Arc 2: You, me and 3 babies 2

All you need is Love, Love is all you need

I got nothing to say in particular but...

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read and subscribe to this fic...

after banging out this chapter I hope you guys would enjoy it, please let me know what you think k? ^_^






“Thanks Yu-chan you’re the best cousin ever!” I had a victorious grin; I knew I could count on Yuri.



“Yeah, yeah… tell me that when you get back to work. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got someone to take care of. Keke” I just rolled my eyes, I didn’t have to guess what Yuri’s doing or frankly speaking what she’s doing to Tiffany. I hurriedly ended the call before I hear those two having monkey .



Now I should start planning my vacation! Keke



“Uhm… unnie…”



Oh! Right… one last thing to take care of…



“Yes Seo?” I turned to look at my assistant. She had a rather perplexed look; of course me leaving would mean that she would take care of things on my behalf.



“How long would you be gone and where are you going anyway?”



“I’ll be gone for a month or two, and as far as the destination. I don’t really have any idea but I’ll let you know if in case I decide to go anywhere.” Seohyun just nodded, I know that a month or two is awfully long especially for a CEO to be on vacation but I’ve earned that right. Nobody not even mine or Yuri’s family can question how hard I work.



“Don’t worry about a thing Hyunnie, Yuri’s going to take care of most of my duties since she’s the COO. Just take care of whatever is being sent to my office and if it needs approval just send it to Yuri.”



Seohyun nodded as she felt greatly reassured. She’s a bit of a worry wart and tends to over think things or maybe she’s just too meticulous but that’s the beauty of having her as my assistant.



I hurriedly left my office, I dashed through the halls like a mad woman and boarded the elevator. I grinned like an idiot and well I got weird looks from my workers but heck like I care. None of them knows the pressure of being a boss. They have worry about their doing well in their jobs, I have to worry about how to make the company do well. They worry about their salaries and expenses, I worry about making sure they are all properly compensated and the company expenses properly taken cared of. Sigh they have no idea just how much weight is on my shoulders, everyone thinks it’s easy to be at the top but the truth is being on top means having responsibility over everything and everyone that is beneath you.



So please don’t misunderstand me if I’m all crazy right now, heck you might even think I have a few lose screws right now but heck no! I’m just happy! I drove out of the JK Tower not bothering to think about where to go or what to do. I just wanted to savor the freedom of not doing anything. But my jubilation didn’t last long…



My s4 suddenly rang, I glanced at the phone to see who’s calling and bam! I find out that my dad is calling.






“Jessica honey, Project Manager Heo called me and he said the strangest thing.”



“Eh? What did he say dad?” I nervously asked



“He said he saw you running out of your office like a lunatic, are you planning to ditch that contract signing young lady?” Damn, stupid -kisser, tsk. That Manager Heo I swear one of these days I’ll find a way to fire his .



“Ah dad it’s uhm… you see…”



Nervous much? You bet, as much as I love my dad and he equally if not greatly loves me back… when it comes to running the business he’s all about efficiency, standards, performance and policy. What can I say he’s a hard nosed businessman, and I just hope I’d get past him and have my vacation.



“Jessica Jung Sooyeon, you better give me a straight answer.” Oh dear, I felt a sudden deathly chill run up my spine. Some would say I’m the Ice Princess, well guess what, I’m nothing compared to my dad, the one and only Ice King.



“Well dad you can’t blame me, I’m not exactly fond of Ok Taecyeon, you know.” I defended myself.



“Ok Taecyeon? I hate that guy! Did you know he tried to hit on your mom once? God I swear that boy will chase anything that wears a skirt.” I laughed out loud at what I heard my dad say. Oh God, I guess everybody hates Taec. But seriously what the hell? Hitting on my mom? Well, I can’t blame him; the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree after all.



“Well I guess I can’t blame you there but Jessica honey is it true that you’re taking a leave from the office?”



How did he know? Does the word travel so fast now? I mean it’s been less than 20 minutes since I left the office and now my dad knows that I took a leave?



“Dad, how did you—”



“I have my ways princess, and don’t even start to think about Seohyun, Yuri or Tiffany telling on you.” Crap I was about to think that one of them turned me in.



“Anyway princess, daddy’s not going to stand in the way of your vacation. I just called to tell you to have fun and be safe okay?”



“Thanks dad, I will.”  A smile crept on my face, well more like a huge grin from ear to ear.



The call ended as my dad hung up over the phone. Phew! Halleluiah and praise the Gods above! I didn’t think I’d get my way but hell yeah! Nothing’s going to stand in the way of my vacation!



I ended up driving without any destination in mind, the day continued to pass but I didn’t know where I was heading. Just then I noticed I was driving towards one of my regular haunts back when I was but a student. The park, man… I used to come here whenever I got bored with my classes. Most people my age back then would have gone to the mall or meet up with their friends when they snuck out, but me? I choose to be at the park. There was a particular spot that I usually went to, it became kind of like a refuge of sorts but really it’s just a very beautiful and shady tree. I don’t know why and for the life of me I can’t remember how this tree and this hill where it stood on became my favorite place in the entire park or anywhere else for that matter. I don’t know, I really don’t remember… somehow I always end up going here especially when I get sad and lonely.



“Hey it’s been awhile…” I greeted the old tree as if it was an old friend.



I placed my hand on its aged bark and smiled, yeah… it’s really been awhile… I thought to my self. Curious enough my hand laid itself on a carving I didn’t or maybe failed to notice before. I’ve been coming here and not too many people actually come to this part of the park. It’s pretty peculiar to me that I failed to notice this carving. I looked at it closely and found that a heart shape was carved into the bark of the tree. Within that heart were the words…



“JS and KT forever”



Great, I guess this isn’t just my special spot after all… seems some lovebirds etched their initials into my favorite tree.


Well, that shouldn’t ruin my afternoon; it’s been a long time since I came here so I better make the best use of my time here! I lazily lay down underneath the shady tree, the soft grass that covered the entire hill acted as my bed. Ah… just like how I remembered it. As I lay down on the soft grass with my arms tucked underneath my head, I looked up at the leaves and branches; they gently swayed with the cool wind. Slowly I felt sleepy as I drowsily continue to stare at the dancing leaves. One by one my eyelids threatened to fall and eventually closed.



Soon I was off to my dreamland.





“Umm… ahjumma *poke~* ahjumma *poke~ poke~*” I felt a tiny finger poking my cheeks.



"Maybe she's dead? Nyan~" I heard another girl say.



"Dummy she's not dead, there's no blood coming from or ears!" What the? I heard a third voice scolding the other girl. Seriously what are kids watching these days? I thought they just watch Pororo or Barney but this is just wierd. Well... Kids say the the darnest things right?



"Ahjumma *poke~* ahjumma pwease wake up *poke~poke*"



The three girls kept on poking me, oh god! Guess I don't have much of a choice. Sleep is now well out of my reach and I was getting annoyed at their constant poking, aish... They better have clean hands or I swear they'll regret the day they were born.



I slowly opened my eyes and found three little girls huddling around my head. They stopped poking my cheeks and gave me enough room to sit up.



"Ugh... What do you girls want?" I asked with a lot of restraint and trepidation, they're just kids after all.



The three little girls were reluctant, they kept elbowing each other, pushing each other to speak up and answer my question. I crossed my arms and waited for one of them to answer my question.



"Aish... Fine I'll tell ahjumma why we wake her up..." says this little girl wearing a dorky looking big black rimmed glasses, her black hair tucked neatly into a ponytail. I noticed that they wore the same uniform but of the three of them; the girl who just spoke up seem to be the oldest.



"Uhm... Ahjumma...we was playin tag and we ran and ran all over and then… then we got lost..." she prattled on while fixing her glasses from time to time. Those pair of glasses she wore were pretty big for her age no wonder it slips down her cute little face.



“Yep yep… we was playing tag nyan~ and Sulli unnie ran pwetty quick nyan~ I was not able to catch her nyan~”



Nyan? I looked strangely at this other little girl; she had long flowing brown hair and had a pink cat ears headband. I suppose she’s fond of cats since she talks like a cat… not that I know how a cat would sound like.



“Yah! Suzy! I didn’t run that fast, you just have short legs like umma!” I guess the girl named Sulli protested what Suzy just said, she even merongued at her. Sulli’s a feisty little thing; well she’s actually the tallest out of the three. She had short shoulder length scruffy hair and she wore her cap backwards like a boy.



“Yah! I don’t have short legs like umma nyan~! I just haven’t grown yet nyan~!” Suzy defended herself nyan— ugh… that girl even got me saying nyan…



“Yeah right! Shorty!”



“Hey hey! Quit that~! We still not done explaining to ahjumma why we wake her up.”



“Not my fault IU unnie! Suzy started it!”



“You two, quit that or else I’ll tell umma you two fought again!”



Cat girl I mean Suzy kept bickering with Sulli, the two bickered cutely and just as the two were at each other’s throat, glasses girl … I mean IU stepped in and stopped the two from their little squabble. I cackled and tried my best to stifle my laughter but these three were just too adorable, they went on for a few more minutes until eventually Sulli and Suzy calmed down.



“… ahjumma… we got lost and we don’t know where’s the pwayground… we’ll meet umma there. Can you pwease help us ahjumma pwease?” Now that her sisters were calm and not bickering, IU then explained what happened.



“…Okay, I’ll take you to the playground, but you three have to promise me one thing okay?” I sighed, the sun is starting to set and these three are lost, I couldn’t let anything bad happen to them so I offered to take them to the playground. The girls started to cheer excitedly since I offered to help.



“What is it ahjumma?” The three girls chorused excitedly.



“Can you girls just call me instead of unnie? Ahjumma makes me sound like I’m really old.” I showed the three my pout, they giggled infectiously and cutely nodded. The three were just so cute that I couldn’t resist pinching their cheeks.



“Ahju— unnie, can I ask your name?” IU bit her lip when she almost said ahjumma, luckily she corrected it quickly.



“My name is Jessica, and you must be IU, Sulli and Suzy.” I introduced myself with a grin and named them as I playfully pinched their noses in the order that I said their names. The three cackled cutely at my little gesture. Man, if these three are these cute, I wonder what their mom looks like.



It would almost be dark soon and I have to get these three to the playground fast, I wasted no time and got up from where I was seated. IU held my right hand while Sulli held my left hand while Suzy clung on her arm like a koala.



It didn’t take awhile for us to get to the playground, just as we were a few meters from there I could distinctly make out a silhouette of woman sitting on the swings. The setting sun’s crimson light engulfed her body, making it hard for me to get a good look at her. I felt IU and Sulli letting go of my hand.


“Mommy~!!!!!! Mommy!!! Ummmaaa~!!!” Suzy, Sulli and IU called out, I guess even at a distance those three could tell that it was their mom sitting all alone on the swings. I watched them hurriedly running towards their unsuspecting mom.



I was already near enough to get a good look at their mom, with the loud and constant calling of her daughters the woman on the swings turned to look at the direction where her brood of three was calling. I don’t know if it was just me but, when I saw her face, I felt like my heart stopped for a full second. I could hardly breathe… something about her is vaguely familiar yet I couldn’t seem to recall… it’s as if I’ve seen her before… or maybe even knew her… but I can’t seem to remember… anything at all.



I was still dazed and confused by what was going through my head until I felt my hands getting tugged. I came to my senses and found Suzy tugging my hand, I didn’t even notice that she had comeback for me.



“Umm… Jeshika unnie.... let’s go nyan~ mommy wants to thank you for bringing us to her nyan~” I meekly nodded with a ghost of a smile, I felt some pain in my head but I tried my best to hide my discomfort.



Suzy continued dragging me towards her mom; she was kneeling down and talking to IU and Sulli. I could see the intense relief in her face; no doubt she was worried… well… I too would be worried if I was in her place.



“Mommy! This is Jeshika unnie nyan~! She helped us find our way here nyan~!”



Just as she heard Suzy calling to her, she turned her attention to me… smile briefly made its way on her face but that smile was brushed away when she managed to get a good look at me.



“Sooyeon!” She gasped as her face expressed her evident shock, how did she know my name?



The sound of her voice, must have hit a button somewhere in the back of my mind… the pain and discomfort I felt in my head became intense. I clutched my head with both my hands, my fingers tangling against my brown locks. I inaudibly screamed and staggered as the pain is slowly sapping away all of my strength, my knees shivered and slowly gave out, my vision slowly failing. I could see her scrambling… running towards… me.



“Sooyeon! Are you okay? Get a hold of yourself! Sooyeon!” My body started fall but just as I thought I would hit the ground, my body fell limp against her arms.



She caught me, and broke my fall… my eyelids were getting heavy, intermittently my eyes would open and close. Whenever I opened them she would be the only one I see… I saw her crying… crying? Why is she crying?



“Sooyeon… please wake up! Sooyeon! Please don’t leave me again! Sooyeon!” Leave her? Again? I got one last glimpse of her until my eyes completely sealed shut, I felt like a vice was squeezing my brain like a sponge. The pain excruciating and beyond anything that I had ever felt.



“Sooyeon! I love you! Don’t leave me Sooyeon!” I felt her warm lips pressing against mine.



My consciousness is at its limits… the pain is too much to bear yet as I lay in her arms nearly unconscious, I felt like shouting out her name… I felt it creeping towards the tip of my tongue, I knew her name… I wanted to call her out… but my strength and consciousness wouldn’t let me. Desperately I mustered every ounce of strength I had left, I took in all the air that my lungs could accommodate and call out her name.





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weekly updates will resume on october 14. I'm still reviewing for my CSE exam which will be on the 13th


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Chapter 22: please update soon
jonginyo #2
good one, update soon! :)
JJIY2270 #3
Chapter 21: don't forget to update soon

Chapter 20: *my comment got cut* /sobs
Should I continue? Hee

... I was like "YoonKrys!!!", but then no :P

Anyways, thanks for the update!
Chapter 20: Ah, mianhae author-ssi for not commenting yourban previous chap!

YulTi, WOW!
They couldn't keep it pg-rated, even they knew that there's 3 little girls around them, eish... /rolleyes
And for once I thought I forgot that the Jungs and YoonYul related, I was like ""
Chapter 18: Yeah Jessica was so corny, so different reading Taeyeon as the mom but it's cute :3. IU you lil' cute buttface, I can just picture her w/ dem coke bottle glasses~

Hehe Boa & Yuri as players & sisters, Sica has no clue about Boa when it comes to settling done :P.

Thanks for the update!
Chapter 18: my fingers curled from every TaengSic cheesy lines... or should I say your cheesiness, author-ssi? xD
too much sugar, I could die from diabetes! kkk

best of luck for you and thanks for the update! :)