Arc 2: You, me and 3 babies 5

All you need is Love, Love is all you need





"Sweetheart are you okay?" My dad finally spoke up, but if anything the look on his face made blatantly clear how worried he was.



"Hey dad..." I smiled weakly in response to his query.



"I'm okay dad, I'm gonna be alright as long as Yeonnie's with me... I'll be alright."



Dad didn't ask any further, it seems as though he could see that I'm fine. Who am I kidding, I'm more than fine, and this sleeping girl in my arms gives me a lifetime... No scratch that, an eternity of happiness. I turned my attention back to my sleeping angel and started gently caressing her cheeks and brushing her hair. My little ministration caused her to snuggle closer to me making me giggle as Yeonnie buried her face even deeper.



But... My litttle piece of heaven was cut short... The sudden entry of my cousin and her fiance ruined my moment with my Yeonnie.



"Awwww... Won't you look at that Sica and her cute Yeonnie cuddled together"



"Aww so sweet~"



I can't help but grunt as they came through my private room's door.



"Shut up! You two better zip it or I swear!" I hissed and glare menacingly at them but these two idiots just giggled.



"Chill Jessi~ we just came to make sure you're okay."  I rolled my eyes as Tiffany winked at me before giggling and kissing her seobang's cheeks.



These two love birds! Aish... I rolled my eyes and instead turned my attention back to my Yeonnie. Luckily those two didn't wake her up.



"Oh! Uncle Jung!"



"Yuri! Tiffany! How's the wedding plans coming along?" Yuri and Tiffany greeted my dad, they quickly began talking, and occasionally laughing.



I remembered that the kids were still in here, so I scanned the room and see where they were. Luckily those three are also sleeping soundly over at the couch. Seeing how they were okay, I sighed for the nth time and wrapped my arms around my sleeping angel.



"Hey, Jessi are those three..." Tiffany went over to my bed side and asked about the three girls.



"Yeah... Hers." I replied as I soothingly rubbed Yeonnie's head. I couldn't help but smile as she snuggled even closer to me.



Knowing both of them, I knew that it was only a matter of time before they start pissing me off.



"So... Sica does that mean you'll be their appa now? Kekeke." Yuri chirped as she suggestively raised her eyebrows.



"Ooohh... Right! But then it means they would first get married!" Tiffany started grinning as she chipped in and teased me even further.



"Quit it you guys!" I said, without looking at Tiffany I know she is grinning just like my crazy cousin.



I could feel my cheeks heating up; I couldn't do anything else except glare at the two. God! I swear I'll get back at these idiots but not now, not while my Yeonnie is sleeping soundly in my arms.




It took some time but finally things settled down, I mean any second longer and I would have gone ballistic with these two constantly getting on my nerves. Yeah, me, Fany and Yuri always had a silly love hate relationship, well mostly I love them but sometimes I hate them for their silliness well I'll mostly attribute that to Yuri, her being a kkab and all. The two of them resumed talking with my dad, I suppose they were talking about the wedding again. Minus the teasing, I couldn't help but relish this moment, heck who am I kidding? I could no longer count how many times I've been staring at my sleeping angel. I smiled inwardly as she possessively hugged me, all this time this is what I was missing, Her everything about Taeyeon. All those years I spent apart from her… I felt empty, like there was a missing piece, I barely felt like I was alive and at times it drove me mad because I was feeling sad and hollow but I never understood why. Those years… I could never get them back but… now that I’m here and she’s here with me now, I’ll never part from her again, nothing in this world will tear us apart.



I continued enjoying this divine opportunity of having her in my arms, my attention completely undivided and solely fixed on her. I wouldn’t have cared for anything else until I heard some shuffling. I whipped my head to the side so that I could see what was going on. Then it hit me, I realized what the commotion was all about.



The kids… woke up. One by one they woke up. Though it wasn’t showing, deep inside I was panicking. What should I do? I really don’t know what to do. I turned to look at my dad and hoped he’d know what to do in this situation. I was thinking of nothing else but Taeyeon that I barely thought well… more like hardly thought of the kids. Please dad do something, anything! My dad took a quick glance at me and smiled a reassuring smile.



“Mom…” IU cutely called out while rubbing her eyes before putting on her big dorky glasses.



“Hi there little girl.” My dad greeted, he got down on his knees so that he would be in the same eye level with IU.



“Uhmm… hello ahjussi…” IU reluctantly replied and respectfully bowed to my dad.



My dad smiled appreciatively at her little gesture, just then Suzy and Sulli also went beside IU. Suzy clinging on the hem of IU’s uniform, obviously a little scared since she doesn’t know my dad, my cousin Yuri and my best friend Tiffany. Sulli on the other hand silently observed everyone as she stood beside her unnie.



“Girls, you’re mommy got tired and is sleeping next to my daughter Jessica. So I hope you wouldn’t wake your mommy up, okay?” My dad carefully explained as he pointed at our direction.



Curiously the three girls poked their heads and looked at us, I didn’t know what to do except close my eyes and pretend that I’m sleeping while holding Yeonnie tight.



“Neh ahjussi… uhm… you’re Jeshika unnie’s daddy then?” IU asked, my dad amused when she mispronounced my English name.



“Neh, I’m Jessica’s appa, oh and those two over there are Yuri and Tiffany.” He pointed to my cousin and her fiance. The three kids politely bowed to them.



Tiffany and Yuri then approached the kids with a jovial smile, they knelt down besides where dad is and started talking with the girls.



“So what are you’re names, cute little girls?” Tiffany asked



“Anyeong… I’m IU” IU promptly introduced herself.


“Yo, I’m Sulli” Sulli boyishly introduced herself.



And lastly…



“Anyeong, anyeong, I’m Suzy nyan~”



Their cuteness made Tiffany crinkle her eyes into those moon shaped crescents.



The kids were speechless, obviously entranced by Tiffany’s eyesmiles. Yes she always had that effect whenever she showed those to people. I guess it works real good on kids as well.



“Omo! Tippani unnie you have very pretty eyes~!” Sulli complimented as IU and Suzy nodded along with her.



“Why thank you little girl” Tiffany promptly replied and pinched Sulli’s cheek



It would’ve all been nice and all but I saw my cousin getting a bit jealous.



“I happen to think you got pretty eyes too ya know” Yuri muttered under her breath with an annoyed expression on her face.



Of course Tiffany heard her just fine; she rolled her eyes and was in disbelief that of all things Yuri got jealous because of the kids. But that is all part of my dorky cousin’s charm her little jealousy gained a full kiss on her lips. I’m kinda used to them but it just makes me shiver when I see them kissing. Of course that little moment between them, got the girls all curious and by curious they began asking questions… questions that might be innocent but awkward.



“Uhm… Fany unnie, why did you kiss Yu-unnie?” IU asked while readjusting her dorky glasses. It somehow slips down her nose every time she speaks.



The child’s question made both Yuri and Tiffany fret, they didn’t know how to appropriately answer that and were worried about how the kids would react.



“Uhm… well… you see kids…” Yuri began she looked at Tiffany and hoped that my bestfriend would pitch in.



“When two people are in love… they would… sometimes show that love… through a kiss.” Yuri and Tiffany somehow managed to answer it tastefully and the kids simply remained quiet and nodded as they processed what the two adults just said.



“Oh! So when mommy kissed Jeshika unnie nyan~ it means mommy loves Jeshika unnie nyan~!”



Suzy somehow got a light bulb moment while her sisters were still thinking, she beamed and then the words that came out of were like a bomb that made my dad, Yuri and Tiffany’s eyes widen.



Me on the other hand…



Well Suzy words literally shook me up and consequently I woke up my sleeping angel. Taeyeon slowly opened her eyes. She rubbed them before she pulled herself away slightly so that she could take a closer look at me.



“Sooyeon, kwenchanayo?” She asked but I remained stiffened and tightlipped.



“Yah~ Sooyeonnie~” Yeonnie whined and pinched my cheeks.



Her constant whining however gained attention elsewhere while I remained frozen.



“Mommy~!!!!” Suzy ran towards us and hopped on my bed, she smothered Yeonnie with a sweltering hug.



“Aigoo… my baby” Taeyeon rib as she hugged her youngest daughter who happily nestled into her arms.



“Mommy do you love Jeshika unnie nyan~?” Suzy asked out of the blue, the surprised and confused look on Taeyeon’s face complimented the way I blushed.



“W-why you ask sweetheart?” Nervously she asked



“Because you kissed Jeshika unnie nyan~ and Fany and Yu unnie said kiss-kiss ish a way to express your love nyan~”



Quiet… a very long and dead pause… Suzy looked intently at her mom and expected her to say something but…



Not a single word came out of Yeonnie’s mouth and I’m too flustered to even dare say anything plus… I don’t know how the kids would react to me being with their mom… oh god! How will this all end?



Just as I was wondering if things will go downhill from here, the two other kids also crowded my bed. IU, Sulli and Suzy all had that same curious and questioning look. I still could barely say anything. Taeyeon noticed this and held my hand, our fingers naturally interlocking as she gave some warmth to my cold hand. I momentary look at her and she gave a smile in return; a smile that calmed me down and made me breathe easy.



“Darlings, do you still remember about that story I told you about?” Taeyeon asked.



“Neh” The three little kids chorused and bobbed their heads.



What story? Silently I ponder.



“Can you tell us that story again mommy?” IU asked with a twinkle in her eyes. Yeonnie smiled enthusiastically and began telling the story.



There was once a princess sitting on top of a small hill where a tree stood tall and silently listened as she cried. She was sad because she lost her mommy and daddy and was left all alone.



I listened to Taeyeonnie’s story but as she told her story I seem to remember the first time we met. She was crying under that tree in the park, the one that stood on top a small hill. If I remember correctly that was the day when she found out that her parents died at sea when the boat that they were on collided with another boat.



Her sad sobs didn’t go unnoticed; a beautiful snow angel then came to her side.

“Why are you crying?” She asked. The snow angel’s voice startled the princess.

“Who are you?” she asked the snow angel.



I was walking around, well I actually got lost and I ended up wandering towards that part of the park. There I found her, crying and hugging her knees. I wondered what’s wrong but my sudden appearance surprised her that I almost scared her away.


The princess reluctantly told the snow angel what happened, she began crying once again and this made the snow angel frown. She tried to appease and stop the princess from crying but the princess only cried harder. Unable to take the sight in front of her eyes, the snow angel hugged the princess tight and whispered.

“Don’t cry anymore, I’m here now and I will be with you, forever.” Those words meant a lot to the princess and it stopped her from crying.



I smiled furtively; yeah as I recall I really had a hard time making her stop crying but somehow… I got her to stop. When  I hugged her, I didn’t know what else to do and I can’t seem to get her to stop crying so I hugged her and whispered that I’ll be around and I’ll be with her forever.



The princess and The snow angel became friends and met each other everyday on that place where they first met. As time passed they grew fonder and closer with each other, The princess fell in love with the snow angel and the snow angel likewise fell in love with the princess. One day The princess waited for the snow angel under that same old tree, she wanted to tell the snow angel that she loves her and would want to be with her forever but the she never came…



At this juncture, my heart sank… that day… that day where we were supposed to meet was our 100th day together. That day I wanted to tell her how much I loved her and that I wanted to be with her. but the accident happened…



I glanced at the three girls and they were sad, I turned to look at Taeyeon and soothingly rubbed the back of her hand with my thumb. She briefly looked at me with teary eyes and smiled brightly. I drew out my other hand and wiped her tears away.



“Mommy you never finished telling us that story—” Sulli butted in with a pout, seems as though the kids have heard this story over and over again but Taeyeon never finished the story… she couldn’t finish it because of me… because of what happened…



“Don’t worry my little angels, mommy’s going to finish it now” Her words made me look at her, she smiled ever so brightly and clutched my hand tight.



“Yey~! Mommy’s going to finish the story~!” IU, Sulli and Suzy chirped together. Sulli and IU then scooted closer to Taeyeon and I made enough room so that all three of them would be comfortable in bed with me and Taeyeon.



The princess was sad that the snow angel never showed up and everyday she continued to pray and wish upon a star that the snow angel would comeback. Years passed by and the princess met a prince and they were blessed with three beautiful little daughters. But deep inside the princess still wished to see the snow angel once again. One day the prince left the princess and never came back. The princess was sad and heartbroken but her three little angels gave her so much joy and more…



Taeyeon suddenly paused and looked at me for a fleeting moment, my heart suddenly skipped a beat as I caught her sheepishly smiling.



One day the princess’s little angels got lost and didn’t know their way back. The three little angels then found someone sleeping underneath a tall tree that silently watched over a beautiful creature sleeping peacefully. The three little angels were relieved to find someone who could help them find their way back to the princess. The three angels anxiously woke the sleeping creature and when she woke up the beautiful creature helped them find their way back to the place where the three little angels were supposed to meet their mom. When finally the three little angels found their way back to their mom with the help of the beautiful creature, the princess was surprised that her three lost angels found their way back to her and even brought back her long lost love, the snow angel.




By the time she finished her story, I was already a gooey mess and my tears were streaming down my eyes.



“Yey~! Mommy that’s the best story ever and a happy ending as well~!” The kids cheered.



“I’m glad you liked it kids, by the way kids can you guess what the story is all about?” I heard Taeyeon enthusiastically asked IU, Sulli and Suzy.



The three kids shook their heads as they still had no clue.



“The story is about me, Sooyeon and you three girls!” Taeyeon grinned happily. I blushed like crazy after hearing what Yeonnie said it brought tears to my eyes.



Taeyeon then held my hand as I continued to shed tears of joy and love.



“Kids, I’d like you to meet my snow angel, Jessica Jung Sooyeon.”



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weekly updates will resume on october 14. I'm still reviewing for my CSE exam which will be on the 13th


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Chapter 22: please update soon
jonginyo #2
good one, update soon! :)
JJIY2270 #3
Chapter 21: don't forget to update soon

Chapter 20: *my comment got cut* /sobs
Should I continue? Hee

... I was like "YoonKrys!!!", but then no :P

Anyways, thanks for the update!
Chapter 20: Ah, mianhae author-ssi for not commenting yourban previous chap!

YulTi, WOW!
They couldn't keep it pg-rated, even they knew that there's 3 little girls around them, eish... /rolleyes
And for once I thought I forgot that the Jungs and YoonYul related, I was like ""
Chapter 18: Yeah Jessica was so corny, so different reading Taeyeon as the mom but it's cute :3. IU you lil' cute buttface, I can just picture her w/ dem coke bottle glasses~

Hehe Boa & Yuri as players & sisters, Sica has no clue about Boa when it comes to settling done :P.

Thanks for the update!
Chapter 18: my fingers curled from every TaengSic cheesy lines... or should I say your cheesiness, author-ssi? xD
too much sugar, I could die from diabetes! kkk

best of luck for you and thanks for the update! :)