
Letters to TVXQ


Others may think we're stupid, but that doesn't matter. 
Because we know we're not. 
They think so just because they don't know what we've gone through together. 
Looking back,
We've indeed created loads of precious memories, be it happy or sad. 
Those interaction through screens seems like nothing back then. 
But who knows it has so much magic in it. 
It just unknowingly creates a bond between me and so many people. 
Through these months and years, I felt their strengthen determination, their will of striving on, their dreams of singing of stage and their hunger for attention from all over the world. 
It is these, together with Cassiopeia's support for each other, that hold me till now. 
It isn't stupid.
It's just naturally happens. 
It all seem so natural for me to keep the faith and wait for them. 
It just like how family won't betray each other even when the worst came. 
Furthermore, isn't it just unfair for us to turn our back on them? 
We're fans. 
To me , the meaning of fans means to celebrate their glory and to lessen their pain. 
Isn't is real unfair, heartless and mean if we were to proudly announce that we're Cassiopeia when they're the brightest and simply leave them alone to struggle when they fall?
That should not be the case. 
We couldn't do much. 
We don't know what exactly happened, and I have a feeling we will never get to know. 
But the least we could do is to stop judging what's right and what's wrong but to give support. 
What's done can't be undone. 
And there's no one who could really accuratly define right and wrong. 
Since we are already in the midst of this, we should stay united and walk out of it. 
To me, 
no one's wrong. 
It's just a matter of point of view. 
I am no one to speculate. 
I am just an invisible fan. 
No matter I much I am dedicated to them, it's still their life. 
Everyone should have the right to make choices for their own life.
Fans are given chances to choose the path we want to take in life, and we choose to keep the faith . 
We should not deprive them of the same right and previlage we enjoy. 
Whatever their choice is, I believe they feel that it's the best they want. 
Even if the result didn't turn out like what they think it will be, at least they tried. 
Then perhaps there's one less regret in life.
We should be there. 
So if they fall, at least we are there to lift them up again.
It's not stupid. 
It's just our choices we've made in our life. 
It's just meer respect to the choices made by them.  
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Chapter 3: Neither do I regret.
For so long, our boys have protected us. So from now on, we will do the same too.