The beginning

Schoolyard Scandal

Jiyeon's POV

I arrived at the front off my school building.

The giant place usually buzzing with students was now unusually quiet. I stepped down the hallways. I began to wonder what could possibly be going on as i saw the looks of mourning plastered to the faces of my fellow students. 

"JIYEON!" My best friend Boram yelled as she ran down the hall towards me, a look of panic in her eyes.

"what's going on around here?" I asked in confusion. As the schools source of information i was a little offended by the fact that i seemed to be the only one that didnt know what was going on.

"Come here NOW" I hardly had time to answer before she dragged me to the schools garden located outside of the study hall.

A sea of students obstructed our view of what was going on. We pushed and shoved our way to the center.

My eyes became as big as saucers when i saw the yellow caution tape in a square around an investigator, and the dead body of the schools principal 

Multiple stab wounds marked her body as splashes of blood covered her clothes and the ground beneath her in a deep dark pool. Her eyes missing of all life as hang open in distorted manner, obviously broken. The police blew there whistles and made an announcement for all of us to go back to class and continue with our day. How could they ask this of us after we have just seen our principals cold lifeless body splayed out in the schools garden.

None the less we obeyed them and went to our classes. I dropped into my desk and the image of her dead body appeared in my head. I let out a frustrated yell and grabbed my hair. WHO THE HELL DID THIS?!

I sat in silence as the classroom doors opened. The campus heartthrob Myungsoo stepped in and sat in the desk next to me.

"Hey" He said to me. What the hell did this want at a time like this.

"what?"  i growled back.

"im glad that old bat of a principal is finally gone. Always calling me down to her damn office. Although you think with the lady gone we would get to go home."

At that moment i snapped. I stood up from my desk and kicked his chair over. The girls gasping at my reaction. He starred up at me with a confused look on his face, "What the heck was that for?!" He yelled.

Tears stung my eyes as my vision of him blurred, "HOW CAN YOU JUST SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT ABOUT MY MOTHER?!" I yelled back at the top of my lungs.

The room went quiet.

"M-mother?" He stammered. looking confused.

One of Myungsoo's fan girls, Hyori, rushed to his side to defend him.

"Dont lie . Everyone knows that you live with your dad and stepmom." She stated with a smirk, as if what she said proved anything.

My vision became more blurred as i spat out my reply, "Ever wondered who my father divorced ?!"

I let the first tear slipped from my eyes as i stormed out of the classroom and through the front gates.

I ran in no direction in particular, but i just wanted to run far away from this place where my dear mother had been killed.



So? How was the first chapter?

I know its short but still, i hope you liked it.

Comments and subscribers are loved, afterall they are my motivation:) 


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luv_jiyeon66 #1
Chapter 1: pls update
kpopanimelover #2
Chapter 1: daebak!! please update !!
MissMels82 #3
Chapter 1: OMG Jiyeon ):
Its pretty interesting !
Please update soon !
Chapter 1: update soon poor jiyeon :"(
Squiggles #5
Cool! Im looking forward to the next chapter already!
Yeon-hee #6
Chapter 1: update soon eonni xD
Plz update soon :(
can u tag jiyeon too ? ^^