Letters to TVXQ

Faith. Still as strong as ever. 

I am still keeping that faith. Are you doing so too?
It's the first time. The first time I ever believe someone who doesn't even know my existence in this world. 
It's amazing.
Amazing at how things work. Little actions, small promises, causal talks. These things that happened so frequently actually developed the faith I have in the five of you. It's amazing. 
I still remembered the times that I've gone through with your voices. Though it's not a long time since I noticed you guys, since I started idolizing. Those gentle yet powerful voices accompanied me through myhappy days and helped me through difficult days. Though there's language barrier, but it's the first time I understand that music has no language barriers. It's all about the harmonize, melody and emotions. You guys are the first who made me understand this. Your music touched my heart. Though I have not gone through lots of things in my life. With your music I experienced a lot. You made me understand those smile people show, those tears people shed. 
To be honest. I did loss my faith in this matron. But because you believe, my faith now is stronger than ever. 
Always Keep The Faith. 
Remember, you're not alone. We are always there for you. 
When you are happy, we are there to celebrate with you; when you are sad, we are there to console you; and when you are in troubles, we will be there to support you. 
Everything happens for a reason. 
This crisis happened not because of anything else. It's simply because the heaven wanted us Cassiopeia to show you how faithful we are. You said you are who you are today because we are here, but we are who we are because you guys choose to strive on. If there's no TVXQ, there will not be Cassiopeia.
Keep holding on.
Separation is just for a more joyous meeting. People can be separated apart, but not hearts. We may be separated, but we are always bond together with hidden strings. Just like how Cassiopeia all over the world are connected; jus like how we are linked to you guys; just like how best friends are bring together through hearts. 
It's not the point being together all day long. The point is to have each other in our heart.
Sometimes short periods of separation will make you realize how much you have and make you cherish the friendship more than ever. 
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Chapter 3: Neither do I regret.
For so long, our boys have protected us. So from now on, we will do the same too.