Date night?


The rest of the day was horrible; Minhyun was in almost every single one of his classes, and he made it a point to sit somewhere behind JR in every one. Byt the time the day was over, JR swore he had a hole forever burned into the back of his skull from all the staring that was done by the other boy.

For their parts, Baekho was blissfully unaware of his boyfriend's discomfort, and Aron and Ren were in their own little perfect world. None of them had any idea that JR was being tortured slowly.

After school, JR didn't even make it out of the classroom before Minhyun grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, letting every other student leave.

"Is that how you treat your long lost friend? Ignore him all day and avoid him?" Minhyun asked, a light tone to his voice. JR scoffed but didn't turn to face the other.

"Friend?" he spat, body shaking slightly with anger and something else. That something else was keeping him from turning around and seeing how good the other looked right there. No matter how much JR tried to deny it, he still had some feelings for Minhyun, even if the other had completely destroyed his heart. "I didn't realize that being a friend meant that you called each other disgusting and wrong. I'll have to remember that for later." JR added with  a growl near the end. Minhyun winced and scratched the back of his head.

"Did I really say all of that?" He asked, pretending to be innocent. JR turned and glared at him, which was a mistake. Their eyes met and JR froze, all of his old feelings coming rushing back to him. A slow, smug smile spread over Minhyun's face and he stepped closer to JR.

"You still like me, don't you Jonghyun?" Minhyun murmured, moving closer again. They were only a couple of feet apart now, and JR was getting nervous. He even shivered when Minhyun spoke, oh God how he missed hearing the other say his name. "You probably love me. You love everything about me, although I destroyed your heart. Do you want me to make it better?" The last sentance was whispered into JR's ear, and while he was speaking he had moved so they were barely seperated by an inch or so.

JR shivered but didn't say anything. He physically couldn't say anything, what with Minhyun's breath ghosting over his ear. He swallowed hard, staring straight at the wall and fighting not to reach out to Minhyun. The one in question smirked and pulled away, walking over to the door.

"I'm going to have you, Jonghyun. And you will be willing." Was all he said before leaving the classroom.

~                   ~                 ~                    ~                   ~                 ~                  ~            ~


The rest of the week passed very much the same; Minhyun would corner JR at the end of the day and say the same things, touch him the same way, but never going further than that.

JR was slowly going insane.

He didn’t know if he wanted to punch Minhyun or let the other have his way with him. JR still had some sort of feelings for Minhyun, and he hated it. He loved Baekho, Minhyun was his past that should stay in the past, but he couldn’t.

Baekho was starting to notice little things about JR, how he would stiffen up every time Minhyun walked by, or if Minhyun had to say his name how JR jumped and his breathing accelerated. He didn’t know what was going on, but he would find out.

That weekend, after JR had slowly started to relax (Minhyun hadn’t been around since Thursday), Baekho decided they would do a “date night”. He would make the other a nice dinner and they would finally talk. He didn’t want JR to feel whatever bad feeling he had, so he wanted to help.

Saturday evening, Baekho sent JR a text saying “Wear something nice and be at my house by 6 or I’m dragging you over.” JR’s eyes widened at that and he laughed, replying “Why Dongho, I think you’re threatening me~” to which Baekho replied “Yes, I am. 6 o’clock, no later, no earlier.”

JR chuckled and shook his head, going to his room and into his closet to search for something marginally nice. As he was looking, he noticed that other than his school uniform he didn’t have anything else to wear. JR chewed his lip and tried to think about what to do when suddenly he got an idea.

“I was sleeping, what the hell do you want?” Ren’s grumpy voice came through the speakers. JR snorted and shifted the phone in his hands.

“You weren’t sleeping; you were hiding out in your room with Aron.” He said, plopping down on his bed. Ren’s shocked gasp proved him right.

“How dare you assume-”

“Calm down, I won’t rat you out to Baekho. I just have a favor to ask.” JR interrupted before Ren could get any further.

“I’m listening…” Ren replied grudgingly. JR closed his eyes and took a breath to prepare himself.

“Baekho invited me over tonight and told me to wear something nice.” JR finally said, biting his lip nervously.

“Ne, I know. He came bursting into my room yelling something about me being out of the house but not at Aron’s and then left.” JR snorted with laughter at Ren’s tone of voice when he spoke.

“I’m sorry, but that’s the reason I’m calling. You see…” JR paused but Ren knew what he was getting at.

“You don’t have anything nice to wear, do you?” The younger asked, his voice soft and understanding. JR shook his head then mentally slapped himself because Ren couldn’t see him.

“N-no, I don’t… So I was wondering-”

“You leave everything to me, I’ll be over soon.” Ren interrupted and suddenly the line went dead. JR stared in confusion at the phone before sighing and setting it down. Realizing what he had just done, JR groaned and covered his face in his hands.

“I’m ed…”

~         ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~

Ren was over in twenty minutes, which surprised JR. “Don’t you need like four hours to get ready in the morning?” he asked which got him a smack on the head.

“Do you want my help or not?” Ren shot back, pushing his way into JR’s ‘house’ and into his room, ignoring the other’s protests. JR waited for ridicule over his stuff but it never came. Instead, Ren barely looked at the rooms; he just went to the clothes.

“Alright, let’s see our options.” Ren said, flinging open the closet doors. He blinked in surprise at only a few clothes in there, mostly jeans and t-shirts and his school uniform. “Do any of these still fit you?” Ren asked, his voice betraying nothing as he looked through the clothes. JR shrugged.

“Doesn’t matter if they fit or not, they’re all in one piece.” He replied. Ren sighed and grabbed all but the school uniform and threw out the clothes. “Hey, what the hell?!” JR yelled, rushing over to the garbage can but Ren stopped him.

“We’re going shopping.” Ren said, a hard look in his eyes telling JR not to mess with him.

~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~      ~

~I've been typing this on the bus so if there are errors then I apologize deeply T_T You'll have another update in the next couple of days~

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Halfway done... Must... write...


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rocioc #1
Chapter 17: I think I'm in love with you. I love your fic so much!! Thanks a lot for sharing your talent. Best wishes for you.
Rocio C.
Chapter 20: This was such a great story! :D I'm so sad it's over! :( hehe you should write about their wedding day :3
andromeda_eiz #3
Chapter 20: Final chapter's a little short but the idea is there. Happy ending w/ the sweet cheesyness I never think's too cheesy for comfort. Again, great job! When can I expect a new fic from you? >_<
andromeda_eiz #4
Chapter 19: This chapter is excellent and very well conveyed; I felt the inspiration you've had while writing this. Great job! >_<
Chapter 20: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't even know you updated this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But really OMG I loved everything about it!!!! It was sooooo efffin cute I just can't....... <3 Thank you for this! And I will be going down with you as well <3
Chapter 20: OH.



idollartree #7
Chapter 20: This is a bittersweet moment. While the ending was amazing, I AM sad to see this fic end. Needless to say it made me very happy to see you say you'd write more fics (especially with these two -- my favorite pairing). Thank you for telling such a beautiful story.
Sunshine_ #8
Chapter 20: The last chapter! Omg, I feared this day would come! But it has been a fantastic journey with this fic, and I love it <3
I'll be a part of your crew, Captain!
Chapter 20: Awww I'm sad its over *pouts* this was really good!
I'm glad your going to continue writing author-shii!
sarangeuro #10
Chapter 20: Ugh this was so cute, I can't. So glad they had a happy ending, too bad Minhyun ended up going to a mental hospital... Oh well.