall. I sat there crying for a bit until i heard a deep voice ask me a question.

"What you cryin' bout' girl?"

I turned around slowly to see a grimy looking hobo in ripped clothes standing a few inches behind me. Seeing the potential /killer, I quickly stood from the bench. I ignored his question as I moved away slowly and gave him a 'back duh faq up bro' look. 

"Why do you look so scared? I'm not gonna bite yuh." He said as he stepped around the bench and got closer to me.

I severely doubt that.

Alright, I thought, how do i get rid of this guy?....

"Oh look a small child! She's so cute and all by herself!" I shouted and pointed behind him.

"oooh!" He turned around and walked in the direction I had pointed.


I quickly took off in the opposite direction, trying to find a place that looked like it wouldn't contain pedo hobos, so I could sit down and figure out where the hell i was.



I sat down in a cafe that looked pretty clean and pulled out my phone. The screen flickered to life and I typed in my password. I opened my GPS app and it marked my current location. I typed in my address and it showed me how to get back home. Apparently I had been crying and wandering around for about 30 minutes because that's how far i was from my house which is fairly close to the school itself. I got up from my seat and began to walk out of the cafe when I saw the hobo from earlier carrying a little girl in his arms. She screamed and hit him as her tried to cover with a rag.

The is wrong with this guy?!

I charged full tilt at the pedo hobo and kicked him in the balls. He fell to his knees, loosening his grip on the little girl who I then proceeded to pick up and run away with. I kept running until i recognized some familiar places. Knowing that I was now safe and in my part of the city I set the little girl down and she hugged my legs due to the fact that the top of her head only came to my waist.

"Thank you unnie.." She said as she hugged me tighter.

"No problem kiddo. What were you doing all by yourself though?" I asked the little tot.

"I was looking for my appa....he said he had some work to take care of, but that was 3 days ago... I got worried so I went looking for him."

"I see...well do you know your appa's number?"

"Mhm" she said as she nodded slowly.

I sighed deeply, "Alright come with me, we'll call him."

The little girl finally unwrapped her arms from my legs and I gently grabbed her hand as we made our way over to a place for her father to meet her. If he picks up that is.



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luv_jiyeon66 #1
Chapter 1: pls update
kpopanimelover #2
Chapter 1: daebak!! please update !!
MissMels82 #3
Chapter 1: OMG Jiyeon ):
Its pretty interesting !
Please update soon !
Chapter 1: update soon poor jiyeon :"(
Squiggles #5
Cool! Im looking forward to the next chapter already!
Yeon-hee #6
Chapter 1: update soon eonni xD
Plz update soon :(
can u tag jiyeon too ? ^^