The On camera

                                                    ---------- t-ara practice room no pov ----------


The 3 girl's looked at Hyomin in shock.

" Why would Sunny beat you up?" Dani was the first to speak and the first to get hit by Jiyeon.

"Yh, Why would she !" Jiyeon sarcasticly said and turned her head to Hyomin.

The three of them made pouting faces while looking at Hyomin until she gave up.

"Ok, i will tell you just pinky promise not to tell , OK"Hyomin said as the 3 shook their heads vigirously.

"Ok, so  you all  know Tiffany right ?" Hyomin said and they all nodded.

" Tiffany knew i was gonna confess to Sunny so she said that if i confess she would get people to beat me up"Hyomin said.

The 3 just stared at Hyomin and broke into laughter.

" You---think---shes so nice." Eunjung couldnt stop laughing with the other 2 girls.

Jiyeon was rolling on the ground laughing while Dani was clapping like a mad-man.

"I'm serious she threatened me." Hyomin said while pouting.

"Hyomin-ah, Why are you framing an innocent woman?" Jiyeon asked as she stopped laughing.

"SHe's not innocent, she's the devil !"Hyomin exclaimed and smacked Dani who was still laughing.

" Nooo the devil is Jessica." Dani said taking in deep breathes.

"Nooo Jessica is waaa---aaay nicer."Hyomin emphizied way.

"Then Tiffany is one scary redhead."Jiyeon said as she was convinced Tiffany is scary.

"Maybe she was joking around." Dani suggested but was punched in arm by Hyomin.

Hyomin looked at the 3 and smiled.

"Sunbyung Fighting!" The 4 of them said together.


----------SnSd place no pov----------


They all stared at Tiffany but only one glared.

"Why, would you threaten Hyomini--e?"Sunny whined and hit Tiffany on the arm.

"She had a mischeivous look on her face." Tiffany tried to reason with Sunny/

All the members just payed attention to the tv as they fought.

Suddenly IU and Nicole entered their apartment.

"Hey babe."Hyoyeon said as Nicole sat in her lap.

IU sat next to Sunny on the couch.

"Watchu watchin?" Nicole said in english which made Hyoyeon randomly kiss her again.

"We are watchin T-ara secrets Hyomin is makin a fool out of herself." Tiffany answered but was hit by Sunny again.

IU and Nicole broke out into laughter.

"What's so funny?"Jessica asked as soon as the stopped laughing.

"I warned Hyomin that she should confess to Sunny but i see she didn't."IU said giggleling cutely.

"Wait, so you knew this would happen?"Seohyun asked while watching IU giggle.

IU nodded her head and broke out into laughter.

"She's laughing because Eunjung does this with all girl groups" Nicole paused" Im so happy i confessed to u"Nicole said.

Hyoyeon and Nicole started making out on the couch which caused the girls to groan in disgust.

After a few minutes they stopped ( IT WAS HORRIBLE for the girls)

"Wait, why are you and IU here?"Taeyeon asked as she got out of the trance of Tiffany's s.

"Eunjung asked me to go with IU here." Nicole answered and everyone looked at them but then looked at the tv.


----------T-ara practice room no pov----------


-Gasumi mak Bokcha sorowo-jogumman kkokchamgo nalgida yojwo-norang narangon jigum andwei- IU You and i

*Jiyeon's phone goes off.

*Eunjung left the room in snsd pov*

Hyomin and Dani look at Jiyeon who is walking towards the phone.

But she suddenly stopped and walked over to them.

*Jiyeon's phone goes off again.

"Arn't you going to answer it?"Dani asked while she was looking at the ground.

Jiyeon shook her head and watched Hyomin who was poking  Dani's cheek.

"Why, arn't you answering it, it could be important."Hyomin said as she stopped poking her cheek and looked at Jiyeon.  

"It's my ex gf, she probley want's to get back together." Jiyeon said and laughed which made the 2 girls confused.

"Why, are you laughing?" Dani asked causing Jiyeon to stop and look into her eyes.

"I'm laughing because she cheated on me and now wants me back."Jiyeon said causeing the other girls to stare at her.

"To bad, i like someone else." Jiyeon said which caused the 2 girls to start shaking her.

"Who do you li--?"Hyomin asked but was shushed by Jiyeon's finger.

" I Lo -- i mean like my cute bunny."Jiyeon said which made Dani shout out .

"IU is your cute bunny u like IU !"Dani exclamied as Hyomin and Jiyeon made ding ding sounds.

"Awwwww  little Dino likes little Cute bunny awww"Hyomin said teasingly and was hit.

"You shouldn't be talkin, little Hyominie likes Sunshine Sunny."Jiyeon and Dani teased hyomin who was pouting.

"ILL admit , I LOVE SUNNY!" Hyomin screamed to the ceiling .

They all laughed together and enjoyed the silenced until hyomin spoke.

"Dani-ah, please turn off the camera it's red." Hyomin said and Dani got up.

She walked to the camera and pretended to turn it off while winking at it.

"Why are winking at cam cam ?" Hyomin asked who was totaly oblivous to what she was doin.

*Hyomin's phone suddenly rings


T:i told you not to tell anyone now you will be beat up

*Hung up




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o.o yh its probley a weird story


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Chapter 2: this is so funny, updtade when you have time athour-san ~
YulSicSLTTR #2
I would like an update of this story, it has potencial
so bad :(
Chapter 2: You must update D: haha anyway its a good story :P
Update soon
nice chap! update soon.. :)
tafi089 #6
I dont know why but i laugh at the end
(: Please Update soon
JuanCarlos #7
Update soon pls^^
Comment if you want more chapters because i wrote this on my kindle DX its hard to do that.

IF you want me to add chapters/update then comment